Chapter 20

19841214 diary

It rained last night, so I won't do morning exercises today, but I still can't get up. How good I slept at that time!

This afternoon, I saw the movie "wanted order". I thought it was very good. I didn't expect that there was such a shocking thing today. The film said that after the criminal youmengcai escaped, the Public Security Bureau pursued him. At this time, a young woman Huang Xiaodan was killed. She withdrew money from the bank and was robbed. She died in a car. The driver was drunk by a woman one night. The car was driven to commit a crime. Liangxiaohu is a jobless young man. He is called "motorcycle king". He is in love with Bai Yan. He wants to study abroad with his aunt in the United States. Bai Yan disapproves of it, but Bai Du (Bai Yange) supports it. Public security personnel find out a gambling boat, but youmengcai escapes. After fighting, they catch two of his gambling friends. With the help of one of them, they find you, but he escapes again. The public security personnel found out that the criminal killed Huang and escaped by motorcycle. After a farmer provided clues, it was found that Liang sold the car to a classmate. He caught the man. He told Liang that he sold it to him (at a low price) and asked him to tell the outside world that it was sold the previous month. Therefore, the public security personnel investigated Liang Xiaohu and Bai Yan. Bai Yan went to ask Xiaohu. Xiaohu told her that she had done the case. Bai Yan told Bai Du when she came home, and Bai Du ordered him to surrender. The public security personnel rushed to Xiaohu's house. Xiaohu had been tricked out and killed, and a white police uniform was fished out.

The public security officer catches you mengcai's gambler, and he takes you into the gambling den. After a fight, he catches you. You is shocked by Xiaohu's death. He confesses that Huang Xiaodan was told to drive and hit her. The man got on the car and killed her. He was wearing a white police uniform. It was obviously the man who killed Xiaohu. Under the coercion of the public security personnel, he finally said that the man was Bai Du. Bai Du is taking his wife (the man who cheated the car driver) to escape by plane. The public security personnel arrived. They hurried to escape and entered a high-rise building under construction. When his wife was really unable to walk, Bai Du kicked her downstairs and ran to the top of the building. The public security personnel also came up. He put down his suitcase, took out a large number of tickets and stuffed them into his chest. Then he ran away. He held the support downstairs. A public security officer found him and shouted, He was startled and fell downstairs. A large amount of money flashed in the air.

19841215 diary

Today, I read the "Water Margin posthumous biography" (Chen Chen). In the book, more than 30 liangshanbo heroes who survived the "Water Margin" attack on Fang La were gathered together to establish a political power in the Hainiao Hale Luo state, and Li Jun became the Lord of the state. The book is obviously far fetched, but it can make people happy. Looking at it is like looking at water margin.

After school in the afternoon, those boys were playing table tennis at the table in the class. I saw "the story of the outlaws of the marsh". They were very interested. I found that Xu Qian seemed to be interested in it, and I felt very unhappy about it. In the evening, I went to bed and talked about songs with Tai Chenghua and Chen Bin. After talking about other things, I went to bed for a long time.

19841216 diary

When I woke up in the morning, I had a vague dream that all the countries in Europe, which I contacted or captured, belonged to me. They were pushed back and forth on the map like the ground, just like Hitler. In fact, it's sad that I can't get up. Today is Sunday, and I didn't have breakfast.

Today, I am in a bad mood. After reading the book of the outlaws of the marsh for a day, I finally finished reading it. I felt very bad. I felt that everything I saw was abandoning myself. I knew it was that kind of mood.

In the morning, biqingyuan said that he really envied us. He wrote on a piece of paper, "I don't have a mother." ah, no wonder sometimes he is in great pain. I really want to cry. Don't worry, I think he can't have a mother. That's too terrible. He has no chance to repay his kindness for giving birth to his mother. What a blow. The joy of family. This is the best love in the world. I also think of my mother. She works hard all day, It's not easy to provide for the three of us to go to school, but I used to bump into her sometimes. I really am. I really miss my mother, miss my family, and go back to my loved ones. It's no longer numb. I love my mother. I want her to know my heart. Mom, I swear here.

19841217 diary

I got up very late today. I thought it was a dream, but unfortunately I took it seriously. Chen Bin said that I dreamt about a poem by Dufu. I think it has nothing to do with dreams. It turns out that dream talk has nothing to do with dreams.

Today, I was on duty with biqingyuan in the canteen. I didn't go in the morning, and I didn't need to go, because people went one after another. I went to the duty meeting at noon. Fortunately, there were many people at night. Everyone gathered at that time. We could still line up, but there were a lot of people and a little crowded. We waited for a good meeting before we had dinner. At night, we were just about to go to self-study. Suddenly, there was a power failure. So we bought candles with Li Erqiao, but soon the electricity came.

During the self-study, biqingyuan came in and said that it had snowed. I saw that he really had it, so he went out and really did. From time to time, several grains of snow fell from the dark sky. This is the first snow this year.