Chapter 36

High school literature (I)

1. Great Wall Fu

Alas, the Great Wall is so magnificent that it startles the sky. The ground connects Qin and Yan, and the north is blocked by the north wind. You are 2800 years old, and things are 10000 miles long. The giant dragon sleeps on the ground and the lion lies on the ground, which can make the Han Wei powerful. The Han family suffered many difficulties, and then you stood up and chided the north wind. In the north, it's impossible for people to live in the past. Only in the South can we be worried about impermanence. The first emperor of Qin unified and connected with the emperor. Later, the emperor looked at the history of the Qing Dynasty. The Han family has a good land, three emperors, five emperors and two empresses dowagers. The world is full of troubles. People pretend that you know it. Ask you how the Ming River and mountains are. It's so peaceful in the 400 spring and Autumn period. But there has been no peace since ancient times, and too much peace always brings trouble. Once the king rides, he meets the king and worries about the Mingshan mountain.

The greatness of the Great Wall startles the sky and makes people shut their mouths when they see it. Thousands of miles of empty mountains and smoke, the ancient pines are empty. High in the forest, the autumn wind rises, and the dangerous mountains and deep ditches mourn the sound of insects. It is as strong as this. Ho Fu, you can't see all the people from afar, but you can go farther and reach forward. The new wind is blowing in. You have been humiliated. I am ashamed of it. The latter invades the great wall and destroys it. Thousands of people are in trouble. One person celebrates the disaster. The foreign aggressor Hu Wei kills people like a hemp. The sleeping lion never wakes up, and the Dragon covers the ground forever. The greatness of the Great Wall startles the sky. I can't bear to look up and ask you.

2. Hillside sheep Watching "burning the Old Summer Palace"

The officials were far away, the coalition forces were rampant, and the people ran in panic. Looking at the ancient capital, my heart hesitates, and I am sad about the business office for a hundred years,

All the palaces and palaces were on fire. Garden, made soil; Country, make soil!

Night rise

Close the door and push the window to listen to the Jiayu, turn off the lamp to sleep and smell the sound of insects. The ups and downs of life have returned, and there is no future in the dark.

Self question

The vicissitudes of life have gone through many hardships, and the world will never forget moving words. The east wind has passed away, and the fate of Cangshan is half done.

Beauty Yu

It's hard to say goodbye when we meet. Today I'm sad and heartbroken. Your eyes are full of tears. You should know that the Cowherd and the weaver girl laugh at us.

Ask you who is difficult in everything, but you are the only one who is difficult. I can't bear to see the wet skirt with tears on my face. I don't know that my tears are still full.

3. Hui Wenlian:

The mountains are cold, the water is cold, and the autumn wind is evil

Empty pot warms wine, beauty mourns

The wind blows in the autumn, the water is cold and the mountains are far away

The pot of wine is empty.

4. Sunrise all things in Shandong are warm and warm

The moon comes from heaven and shines brightly all around the world

There were two well-dressed men on the bus. The crowd said this was the Transportation Bureau

The bus still wants to open when it passes the station. An old woman climbs the door of the bus and the conductor says that it costs 10 cents a station

5. When Secretary Zhao goes to the countryside, he often comes back to see his mother full of ghosts. He doesn't take a needle from the masses

Director Qian's cupboards are always full when he divides rooms. What's your mother's song about being selfless and not greedy

Director Sun called for workers and opened the back door again and again. What did your ancestors preach about killing relatives for righteousness and treating them equally

Section chief Li visits the official and civilian parents who boast about their parents for eight generations.

6. Send them to their relatives from afar

My father is working hard

When I was studying in the cold window

Thinking about cattle and horses in the field

I do not know another week of Acacia.

7. Three poems

When a child who has just learned how to count counts one, two or three, a poem comes into being.

I'm not a poet, of course I can't write poetry, but I still don't understand:

Why is there only three talents in this world? Why are they the beginning of all things? Doesn't it mean that life produces two, two produces three, and three produces all things? Only three can increase and develop?

Our motherland has always had a long history. Why are there only three emperors? Suiren drills fire, and fire symbolizes the sun, which is called the emperor; Fuxi's traveling to the world is called the emperor of man; Shennong reclaims land, which is called the earth emperor. Is there another emperor? No. Why? I don't know

Why do people only have three lights, the sun, the moon and the stars? Only they can give people light, hope and undying enthusiasm. Why did only three generations of Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties have the right to represent our slave civilization?

Our motherland has always been a land of propriety and righteousness, but what does this have to do with San? There are so many allusions about San. Duke Huan welcomed Guan Zhong in three baths and three banks, and Chonger retired three times to report to the king. Isn't Xuande Gong also a crouching dragon? Why did the ancients make three concessions? Why does it take three bows to show real respect? Why does it take three knocks to get the host's permission? Even before the ancient people executed, the soul chasing cannon had to be fired three times?

People say it's only three things, but why? ZHUJIAZHUANG must be defeated three times, and gaotaiwei must be defeated three times. Why the three kingdoms are not Three Kingdoms? Does zhougongjin want to die with three Qi?

Why? I don't understand.

A few years ago, there were three words on the wall and on the factory board? They are "workers, peasants and soldiers" who are precocious. Only they can represent the people of our country.

Why do the national leaders propose to promote the three major balls while there are many ball games in the sports world.

When people try hard, they don't count one, two or three, so one thing is finished. Why don't they count four?

Why are there left, middle, right, upper, middle and lower, front, middle and rear?

I don't understand.

Oh, so three is the beginning of all things. It is a real poem.