Chapter 37

High school literature (2)

1. Cross the border (Senior One)

What are the hardships,

A long dream awakes.

A good friend gradually leaves with his promotion,

Why is it difficult for heaven and earth to be a hero.

Scholars have to think,

I have already raised my head and sighed.

Where the odd things are not sighs,

The bright moon shines one liter higher on me.

2. My mother

Only maternal love is the greatest in the world, which leads to many mother's hymns. "Meng's neighbor" and "mother-in-law stabbed". I also want to praise my mother. However, my mother is a genuine rural woman. She was born in the village and married in the village. She is 1.6 meters tall, with a round and slightly fat face. There are several silver threads on her black hair. The corners of her mouth always have a kind smile. She just finished her height and then dropped out of school and went home to work. I have to admit bitterly: "my mother is ordinary."

But I still want to praise my mother, just because she is my mother, not someone said: "just because my mother gave birth to my pain, I will never repay her." I was born on the 14th night of the twelfth lunar month, when I was the coldest. My mother paid double the pain of people, and I should repay her double the pain of people.

I want to write hymns, but I am not a poet. I only rely on a few memories to express all my love for my mother.

Every mother loves her children very much. This mother's love is selfish and seems to be animal. I remember that when I was just in primary school, after school, for some unknown reason, several female students surrounded me and fought. Of course, I suffered a loss and my face was broken. After my mother knew it, she took me to the girls' homes at night to complain, not because she wanted to quarrel with others, but because she loved me. Later, they laughed and talked to each other, but I was never beaten by them again.

I remember one time, my mother came home from work and asked me to pour water for her, but when I was carrying a bowl and was about to get close to her, suddenly the bowl broke on the ground, and I burst into tears. Unexpectedly, she did not scold me, but said it was OK.

During busy hours, the team worked at night. Every time we got a good meal, my mother woke us up to eat together. Once I ate, but the next morning I said I didn't eat, which made my mother laugh and cry.

My mother always gets up very early. She wants to cook breakfast. I remember that once my mother woke up and I woke up. She said she wanted to sleep a little longer. I said, "let me get up. I don't want to sleep. You can sleep for a while!" At that time, how I wanted to replace my mother. She was too tired.

My mother is also a very kind person. Once a little girl who collected eggs in a village was bitten by a dog, and her leg bled. Seeing this, my mother immediately ran home and applied Yunnan Baiyao to her, causing my grandmother to say she was not. Although I think my mother did the right thing, I also think grandma's words are reasonable. My mother had also made a lot of efforts for a young man in the village, but the marriage was not successful.

My mother was very filial to my grandmother. Once my grandmother was hospitalized and couldn't eat. My mother specially made dumplings for her to eat. My roommate also praised my mother.

My mother also beat and scolded me, or punished me for doing things. Once when I played with my brother's hat, my great grandfather stopped me, but I wouldn't let him. He said otherwise, he would throw the hat outside. Because I was my brother's hat, I wasn't afraid of him. If he did, my mother thought I had lost it, so she scolded me, and I cried miserably. Later, she knew that it was my great grandfather who had lost it, so she begged me for mercy. At this time, I felt it was my fault, so I gave up.

One night, my mother went to the pond to wash clothes. I went to shine a flashlight. She suddenly asked me if I was good to her when I grew up? Henpecked? I couldn't answer at that time. Although I was thinking about how to honor her and earn money for her when I grew up, it was too far away. I didn't like how to blow it first, but I made a mistake. She wanted comfort at that time.

My mother gave me a lot of emotions, either love or hate, or joy or anger, or sorrow or joy, or beating or scolding. Maybe this constitutes all maternal love.

My mother is ordinary. Speaking of my mother, I don't have any tall image and character in front of me. I only think of a woman who is 1.6 meters tall, with a round and slightly fat face, her ears full of black hair but with a few silver threads on it, and her mouth always has a kind smile. I love her and praise her because she is a real mother.

3. The connotation of young Ge Yimin:

You must have farted

You must be crazy

The moonlight is still light

Your mouth must stink

You must have never been to kindergarten

Dad, go to the bathroom

Look at my b

No bed alas

If you have money to eat meat, you have no money to sleep.