Chapter I01

Mengqinghai blood group: B genus: Chicken

Jiangsu Guanyun Banpu middle school

Game life is a good thing. May you always be happy and happy,

There are sincere friends and beautiful fat people.

Ruan Wenzhong

Watching you play magic, I admire your skill, but I never thought the principle was so simple.

I don't know what you really are. I vaguely feel that it's not too wrong to say that you are a set of magic.

In a word, it is a happy thing to get along with you!

Liushangjie is a sheep. He likes reading and eating fish

To Lao Ge:

You play magic skillfully,

She sings well,

The way of impermanence,

Girls are running to you,

It annoys me.

---------Joke with you.

Fan Rong:

I have been your apprentice, so I have nothing to say except admire you.

Yinxiuping's genus: chicken blood group: B

Bodhi has no tree

Why do you provoke dust.

My impression of you has always been subtle. I think you should treat me like this.

I hope I can't forget your natural and unrestrained life when I see you again.

Zhang Tong

Four years, like a flash

It seems that I didn't know you until graduation!

Life is too hasty!

The ends of the earth and the corners of the sea

This memory will be in my heart forever!


The story of running water taking time has changed us.

After all, it was a burst of smoke.

Lao GE's head is like a ball.

Learn from Comrade Ge!

June 1990

(editorial of people's daily)


Ge () head

Or Ge Lao ()

To your way of life,

I don't appreciate it very much, but I don't admire it. If the people around us can be as free and easy as you,

No matter what his mother say, at least everyone will live happily and sincerely.

Fan Rong:

Lao Ge: you're really amazing!

There are two reasons: 1. If you were in ancient times, you would be one of mengchang's disciples!

2. Without you, the world will be as light as water!


Magic enlightens life, noodles enrich hunger.

Free and easy like clouds, falling like hard rocks.

When I think you will be sad, I will give you two bottles of wine ---- the aged daughter red and the Shaoxing flower carving.

A schoolmate of seven years, a fellow countryman of all his life.

When the window paper was colored and the pane was opened, a burst of white objects flew out of the "Hula La". It was neither smoke nor fog - it was the pigeons we had been feeding together for several years. They "cooed" and flew away.

Fly, fly, fly.