Chapter 102

Yan Ling


Can play magic, but also love fat West, why not play with a fat West?

(answer: magic is false, and AI pangxi is true.)

Li Sao: leave, leave!

Blessings and woes----- the new tester

Blessed are you who are poor,

For you is the kingdom of god

Blessed are you who hunger now,

For you will be satisfied

Blessed are you who weep now,

For you will law

Blessed are you when men hate you,

When they exclude you and instruct you,

And reject your name as evil,

Because of the son of man

Rejoice in that day leap for joy,

Because green is your reward in heavy,

For that is how their parents treated the predictions

Zhang Xing

I really want to know you, but it seems difficult, right? Are you really so enigmatic and unpredictable?

It's not easy to grow up. Try hard!


A game, a dream

Take care of yourself.



It's true that life is done as one thing like you. If the days are full, they will naturally be full. Unlike others, when they are at a dead end, they still hold a false feeling and refuse to give up.

Four years of schoolmate, four years of weak connection, now the road is at an end, and there is no more bustling scenery ahead, so I have to stop and make a conclusion with some irrelevant words. Although it is similar to the afterglow after the death, it is still touching to think about the friendship of classmates.

Zhang Xuan

The first time the grove saw you, you impolitely snatched the poker from Huang Qun and pretended to comfort her with a tape recorder. You were so angry.

The second time I played your magic, I accidentally revealed my secret and made a fool of myself in public. This man who boasted that he had held nine magic training classes.

You see, you are such an annoying and ridiculous person in my eyes.

Good luck!

June 14, 1990


Unlucky and lucky to be a type a person

Jumpy chicken

I am introverted when there are many people

I am outgoing when there are few people

I wish you a fat man

She will be a good wife in the future!

Please come to the library of Shandong Institute of light industry!

Huang Qun

First of all, I would like to thank the "treasure brothers" for giving me the opportunity to snuggle up with my dear peak. I wish you all the best!

Hulu is so confused. I have been cheated by this "nine headed bird". Your "Ge magic" has yet to learn from Allah.

Can baohulu make money? Great!

Address: Information Research Institute of Jiangxi Academy of Social Sciences


Your message board is so great that I have to choose the last page. When the music ends, you will still not be alone.

After four years together, I know very little, but I still feel that you are not a bad guy, not pretentious, not involved, and can make money and spend money.

Quite natural and unrestrained.

I don't want to be a colleague again, although it's only three or two years. Get along well, and (hopefully) have another chance to appreciate your magic and humor.

Ge Bao gourd in the summer of 1990

Guodi foreign language 88

After reading this book, I found that I had no reason to write anything, because I didn't even know you.

Next season, if you come face to face, can I still recognize you?