2 three: Behind the happiness

"Then, why she is like your daughter?" asked Dae Ju while hanging up the clothes.

"Hey! Do it properly! You are not doing it well!" shouted the lady.

"Ah! Sorry!" said Dae Ju.

"Let's go and clean the kitchen," said the lady.

"But...." he couldn't say furthermore. "Come on, young man!" saying this she left.

"Ah! She is driving me crazy! Why should I listen to her?" saying this by himself he went after the lady. The lady took down all the staff from the shelves and turned the kitchen into a big mess.

"Hey! What are you doing? Why did you take these down?" surprised Dae Ju.

"Look inside! How dusty these are! Let's clean the dust together." said the lady. "Ah! Why? Why you have to do this? It's Lina's kitchen!" said Dae Ju.

"Hey! She got tired after working so hard! Can't I help her as a mom?" said the lady with a broken voice.

"Ah! Okay okay! You can do anything for your daughter! I won't tell you anything! Aish! Really! Why you are crying? Stop behaving like that!" said Dae Ju hesitatingly.

"Then, come and give me a helping hand." said the lady smilingly. Dae Ju is surprised by seeing her swapping moods. "Aish! Ladies are really very talented in acting!" said Dae Ju slowly.

"Did you say something?" asked the lady.

"No, let's go back to work!" Dae Ju said with a weird smile.

"Then, take it and clean that side, I will clean the other side." saying this she gave him a cloth for cleaning and moved to another side. Dae Ju was so helpless that he didn't want to do it, but he couldn't help it. He kept listening to the lady and kept doing what the lady told him to do. After finished cleaning, he became so tired. He came to the living room and sat on the couch.

"Ah! Cleaning is too hard! I can dance all day but I can't do that anymore! Aw! My back hurts! Aw! My neck hurts!" saying this he started to message his own shoulder.

"Tired? By this little work?" asked the lady. Dae Ju doesn't want to answer her questions so he stays quiet.

"Okay, I will make tea for you. Lina said that you like tea more than coffee." said the lady and left from there.

"What? Did she make it? How could she know about it? Ah! This girl! I can't believe her!" Dae Ju mimicking himself. After a few minutes the lady came with two cup of tea and some cookies.

"Here, take this. I made these cookies." saying this she put the tray on the table. Dae Ju was hungry so he took a cookie and bit it. It was so tasty that he couldn't stop eating.

"Now, listen to me. I had a daughter like Lina. After your parents died, she became helpless. And you!" saying this she glare at him as she will kill him today.

"What? What did I do?" asked Dae Ju surprisingly.

"You are the only one who makes her cry everyday!" said the lady with an angry look. "What? Me?" surprised Dae Ju.

"How could you do that to her? She loves you a lot. And that wasn't her fault. She was just a kid. She was not selfish. She just wanted to have you, nothing else. But she is still regretting it. If you don't forgive her, she won't be able to forgive herself. It's not only you who lost parents that day. She also lost her parents. And she loves her parents more than you loved yours. So, she is in more pain than you. Don't ever judge her just by seeing her face. She is like a cunning fox. She will die but never told you about her pain." said the lady with a very slow and disappointed voice. But those words went 10 meters higher from Dae Ju's head. He couldn't understand a single word of her so he just looked at her teary eyes surprisingly.

"She is just like my daughter. Very kind, gentle, introvert. But her patience level is 100x better than my daughter. We worked together in a super shop. We never talked with each other but one day I saw her scar on hand accidentally. I asked her but she avoided me. Then when everyone left the shop, I stayed there because I was the cleaner. While cleaning, I saw her crying by sitting in one corner. I went to her and asked her why she was still there. She answered that she didn't want to go home. She was scared, lonely, and helpless. I took her to my home. There she told everything about you. How you beat her and want to kill her. I cried while hearing about her bitter life. I found my daughter's soul in her. That's why since then, she is my daughter." saying this she wiped her eyes. Dae Ju got a serious shock after hearing this. She is taking care of that guy who wanted to kill her! Is it love or madness? He was having the last piece of cookies. But when he heard that, he could not eat anymore. Seems like he was bitten on a piece of wood that can't be chewed. He couldn't control himself and asked the lady, "Then, what do you think, why does she love me that much?"

"She felt guilty. I found fear and guilt in her eyes. I can't tell if she still loves you or not. But until you won't forgive her, she will not show her true face. Do you still think she was responsible for that accident? Wasn't it destiny? Aren't they seeing you from heaven? I know they are happy and now you two should also be happy. Life won't stop for anyone. It's like a flow. It will go on no matter how. So, please forget about the dark past. At least try to be happy. Make her happy. She is in pain. Don't try to deepen the pain too much. She will break one day." answered the lady and took a long breath. He wanted to know more about her past. But he couldn't ask her anymore. That time Lina came home with a cheerful face. But seeing them like this her smile vanished. She started to investigate the place with her eyes.

"Ajummoni(Auntie)! Why you have to do this? I forbidden you many times that I can handle. But you just came to take advantage whenever I am not at home. I just sent you here to look after him not to do my household works." said Lina. "Aigoo! It's okay. It was my pleasure! Don't worry about me." said the lady. "And you! Why you didn't tell her anything? Why you let her do these? Don't you know how old she is! She have injury in her back. What if it get worse!" said Lina with a hard voice. It's the first time that she is getting angry on him for anyone else.

"I tried but she didn't listen to me." said Dae Ju slowly.

"Did you take your medicine?" asked Lina with a soft voice. In reply, Dae Ju gave her a big and weird smile.

"I knew it! Okay, Live your life as you wish. I won't say anything. I have to go again. I just came here to check on you." saying this she left from there again. "Ooppss! She got angry!" saying this the old lady looked at Dae Ju's face. His face was like he was scared of Lina. His eyes were also finding answers to how he could handle her now. Seeing this the lady got satisfied. She smiled quietly and wished that he had the same fear all his life. "It's begun," said the lady and smiled at him. Dae Ju looked at her surprisingly and asked, "what begins?"

"You will understand soon." said the lady and left from there. Dae Ju came to his room. He forgot about his plan for today. He was so curious about her life that he opened the drawer again and took the diary again. He was searching for something important. Suddenly his eyes stuck on a page. There was a photo of their marriage. Both of them looked gorgeous. And Lina looked beautiful like she was a fairy without wings. Her red lips were very attractive. The white gown suits her very well. She was looking very happy. Dae Ju flipped the page and looked if there's written about her marriage day.

"My parents and his parents fixed our marriage. My parents want to go Bangladesh for some day but I don't want to go. So they planned it for me. But I don't know why his parents want him to get married so soon! He is still very young for this. Whatever! I don't need to think of it. I finally got him. What's bigger than that? I don't know why he agreed to get married when He doesn't proposed to me yet. But, I think he will soon. Or he will not! I am confused right now! He is behaving strangely nowadays. I don't know why but he doesn't talk with me that much. He looks down nowadays. And whenever I went to ask him what's wrong with him, he got angry at me. He replied that I don't have to know! Fine! I will find that out on my own. I will not spare him alone. I will stay beside him till the end." The words stopped here. He flipped a page to read more. He sat on the bed and started reading again. Suddenly he felt pain in his chest again. He could understand that it's increasing. So he stood up and searched for the medicines which he had to take everyday. Those were kept on the table. He went there and took some medicines. He felt relaxed after taking it. He took the diary again and opened the page where he was reading.

"It's 2nd August, 2017. I am now in his room. He is not here. Maybe he went somewhere. I am still in the bride's dress. It's my marriage night. Many guests came to our wedding. I never went to any Korean marriages. Here bride's wear white gown and I love it which he chose for me. And Grooms wear suits that make them cool. He was looking so handsome today in his black suit. I am alone in the room. I am feeling nervous right now. What will he do when he comes? I am excited too." He flipped the page again.

"Lunch is ready. Come and eat." said the old lady.

"Ah! I will eat later." answered Dae Ju. "Okay," saying this she left. Dae Ju concentrates on reading again.

"I went down after hearing some noise. It was Rumi who came after being drunk. His parents were scolding him by saying why he drank on his marriage day. Then he answered that he didn't want to marry me. It was his parents who forced him to marry me. I didn't know about it earlier. He could at last tell me that he doesn't like me. Then why did he do that? Couldn't he tell his parents that he doesn't want to marry me? Why did he play the game with me? I can't understand what I should do now."

"Mr. Rumi! The food is getting cold. Please come quickly. I have to leave now!" said the lady by shouting.

"I will eat later!" Dae Ju also said the lady loudly and focused on the diary again. Seems like he got used to this name.

"I stayed all day in my room. I didn't let him come here. I just want to stay away from him. His mom got me and told me that he will love me. I have to make him fall for me. But it's difficult to do that and it's weird too. How could I make him fall for me when he has no time to talk with me? When he avoids me all the time! I seriously can't understand what to do. I told my mom everything. She said that everything will be fine. She also told me to give him some time. So I went to his office today. There I heard him talking with his father. The two of them are planning something. His father also didn't want me. He just wants me as his security. He wanted to become the real owner of their business. And as I am part of their family now, my father would not hesitate to write his share on my name. There is another guy who was making the master plan. But I don't know him. I saw him from afar and I didn't feel anything good about him. Something was very fishy with him. He came out from Rumi's office room and went by talking with someone on the phone. He was telling someone that they are doing according to their plan. But after hearing these things I became very upset and left from there without meeting Rumi or his dad."