2 four: The unavoidable past

I was so upset that I wanted to leave the house immediately. I packed all my belongings and got ready to leave the house. But I couldn't because of his mom. She told me that she didn't know anything about that. She just wanted me because she likes me very much. She also told me that she will handle her husband and her son and she would not let them do anything like that. I don't think she is a bad person. But I felt guilty because I yelled at her when I was explaining what I saw and heard. My parents wanted to go on a tour after some days. So I have to hurry and make things right before they go. I have to get Rumi on my side for that. But how could I? I really can't understand." Dae Ju was not surprised because it was like a drama which he watched earlier.

"Then it really happens in real life!" said Dae Ju then he flipped a page again. She couldn't write for some days because she was busy. But when she got time, she spent her time in this diary. That's why the diary is telling her story to Dae Ju cleanly.

"I never thought it would happen to all of us. Rumi and his dad got a good lesson but what was my dad's fault? I couldn't stop them. We are doomed. The guy I saw earlier who was making a master plan, was a con artist. He won this battle and snatched everything we have. He stole all the money, bank balance, and everything from my dad and Rumi's dad. I told Rumi that I saw him talking on the phone and he yelled at me why I didn't tell him about that earlier. He could stop him if he knew about it earlier. I didn't know that that guy had gained my dad's faith too. That's why we all have been conned. And now, we have to leave this house as it's being sold to others."

"What? They are conned! Ah! That's why they are still having a hard life! I feel sorry for them!" now Dae Ju surprised. "We are now a six member's family. My parents came to live here as they had to leave the house so soon. My dad and Rumi's dad became friends again. They wanted to gain back their business, their money. They planned many things but they couldn't make them come true. We have to shift somewhere soon as this house does not belong to us anymore. We will go to Rumi's granny's house in the countryside. We will stay there for some days. If our dads could fix the mess then we will come until then they want us to stay there. Rumi will also stay with his dad. Rumi, his dad and my dad will stay there two or three days but I, my mom and Rumi's mom will stay there until they fix everything. I packed my stuff already. Others are packing their belongings. I wish I could come to this house again soon! I love this house very much. Though Rumi doesn't like me yet, I think he will love me. I will make him fall for me. I will not let him regret marrying me."

After this she didn't write for many days. Maybe she wrote after three or four months. However, Dae Ju continued to read. I know that I have to break my promise. My dad said to me to write those things which will make me happy but I think I can't do that anymore. I will share my burden with it from now on. Because I don't think I can live happily after did such a sin. I don't want to live anymore. But I have no choice. I have to regret for rest of my life. Rumi hit me today for the first time. But I don't think he do that willingly. He was drunken. Though alcohol is forbidden for us but he drink it often with his friends. However I am going to write the most terrible day of my life which I could never forget. It was 22nd October, 2017. It was a happy day before the journey to the countryside. Rumi rent two small cabs to go there. One was purple and other was blue. As blue is my favorite color, it attacked my eyesight. I was standing in front of it. Nobody was near there. The driver's also went somewhere near. Everyone was busy inside. I was the one who was unemployed. There was a garden around the house. I went to my favorite flower plant to say goodbye to it. Suddenly I notice that someone passed by there so quickly. I thought it was wind but I heard noise so I went to the cab to check if everything was okay. I saw a guy standing in front of the red cab. I thought he was the driver. So I went from there to see the garden. When I came in front of the taxi, everyone was there. But that guy I saw earlier was not there. I didn't care about it but who knows that will be the biggest mistake in my life! Our main gate was opened and so others could come in without permission. Rumi wanted to sit in the red car but I chose the blue one. So he have to came with me to show others how much he care about me. His mom wanted to come with us but I wanted to spent some time with him alone though inside the car. He never stays with me alone, that's why I didn't want to waste this rare chance. I told my mom about it and she told his mom. His mom became happy and said to me that I am her daughter as well. Why didn't I say it to her? Who knows that it will be her last words to me! Our parents took the red car and I and Rumi took the blue car. We were talking all the time inside the car. He was not in that bad mood that day. I was happy to have him beside me. But I couldn't ever think that it would be our last happy moment together. Our driver took another street to avoid the crowded road. The road was quite silent. That's why we reached the village very fast. There were hills in the village. I had never seen such a beautiful place before. I wanted to see the whole village. I told him that I want to see the village sights. As he came here before, he knew the best place to enjoy the beautiful sight of the village. He took me to the highest hill. The view was amazing from there. I wish I could stay there forever! It was the first time we went together anywhere after marriage. So I was happy, very happy. Maybe destiny couldn't bear my happiness. I was selfish, too much selfish. I just wanted to be happy just for a day and that happiness snatched everything from me. We were sitting together at the top of the hill. We were close, too close. Maybe I was able to catch his eyesight. Suddenly his phone started ringing. He picked up the call. It was from his dad's phone but a woman was talking from the other side. Though his phone was not on the loudspeaker, I could clearly hear the lady's voice. She was telling him that the phone owner had an accident and all of them were in a serious condition. They are shifted to a hospital and if he is a relative, then he should go and visit them. We couldn't believe our own ears. But we came to the hospital as soon as we could. They were dying. They all get burnt by fire. My mom was taking her last breath. I went to her and hugged her. I could never tell her how much I love her. And at that moment, I was speechless. No words were coming from my mouth. I wanted to tell her by shouting that I was sorry. Don't give me such a big punishment but I can't tell her. I just kept crying. I hold her hand and she grabs my hand tightly. Her last words were `` Love you my daughter. I couldn't believe she was gone. She could never come back to me, never. I couldn't have any last word with my dad. I wasn't able to see his deformed body. I couldn't understand what I should do. how I could save them, how I could talk with them. I never thought I would have to lose them forever. I didn't notice Rumi. I was just trying to save them. I tried to talk with doctors but they were too busy. The four of them died in front of our eyes. We just could see them leaving their last breaths. I was standing next to Rumi. He was also speechless like me. Both of us were helpless, blank minded, teary, fully lost. But nobody was there to console us. Those people who always stood next to us when we were lost are gone. Who will take care of us from now on? Who would stay next to us in our danger? I look at Rumi's face. His eyes were teary but he was not crying like me. When all of them were taken by Allah, I couldn't bear it anymore. I sat on the floor and started crying loudly. Who would not cry if he lost his most lovely parents both together? But I felt guilty for their death. I said to myself that it was all my fault. And it really was my fault. If we went in the red car, they could be alive now. We could take their place. But I was too greedy. What if I couldn't ride in the car which I liked? And there was another thing. Rumi's parents wanted to come with us but because of me, they had to go in the other car too. I could at least save his parents but no! I am greedy and now I have to pay for my greed. I wanted to stay alone with Rumi. They all leave me with him, forever. I wanted to spend some happy moments with him. They left me with him to spend my whole life with him. I was screaming by shouting that it was all my fault. That time he noticed me and asked why I was telling that. I told him everything out of pain. And he was stopped like a statue. He also couldn't believe that he lost his parents because of me. I was a demon. I am a demon. I just think about myself. I never learned to care about others from my childhood. My mom and dad never let me think about others. So I became selfish. Maybe too selfish but I didn't know it would cost this much. I couldn't go to the graveyard. I just saw them buried in the darkest place from far. They were all buried side by side. I wanted an autopsy but Rumi didn't want to give them more pain. He said to me, "Yes, it was murder. Do you know who murdered them? It's you. Then what do you want to prove by autopsy?" I never thought he would tell me something like that but he was right. I killed them. From that day he didn't talk to me much. And I also couldn't talk with him, maybe because of my own pain or maybe because of my guilt. We shifted to another small house with very cheap rent. But we were too helpless. He wanted to live alone but since I have no other place to go, he kept me as his housemate or maybe housekeeper. He didn't want to see my face and I deserved it. I could never bring them whom I killed. I could never fix those things which I destroyed. So, I should get punished in the worst way." Dae Ju's eyes got teary and his eyesight was blurry. But it could be seen that she was crying while she was writing these. Her handwriting was not very similar when she wrote about her happiness and there were some watery marks which dried a long time ago. He felt bad for both of them. He couldn't understand how they could survive after such a thing! He wiped his tears and started reading by flipping one more page.

"It was a murder. I found it recently. Today a detective came to me for some information. He wanted to know about that person whom I saw the day of our parents' accident. We all thought the tank of gas leaked and that's why it blasted. But actually it was not.