2 seven: New lifestyle

"What happened? Why aren't you responding?" asked the guy.

"Yes?" asked Dae Ju and came back to his senses.

"Ah! It's nothing. I couldn't sleep well last night so I have a headache." saying this Dae Ju put his hand on his forehead.

"Ah! That's why I am telling you why you are like that! Don't worry. I will message your head." saying this he stood up and hold Dae Ju's shoulder to turn him back but that time Lina came into the room and shouted, "Jheong Woo-sshi!"

"Yes?" asked the guy surprisingly.

"I brought tea for both of you." saying this with a low voice she put a tray on a table with two cups of tea and some pieces of plain cake. Seems like she didn't like Jheong Woo's presence.

"Rumi-sshi!" called Lina.

"Yes?" replied Dae Ju.

"You have to come with me. So get ready as soon as possible. I have to left home within ten minutes." saying this she left the room. But before leaving she looks at Jheong with a terrible face. Dae Ju looks at her and becomes surprised.

"Ah! She is always like that! Why is she still angry with me?" said Jheong Woo and took a long breath.

"Why is she angry with you?" asked Dae Ju curiously.

"Forget it! Let's drink tea." saying this he took a piece of cake and a cup of tea.

"I have to get fresh. So, you can continue." saying this Dae Ju stood up and went to the washroom.

"What is happening here? You changed your habit too! You need to drink tea when you wake up." said Jheong.

"Maybe. I can't take something before brushing my teeth nowadays," said Dae Ju with a little smile and went away. He never could eat something before brushing his teeth. And it's his habit from his childhood but he forgot that he was not in his body. So, now it has become Rumi's habit too. After returning from the washroom he opened his cabinet to change his clothes. Jheong Woo was still there. He finished both cups and maybe he was waiting for Dae Ju.

"Ah! I have to get changed. So, if you will excuse me I could...." said Dae Ju hesitatingly.

"What is this Rumi? Are you getting embarrassed in front of me! We often go to the sauna together! We swim together! And..... Ah! Forget it. Okay. I am leaving but you hurt me today. I will forget as I am your true friend." saying this he left from there quickly. Dae Ju gets shocked and stands like a statue. Jheong Woo's face was telling that how hard he got hurt today. They were like BFF. He went outside and start thinking about Rumi. What happened to him within fifteen days. He just stayed in his homeland for half of a month and his best buddy forget about him! How could this happen? Or did Lina say everything to him? If she said him the truth then he is ruined. Then it's natural to behave like this. He remembered the day when he came to Rumi because he forgot his phone while drinking together. He came to return it and saw that Rumi was hitting his wife. She was injured badly. He couldn't stand anymore and forbid Rumi to beat her anymore. That night he had to fight with him but the next morning Rumi couldn't remember anything. After that night he came to visit them almost every day. Most of the time he went to see Lina. When he saw her for the first time he got a crush on her but as she is his friend's wife he started to see her as his big sister. So when he saw her beaten by his friend he couldn't bear it. He tried but he couldn't control his friend too. So he went to visit Lina often and give her gifts to make her happy. She shared her memories, her stories with him and he consoled her. Days were passed easily. But one day he saw some marks on her cheeks. It was clearly seen that she had been beaten again. Seeing her like this, he couldn't hold his tears. He touched her cheeks and waters were falling from his eyes and that day he got injured badly in his heart. He told Lina to leave Rumi and came with him. He didn't say that with bad intention but Lina got it wrong. She thought that he wanted to get the chance and wanted to do something wrong with her. But he couldn't make her understand that he told her that because he felt bad for her. It happened nearly a year ago and since then Lina stopped talking with him. And she didn't like it when he came to the house but he couldn't stop going there but he stopped going to meet Lina. He went there when he badly needed to meet Rumi. He took a long breath and continued walking alone.

"Are you ready?" saying this Lina came but she blushed when she saw Dae Ju. Dae Ju was in his underwear so he covered himself as soon as possible.

"I am waiting outside. Get ready quickly." saying this she rushed outside. Dae Ju also gets embarrassed. Though it's not his own body but it's himself now. It's not like he never had to get changed in front of girls. He had to get changed in front of the staff backstage but he only changed the outer part. But today he gets so embarrassed that he could die right now.

"Where are we going?" asks Dae Ju.

"Your workplace. You can't take a rest anymore. You need to work and earn some money. I can't handle the debtors anymore." said Lina calmly as if nothing happened and it's a very normal issue. "Ah! I see! But about earlier....." saying this Dae Ju stopped. He wanted to ask her if she believes in him or not. But seeing her poker face he didn't know why but he felt nervous and couldn't ask anything.

"What?" asked Lina gently.

"It's nothing," said Dae Ju. Both of them were walking beside each other. Dae Ju didn't know where they were heading to and what job he had to do. So he walks beside her silently.

"I found a new job for you. As you know much about cars, you have to fix car parts, wash cars and many more but you don't need to drive cars anymore. And for more information, your ex-owner fled away somewhere. Police are searching for him and they could come to you for information." said Lina with a low voice.

"Ah! I got it," said Dae Ju. After some time they reached the shop. The shop was not very big. It looks like a garage. Some cars have fallen here and there. Some of them were repaired and some of them were broken.

"It's your workplace now. I will bring lunch for you every day. So, don't waste a single penny here and there. Just focus on saving money. I wonder what you have done with so much money!" said Lina. She was looking for someone. That time an old man came from inside and said loudly. "Oh! Look who is here! Come to my child, come." He told her to come but he was the one who was coming in front of them. Lina walks forward and meets the guy.

"How are you Ajusshi?" ask Lina.

"I am fine. What about you?" asked the guy.

"I am also fine. How's it going on?" asked the guy.

"Fine. But I asked you for a favor earlier. Do you remember?" asked Lina. "Yes! How could I forget that? Then, is he the man whom you ask the favor for?" asked the guy and pointed at Dae Ju. "Yes, you are right," replied Lina smilingly.

"Mr. Rumi, you have an interview. Come here." said the guy.

"Go!" said Lina whisperingly. Dae Ju went to the old man and said gently, "Hello!"

"Gentleman, can you tell me which part is it?" saying this he pointed to a part of one car.

"It's a wheel," replied Dae Ju.

"Yes but the original name of this part?" asked the guy and pointed at the black tire.

"It's a disk brake," replied Dae Ju simply.

"Good! Now come here." saying this he went to a car which was broken.

"Do you know the name of this part?" asking this, the man pointed at the car's oil filter.

"It's windshield washer, it's air filter, it's the battery, it's distributor, it's the alternator, it's the radiator and it's the oil filter," said Dae Ju proudly but he was surprised because he didn't know the names but he told all the names.

"Now tell me how could you fix this car and turn it into a new one?" asked the man.

"Its battery has to be removed and....." Dae Ju had to say more but the man interrupts in the middle and asks "how could you change the battery?"

"I'll show you" saying this Dae Ju started to remove the battery and successfully place a new one. The old man was quite impressed with his work.

"You can leave him for me. He is my apprentice from now on. Don't worry about him. He can work from tomorrow." said the guy to Lina and smiled.

"Thank you so much. I am very grateful," said Lina gently.

"No, no. It's not for you. It's because he impressed me with his work." said the guy and smiled.

"Thank you. Have a nice day!" said Lina again with a big smile and she was about to leave. Dae Ju was standing near Lina but he was confused about it. He never did something like this before. So he was surprised how he fixed this. "Let's take a walk together gentleman." said the guy to Dae Ju.

"Then, I am leaving," said Lina and went outside. She felt proud but also sad by watching her husband like this. He doesn't belong here. He could work with his dad. He could be the CEO of a company but he lost everything and had to work surrounded by dust, cinder, oil, and machines. She took a long breath remembering these things and went to her own workplace. She came to the salon. She was a bit late today. Her manager came and said with a little loud and angry voice, "Why are you late today? Don't you know today is our special day? We lost a customer because of you. How could you pay back for it?"

"Sorry, ma'am. I was in a bit of a situation. I will work overtime today without a bonus." replied Lina gently.

"You should do better. Go and wear the uniform." saying this the manager moved far from her and said to every staff member loudly, "Listen, we will have some customers today. They are the members of the "Savage kids" idol group. As they are famous we will get a chance to become famous. So don't anyone dare to make a single mistake. And all of you have to behave more gently with customers today. I don't want to listen to a single complaint against you. If I speak against anyone, she will be fired. Got it?"

"Yes, ma'am." said four workers including Lina. Good. Now go back to your work.

"There is a customer and the idol group will be here soon. So get ready." saying this she left inside.

"Okay, ma'am." said all of them. Lina wore her apron quickly and went to the door to welcome a customer.

"Welcome sir, how can I help you?" asked Lina to the customer.

"I came to get a hairstyle." replied the customer.

"You can sit there." showing a chair Lina said gently. The boy went to the chair and sat on it.

"Which style do you want to try?" asked Lina.

"I don't know. Give me some ideas for my hair. I want to look special today." replied the boy.

"You have a date, right? Then, you can try this style." showing a style from their stylebook Lina said.

"No, no. I don't have any date but it's similar to that."

"Ah! You are going to propose to someone? Then, you have to look very special today! Wait, I will make you a star." said Lina with a very gentle and sweet voice. The boy gets embarrassed and turns red. Lina starts to work on him. And when she finished styling she said to him, "Look at the mirror. Do you want to shave to look more handsome?" The boy looks at the mirror and seems like he was very satisfied with her work.

"That's a great idea." said the boy. Lina called one of her colleagues to take care of him as she had to clean her apron which was full of short hair. She forgot to pin up her scarf today so she went to the washroom to tie it properly. She opened her hair to tie them but she had to leave them open.

"Wow! You look awesome in your open hair!" said the manager. She was inside and just came out.

"Ah! Thank you." saying this she holds her hair to tie them.

"No, don't tie them. Leave them open. You should look gorgeous today." said the manager.

"But...." Lina couldn't say more.

"It's an order." said the lady with a hard voice. Lina didn't answer and became disappointed but she had no choice. Seeing her face the lady said loudly again, "Why did you make that face? And why didn't you put makeup on your face? Didn't I tell you yesterday? Others(workers) are looking so gorgeous and you look like an old lady!" Lina looked at the floor and without any other choice, she had to listen to her manager quietly.

"Ah! I can't scold anymore. I have to take action against you. I have to find your replacement!" said the lady calmly.