2 eight: A story inside the salon

"Pardon me! Ma'am, please give me a chance." requested Lina to her manager. "You have to listen to me or else you will get fired, get it?" said the lady.

"Yes, ma'am., '' replied Lina gently.

"Then, put a smile on your face and always act like you are happy and proud to work here. Am I clear?" ordered the lady.

"Yes, ma'am" saying this she smiled gently and sweetly.

"Good! Now go back to work." said the lady. Lina came to her workplace. Seeing her like this, her coworkers started to praise her, "Wow! You look awesome!"

"Ah! Thank you!" replied Lina. The customer who came earlier to make a hairstyle was left until then.

"He left?" asked Lina to one of them. "Yes," she replied.

"Already!" surprised Lina.

"Yes, I applied the cream on his face but something came up so he had to leave without shaving." said another girl. That time the manager rushed there and hurried them up, "Hey! Get ready. They are coming!" said the manager. Everyone took their own place quickly and arranged the chairs properly. Some people came but they were not here to take service. They were with the camera, snacks, water bottle, and many other things. "They will be here at any time. Is everything ready?" said a guy to the manager.

"Of course! Thank you for bringing them here." said the manager and looked at him acting cute.

"Hey! Are they dating?" asked a worker, Lina. Lina shook her head negatively and looked at another worker.

"Are you crazy! He is her husband! He works in that organization!" said the worker.

"Ah! I see!" said both of the girls.

"What are you whispering about?" asked the manager to her workers.

"It's nothing!" saying this all of them smiled. At that time a huge car reached near their salon. The boys came out of the car and came inside the salon one by one.

"Hello! Welcome to our salon!" saying this Lina and her coworkers welcomed them. They were surrounded by people and cameras. There were nine people in total to get their service.

"Please sit here," said Lina to one of them. Other girls also did the same and made their customers sit. They all came to dye their hair. They were all young and handsome. One of their personal stylists went out of the country and another one is sick but they need to dye their hair for a concert. That's why it was a great opportunity to bring them to this salon and the manager's husband couldn't miss the chance.

"Which color do you want to dye?" asked Lina to one of them very gently and smilingly. He was doing something on his phone.

"Ask the manager." without looking at her, he said.

"Light grayish on the top and black inside." said a guy and came.

"Yes?" Lina couldn't understand and asked. "Look at this picture. I need the same hair." saying this the boy showed Lina a picture of himself on his phone.

"Ah! I got it." looking at the picture Lina replied. This time they looked at each other and Lina moved back immediately. She started to bring the ingredients but the boy couldn't remove his eyes from her. He couldn't concentrate on his phone anymore. He wants to dye his hair from this girl's hand.

"Please close your eyes or else it went on your eyes., '' said Lina.

"Let it be then you have to remove them from my eyes." said the boy with a very little voice so that nobody could hear it. "Pardon me? Did you say something?" asked Lina.

"Nothing. Do it properly." said the boy. "Can you help me out Lina?" a worker called her.

"Wait a minute!" replied Lina.

"Please stay like this. Don't move. I will come back soon." saying this Lina went to her colleague.

"Hold these hairs. I have to apply the cream on this side." said her coworker. Lina holds those hairs of another boy but that boy who was in Lina's service looks at him and he doesn't know why but he couldn't bear this. He acted like the cream went in his eyes and shouted,

"Ah! My eyes! It's burning! Someone save me please!"

"Sir! What happened? Are you alright?" saying this Lina rushed to him. All the cameramen came to him and shot him well. The manager of the salon got angry at Lina and scolded her, "Do something quickly!"

"Ah! Okay. Sir! Please lean on the chair. I will wash your eyes." said Lina worriedly and gently.

"Please do it quickly!" saying this in a tearful voice he leaned on the chair. Lina took a face towel and wet it in water and squeezed the water. She wiped his eyes carefully.

"Sir, try to open your eyes., '' said Lina gently. Everyone was excited and gathered around them. They all want to know if he is fine or not. All the other members were also there to know because he is their most adorable member.

"It's still hurting," said the boy. Lina wet the towel again and washed his eyes again. The boy doesn't know why but it was fun for him.

"Ah! Now I can see everything. You should be careful with your duty." said the boy to Lina.

"Please forgive me. It was my fault. I should have been more careful." said Lina with a gentle and sorrowful voice.

"Why weren't you careful?" scold the manager.

"Sorry, ma'am. I called her to help." said that girl who called Lina earlier.

"Are you okay? How did that get into your eyes?" asked one of their members to that boy.

"Ah! I am fine now!" replied the boy by acting like he was seriously injured. "Aish! What in the world are you doing? Can't you take care of one single person? Then why did we train you? Why....." the manager was very angry and she was scolding Lina and the other girl. "Can you please stop quarreling and concentrate on our hair?" said the boy. "Of course, sir! I have to wash your hair. Could you come this way?" asked Lina gently.

"Yes, Let's go." saying this he got up from the chair and followed Lina.

"You should thank me." said the boy and sat on a chair to wash his hair.

"Why?" asked Lina, being surprised.

"She was scolding you and I saved you." said the boy simply.

"Ah! Yes, Thank you and also sorry for the accident., said Lina gently and smilingly. She holds his head and makes him lean on the chair to wash his hair. "That's not necessary. It was just an accident." said the boy.

"Okay, But can you please stop talking? Or else another accident will happen., said Lina while pouring water on his head.

"Let it be." said the boy silently.

"What?" asked Lina. She heard what he said but she asked that to be sure.

"Ah! It's nothing. How much time will it take?" asked the boy.

"Don't move. It will not take all day., replied Lina and continued washing hair. This time she was not very gentle. It was very monotonous to stay and behave gently because the boy was moving too much. Hearing her hard voice he stays silent and stops moving. After finished washing, she took a dry towel and gave it to the boy.

"Take and dry your hair. I have to apply the cream to your backside hair. I have to mix two creams so until then dry your own hair with it. I will be blow-dried after I came back." said Lina with a low voice. "Okay." saying this he took the towel and started rubbing his own hair. After some time Lina came back with a hairdryer and started drying his hair.

"Come back to that room please!" said Lina gently, acting as nothing happened. The boy followed her silently as the ducklings followed their mom. He came back to his old place and sat on the chair again.

"Will this be alright?" asked Lina to their manager.

"Yes! This is the color which I wanted! Now the choreography will be perfect!" said the manager, satisfied. Lina put plastic on the front side of hair and started applying mixed cream on the backside. The boy was sitting like a statue. He tried to look at Lina but he couldn't as Lina was standing behind him. He couldn't even see her in the mirror but he was looking at the mirror expecting that he would be able to see her for just once.

"It finished. Please wait for thirty minutes more." saying this Lina went inside to wash her hands which were covered in black gloves. She came to another member and started to understand her from the manager.

"Can I shoot you too?" asked a cameraman to Lina.

"No, please! I don't want to be captured on camera., said Lina.

"Okay." said the girl and moved the camera on the singer.

"Can you lean on the chair? It would be easier to put cream on your hair as you are too tall., said Lina to the other boy gently.

"Ah! Okay." said the boy and smiled. Lina starts working on him and she almost forgot that boy earlier. This boy was gentle and less talkative. So, it was nice to work on him.

"It's itchy. Please wash it quickly!" said that boy whom Lina told to wait.

"Ah! Can you wait for a minute? I am almost done here." said a worker of the salon.

"Ah! Yes. Take your time. Work carefully on him or else his hair will be messed up." said the boy. He was expecting to wash his hair by Lina. So he felt disappointed.

"You can work. I am done., said Lina to her colleague. When he heard this, he smiled and became happy.

"Ah! Such a long day it was!" said Lina and taking a long breath she sat on the couch.

"Are you tired?" asked Dae Ju and sat beside her. Without getting the reply he said again, "Me too!" Both of them lean on the couch to take a rest. Dae Ju wondered what to think about today. How and when did he learn those things? How could he fix the car? He never did such things before. And when he was doing those, he didn't feel bored. It was interesting and he has a feeling that he could do this for the rest of his life. Yes, he was interested in the car and he bought three cars but it was not like he was interested in working on cars.

"Maybe it happened because of this body? As he is interested in cars, now do I have the same feelings? If it's the truth, then am I turning like him? Would my personality change to this human? Eh! No way! This guy is disgusting! I don't want to be like him! I want to be me!" said Dae Ju in his mind. His face looked worried while he was thinking about those things.

"What happened? Are you okay?" asked Lina, seeing his worried face.

"Oh! Yes, I am fine., said Dae Ju.

"You must be hungry. I am hungry too. I will make some ramen." saying this Lina got up and went to the kitchen.

"Ramen? Again? Ah! We ate it yesterday too! The day before yesterday too!" said Dae Ju with a disappointed face.

"So what do you want to eat instead of this? We have nothing except ramen right now and I have no money to buy anything else. So please deal with it. I will buy something special tomorrow. Please wait until then." said Lina calmly. But it was clearly understandable that she was a little angry with him.

"Yeah! I got it., said Dae Ju. That time his phone started ringing. It was Jheong Woo.

"Hello!" said Dae Ju.

"Oy buddy! What are you doing?" asked Jheong Woo from the other side. "Nothing. Why?" replied Dae Ju.

"Come outside. I am waiting for you., said Jheong Woo as he was in a hurry. "Why? Is that something important? Then come inside. We can chat here." said Dae Ju. Actually, he didn't want to go with him as he just met with him.

"No! Come quickly! I need you urgently!" hurried Jheong Woo.

"But....." Dae Ju couldn't finish his line. "Are you coming or not?" asked Jheong Woo.

"Okay, okay. I am coming." saying this Dae Ju got up and wore the jacket.

"Where are you going?" asked Lina from the kitchen.

"I don't know. I am going with Jheong Woo. I will tell you after I come back!" said Dae Ju.

"Don't go to those shabby places and please don't drink., '' said Lina. Whenever he hangs out with Jheong Woo, he comes after drinking alcohol and becomes uncontrollable. This is why she just told him not to go. She knows that she couldn't stop him from doing this. All she could do is just give advice.