5 eight: It's time for payback

"Yeon Hoon-sshi! Where are you?" Lina was searching for him but she doesn't know that he was not there. He left from there a while ago. But Lina couldn't understand why he was acting weird and why he left. Maybe he was angry on her. So, she called Yeon Hoon but he didn't answer her call. Lina was worried but she has to go home. As she bought some vegetables and fruits, she has to carry them home. She thought about the moment she falls. Her dress got wet by the juice and as her dress was off-white-colored, the stains of orange juice set on her dress. She noticed it and felt sad. It was one of her favorite dresses. So, she felt disappointed though she can't do anything right now. She walked home alone in the dark and almost blank street. She was thinking about the moment in the shopping mall. How could she become that careless? If Yeon Hoon was not there, then what would happen? Everyone was laughing at her silently. It was Yeon Hoon who saved her and she didn't get hurt. But it was very embarrassing. She should be more careful. But after that Yeon Hoon was behaving strange. Maybe he was embarrassed too. She looked at her dress and sighed.

"Ah! How could it get off?" she was very disappointed and walking slowly. Her home was not far from the shopping mall but she took half an hour to reached home. She noticed that the door was still locked from outside which means Dae Ju has not returned yet. She took her purse and search for the keys but alas! She forgot the key inside when she went out in the morning. She wants to go inside but she couldn't as she forgot the key. She couldn't understand what she should do right now. She remembered about Dae Ju. She called him but he didn't pick up her call. She called him again but it's in vain.

"Where did he go? Why is didn't come back yet?" Lina was talking with herself. In the meantime, Dae Ju was in the police station and as he was explaining everything, he didn't notice that his phone was vibrating in his pocket. When he came out from the police station, Lina gave up calling him and she was waiting outside by standing in front of her house.

Dae Ju and Jheong Woo start walking slowly. It was quite dark and there were no people other than them. Almost all the shops have been closed and that's why the road was darker.

"Why you do that every time?" Jheong Woo asked him and smiled.

"What?" the sudden question went up from Dae Head and he asked to be sure.

"I noticed you. Whenever you talk with detective Park, you behave strangely." Jheong Woo said.

"What do you mean by strange?" Dae Ju was surprised.

"I mean, whenever you talk with him, you don't act like you normally do. You always shout at me whenever you open your mouth but in front of him, you are like you afraid of him." Jheong Woo cleared himself.

"No! It's not like what you are thinking. I just respect him and that's why I tried to keep him happy. I don't want that he will be upset because of me. I just try to make him happy so that he will support me. Nothing else!" Dae Ju replied.

"Ah! But, you make him angry instead of happy." Jheong Woo understood him.

"What do you think? Will he help me?" asked Dae Ju. He was uncertain about his future so he just wants to comfort his heart.

"I don't know. Maybe he will or maybe not! You should prepare for both!" Jheong Woo said but it's not the right answer Dae Ju wanted to.

"Prepare? For what?" seems like he has a lot of things to learn from Jheong Woo.

"If he comes to help you, you should assist him and do whatever he told you to. But If he doesn't, then you have to fight alone!" Jheong Woo was giving him free advice and Dae Ju was taking it without understanding. He looked at him with a confused face.

"Ah! You haven't learned anything yet!" Jheong Woo sighed.

"Eh-he! Don't say something like that! I am elder than you, don't you know that?" Dad Ju was proving that he was quite mature though it was false. He was known as fake maknae(youngest in the group) for his strange behavior and lack of maturity. But, he always showed that towards others because he was proud of his younger members and as he loved them too much he let them show their talent. And also, whenever he does the weird act, the teammates have fun and seeing them laughing heals his tiredness all day.

"Oh! Ajusshi!" Jheong Woo was making fun of him but with a serious face.

"Hey! I am not that old! This guy!" shouted Dae Ju in his style. When they were walking on the street, they noticed a car was coming to them from their back. So they moved aside and let it go but it didn't cross them. So, they start walking again and noticed that the car started to move again. They stopped and go one side of the road. After a few minutes, they understood that the car was actually following them. They looked at each other with a fearsome face. Then, both of them read each other's eyes and start walking fast together. The car was moving slowly but it also increased its speed to follow them. They were walking more speed to leave the car back but as man can't defeat his own discoveries, they also couldn't defeat the car. Dae Ju looked at Jheong Woo and gestured him to stop. When both of them stopped, the car stopped

automatically. Dae Ju went to the car to check if it was really following them or not.

*KNOCK KNOCK* Dae Ju hot on the window of the car. It was seen that a girl was sitting inside and driving the car. At that time, Jheong Woo was also standing beside Dae Ju. A girl opened the glass and Dae Ju saw that it was Soo Mi. Seeing her, he understood that she was following him and he know the reason now.

"Ah! It's you! That's why I wondered who will follow me in this time!" Dae Ju was about to leave but Soo Mi grabbed his shirt and didn't let him go.

"Who-o a-are y-you?" asked Jheong Woo to the girl as he never saw her before. She was in a red jacket. Her white shirt was seen as the buttons of her jacket were opened. She has pretty eyes and a sharp nose. She was beautiful with her savage nature.

"Ask your dear friend!" Soo Mi answered savagely.

"Hey! Leave me! I am not running away!" Dae Ju shouted while trying to escape.

"Oh, really? You are not running away?" she acts like normal but she was not.

"Yes, I am not! Now, please let me go!" Dae Ju was still trying to escape from her grab. Soo Mi leaves his shirt and came out from the car. Dae Ju was feeling guilty as he couldn't manage the money yet.

"Oppa! Until when you will do this? Do you know how I had to suffer for you? When will you pay me back? My brother deposited the money for me but I trusted you and lend you that money. I have to go to Australia because you know, I had a dream to study abroad and now I want money!" her face was not that angry like before. Her eyes were begging to Dae Ju and seeing her this face Jheong Woo felt pity for her.

"Why you didn't pay her yet?" asked Jheong Woo. He had no idea how much the guy lent from her.

"I can't ask my brother for more money as he gives me before. I don't need the interests. I just want the right amount I gave you. I need them within seven days. And if you failed to give me that within seven days, I will surely go to my brother and tell him about you. You left me no other choice!" said Soo Mi with her angry but also sad voice.

"How much I need to pay?" Dae Ju was looking down and now he looked at her and said slowly.

"As you paid 70 percent, you need to pay more than 30 lakh won." Soo Mi replied simply.

"What did you just say? T-t-thirty what?" Jheong Woo astonished by hearing her.

"What?" Dae Ju was also surprised. He knew that he took a lot of money but he couldn't guess it will be this much! And if he wanted to calculate, this guy took 1 crore won in total! No way! What did he do with that much money! And he doesn't have even a penny of them now! Dae Ju gets more surprised the more he thinks about it.

"Okay, let me repeat that! I took a crores won from you and I already paid you 70 lakhs. Didn't I?" Dae Ju wanted to be sure. Jheong Woo lost his words and he just stands like a statue.

"Hmm." Soo Mi replied.

"Okay, I got it! It's not a that big problem! I can pay you! I can?" Dae Ju couldn't understand what he should do now.

"But, did you ever think how I paid you?" asked Dae Ju because he wondered too.

"I don't know. You gave me and I took it. I didn't think about it!" Soo Mi said.

"Ah! Do you need money? You will get it. But, give me some more time, okay?" Dae Ju was talking like he is a robot.

"I told you I have a flight after seven days! So, I can't! Do whatever you want but I need money! If you failed, I will..." she couldn't finish her line.

"I got it! I will be dead! And I deserve it! Yes, sure! Tell about me to your brother! Dae Ju was so confused that he didn't know what he was telling her. Jheong Woo was surprised and he looked at him but couldn't say anything. Soo Mi smiled and came to Dae Ju. She extended her both hands towards him but Dae Ju moved as he guessed what she was going to do. But she was stubborn and she will do whatever she wanted to. So, she went close to Dae Ju once again but she was so fast that Dae Ju couldn't take any action. She holds his cheeks with her hand and kissed Dae Ju on his lips. Then she leaves him but she was so fast that Jheong Woo couldn't understand what she did in front of his eyes. But Dae Ju feels disgusted and he started to wipe his lips with his sleeve.

"What are you doing? I told you you will get your money! Now, please leave!" said Dae Ju with an arrogant face.

"Okay, I will look forward to you." she smiled once again and went to her car. Her back was attractive too but Dae Ju was not interested in her at all. He felt like he will vomit and he keeps wiping his lips. Soo Mi gets in her car and slowly she moved frontwards. Jheong Woo still couldn't understand what just happened and he looked at Dae Ju with questionable eyes. But when he saw his friend he realized and was astonished. Suddenly Dae Ju's phone starts vibrating and this time he feels it. He took the phone and saw that Lina called him fifteen times. As Jheong Woo was just beside him, he saw it too and they looked at each other with suspicious eyes. He called back but this time her number was not reachable. Both of them got afraid if something happened to her. They rushed to Dae Ju's home.