5 nine: Will the face reveal?

Lina was standing in front of her house and a man was standing next to her. He was seen as the chairman of Dae Ju's company. They were talking with each other and seems like they were gossiping with each other. Dae Ju and Jheong Woo were coming and they were in a rush. Dae Ju saw Lina from far and he saw the man too but he couldn't recognize her as he was far from them. But he could guess the person by his shape and got afraid. Dae Ju and Jheong Woo looked at each other. Dae Ju's eyes were fearsome but Jheong Woo's eyes were curious. Both of them went to Lina as soon as possible and as Dae Ju feared, it was the chairman. Dae Ju remembered about the detective and tried to act normal.

"Ah! Mr. Director! Hello!" Dae Ju said with a very normal voice. He was good at acting so it wasn't hard for him to act normal.

"Hello! Where did you go? Why you are so late?" the director was asking smilingly. But hearing Mr. Director from Dae Ju's mouth, Jheong Woo astonished but he stayed silent. He looked at Dae Ju and was surprised by seeing how he was acting as nothing happened. He looked at the chairman when he talked and then he turned his face to Dae Ju when he talked.

"I just went to hang out with my friend." Dae Ju smiled and replied.

"You should not go there!" the director was pointing at something and seems like Dae Ju got it.

"Yes?" he acted like didn't understand anything and asked.

"I mean, you should not go anywhere. Look! How my daughter was suffering because you are late?" Lina told him why she was standing out and the director told Dae Ju about it. Since Dae Ju didn't know anything about it, he was surprised.

"What?" curiously asked Dae Ju.

"What happened to your phone? Why you didn't pick up my calls?" Lina asked with an angry face.

"Ah! Sorry! I was in..." he was finding an answer and everyone was looking at him.

"I was in Karaoke!" Dae Ju smiled nervously.

"Yes, we were in Karaoke maybe that's why we didn't listen to the ringtone." Jheong Woo also joined him and smiled. Lina was looking angrier and she looked at Jheong Woo. Her scary face scared Jheong Woo and he looked at the floor.

"Ah! You were at Karaoke? Which songs did you sing? How many scores did you get? Next time call me I will join you too!" the director said and he was looking like he was relieved by hearing the answer and he also smiled.

"How many times I told you not to go there(looking at Dae Ju)? And you (looking at Jheong Woo)! I told you not to support him in these kinds of things! Don't you know in which condition he is in?" she was looking too scary when she was telling this.

"Yes, I am sorry!" Jheong Woo was sorry because he doesn't have anything else to say.

"By the way, are you his friend?" the director asked to Jheong Woo.

"Yes, My name is Jheong Woo." he looked at the director but he couldn't look at him for long. The street was manless. There were just four people who were standing beside a house. As the lights of the street were on, the road was not that dark. And everyone could see the rage on Lina's face.

"I will leave now." saying this he left from there slowly.

"By the way, why you are standing outside?" Dae Ju was hesitating while asking this. He guessed something must go wrong but he couldn't guess the right thing.

"I forgot the key inside and I can't go inside now." her anger level went down.

"Ah! That's why you called me? I thought you were missing me." he was joking.

"Is it funny to you? Do you know since when I am standing here like this?" Lina was angry but her voice was calmed.

"Since when?" Dae Ju looked at the ground and asked with a guilty voice.

"Forget it! Give me the key!" Lina extended her hand towards him.

"I am going!" Jheong Woo also goodbye them and left from there. Dae Ju put his hands in his pocket to search for the key but when he pulled out his hand, it was empty. He acted like he has the key and he put his empty hand on Lina's hand as he was giving the key to Lina. When he pulled his hands back and Lina saw there was nothing, she gets angrier. She looked at Dae Ju but didn't say anything.

"Hahaha! I fooled you!" Dae Ju was laughing but as Lina was not in the mood she kept silent and took her things which she bought a while ago.

"Can you please open the door?" she acted calm but actually she was not. She was waiting for an hour at the outside of the door and that's why her patience level broke and she couldn't control herself.

"Okay, okay. Let me open it for you, my queen!" when Dae Ju saw that Lina's mood was not changing, he took the key and opened the door. But hearing him, Lina stand still and to be sure she asked, "What did you just say?"

"Nothing!" Dae Ju answered because he realized what he said just now and he also realized that he shouldn't say that. Both of them entered inside and it was clean from before as Lina cleaned the house in the morning. She went to the kitchen and keep the vegetables and fruits in the fridge. Dae Ju went to the living room and sat down on the couch. He took his phone. Though it showing that it needs to be charged he opened the news page and there was much news. He was scrolling the news feed and suddenly a piece of news stuck in his eyes. He tapped on the caption named *Kang Yeon Hoon is dating with someone?* There was a video clip in which Dae Ju could see that a girl and Yeon Hoon were entering a super shop together. He was walking in front and the girl was shopping. As they blurred the girl's face, it couldn't be understand who was she but Dae Ju could understand and he felt upset. But he felt angry when he watch the full video. He saw that the girl slipped and the boy came to save her but he fall on the ground and the girl fall on him. He went to the kitchen and searched for Lina but she wasn't there.

"Lina-ah!" he shouted by her name and hearing her name, she came to Dae Ju as she wasn't far from there.

"What?" she asked and she has no idea about the reason Dae Ju called him like this.

"What is this?" Dae Ju replayed the video and showed it to Lina. Lina got astonished because she couldn't even guess that someone was following them from their back. And they were being caught on camera. But right now, Lina couldn't say anything because she had no answer to give Dae Ju. She looked at the floor with her guilty face.

"That's why I told you not to stay with him! But, you didn't listen to me! What do you think your face will not reveal? Someone has the original clip and they will reveal your face publicly. Could you imagine what will happen after that? Oh! You can't! You can't even imagine about that! But I know what will happen to you and that boy! He will be banned from his agency and he could never become an idol again! And about you! People will follow your every step! Where you will go, what you will do and everything! It will not enough! They will make your life into hell and you can't live peacefully!" Dae Ju was telling these loudly and continuously as if he experienced it before. Though he didn't experience it he saw an idol before and gained experience from there. And that's why he was worried about Lina.

"I am sorry! I should listen to you." Lina burst into tears when she thinks about happening those which Dae Ju explained to her. Seeing her crying, Dae Ju became soft and he went close to her.

"Don't cry. Let me think about it." he pat on her shoulder and console her. Lina hugged him suddenly while crying. Dae Ju was surprised as he didn't expect that from her. He couldn't understand what he should do right then. Should he condole her or scold her once more? He tried to hold her back but he was hesitating to touch her intimately. His heart starts beating fast once again and he couldn't control it.

"I didn't know this will happen." She said but it was an uncleared voice as she hid her face on Dae Ju's chest. Dae Ju touched her back after finishing a little war in his mind and said,

"It's okay. Now, you can understand. Don't you?"

"Hmm." she moved her head affirmatively.

"Let me show who did this. I will catch him or her and fix everything. Okay?" he sounds adorable like he was adoring his pet. But he couldn't do anything to his heart and it continued beating fast. Lina spares him and moved aside. She calmed down and wiped her face. Now she was thinking what she just did. She was thankful to him that he showed him the clip. If he didn't, maybe she will continue meeting with Yeon Hoon and something serious could happen. So, she decided not to meet with him again. She will stop talking with him too. What if his agency eliminate him and he couldn't able to sing again? Can he stay alive? He loves music more than his own life. So, he should be careful too and for his sake, she will not meet him again. Dae Ju was going to upstairs but Lina called him,



"Will he be banned really? Can't we change it?" she asked slowly.

"Hey! You! You are still thinking about him! Ah! This girl! You should think about yourself!" Dae Ju was talking in his style.

"No! I just asked if...You know, his life is music and he can't live without it." Lina said with a very low voice. Hearing her, he gets worried because he was like that too. But now, he has to live his life without music. He couldn't write even a single song in these two month. If it was his original day, he would have written more than six songs though most of them would in his trash list. But he loves to write lyrics and make the music tones. He thought earlier that maybe he can't survive if music went away from his life but now his mind changed. Though it's the most likable thing it can't snatch his life from him. Maybe he will disappoint but he will learn to leave without it. People have to learn to live without the most precious things.

"He will be okay. Don't worry too much," he replied slowly and went upstairs. It's time to take bath but he was not in the mood. He was too sleepy and he lied on the bed. He was thinking about the whole day. It was not an easy day. It was a day with such tiredness and full of tension. First, he had to worry about the strange guy who tried to kill him, then it came to the director. He was suspicious and he really came to Lina for some purpose but Dae Ju couldn't get it. And also, he has to pay 30 lakh won to Soo Mi and he doesn't know where he will get the money. And lastly, he saw the clip of Lina. He told her that he will fix everything but how he doesn't know. He sighed and said,

"Why there is too much thing to worry about? That's why this guy left his body to an evil!"

"I want to go back as soon as possible! I can't stay here anymore! Ah! How could I fix everything?" said he in his mind. Within a few minutes, he falls asleep while thinking about the problems.