132: Some mysteries remain unsolved

"What did you just say?" Dae Ju looked at Lina with his shocking face.

"Why you did that to them? They did nothing wrong!" Lina started crying loudly. But there was no reply for her from the old guy. Dae Ju was confused and curious. He looked at Lina but he could understand that she was not in the position of answering him.

"Why? Why you did that?" she was crying louder than before. The criminal was silent as if he was accepting his crime to her.

"Did you really kill them for the f**ing company?" Dae Ju got angry with him.

"They find out about me," he replied slowly. Lina gets up from her seat and went to him. She holds his collar and went to punch him though it could not harm him. She was shouting loudly by saying that,

"WHY DO YOU NEED TO KILL THEM? WHY? WHY? WHY?" she sat down on the floor as she couldn't hit him. Dae Ju went to her and hold her to console her. He helped her to stand up.

"It was all my fault! It really was! I thought I am not responsible for that! But, I am!" she was crying. Dae Ju hugged her to console her though it didn't help much.

"Where is that jerk right now?" Dae Ju asked coldly.

"It was you. Didn't it?" he smiled like a villain of any superhero movie.

"Answer my question first!" Dae Ju shouted.

"I am sure about you now. Really, nowadays, we can't trust anyone," he replied very gently.

"WHERE THE HELL IS SEUNG MANG?" Dae Ju shouted very loudly.

"I don't know. You are very intelligent! I think you can find him out!" he replied as if it was nothing.

"Okay! I will find him out!" he was still holding Lina who was still dropping her tears.

"Your time is over! Please come outside." Mr. Park was watching over them from the beginning and he saw what happened inside the room. Dae Ju came outside with Lina. He holds her tightly.

"Lina-sshi! I heard everything. Can you please tell us what you know?" Mr. Park said to her.

"Please! She is not in a good situation. She will tell later." Dae Ju replied.

"No! I am fine! I will tell everything to you." Lina replied.

"Then come here and seat." he showed the chairs and said. Lina exceeded herself and wiped her eyes well. Her eyes turned red. Her nose, cheeks, everything was red.

"Please tell us what you were saying to him." Mr. Park requested her.

"It was five years ago. I was living my life with my parents peacefully. One day I met him." She pointed at Dae Ju.

"I never thought I will meet him here. That's why it was a lucky day for me. As we know each other from earlier, I could get a chance to spend all day with him but when I was returning to my home, he asked me if he should leave me home or not. I said I can go alone. When I was returning home, I met him in the street in a poor condition. As I know saw him before with my dad, I went to help him. He nearly has a heart attack and seeing him like that, I can't stay any longer. I took him to the hospital and saved his life." saying this far, she stopped and sighed.

"Then?" Mr. Park asked. As Dae Ju has no idea he kept quiet and listen to her carefully.

"After that day, he had to admit in hospital for several days and I used to visit him almost every day. I don't know why but I thought he was a good person. He was not very rich but he was decent. I met his son there. He was a nice guy too. In a very short time, I and Mr. Chairman got close with each other. He used to call me his daughter since then. Everything was going alright but one day...." she stopped and couldn't continue.

"What? Please tell us! Don't hesitate." Mr. Park was very gentle with her.

"He proposed me," Lina replied and gulped. Seems like she was in a big shock.

"What? That old guy? How dare he?" Dae Ju became aggressive.

"No! No! It's not like what you are understanding! He proposed to me for his son. He asked if I can marry his son or not." Lina makes them understand.

"His son? But you told that you don't know him!" Dae Ju was surprised.

"I don't know him. Not that son. He has another son. I knew that one!" Lina replied.

"Oh! Do you know how he looks like? Where he lives now?" Dae Ju asked her with shocked eyes.

"How far I know...he is now at Gangnam," Lina replied.

"Gangnam!" Mr. Park looked at Dae Ju. Both of them were surprised and kept looking at each other.

"Okay, we will hear about him later. But, you should continue." Mr. Park gets prepared for listening more.

"I rejected him because of him." Lina pointed at Dae Ju and said.

"Did he know the reason why you refused him?" Mr. Park asked.

"Yes, I told him. He said it's okay back then but I didn't know why he wanted me as his daughter-in-law. I thought he likes me but I didn't know he just wanted the company from my dad. He was my dad's old partner." Lina sighed.

"Ah! After that, did he harras you by any chance?" Mr. Park asked.

"No! Never! That's why I never thought of him as a bad person." Lina replied.

"He just make it in his own way." Dae Ju sighed.

"Why did he left being your father's partner?" Mr. Park asked curiously.

"I didn't know. Dad never tell me about it." Lina replied. Her face was full of worries.

"Okay, we will find out what happened." Mr. Park assured her.

"I know! They have a huge quarrel with each other for some reason. As her father owns the highest percentage of the share, he couldn't defeat Lina's father. That's why he left the company and took his all ownership from the company." Dae Ju replied though he doesn't know anything, he just remembered some of it and said to the detective.

"Then, it was revenge. At first, he wanted to use her. But when he saw it's not gonna work, he sends his spy in your company to get all the information that he didn't have. Then, he played his game." Mr. Park replied.

"Hmm. And when my dad guessed what happened, he told her dad and they wanted to get it again. They were gonna complain it to police which he was aware of." Dae Ju said while thinking.

"That's why he had to kill all of them. But the question is....who was the spy that helped him." Mr. Park wanted to know.

"I saw his face but I can't remember him." Dae Ju tried to remember but he couldn't.

"Maybe I know who it was," Lina replied.

"But, where is his second son whom you have arrested?" Dae Ju didn't pay attention to Lina and asked.

"He is inside. Why?" the detective asked.

"I think he is innocent. So, you should let him go." Dae Ju replied.

"Huh! Don't judge anyone by your emotions!" Mr. Park glared at him and said.

"Believe me! You won't find any evidence against him. So, why you would lock him in jail? I know him. He is not like his father. He is just a little stupid and that's why his dad doesn't like him. Didn't you see what he did when you were arresting the chairman?" Dae Ju asked and looked at him.

"I know! But still, I have to search more! When I will think it's time for letting him go, I will! You can count on me!" Mr. Park answered savagely.

"Thank you! I will count on you!" Dae Ju smiled.

"Lina-sshi! I recorded everything you just said. I will make him accept his guilt no matter what! We will punish him in a harder way. Don't be so down." Mr. Park looked at Lina and said. Lina was feeling disappointed so she didn't reply anything. She just shook her head positively.

"Can you come to the court in this date? We need your statement there too." He looked at Lina and asked by showing her a paper. There was a date on the paper which was a week later from the present. Mr. Park showed it and asked.

"Okay," she looked at Dae Ju.

"You need to come too. Because your statement is more important," he said by looking at Dae Ju.

"But, you recorded everything, so why you are gonna need us?" Dae Ju asked.

"Don't question. Just do what I said," said Mr. Park and went to his work. Dae Ju stood up and seeing him, Lina also stood up. They went to leave the place.

"Wait!" Mr. Park stopped them. Both of them stopped and sit down again.

"Lina-sshi! You were saying that you know his other son. Can you explain how he was looking like?" Mr. Park asked.

"Ah! I saw him a couple of time but I don't remember his face. But I can recognize him just if I see him somewhere." Lina replied.

"Do you know his name?" he asked her again.

"His name was Ba.....No! Bae...." suddenly she can't remember his name.

"Hmm?" Mr. Park and Dae Ju looked at her curiously.

"Ah! I can't remember," she replied.

"Okay, thanks! We will call you if we need you." saying this Mr. Park permitted them to go home. Both of them left from there. Lina was very upset. She could never imagine it would cost that much. And she also couldn't think that this guy can go that down!

"I have always trusted to that guy who killed my parents!" Lina laughed. Dae Ju looked at her. Her smile was fake. She was hurt from inside. Someone just stabbed her and she laughed because she believes on him so much. Maybe it would not hurt more if he killed her instead of her parents.

"It's not your fault! The man was too clever!" Dae Ju said. Both of them were walking on the street. The street was not that dark but there was no one. The two of them were walking beside each other.

"Why I can't become his favorite?" Lina stopped walking and asked.

"What?" Dae Ju was surprised.

"In our religion, people say that the almighty take those persons from earth who became his favourite. Because he can't see them by getting hurt in this cruel world. Then, Why he didn't choose me until now? What sin did I do?" Lina got teary eyes again.

"Ei! Don't say such things! I know how you feel. But, don't say something like that. He just do whatever he wanted to. We can't change it, we have to just live and follow our destiny." Dae Ju replied with a very soft voice.

"Do you know what hurt me most? I thought it was an accident for this long! But, they have been murdered! And that's because of me! If I didn't be that greedy! If I accepted his proposal and did not marry you, they would've been alive! It was all my fault! How can I forgive myself?" she cried out again. Dae Ju stopped and went to her and hugged her to make her feel better.

"It wasn't your fault. It was because they were nice people and they have become favorites to God." Dae Ju replied.

"They went away because it was their destiny. And our destiny was to live our lives without them." Dae Ju was trying to console her. What if the real Rumi was here and heard everything? Would he be that nice to her? How can he? He also got hurt because his parents also died. Though Dae Ju felt bad for them, they were not his parents and that's why he can console her. But who would console the original Rumi? Dae Ju was disappointed too while thinking about it.

"Oh! I remember the name! Yes! I remember!" Lina shouted suddenly.

"What? Which name?" Dae Ju asked. He was holding her. He let her go from his grab and looked at her.

"It was Baek Kyung! The chairman's son!" she wiped her cheeks and said.