133: When the past attack

"What? Baek Kyung? Did you just say Baek Kyung? He is chairman's son?" Dae Ju got a shock.

"Yes, why?" Lina asked being confused.

"No! Never mind!" suddenly he couldn't process his mind. Seems like he didn't hear what she said.

"A-are y-you sure?" Dae Ju asked again hesitatingly.

"Yes, why? Do you know him?" Lina asked being curious.

"Ah! Maybe! Maybe not!" Dae Ju smiled because he couldn't believe his ears yet.

"Why you are acting like this?" Lina asked him. Seems like she has to console him now.

"You said you can recognize him by seeing his face, right? Then..." saying this he took out his phone from his pocket.

"Was it this guy?" he showed a picture and asked.

"Yes, you are right. But why you have his photo on your phone?" Lina asked being surprised.

"Take a look carefully. Are you sure it was him?" Dae Ju said again and he was expecting the answer as no. But Lina kept saying it was this guy. Dae Ju felt disappointed as he can't accept the truth.

"Should we go to the station again?" Lina asked.

"Ah! It's late. Let's go to home for now." Dae Ju was disappointed and he doesn't want to go to the police again. Because he can't believe his friend whom he was searching for, is a criminal's son and maybe he is a criminal too. Both of them were walking and waiting for a taxi but there was no taxi on the road. Some taxis passed by but they have passengers from before. Lina and Dae Ju were silent. Nobody was talking or they just don't feel like talking anymore. After some time of walking silently, they found a taxi and got inside of it. Lina was looking at the window which was beside her. Dae Ju was also doing the same. Looks like they quarreled with each other and they don't want to see each other's face.

Soon they reached home. Both of them have a heart like a stone. Lina was thirsty but she doesn't drink cold water as she got cold easily. She went to the kitchen and bring some water. She sat on the couch and pour some water into her mouth but she was noticing that Dae Ju was going to upstairs without any words. She looked at him with her mouthful of water.

"Umm!" she called him. But seems like he doesn't notice it. He went upstairs silently. Lina also went to upstairs with the bottle of water. He wasn't in his room so she thought he must be on the roof. So she went to the rooftop and found himself. He was sitting on the big bench. He was looking very sad.

"Wanna drink water?" Lina asked and wanted to give the bottle. Dae Ju was feeling thirsty but he has not felt like drinking. Still, he took the bottle and drink some water.

"Ah! It's not cold! I need cold water." Dae Ju said. He often drinks cold water but this time he wants to send her away. That's why he asked for cold water.

"I will bring it!" saying this she went to downstairs. Dae Ju was looking at the sky. He wanted to remember everything about his old friend. He was a nice boy. Handsome, taller than him. He could sing very well though he can't dance well. He was sweet, kind, honest. Then, what happened to him? Was it really him? No, it can't be. He can't be the son of that jerk! And if he is, he can't assist him in crime. He doesn't know what to cheat people. Or does he? Dae Ju has no idea.

When he was thinking about him, Lina came with cold water and sat beside him. She gave the bottle without a word and Dae Ju took it silently. Lina could understand he wants to spend time alone. So she left from there. He spent about half an hour sitting on there with doing nothing. He remembered his friend's face again and again. How sweetly he used to talk! After some time, he stood up and came down. He thought he spent a lot of time by sitting alone. But when someone wants to spend time, time doesn't fly for him. Dae Ju also wanted to spend time with doing nothing. So, he thought he spent quite a lot of time but actually, it was not like that. He came down. When he was going to his room he saw Lina was sitting on the stairs. Dae Ju was standing on the top of the stairs and Lina was sitting at the bottom of the stairs. That's why she didn't notice him. She was wiping her face continuously. Seeing this, Dae Ju understands that she was crying. He slowly went to her without doing any sounds. He sat down beside her and noticing his footsteps, Lina sat down properly and wiped her face again. She didn't look at him and she wanted to hide her face from him.

"Are you okay now?" she gave a fake smile and said.

"We should console each other, right?" saying this he holds her hand. She looked at him but didn't reply to him. There was a small light on their head. And by getting light, the tears which have been dropped and she wanted to wipe but couldn't wipe properly was blinking. They were looking like pearls on her face.

"Let them flow." saying this he holds her cheeks and wiped the tears.

"What should I do now? Should I prison myself? I was too greedy. Why I was too greedy? What I gained with my greed?" she dropped her tears again. Dae Ju hugged her and make her lean on him.

"I know how you feel. I know!" he said.

"What should I do?" Lina kept saying this while crying. Dae Ju put his hand on her back and pat slowly.

"It was all my fault. They had to face the dangerous death just for me! I can't forget those scary faces! How scary they were looking! How terrible it must be for them! How much they have to suffer! Just because of me!" she was crying and saying.

"No! It's not true!" Dae Ju wanted to console her.

"How? How are you so calm? Hit me! Beat me! I am the sinner! I don't deserve a life! Kill me!" suddenly she gets up and shouted while saying this. She holds his hand and tried to slap on her face with his hand but Dae Ju stopped.

"Hey! What are you doing? Stop it!" Dae Ju holds her shoulder and tried to stop her. She sat on the floor while crying. Dae Ju wanted to make her stood up but when he went to touch her, she hit him and said,

"No! Don't come close to me! I am a murderer!" saying this she ran to upstairs. Dae Ju followed her and ran to upstairs. She wanted to close the door but Dae Ju holds the door and pushed it so that she can't close it. After a little war between the two of them, Dae Ju wins and he went inside.

"Please! Stop now! Please!" saying this he holds her and grabs her fully so that she can't take any other step. And she didn't do anything else. She stayed calm and kept shedding her tears by hiding her face on his chest. Dae Ju holds her tightly. His eyes were also filled with water. He kissed her head. He remembered those faces too. How they were suffering out of pain. How they took their last breath in front of them. How the environment got heavy by their scream. It was really dangerous. Dae Ju felt angry on the killer. He has to find Seung Mang and give him a proper punishment for what he did. It's hard for him to watch her crying like this. Though it was not her fault, anyone would do the same. If he was in her place, he would've done the same. That's why he decided, he will try his best to find out the jerk and he will kill him with his own hand no matter if he should go to jail. But one thing he wanted to do right then was, go to that guy who ordered him to kill them and beat him until he faced his death. Though he was thinking, he was calm because he has to keep patience. After some time, when Lina calmed down properly, Dae Ju leaves her and hold her face. Her face turned red like a tomato. He wiped her cheeks one more time. Her nose was runny too.

"Go and wash your face. You are looking ugly." Dae Ju said and laughed. But seems like Lina didn't get his joke and went to the washroom slowly. Dae Ju was surprised though he shouldn't. He never saw her like this and till he could remember this guy didn't saw her like that too.

After she came out by washing her face, she was looking like she just came from heaven. Dae Ju looked at her face and suddenly he forgot all the things he was worried about. He kept looking at her but when she came close to him, he noticed her face has been swollen and it turned pale. It was red a while ago. She kept touching her forehead.

"Are you okay?" Dae Ju came to her and asked.

"Hmm. Just a little headache," she replied. Her voice was broken so she can't talk loudly.

"Okay, take a seat. I will message it for you." he makes her sit down.

"No! I am fine! Let's sleep! It's too late now." she replied gently.

"No! I should do a message. It will help you to relax and got a good sleep. I know, you can't sleep after what happened today." Dae Ju said and start messaging her forehead. Lina was sitting quietly. The memories which she wanted to forget, kept haunting her as she thinks it was all her fault.

Dae Ju makes her fall asleep. He was holding her all the time. When he noticed, she falls asleep, he gets up slowly. He came to the table and took out her diary once more. He wrote something on her diary again and closed it. He has a lot to say to her but he can't explain those on some white paper. The rooftop became his favorite place and he went there for the third time that day. Whenever he felt down, he came here and sit on that bench doing nothing. Though it can't help him to forget everything, it worked for some time.

He remembered what that guy said to him. How can he choose one? He knows his parents, his brothers, his fans, everyone is waiting for him. They are expecting that one day he will wake up and went back to them. But who will take care of this poor girl if he went back? She is in pain and she needs someone who will take care of her. She has no one. Whomever she trusted, they deceived her and that's why she is more broken. There is nobody who can assemble the pieces of her heart and can heal the heart with warmth. Dae Ju decided what he needs to do and he will do it no matter what.

He came downstairs and sat beside her again. He touched her head, face, eyes, lips. He moved the hairs which were on her face to disturb her. He kept looking at her. He went close to her and kissed her forehead.

"Though you don't know me, I must protect you," he said.

"You don't know who I am. But I know who you are and what I must have to do.

You teach me so many things which I wasn't aware of. I am grateful that I met you and I love you. I don't know if you live the original me or not. I hope you will love my true self one day. And with this hope, I will remain by your side till I can." Dae Ju said again.