Hey! Hit here,

I just want to answer some questions and comments that some of you guys are asking, and some that I want to clarify.

So, hope that these answers will satisfy you guys, because I know some will not like the answer, But hey, you all are entitled to have your own opinions.

This chapter is not edited so, so you will find lots of grammatical mistakes, please ignore them.

I will upload the next chapter tomorrow.


[1] Why choose peace type in pirates?

Ans - Well, the choice of peace and morganeer type was only there to select what type of mission he will get.

Morganeer example -

[[type: normal quest]


[You have to raid this island

[Kill the villagers that will fight you]


[Bonus Objectives:

1. Destroy the village.

2. Take all women as a slave.

3. Complete the objectives without transforming]


[ Main Reward: 1 Skill Point

Bonus Reward 1: 1 Skill Point

Bonus Reward 2: 1 Skill Point

Bonus Reward 3: 2 Skill Points]


And Peace type -

[[type: normal quest]


[Your ship is going to get attacked by the marines]

[ Defeats all the marine (0/30)]


[Bonus Objectives:

1. Defeat all the marines without using your personal weapon

2. Kill all the enemy

3. Kill the enemy without transforming]


[ Main Reward: 1 Skill Point

Bonus Reward 1: 1 Skill Point

Bonus Reward 2: 1 Skill Point

Bonus Reward 3: 2 Skill Points]

Hope this clears up the confusion that Leo is going to be a hero.


[2] Why not choose logia?

Ans - First I want to say, I have read a lot of one-piece fanfiction with Logia fruit, some were good, some were bad, and a few were really great.

So, if I choose these logia like wind, metal, or cloud, I know that I will write almost the same moves, and fruit development as those fanfiction.

Wind One - No physical improvement, no healing factor, almost no enhancement of physical parameters, it only gives wind manipulation, and Logia intangibility.

So, good fruit but not op level, what makes it op is the author.

So, for me, it is a high-tier Logia Devil fruit at the same level as flame fruit.

And before anyone says that you can create a vacuum with this to defeat any enemies.

Please use the thing that you have mostly turned off, and I mean your brain dumbass, because it sounds dumb, like it would be easy to just create a vacuum on a planet, as you just have to empty the air in that space by controlling that air while also preventing the nearby air from filling the gap, super easy that anyone with wind manipulation can do.

And, if you have done that, then first congratulations, and now your opponent should be dumb enough to not leave that area, right?


Metal One -I don't know about you guys, I will not choose this fruit, reason 'Kidd' yeah the guy with a magnetic fruit.

Now, before some of you jump like a monkey in the comments section saying something like not all metals are not magnetic or some things,

Yeah, but they are all weak like aluminum, brass, copper, gold, lead, or silver, and to make them strong if you add iron or any other strong metal they will become magnetic.

And most metal will break easily by any with strong attacking power.

So, for me, it is a mid-tier logia devil fruit.


Cloud One - No physical improvement, no healing factor, almost no enhancement of physical parameters, it gives cloud manipulation like ash cloud, the thunder cloud, snow cloud, etc, and Logia intangibility.

So, a High-tier logia devil fruit for me.


Dense fruit - a truly OP fruit, with one disadvantage it is very difficult to master.

The only reason I didn't choose this fruit is that I have seen multiple fanfictions with this fruit.


And now The Neamen Lion fruit - A fruit that I have only seen in one fanfic and that too was dropped at ch3.

A fruit that is weak from your standard, like it, only makes you immune to almost all types of damage without haki, and even with haki it will decrease the damage by 50%,

It only gives you a big boost in physical Parmenter and a healing factor,

As for attacking it has pretty damn weak abilities, like being able to cut through almost anything with his claws, and being able to shoot a beam of concentrated soundwaves.

And it will upgrade when he will awaken his fruit.

Pretty weak right?

And now I have a comment that Leo can die from strangling, I want to ask who wouldn't, anyone that needs to breathe will die from it. So, 🤷‍♂️


[3] Why choose a ship?

Ans - because Leo isn't a person that knows all most everything and can survive anywhere. he doesn't know how to build a boat strong enough to sail in one-piece seas, he doesn't know how to navigate, he doesn't know how to sail a ship,

And that is why he choose a ship as his personal weapon so he can just give a command to sail, and doesn't have to sail it manually.


[4] Why choose Vibration Immunity?

Ans - Because it was Leo's biggest weakness, and I want to not make him too OP in the start by giving him sound manipulation and other great skills,

[And please remember that these skills are not gained from the devil fruit, so Haki, sea, and sea stone will not have any effect on them. so even if the vibration attack has Haki attached to it, it will not affect him.]


[5] Why choose Zoro as a first mate?

Ans - Well it does not have a solid answer, but I just want to ask you if you can gain a crewmate with solid admiral or higher potential, will you leave it so the plot doesn't change, which will change as you would do things,

or you can sit on a remote island, so you don't change the plot of one piece, sounds exciting right,

I hope you guys can write a story in which your Mc stays on an Island without meeting anyone from the plot, and lives a normal life, so the plot doesn't change, so it a like a good story, right?

But still why Zoro or any of the straw hats, no one in the entire one-piece community will like a story in which original straw hats are separated blah blah blah...

Some say you are not creative, why should are writing this trash, etc etc etc.

I have some comments like those in previous chapters.

It was not discouraging or anything, but did I get mad after reading these comments, no I was annoyed by reading some of those comments,

I mean, I know that I am not a creative guy, but still, I am at least trying to not just copy the canon and just make a few changes and be done with it.

Or just make my OC join Straw Hats and write the cannon event with just my character added to it,


And I am done, I can't write more


{Full title-QnA(and me shit talking)

So, yeah that was most of the questions.

That chapter will be updated tomorrow.

Peace out.