Chapter - 37

" " - Speaking

' ' - Thinking

[ ] - System Talking

!! !! - Crew Card


"Sigh, you can see those features yourself," Leo replied while trying not to stare at her face,


!!Binding complete!!

!!Would you like to see your stats!!


"So, will it show my stats like those RPG games, or will it be different from them," Rindou asked him while looking at the screen with interest,

"No, it will not show all your physical stats differently, instead of it, it would show your average physical stats in the form of ranks and your skills mastery," Leo replied while drinking his wine,

"Oh, okay, then yes, please show stats," Rindou replied to the card,


!!Showing Stats!!


Name: Rindou Kobayashi

Authority Level: Main Crew

Post: Chef

Power Level: F-

Devil Fruit: Spicy Spicy Fruit{Mastery- Intermediate(68%)

Haki: Observations Haki{Mastery- Intermediate(50%)}

Skills: Knifemanship{Mastery- Intermediate(89%)}, Cooking {Mastery- Advanced(27%)},


"Oh, it's pretty good, right," Rindou asked him while showing him her stats as she doesn't even know how the ranking works,

"Holy Shit, you have almost all your skills above 50% in Intermediate Mastery," Leo gasped in surprise after seeing her skills mastery,

"So, is it good or bad," Rindou asked with a curious expression on her face,

"Yes, it is a good thing, and in fact, most people don't even reach your level in their skill after training their whole life," Leo praised,

"And you also have a devil fruit, and that too at Intermediate Mastery, simply incredible," Leo continues to praise her after seeing that she has a devil fruit and that too at 68% Intermediate Mastery,

"Can you tell me what your devil fruit does," Leo asked as a curious glint pass through his eyes,

"Of course, It is a Special Paramecia that allows me to create all kinds of spices and sauce, which is great for me," Rindou explain like it is no big deal to have a Special Paramecia,

"Then can you recreate all types of sauce from your previous world," Leo asked with an urgent expression on his face,

"Yeah, I can create almost all kinds of sauce for this world or my previous one," Rindou replied while nodding her head,

"Then how much SH(Scoville Heat) unit sauce can you create," Leo asked with an eager expression on his face,

"Well, I can easily create 1 million Scoville Heat Units in my sauce, and the maximum I could reach now is 16 million Scoville Heat Units with it for now," Rindou answered with a grin on her face,

"That means, you can use pure capsaicin, so you know how dangerous it is," Leo asked with a smile on his face,

"Indeed, even a small dose of 15 grams of pure capsaicin will be able to kill a normal person," Rindou answered with a tiny frown on her face,

"Alright, so now, how much time will you take to settle everything here and start sailing with us," Leo asked with a gentle smile, while trying to change the topic,

"Hmmm, it will at least take me at least 2 days to settle everything here, and then I can start sailing with you," Rindou replied before taking a sip of the wine from her glass,

"Alright, then we will stay on this island for 3 more days, so you can comfortably complete all your work, and I recommend you to read all the instructions in the crew card, so you can find lots of interesting information about this world," Leo said as he gets up from his seat and starts walking towards the door,

"Okay, then can I have your den den mushi number, so I can contact you later," rindou asked with a grin on her face,

"I don't need it, and same with you as you can just call me with this crew card, and no one will be able to even tape our calls, and I will meet you tomorrow morning here again," Leo answered before he opens the door,

"Awww, so you like my food so much that you want to eat it again," Rindou teased while grinning,

"I can't deny that as your food was the best one I ever ate, and I am happy that I will eat that quality of food from now on," Leo replied with a sunny smile on his face,

"If you really want to eat my food that much, then I can be your exclusive chef from now on," Rindou asked in a flirty tone,

But after only hearing the sound of him walking away, Rindou stamped her feet on the ground in frustration before walking toward him,

Meanwhile, Leo was walking away while thinking, 'Why the heck I'm so turned on by this, and I know that she is god damn hot, and the way she spoke was even hotter, but this, it must be the stupid hormones in my teenage body,'

In just a few moments, Leo reached the public dining room where Zoro was sitting on a seat waiting for him,

"Hey, Zoro, I hope I didn't make you wait that long," Leo said while reaching toward him,

"No, I didn't have to wait that long, but she is in the main crew, right," Zoro asked while pointing toward Rindou, that was walking toward them with a pout on her face,

"How did you know that," Leo asked him with a confused face,

'how the fuck did he know that I would make her join the crew,'

"I mean, you only talk to them like that when you find something interesting and then you always want to add them to the crew, but you didn't even answer my question, is she in the main crew or not," Zoro replied while taking a sip from his bottle,

"Indeed, he has a bad habit of not answering the question right away," Rindou said in a teasing voice,

"No, I don't have any habit like that," Leo instantly denied, even though he had a tiny blush on his face,

'Fuck! how did she even know that,'

"Yeah, you don't," Rindou said while giggling before turning towards Zoro and saying, "Yes, my name is Rindou Kobayashi, and I am this crew's new cook,"

"Yes, it is nice of you to join us, I am this crew vice-captain, and the name is Zoro," Zoro greeted her before turning his gaze toward Leo,

"So, now that introduction is over, now Zoro follow me to the ship, as it is already so late at night, and Rindou, I will meet you again at breakfast to talk about something, okay bye," Leo said goodbye to her before dragging Zoro and starts walking toward the ship,

"Bye, see you in the morn... yeah, why are you dragging me again, Leo, unhand me this instant," Zoro shouted at him,

"And to let you get lost again, but now it is too late for that shit Zoro, too late," Leo replied while continuing to drag him,

"Goodbye, see you two at breakfast," Rindou replied while chuckling at their behavior before walking inside the restaurant,


*** A Big Thanks You To Fadel751 for becoming a Patron***


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