50: Star Child: Dunes of Tolapo XVI

"Chase what in the name of Ra is wrong with you!" Jane hissed under her breath. I shrugged and glanced at each of the warriors. They all were keeping a eye on me but were more distant than before.

"He pissed me off." I replied simply.

"So you burned your hand? For what?" Jane hissed.

"To show he wasn't afraid." Iris replied for me. "That guy was obviously their leader and he tried to belittle Chase and assert his authority on him. That stunt he pulled rattled everyone, but that guy especially. Notice everyone is keeping a close eye on Chase, they know he's not afraid of getting hurt and that he's strong, that implies that if they don't keep an eye on him he might be able to take him."

"I probably can't but I'm not going to let them hurt you all." I said firmly. My tone sent all the warriors further on edge.

"Chase Kingston…" Baset growled in a low tone

"I know…I'm just getting tired of people looking down on me." I muttered as we continued through the tower. I glanced down at my hand, the burn was already starting to heal. I felt mana cycling into the wound and automatically repaired the damage. A few moments later my hand was as good as new.

The tower was a vast and meticulously decorated building with several staircases going to different floors. The roof was a giant glass dome with a intricate design composed of precious gemstones. Golden light shined down from the glass dome and illuminated everything. The warriors have been leading us all up the central most staircase that lead to the top floor of the tower.

When we reached the top of staircase the seasoned warrior opened the double doors to a medium sized oval room. Three large windows sat at the back if the room and in front of the window sat five stone chairs arranged in a semi-circle. There was no other furniture in the room aside from the chairs and four of the chairs were occupied by Dwarm'moo and four other elderly tribesmen members. Two other men took the two seats in the right and two women took the seats on the left with the seat in the middle left open.

The seasoned warrior lead us inside and made us stand in the center of the room and had all of us stand in a line then he and the other warriors stood off to the side of the room. I scowled at Dwarm'moo, actually taking the time to look at him. Dwarm'moo was a very frail looking and boney. His skin was blotchy, freckled and leathery, especially around his face. He had deep sunken eyes, a wide crooked nose and small mouth. He looked like you classic villain.

"Luna'lana…it pains me to see you standing before us like this…" Dwarm'moo said in Torapos feigning remorse.

"This is all a mistake Dwarm'moo. While you sit here wasting time pointing fingers at me the real enemy is plotting his next move." Elder Luna rebutted.

"I'd like to believe that, but the evidence before us is too damning."

"This guys full of shit." I said to everyone in universal standard. Baset and The girl's all shot warning glares at me.

Dwarm'moo and the other elders of the council all looked towards me. Dwarm'moo looked pissed and snapped his fingers.

"One of you go and get Warden Geryo so he can translate what these outsiders are saying!" He shouted at one of the warriors. One of the younger warriors rushed out of the room.

"You can just have Baset Paragon here translate." Elder Luna said to Dwarm'moo.

"Like I'd trust the translation of a outsider." Dwarm'moo said looking down his nose at her.

"Well I'll save you having to wait." I said in Torapos. "I said you're full of shit."

Dwarm'moo and the other elders gasped collectively. Baset turned and glared at me while Elder Luna shook her head and sighed.

"Lulu get your spirit out of this child…" She said to herself.

"How dare you! You insolent child! Do you have any idea who we are?!" Dwarm'moo snapped.

"What the fuck did you say!" Iris and Astrid snapped. I ignored them and motioned at the other three elders..

"The wisest elders in the village obviously, and you Dwarm'moo. Mostly you." I said snidely. He looked like he was about to shit a brick. The other me elder started laughing loudly.

"ABRA'BO!"Dwarm'moo shouted. Abra'bo waved Dwarm'moo off and kept laughing.

"Abra'bo, brother please control yourself." The woman in the furthermore left seat said.

Abra'bo snickered and managed to get himself under control.

"I like this outsider. He's blunt and but I see a little deviousness in his eyes. He reminds me of your older sister Luna'lana." Abra'bo said with a chuckle as he wiped away a tear.

"I see so much of her in him." Elder Luna said with a soft smile.

"Abra'bo if you could keep inappropriate comments that have no bearing on proceedings to yourself that would be great." Dwarm'moo said. Abra'bo gave Dwarm'moo a sideways glance.

"And what did I say that was so inappropriate?" Abra'bo asked. "Part of the reason we are all here is to check whether this outsider is a real star keeper and if so if he really is related to Lulu'nala."

"The reason we are here is to judge the vile perpetrators of the attack on the village!" Dwarm'moo shouted pointing at the lot of us.

"What did he say?" Iris asked.

"Dwarm'moo is grandstanding, basically he doesn't want anyone to bring attention to the fact that I'm related to Luna or that I have a star farm crystal and instead make this all about him trying to pin the attack on the village on us." I explained in universal standard.

"What did he say?!" Dwarm'moo shouted.

"I translated what was said. Calm down before you have a heart attack." I said nonchalantly. That pissed him off more.

"The insolence!" He snapped.

"He is right though Dwarm'moo , calm down so we can actually star the proceedings." The woman in the second seat on the right said. Dwarm'moo glared at her.

"Do not agree with the outsider Imani." Dwarm'moo growled. Imani rolled her eyes and looked to Baset.

"Since that warrior isn't back with Warden Geryo can you please translate for us." Imani asked. Dwarm'moo was flaming at the mouth

"You cannot be serious Imani! We can't trust her to translate what they say accurately." Dwarm'moo shouted.

"You are so worried about me lying or one of us mistranslating things, can't you just cast a spell or something to prevent that." I asked.

The elders all became silent and looked at one another. A devious smile spread across Dwarm'moo's lips.

"Well there is a test we can perform to verify that you are related to someone in the village." Dwarm'moo said. The other elders heads all snapped to look at Dwarm'moo.

"You can't be thinking about that?" The elder at the end asked.

"Of course I am Ndila." Dwarm'moo replied.

"If done wrong that could kill him." Ndila said.

"And I'd he does from it then obviously he isn't from the village and that crystal on his hand is a fake." Dwarm'moo countered.

"Do you honestly think that I am going to let one of my students do some test that could potentially kill them!?" Baset exclaimed. I looked at Baset sideways and switched to universal standard.

"I almost died twice during a test of yours." I said. Baset gave me a 'really?' look inciting confused looks from Iris, Jane and Astrid.

"Whatever the test is I'll do it." I said switching back to Torapos.

"Are you sure?" Imani asked.

"Bring it on." I said. Dwarm'moo smirked then looked at Elder Luna.

"For someone you are claiming to be your flesh and blood Luna'lana you are showing very little concern for their health and well being." He said.

"There is no need for concern. Just like you underestimated my sister and her talent because she was a shardless, you are underestimating her grandson. I believe that he is Lulu'nala's grandson with all my heart so there is no need to defend him on this. The time for defense will come when we prove that he and the other outsiders had nothing to do with the attack." Elder Luna said.

Dwarm'moo scowled at the Elder Luna's answer then glanced over at Abra'bo, Imani, and Ndila. Abra'bo and Ndila looked impressed with the response while Imani's expression was unreadable.

"Fine! Outsider, the test we are going to give you is simple. I am going to transfer my mana into you." Dwarm'moo said. I blinked then looked at the other elders.

"That's it…?" I asked hesitantly. I took a second to sense hoe much mana I had left. Healing my hand took about a third of my total mana.

"The fact that you are not fearful outsiders only shows your ignorance." Dwarm'moo mocked. "True members of our tribe possess large pools of mana. Larger than what you would be used to dealing with outsider."

"Whatever. Let's just get this over with Dwarm'mumu." I said impatiently. Abra'bo laughed out loud again then leaned over to talk to his sister.

"Isn't that was Lulu'nala used to call him when we were kids?" He asked Imani.

"Hush brother." Imani chuckled softly.

Dwarm'moo stood and stormed over to me. He probably meant it to look intimidating but with how bony and frail he was it looked absolutely hilarious. It took all my control to no laugh in his face.

As Dwarm'moo stopped in front of me and grabbed the wrist of my right hand. He had a disgusted scowl on his face as he looked down at my farm crystal.

"Whatever spell you used to give your crystal this appearance star faker will not protect you." He growled.

"Just hurry up already." I said impatiently. Dwarm'moo scowled and grabbed my right hand. The diamond shaped crystal on his elbow started to glow as my star crystal started to glow. I felt a rush of energy start to flood into my crystal.

I felt my mana reserves start to slowly fill back up. Dwarm'moo smirked cockily as he forced more and more mana into my body. I yawned then looked over at the other elders.

"How long do I have to do this?" I asked.

"Until Dwarm'moo is satisfied." Abra'bo said with a shrugged.

"I won't be satisfied till I prove that you are a faker!" Dwarm'moo exclaimed then started pouring even more mana into my body.

"Gods you are a annoying little man…."