51: Star Child: Dunes of Tolapo XVII

"Gods you are a annoying little man…" I groaned then shook my head. Dwarm'moo glared at me.

"Annoying because I care about the integrity and traditions my people and refuse to let a outsider come in and lie about having one of our most sacred honors!" He snapped.

"No, you're annoying because you're you are just exhausting! Why are we even going through this right now? There are definitely more important things we could be doing right now, like finding the one who attacked the village!"

"I'M LOOKING AT THE ONES WHO ATTACKED THE VILLAGE!" He roared, spittle flying from his mouth into my face.

"Where is your proof!" I demanded. "Do you have a speck of evidence to support this or are you just blaming us cause we are the easier target?"

"I don't have to explain myself to a outsider!" Dwarm'moo exclaimed.

"But you do have to explain yourself to us." Abra'bo said. Dwarm'moo and I both looked over to where the other elders were seated. Dwarm'moo looked confused.

"What do you mean?!" He exclaimed.

"On your accusations we have arrested and detained seven outsiders who were invited to the village by Warden Geryo, two of those outsiders were injured by the Dr'idi'saiyo on their way into the village and still require medical attention, and arrested Luna'lana a fellow elder of the village." Imani said. Her serious unblinking gaze would have terrified me if she had it pointed at me.

"Of course I have proof! Revealing this outsider is just the first step of unraveling their lies and revealing their plans!" Dwarm'moo barked. "The fact that he claims Lulu'nala is his grandmother is laughable! The very idea that the talentless shardless bitch could spawn someone as important as the star keeper while my own family has been barren for two generations is laughable! That spineless bitch ran away from the village instead of owning up to her responsibilities!"

I felt a wave of rage wash over me as I gritted my teeth and clenched my fist. My blood began to boil as I glared at Dwarm'moo, who noticed my grip on his hand became tighter.

"The fuck did you just say about my grandmother…?" I asked in low icy tone. "…what the fuck does a pathetic, geriatric, undead zombie looking piece of shit like you know about my grandmother!"

Everyone in the room visibly tensed as my star crystal started to glow brighter and the light shining from it took on a dark red tone. I saw anger flash in Dwarm'moo 's eyes but that was quickly replaced by confusion. Mana was no longer being funneled into my body from him, rather it was being pulled from his mana crystal into mine.

"Wha-what are you doing?" He gasped and tried to pull his hand free of mine, I only tightened my grip.

"I asked you a fucking question!" I spat.

"Talentless? Laughable? Spineless! She died fighting a ascended Thrad and its hordes of minions! Without her hundreds of people would have died! A haggard bastard like you isn't worth to say her name, let alone pretend that you knew anything about her!"

"Chase calm down!" Basst exclaimed. I ignored her and kept my eyes on Dwarm'moo. He started to look weaker and unsteady on his feet. He swayed slightly then his legs buckled and he fell to one knee.

"S-stop please!" He begged.

"Chase!" I heard Baset yell but it sounded so far away, like she was screaming it down a tunnel.

"CHASE! STOP!" I heard Iris and Jane scream just before someone tackled me ttk the ground. I fought against them feeling even more angry than before.

"Chase you're hurting everyone! You're hurting elder Luna!" Jane yelled. I still instantly upon hearing that. I blinked several times then looked over where Elder Luna had stood.

She was on her knees, gripping her farm crystal like it was hurting her. A deep red light shined through her finger tips. A pained expression etched on her face. I looked at the elders, they were doubled over in their chairs with similar red lights emanating from their crystals. The warriors were in the same boat, all on there knees and gripping their crystals. The only ones that weren't was Baset, Astrid, Jane, and Iris.

"I…wh-what? What happened?" I breathed glancing at the scene around me. Iris and Jane both looked down at me, concern on their faces.

'They're the ones that tackled me…' I thought. Iris and Jane both stood up and then helped me to my feet.

"I don't know. One second you and that Dwarm'moo guy were holding hands and then the next your crystal was glowing red and so was everyone else's."

"Auntie!" I exclaimed as I ran over to her. I knelt next to her and troed to look her over. She looked at me and grimaced.

"I am fine child." She said trying to smile.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" I exclaimed. I glanced back at Dwarm'moo, who was laying on his back unmoving. Jane, Iris, and Baset were crouched around him. "Is he...?"

"He's unconscious. I think you took all his mana." Baset said in Torapos. She stood up and walked over to Elder Luna and looked her over. "But you look like you you're suffering from a mana overload."

"Mana overload?" I asked.

"It's when you posses more man than your body can handle." Baset explained. "I think you were draining Elder Dwarm'mom's mana and then sending the access to the other members of the Tolapo in the room."

"That's possible?" I asked.

"Only for a true star keeper…" Ndila said softly.

I looked up at the elders, all three of then were no longer slumped in their seats. They were seated uptight and casting utility sigils. After they cast the spells the red glow from their farm crystals disappeared.

"Everyone, cast a spell. Something strong enough to burn off your access mana!" Abra'bo exclaimed. The warriors did as they were told, each casting a various spells until the red glow of their farm crystals faded. Elder Luna created a medium sized tornado in the palm of her hand, after a few moments of that stirring up the wind the glow from her crystal faded.

"Well I guess ant doubts about you not being a star keeper can be put to rest." Elder Luna said with a slight smile.

"Yes they can." Ndila said sitting up straight.

"I'm truly sorry, I didn't know I could do that. I was just so angry that…I didn't realize I was hurting all of you…" I apologized.

The warriors; now fully recovered from their mana overload; rushed to flank me. Many were casting offensive spells as they moved.

"Don't!" Imani exclaimed. The warriors all halted and turned to the elders.

"Elder Imani, he is a obvious threat to us all." The seasoned warrior said then pointed to Dwarm'moo.

"I understand your fear right now…" Abra'bo said as he stood up. He walked over to Dwarm'moo and knelt down placing his hand on Dwarm'moo's back. Abra'bo's crystal glowed softly for a few seconds. Dwarm'moo started to stir and Abra'bo removed his hand and stood up.

"Aye'o! Wake up Dwarm'mumu!" Abra'bo exclaimed then kicked Dwarm'moo's leg. Dwarm'moo jolted awake and looked around the room.

"What happened?" He asked.

"The star keeper drained all your mana and to keep from suffering a mana overload offloaded the extra mana to the members of the tribe in the room." Abra'bo explained. Dwarm'moo frowned and pushed himself off the floor.

"That's impossible!"

"My aching body says it is." Abra'bo groaned and rubbed his shoulder.

"Chase, Lady Baset, what's going on?" Iris asked. I looked over at Iris and shrugged.

"I'll let you know when I figure it out." I said in universal standard.

Abra'bo pulled Dwarm'moo back over to the seats and forced him to sit back down then turned and motioned for the warriors to return to their spot from earlier.

I helped Elder Luna stand up with Iris and Jane's help. Astrid slinked over to the group once Basset motioned for her. I checked to make sure that Elder Luna was okay then looked at the other elders.

"Well…!" Ndila exclaimed grabbing everyone's attention. "…now that the validity of Lulu'nala's grandson's star crystal has been confirmed…"

"Nothing has been confirmed!" Dwarm'moo exclaimed.

"Quiet Dwarm'moo!" Abra'bo exclaimed. "Even you in your prime couldn't have forcefully drained someone of their mana. Let alone send mana into a group if people that you weren't even touching. He's the star keeper of this cycle."

Dwarm'moo snarled at Abra'bo and looked away from everyone. Resting his head on hos knickers and pouting. Baset stood and translated for Iris, Astrid, and Jane.

"Now about the accusations of them being the perpetrators of the attacks with the Dr'idi'saiyo." Ndila said looking at Elder Luna, Baset and our group before turning back to Dwarm'moo. "You said you had proof that they are the ones attacking the village or was your entire premise relying on him turning out to be a fake?"

"Of course! They appear in the village the same night the largest swarm we'd ever observed appeared outside the village!" Dwarm'moo exclaimed.

"And two of our classmates were injured that night!" I snapped.

"He's right." Abra'bo said. "And their appearance could be entirely a coincidence."

"Well the very next day after they arrive the village is attacked for the first time in thousands of years! Through the well system of all things!" Dwarm'moo argued.

"Again circumstantial." Imani said. "Plus for all but Baset Paragon this is their first time in the village. You accused them of conspiring with Luna'lana a fellow elder of the village, do you have proof of this? Secret correspondences between her and any of the accused?"

All eyes turned to Dwarm'moo who looked like he was about to have a aneurysm. He glanced towards the door then back at,everyone and growled.

"No not really…" He spat through gritted teeth.

"So in actuality you wasted all our time and pointed the finger of suspicion towards people who came to try and help us in our hour of need Dwarm'moo." Ndila said narrowing her eyes at him.

"This wouldn't have anything to do with your vendetta against Lulu'nala would it?" Imani asked glancing at him with some side eye.

"Vendetta?" I muttered. Elder Luna chuckled and tapped my shoulder.

"Your grandmother was betrothed to Dwarm'moo before she left the village. She left in the middle of the night taking only the clothes on her back." Elder Luna explained. I blinked a few times then laughed.

"That's so fucking boss!" I chuckled. Hearing me laugh only made Dwarm'moo look more pissed.

"We have no proof still that he is her grandson!" Dwarm'moo snapped. Abra'bo and Ndila both shared a look then looked to me.

"Unfortunately Dwarm'moo is right. There is no proof that you are Lulu'nala's grandson or relayed to anyone in the village." Ndila said.

"Do you have any proof?" Abra'bo asked. As Baset translated the last of the elders words eyes turned to me.

'Why do I have prove this?' I thought then froze and smiled fondly.

"Black crescent moon so high in this dark and lonely sky. This ocean of obsidian tangled in your light. So make a wish now upon this shooting star and watch them fly across the night into heaven's arms…"

"Twin obsidian stars…" Dwarm'moo breathed cutting me off. The elders all looked at each other, Dwarm'moo looking a little foolish at the moment, then Abra'bo, Imani, and Ndila all looked to Elder Luna.

"Only your sister has sung that song in the last sixty years…" Ndila said. "I don't think there is any doubt about The star keeper's lineage, is there?"

All of the elders looked to Dwarm'moo, who had a embarrassed snarky look on his face. He curled his lip at everyone then shook hid head.

"And as for the accusations of Baset and her class being the ones behind the attacks on the village, who here still thinks they are behind it?" Abra'bo asked. Again all eyes turned to Dwarm'moo.

"My accusations might have been a little premature…" Dwarm'moo grumbled.

"Of course…" Imani said rolling her eyes then stood up and walked over to Elder Luna and lead her back over to her chair at the center of the council. "…sorry for the misunderstanding and the accusations Luna'lana."

"You did as you had to Imani. All is forgiven." Elder Luna said smiling at Imani, Abra'bo, and Ndila then scowling at Dwarm'moo.

"Wait, is that it? Are we no longer under suspicion?" Iris asked before Baset finished the translation.

"Yeah…" I said in universal standard then froze and looked back at the door and the warriors long in the wings. "…wait a second…shouldn't that warrior have been back by now with Geryo?"

Iris, Jane, Astrid and Baset all looked at each other then back at the door. Both Iris and Jane started to look concerned.

"He probably should have." Jane said.

"Maybe Geryo is somewhere pretty far off?" Iris offered with a shrug of her shoulder. The doors to the room suddenly burst open and the warrior that was sent to fund Geryo came running in.

"ELDERS! ELDERS!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. Iris, Jane, Astrid and Baset all turned and glared at me.

'I hate it when I'm right!'