68: Star Child: Dunes of Tolapo XXVIIII

Everyone now stood in the center of the loving room again around a small table. Jane, Alberto, Damon, Astrid, and I all pretended not to see the large blood stains that marred the floor where the prisoners was tied up or that the prisoner was nowhere to be seen.

"Before we say anything, Chase, Geryo, I'm going to need the both of you to be very calm while I explain the current situation." Baset said giving both of us stern look.

"I make no promises." Geryo said.

"I'm the epitome of calm." I replied. Basset sighed and looked to the rest of the group.

"The prisoner was very…informative. He insisted he didn't know Anansi and Raziri's full plan but he knew the basis of it. Human Splicing." Baset explained.

Everyone around the table except Geryo and I both gasped and looked worried. We both exchanged confused looks before looking at Baset for clarifications. See our confused looks she explained further.

"Human Splicing is the act of using live human sacrifices in order to create stronger evos." Baset said. Both Geryo's and my eyes grew wider but for different reasons.

"THE RITUAL!" I exclaimed. Everyone jumped and looked to me.

"What ritual?" Jane asked.

"Alpa'nagia, he wasn't born a ascended Sonic viper like a natural ascended would have been. He was turned into a ascended using human sacrifices. When I tamed him I saw the whole ritual." I explained.

"And you're keeping that thing?! What if it turns on you?!" Alberto exclaimed.

[I WOULD NEVER!] Alpa'nagia roared adamantly. I flinched suddenly from the sheer volume of Alpa'nagia's reply.

"He can hear everything you say and he is….very sure that he would never turn on me." I said. "I believe him, if that counts for anything."

"The sonic viper's loyalty isn't what we're talking about here. It's the threat to the village." Baset said getting everyone back on track. "The soldier said that Anansi once they were inside the village they wouldn't have to worry about anyone else stumbling in on it or escaping. So they obviously found a way to change the barrier and making so that there was no way in or out of the village."

"Is that all you learned?" Astrid asked. Baset shook her head.

"Anansi plans to use the village to create his magnum opus, a new type of evo of unprecedented power." Baset added.

"If you used all the villagers as sacrifices…that could be entirely possible." Jane said calmly.

"No it won't! Because we won't let that happen!" Geryo said adamantly.

"Obviously!" I affirmed. "I just met my great aunt, I'm not losing her just yet!"

"Yes, I'm not going to just sit by and let people be killed. The way I see it there are only two ways for us to stop Anansi and Raziri. One: kill them both, and two: get every single villager outside of the village."

"Well we obviously can't do the second one." Astrid said.

"I will happily kill Raziri." I said then popped my claws.

"Same here…" Iris said viciously.

"The problem won't be killing her….probably but killing Anansi, he is a Paragon after all." Alberto said.

"To be fair so is Baset and she got caught by Raziri rather easily." I said.

"Chase!" Iris snapped then slapped me on the arm. I sheathed my claws before I accidentally scratched her.

"What? It's true!" I defended that earned me another slap. Baset looked away from the group to hide the slight blush on her face.

"Yes…well I let my worry for my friend overrode my caution…" She said meekly.

"What is the plan then?" Geryo asked, bringing everyone back to focus.

"By now, Anansi has to know that there is someone who isn't asleep, we know that all of his soldiers are under the effect of a spell that alerts the others if one dies and their location; we can thank the prisoner for that; we also know that the elders are being held hostage inside the tower in the main square." Baset summarized.

"Do we know how many soldiers are left?" Jane asked.

"Fourteen." Baset replied. "Not counting Anansi."

"Do we know where they are?" Astrid asked. Baset shook their head.

"Most are guarding the square but the prisoner was unsure of the rest." Baset replied.

"Well screw them! Let's just attack the square and be done with it!" Damon exclaimed.

"Yeah! If we attack them fast enough they won't have time to react." Alberto added. Astrid groaned and shook her heads.

"We can't risk a frontal assault, we do something wrong and Raziri could kill the elders." Baset explained.

"Idiots!" Astrid muttered under her breath.

"Then what can we do?" Jane asked. Baset bit her lip Andromeda away from the group.

"I'm thinking." She said.

[I might have a idea.] Alpa'nagia said.

[What is it?] I asked.

[We can usssssse missssdirection. Hunt down the sssssssoldiers and lure the others away.] Alpa'nagia explained.

[Hunt?] Bone-lasher grunted, suddenly intrigued.

[That could work…] I said, then another thought suddenly popped into my head. I smiled deviously and the second I did, Jane, Astrid, and Iris all froze.

"Chase has a idea…" Iris said.

"Can I turn myself into the soldiers?" Astrid asked. I scowled at the two of them.

"My ideas are not that bad!" I snapped.

"They are, the sad part is they actually work." Jane said.

"This isn't even my idea completely, Alpa'nagia thought up most of it." I defended.

"So your idea is to trust the idea of a evo that used to belong to the enemy? Yeah that's a brilliant idea!" Damon yelled sarcastically.

"So is letting Bone-lasher out for a late night snack." I sneered.

"Chase, enhanced evo or not, your sonic viper is still a evo. Whatever plan it had would be extremely simple." Baset said.

"Well it is simple somewhat but a great plan doesn't have to be a complicated one. Tarrika had a simple plan of overwhelming the village with sheer numbers and until I fought Alpa and killed all the Sonic Vipers attacking it was working." I countered.

"You're right about that…." Baset said. "…what is it?"

"Lady Baset you can't seriously be thinking of actually going along with this? You? A paragon?" Damon exclaimed.

"Yes I am, up to this point no matter how…outlandish his plans have been they've worked. And since none of us have a idea that I believe can work I'll listen to his." Baset replied.

"You didn't even ask the rest of us?" Alberto cried.

"Well does anyone have any other ideas?" Baset asked, sweeping her arm out to motion to everyone else.

"We can destroy the tower!" Alberto declared proudly.

"The elders are probably inside the tower you idiot!" I snapped. "What does that even solve, now the village is down a tower!"

"And maybe we kill this Raziri woman and the paragon." Alberto defended.

"Along with the village's elders! No I forbid this!" Geryo shouted.

"Yeah no that is stupid…" Iris said. Alberto glared at both Iris and me then turned to Baset. She shook her head.

"No, too risky. The village needs the elders alive." Baset replied. Alberto deflated and looked away from everyone.

"Anyone else?" Baset asked.

"My idea is that we just listen to Chase's idea so we can all call him mad, a idiot, stupid, and then decided to do it already." Iris said. I narrowed my eyes at her and sneered.

"Thank you so much Tri-clops…" I said sarcastically.

"Chase, you have the floor." Baset said. All eyes turned to me, even if a few of them weren't friendly. I smirked and folded my arms.

"Well first, we're going to need a corpse!"