69: Star Child: Dunes of Tolapo XXX

Astrid exclaimed over the telepathic link.

I defended.

Alberto shouted.

I said.

Damon snapped.

Alberto snapped back.

I groaned.

Astrid asked.

Iris added.

Jane added as well.

Geryo snapped.

Alberto grumbled.

I asked.

They all replied. I glanced to my right where Iris was crouched beside me and then to my left were Astrid was.

The three of us were on top of a three story build on the other side of the village. I had my Skazzas in my arms, loaded and ready to fire. Jane and the others were hiding in a building near the square watching the guards that were patrolling the area.

[I'm watching them like you assisted Ssssstar Ssssshaper.] Alpa'nagia informed me. Alpa'nagia was coiled in a dark alley that had a view of both the house everyone was hiding in and the square. I sent him to watch the others in case something happened he was close enough to help.

Bone-lasher was hidden somewhere in the street below us. His job was to be the ambush predator that he was and take out a few soldiers before they knew what was coming.

[The dumb one is coming…and I see he's being followed…] Bone-lasher warned me.

Suddenly there were several loud pops followed by Alberto's loud scream echoing through the night.

Alberto roared.

Astrid said. Alberto rounded a corner and bolted down the street with speed I didn't think possible for him. Two soldiers followed a few moments later.

Alberto screamed.

I said softly as I lined my shot. I squeezed the trigger and the first soldier crumbled to the ground then fired again at the second before he could react. The round caught his shoulder and sent him flying back on the ground. Now stationary I quickly finished him off with a second round.

Iris breathed. I lowered the gun and took a breath.

I replied.

[Four more. Coming in two directions.] Bone-lasher said.

[Which way?] I asked.

[From the wall and the square.]

I looked to the wall and saw two shadows running through alleyways heading toward us. They were moving fast and seemed to be wary of open spaces.

[Bone can you get the ones heading towards us from the square?] I asked.

[Easily…] Bone-lasher replied. A black shadow suddenly darted out from the street below and ran towards the square.

I asked then pointed to the shadows heading our way. She nodded.

"Jangles help me please." She said as she summoned her evo.

The tiny hivdrix landed on the roof behind us and immediately started flying towards the approaching soldiers. The glow of Iris crystal told me she was controlling it directly. A sudden loud scream followed by gunfire signaled that Jangles had reached the soldiers but in a few seconds everything went quiet.

Iris replied.

Bone-lasher's roar echoed through the village followed by the panicked and pained screams of soldiers, one scream was silenced almost instantly while the other went on for several more seconds before it was silenced as well.

[Let me guess…you got them…?] I asked Bone-lasher sarcastically.

[One was tasty…] Bone-lasher replied.

[Glad you like him….] I replied, not really sure how else to respond to that.

Jane told me.

I asked.

Jane replied.

[More coming! Two more. They are cautious….] Bone-lasher said. A loud pop echoed followed by something whizzing past my ear.

"SHIT!" I shouted then jumped off the roof into the street. Astrid and Iris jumped after me and the three of us instantly split with Iris and Astrid heading down the street away from the gun fire while I ran towards it.

[Bone-lasher where are they?!!] I yelled.

A bone chilling scream echoed down the street and my sight dulled as Bone-lasher shared his sense me. I saw a human running down a side alley away from Bone-lasher into my street.

I skidded to a stop and aimed my gun down the street. A few seconds later a soldier ran out of the alley. Time seemed to slow as he turned his head and saw me aiming my gun. Caught between a bullet and a monster his slowed down just slightly. I pulled the trigger in that moment and, the bullet caught him in the shoulder and sent him spinning. I didn't need to finish him, a second later Bone-lasher was on him tearing him to shreds. I looked away to the other end of the alley where Iris and Astrid were still running.

I told Astrid and Iris. They both skidded to a stop and turned to look at me.

Jane said.

I asked.

Baset said.

'Some sort of mind control device?' I thought for a second.

[MOVE!] Bone-lasher roared. I suddenly was launched into the air and landed onto Bone-lasher's back he bolted down the street with a speed I haven't seen before. I looked over my shoulder and suddenly wished I hadn't.

Standing on the rooftops above us was a massive rachnid, larger than anything I had seen before. Each of its eight legs were resting on one of the building around, its body was covered in bright red fur and encased in hard scorpion armor. Enormous red eyes stared down at us as its fangs and mandible hissed.

I screamed like a bitch and clung to Bone-lasher tighter while he ran towards Astrid and Iris. Looks of sheer terror blanketed their faces and they froze in place.

"GIRLS GET YOUR ASS ON THE LIGER SHARK NOW!" I roared as we approached. I held my hand put and grabbed Iris yanking her onto Bone-lasher's back, Bone-lasher ran for Astrid and knocked her into the air like he did for me. Iris caught her and helped her move behind her.

Bone-lasher raced through the streets, trying his hardest to weave through side streets and alleys so the rachnid couldn't get a bead on us. Not that I would help. The rachnid was so large that it could easily see us over the building and obstacles that we raced through.

Baset said.

I roared.

Geryo said.

Jane explained.

Alberto hollered.

I screamed.

Alberto said.

Jane said.

Baset asked.

The rachnid started to chase after us now, it was a lot faster than what I thought it was going to be. It scurried over the roofs of thr buildings and zeroed in on us. Bone-lasher crashed through a building at the perfect moment, a second later the spot on the street we were just kn exploded as the rachnid's stinger struck.

Bone-lasher jumped over furniture and through a kitchen, trying to be as careful as he could about his dorsal fin and us, smashing into the ceiling. He crashed through another wall and out onto a street were the rachnid was waiting. It struck with its stinger, nearly nailing us with needle precise accuracy, only to be blocked by The defensive spell that Astrid cast. A wall of light appeared directly behind us blocking the attack.

"Fuck this!" I shouted then reached into my pocket and pulled out the newest spell I scribed.

I channeled mana into my hand which leaped to the spell sigil on the page. As Bone-lasher took off down the street I started casting a axiom spell sigil. Flames shot out of the sigil and formed into a dragon, that blazing dragon circled Bone-lasher as he ran almost protectively before flying straight to my left arm and coiling around it. The dragon's jaws nestled around my wrist and encompassed my hand.

"What the…?" Iris gasped.

I held my arm back and aimed at the rachnid then squeezed my palm closed as the rachnid started to strike. A ball of concentrated blue flames shot from the dragon's jaws and struck the rachnid right above its fangs. A massive explosion detonated on impact knocking the rachnid back and sending a shockwave that knocked us all into the air.

"SHIIIIIIIIT!" Iris and I screamed. We landed on the roof of yet another building and slid over the roof tiles. I crashed into the chimney and had Iris and Astrid crash into me. Bone-lasher dug his claws into the tiles and managed to stop himself from sliding off the roof.

Baset snapped.

Iris said wearily.

Astrid asked.

I barked then pushed the girls off me. The spell hadn't disappeared yet so I held my arm up and took aim at the Rachnid again.

It stood up on shaky legs. The explosion had blasted off a good chunk of its face and one of its legs, blood flowed like rivers from the parts of the wound that weren't cauterized. I squeezed my palm again and another fireball sailed toward the Rachnid smashing into the top of its head. Another explosion detonated, knocking it down again. No even caring if it was dead or not I shot again, this time massive rachnid guts exploded into the air and rained down on the streets below. The spell faded from my hand like embers blowing in the wind after that last shot.

Iris said.

Astrid said as we were showered with rachnid guts.

I said calmly.