183: A Company of Fools: Royal Trappings I

"Fuck a duck I'm tired!" I exclaimed as Jane, Iris, and I walked into Baset's tower. Iris and Jane both yawned as we passed the security desk.

It's been a week since the grand opening of Sho'lajah artifact company's shop and things have been nonstop since then. It only took one day for students to realize that I now has a actual store that they could go to and order items from. This had lead to a frenzy for said items and the story being packed every day from opening to close. In order to keep the peace I had to start leaving Empress at the store as a sort of overseer. She took to the position fine and even built a nest on top of the roof for her to stay in.

With all the attention at the shop I didn't feel comfortable leaving the laboratory unattended so I started leaving Grimm-Guard there again as the guard. I assigned Jiggles as the guard for Moldworks and even shaped a few Ogarai to be under his command. He's taken to be a commander like a fish to water and even made patrol schedules and a communication system between the four of them. That leaves Bone-lasher, Alpa'nagia, and Fours with me on a daily basis.

"You're telling me! I was up all night fielding requests for enchanted items." Jane groaned. I stopped and narrowed my eyes at her.

"You actually think that compares to spending all night making enchanted items? I made at least thirty items last night!" I exclaimed.

"I'm just tired of reading Sin's reports on the gangs in the area." Iris groaned. "They apparently started paying one of our guys protection money so you and Sin don't destroy them like the red dragons and high fire dragons."

I frowned and turned to look at Iris.

"Wait protection money? I don't want protection money? Who's getting paid protection money?" I asked. Iris shrugged.

"I don't know…" Iris groaned.

Outside, Midnigh; Bo's void drake; landed in front of the entrance to the tower. Bo jumped down from Midnight's head and recalled the massive evo to his farm crystal. The girls and I watched as Bo walked into the tower and walked towards us. I frowned when I saw that the clothes he was wearing weren't his usual. They were flashy, tight fitting and looked to be tailored specifically for him. He also wore flashy and expensive looking jewelry: rings on every finger, necklaces, bracelets, and a lair of sunglasses. Two of the rings were enchanted rings he got from me but the rest weren't from me or his mother.

"I think I figured out who." Iris said with a shake of her head. Bo stopped in front of me and looked innocently up at all of us.

"What are you all looking at?" Bo asked. I reached down and grabbed the necklace then frowned at him.

"Where exactly did you get…all this?" I asked. Bo smiled proudly and puffed out hls chest.

"Looks good right?" He asked.

"Looks tacky." Jane said then pulled one of the rings off his finger and examined it. "This ring is fake gold."

"Wait what?!" Bo exclaimed. Then grabbed the ring. I glanced down at his finger and saw a slight green tint to his skin where the ring had been.

"Yeah real gold doesn't turn your finger green." I said, pointing to his finger. Bo looked down at his hand then quickly pulled off all his rings and saw the same green tint on all his fingers. The same for his bracelets and necklace.

"That lying asshole!" Bo yelled. I slapped him on the back of the head.

"Stop fucking cursing!" I snapped. Bo grabbed his head and growled.

"That guy sold me fake jewelry! I bet all these clothes aren't real designer labels either!" Bo snapped and pulled at the faux silk shirt he wore.

"How exactly were you able to pay for all those clothes and jewelry?" Jane asked. Bo froze and looked away while he thought up a good lie. I grabbed him by the top of his head and smiled innocently while making him look up at me.

"You wouldn't have happened to be taking protection money from gangs who are scared of Sin and I coming and destroying them, would you?" I asked dropping the innocent smile and glaring at him.

"Ummm….uhhhh…" Bo muttered.

"Oh Bo…." Jane sighed and shook her head.

"BO KESTREL!" I yelled and gripped his head tighter.

"OW, OW, OW, OW, OWWWWWW!" Bo screamed and tried to pull my hand off his head. "Sorry! I didn't mean too!"

"How you not mean to take protection money from gangs?!" I snapped and clobbered him again.

"OW! This is child abuse!" Bo exclaimed.

"I'll show you child abuse! Why did you start taking protection money from gangs?!" I asked.

"I didn't mean to! At first I was just walking around another gang's territory and ran into a couple members of the gang. They wanted to fight me until I brought out Gargesh and they saw the Sho'lajah artifact company logo stitched on his overall. They realized I was one of your people and the leader came and threw a suitcase full of money at me saying they were sorry. They started giving me money weekly to not sick you and Sin in them." Bo explained.

"That's one gang. How did you get wrapped up with the others?" I asked. Bo looked sheepish.

"I realized that if one gang was willing to pay me money once they realized who I was affiliated with then other gangs in the silver city would too…so I started going around and letting them start fights so I could bring out Gargesh and make them realized I was with you…they all started paying me money." Bo explained.

I let go of Bo and slapped my forehead then looked at Iris and Jane. They both had worried expressions on their faces.

"YOU FUCKING DUMBASS!" I bellowed and stomped my foot. Bo flinched and looked down at the ground. "Do you have any idea how easily that could have gone wrong? Those were gangsters and you were taking money from them! Had any of them found out that you weren't collecting protection money for us and keeping it for yourself they could have attacked and killed you!"

"Sorry…" Bo muttered, tears started welling up in his eyes.


"I…" Bo started to come up with a lie but I interrupted him.

"No, don't lie, answer me?!" I demanded.

"I wanted a back up plan for when you got tired od me and threw me away!" Bo yelled.

He looked up at me, tears streaming down his eyes. I looked to Iris and Jane who botj had equally surprised looks on their faces. I turned to him and knelt down to his level.

"Why would you think I would throw you away?" I asked.

"Because I keep messing up and causing you trouble! It's all I seem to do…!" Bo cried. I placed a hand on his head and ruffled his hair.

"Yeah, you mess up from time to time but I'm not going to throw you away. You're part of my team, I rely on you for a lot of stuff." I said then sighed. "No more collecting protection money. We'll have Sin tell all the gangs you were taking money from that they don't have to pay anymore."

"That it?" Bo asked, looking slightly relieved at the punishment I gave him so far. I smirked deviously and chuckled.

"Oh no, Bo. You're not getting off easy for this one. I'm telling your parents and letting them punish you. You also used my company's name and reputation to export money from people so I'm taking these…" I said pulling the enchanted rings I gave him off his fingers and putting them in my pocket. Bo looked like he was about to protest until I shot him a vicious glare. "…you are also getting demoted and have to help Jane sort through requests for enchanted items as well as work the desk at the shop with Angie when you're not helping Jane."

"Wait, why is helping me considered getting a demotion?" Jane asked, her eyes narrowed to a glare.

"Bad choice of words?" I offered then turned my attention back to Bo. "I'm not going to get rid of you, you dummy. Next time you have a problem, you come talk to me, don't pull dangerous stints like this."

"Okay…" Bo muttered.

"Hey, I don't mean to break up this touching moment, but you four are going to be late to class…again." The guardsmen at the security desk said.

"Fuck…" I muttered.


"What's taking Baset so long?" I asked as I tapped my finger against the desk impatiently.

"Probably something that has to deal with you." Astrid said with a weary sigh. "Every time she's late, it's because she's cleaning up one of your messes."

"Not every time!" I defended.

"Yeah, Chase, every time." Iris muttered.

"Well, class started ten minutes ago. Should one of us go and ask the guard outside if he knows when she's going to get here?" Damon asked.

"How nice of you to volunteer yourself, Damon." I said teasingly. Damon scowled and slammed his fist on the table.

"I am not some errand boy, Kingston! I meant you!" He snapped. I chuckled as the door to the lecture hall was suddenly jerked open.

Baset walked in with three men following close behind her. One man was older in the rest with grey hair, a long beard, and dressed in a long white silk robe that flowed off his sleek frame as he glided effortlessly behind Baset. The two men behind her were dressed in military uniforms that looked a way too decorated and form fitting to be just average grunts. I glanced at Iris and Jane and saw their were both looked pale as they watched the men that followed after Baset.

Baset walked to her desk and turned to address the class. Her escorts took a stand slightly behind her.

"Class, I'd like to introduce a very important member of the Egyptian government. Massà Durduin. Minister of Splicer affairs." Baset said, motioning to the man in the silk robe. He smiled rather pretentiously while toying with his beard. That smile only widened as Damon and Astrid both gasped.

"Yes, yes, no need to make a big fuss over me, Lady Baset." Massà said, his voice practically dripped with self-assurance and overconfidence.

"Yeah, that's nice, but what's he doing here?" I asked, pointing at the guy. I saw a vein bulged in Massà's forehead as he turned and looked at me.

"Well, aren't you a frank one?" He asked.

"Yes, yes I am. That doesn't answer my question, what are you doing here, we're supposed to be having class." I replied. Massà turned his nose up at me while the two of his guards stepped forward.

"Never you mind! The minister wouldn't have any dealings with someone as…uncivilized as you, boy!" One of the soldiers spat.

"Just be quiet until he leaves so you don't embarrass yourself further!" The other snapped.

'Wow, even the military is full of pompous assholes…' I thought.

"Might I remind you all who's classroom this is?" Baset said in a steel tone that made both the soldiers and the minister stand up straight. "While I can understand your frustration, I will not tolerate any disrespect towards one of my students…especially considering what you are asking of me…"

"Why, I'm sorry, Lady Baset, I meant no disrespect." Massà said, giving her a slight bow, then shot me a glare.

"Yes, yes, now, hurry up so I can start class." Baset said dismissively. I saw a slight tic in Massà's jaw form at Baset's dismissive attitude. He stood up straight and turned to address the class regardless of his inner feelings.

"I am here on behalf of his majesty Pharaoh Turak'Kahn Solomon IV to offer an invitation of an audience with his royal majesty to one Chase Kingston, CEO of Sho'lajah artifact company. Practitioner of the lost and noble art of enchanted item crafting. Will that noble, sir, please make himself known." Massà said, flinging his arms out to his side in a dramatic fashion.

Massà's eyes fell to Damon with an expectant look in his eyes. I frowned when I realized he honestly thought that Damon was me.

"I'm Chase Kingston." I said, standing up. Massà and the soldiers that guarded him all looked at me with a disbelieving and disapproving look.

"You, are Chase Kingston?" Massà exclaimed, looking me up and down and laughed."That's absurd! You look nothing more than a common street rat! Chase Kingston is supposed to be an exalted genius! There is no way you can be him."

"Some minister, you'd think he'd do his homework before coming on an errand like this." Bo said in a teasing tone. Massà glared at Bo

"Oh shut up! No one asked for your input. You repugnant child!" He snarled. I channeled shock attribute mana into my hand and fired a lightning bolt at Massà's feet. Everyone in the room gasped as he jumped back, and his two guards rushed forward to protect him.

"How dare you attack the Minister of Splicer affairs!" One of the guards yelled.

"That was a warning shot, not an attack." I said coldly, then stepped out from behind my groups desk and into the stairs. "Nobody talks to one of my employees that way. Especially not some pompous, overconfident asshole."

"How dare you…!" Massà started only to be interrupted by a slap from Baset. She slapped him so hard he nearly flew into the chalkboard. Massà stood up and looked shocked at Baset while clutching his cheek.

"Do not look surprised, minister Durduin. I warned you not to disrespect my students in my class. You did that not only once but twice. Such blatant disrespect to my face deserves more than one slap." Baset said coldly. Massà gritted his teeth at her.

"You forget yourself, Baset! You might have the title of Paragon, but that does not give you the right to assault a member of parliament!" He snapped.

"No, you forget yourself, Durduin. You might be a minister of the state, but you are an under minister. A job given to you because of who you know and not because it was earned. Had you any real power or influence in government the Pharaoh would not have selected you to be little more than a simple errand boy and deliver a simple invitation." Baset said coldly as she approached the minister.

Massà looked to his guards for support, but the look they gave told me they knew well enough to not get on Baset's bad side.

"Insult one of my students again, and I will personally deliver your head to the Pharaoh, along with my apologies for his inconvenience." Baset turned and pointed at me. "That is, in fact, Chase Kingston, the one next to him is Jane Yearwood. Beside her is Iris Stone. Chase is the CEO of Sho'lajah artifact company, Jane and Iris are his Chiefs. Direct his majesty's invitation to them."

"Wait…Yearwood…" Massà muttered, then looked up at Jane. His eyes widened in shock, and he opened his mouth to yell when one of his guards quickly jerked the minster's hand. They both shared a look that silenced the minister.

"Why the fuck would I accept a invitation from the Pharaoh now after that asshole was so damn rude to Bo!" I snapped and slumped back down

"I understand the sentiment entirely Chase. I wouldn't accept the invitation either." Baset said with a cold smile then looked to Massà. "Be sure to tell his majesty the reason Chase declined his invitation was your own impertinence. I'm sure he'll understand."

Massà's eyes widened as panic started to set in. He looked to me and dropped to his knees.

"I'm sorry for my disrespect master Kingston! Please don't decline the Pharaoh because of my grievous error!" He pleaded. I narrowed my eyes at him and then pointed at Bo.

"There's someone else you should be apologizing to." I said. Massà paused slightly bur turned to Bo.

"I'M SO SORRY FOR MY DISRESPECT!" Massà pleased. Bo looked like he was about to say something but I quickly grabbed his mouth and spoke up.

"Better. Now that you know who I am how about you try that invitation again?"