184: A Company of Fools: Royal Trappings II

"Okay so let me get this straight….the Pharaoh wants to invite me to the royal palace because he wants me to create a enchanted item for him?" I asked Massà.

Massá nodded eagerly from his spot on the floor. Baset made him spout the whole invitation again from his kneeling position, to teach him some humility on her class. The two soldiers that were with him did the same.

"Well that sounds like a pain." I said with a groan. The panic look that Massà gad intensified.

"Of course Chase would say that…" Astrid groaned then pointed a finger angrily at me.

"You are being offered a private audience with the Pharaoh, the ruler of all of Egypt. You should be jumping for joy, hell falling to your knees and praying to yhe God's for your good fortune."

"I already have a lot on my plate without adding a royal order to it all." I griped. Iris rushed over and grabbed my by collar then pulled me away from everyone else.

"Chase, shouldn't you reconsider, especially considering the Pharaoh's connection to the school…among other things…." Iris whispered.

"Other thing…" I muttered back then saw Jane out of the corner of my eye and neatly slapped myself for my own stupidity.

'Fuck, the Pharaoh is Jane's dad!' I thought.

"Fine! I'll accept the invitation!" I groaned loudly.

"Well don't sound too happy about it." Bo said. Massà jumped to his feet and sighed in relief. His guards did the same.

"Then we can embark immediately!" Massà exclaimed happily.

"Embark? Wait what?" I exclaimed.

"The Pharaoh made a deal with the college to let you miss a week so that you can dedicate yourself to the Pharaoh's request." Baset said, then glanced at Iris and Jane and added. "You and whoever you deem necessarily."

"Gotcha…so I'm expected to drop everything and just rush off to see the Pharaoh?" I asked.

"You will of course be allowed to pack for the journey." Massà spoke up. Bo did a little fost bump in the air and smiled.

"Yes! We're going to see a Pharaoh!" He exclaimed. Jane, Iris, and I all turned to glare at the young splicer.

"Who's we?!" All three of us exclaimed at the same time. Bo's smile faded and his arms fell to his side.

"Oh come on! A audience this ks a audience with royalty! You have to let me go with you!" Bo exclaimed.

"After the what we found out not even twenty minutes ago? Hell no!" I exclaimed. I pointed a finger at him and glared. "Consider it part of your punishment!"

Bo groaned loudly and plopped back down in his seat. I looked back to Jane and saw a surprising expression on her face. One I hadn't seen before. She noticed I was watching and put up her usual mask to hide her emotions but I could still see that expression leaking through ever so slightly.


"I swear to Loki Iris if you don't hurry up!" I yelled up the stairs as Jane and I waited for her at the bottom of our dorm's staircase.

"I'm coming!" Iris shouted down the stairs. I rolled my eyes then looked at Jane.

"How does she take longer than you? She literally went upstairs before you did?" I groaned.

"I know…" Jane sighed and shook her head. Iris came stomping down the stairs carrying two suitcases in her arms. Jane and I both shared a look at the sight. Iris stopped halfway when she saw us and frowned.

"What?" She asked.

"You know you don't need to pack all that…considering where we are going?" Jane asked. Iris nodded and walked down the last few steps and placed her luggage at my feet.

"I know but it would look suspicious if we left without any luggage." Iris said. I channeled mana into my void pocket ring then motioned to the black pocket dimension beside me.

"They wouldn't see pur luggage anyway be cause it's going in here!" I exclaimed. Iris looked sheepishly away as she tossed her luggage into the void. I groaned and canceled the spell then walked motioned to the door.

"Let's just go."

The girls and exited the front door where a steed carriage was waiting on the sidewalk for us. It was a very well crafted and elegant carriage. The steeds that pulled it weren't your average steeds, they were stark white from head to toe and adorned with the most extravagant looking harnesses I've ever seen.

The side of the carriage had the royal seal etched into the side and inlaid in gold.

The driver immediately jumped out of the driver side of the carriage and opened the door for the three of us. He looked surprised when he didn't see any luggage with us.

"Don't worry about getting our bags. I have an enchanted item for that." I said as I climbed inside the carriage.

"I see my lord." The driver replied then helped Jane and Iris climb into the carriage after me.

The inside of the carriage was just as extravagant as the outside. I couldn't help but wonder how Iris and Jane were able to live in the dorms if they were used to finery like this.

The carriage quickly took off. I sat near the window and watched as the streets of the college quickly rolled on by. Jane and Iris were seated directly across from me. As soon as we reached the college gates five more carriage appeared seemingly put lf nowhere and surrounded ours. Iris and Jane didn't seem surprised by the sudden maneuver so I tried to keep calm. Turns out they were part of that carriages assigned security detail.

One carriage rode in front of ours while two rode behind ours. The remaing two cleared traffic ahead of us slid thar our carriage had a clear path to our destination.

"So, did you have any idea this was happening?" I asked Jane. She snook her head.

"Nothing like this was ever mentioned in any of the letters I sent home. You also don't have to worry about keeping my secret with any of the staff we'll see. This is the same staff that worked at the palace I was raised in as a child." Jane replied. I nodded in response.

"Good I was wondering about that. But what about when we meet your father? Do I pretend I don't know about your status or just be honest?" I asked.

"Just be honest. I already wrote a report to my family about the fact that Jane told you so everyone in the palace is aware that you know our secret." Iris replied. I sighed a sigh of relief.

"I was kinda freaking out about slipping up and saying something I shouldn't." I said. Jane smiled then looked out the window.

"That's so you…" That odd expression was back on her face. I glanced over at Iris, the concerned look on her face told me that she saw it too.

"Good thing Hideyoshi came and picked up his Lugaloth early yesterday or I'd be worried about that more." I said. Jane chuckled.

"Yeah we lucked out on that one…." She said absentmindedly. Iris and I shared a look but didn't say anything. It was obvious that her mind was somewhere else.

The rest of the ride to the airport was spent in silence. Jane continued to look put the window while Iris pulled some files from my void pocket and started looking over them, they were security reports from Sin but she was pretending to look it over and was actually watching Jane put of the corner of her eye.

When we reached the airport, our carriage rode through a special gate that had three times the security than anywhere else I had seen in the entire airport. Behind that gate was a taped off runway with a special Terraback. This terraback was twice the size of any terraback I had seen before, which admittedly wasn't many. Apart from being twice the size it's shell was also a odd golden hue that glittered in the sun.

"Wow your dad is going all out…" I said softly to Jane as the carriage quickly approached the terraback. Jane and Iris both shook their heads.

"That's just the terraback for general travel. The luxury travel terraback is even bigger." Jane said. I blinked at them a few times then looked back at the terraback.

A normal terraback was about the size of a one story building, the one we were heading to was at least two stories. If the royal family had one that was even bigger I wondered how it was able to fly.

The carriage pulled to a stop in front of the terraback's boarding ladder. The driver quickly rushed around to open the door for us. Jane and Iris stepped out first and were greeted by the pilot of this particular terraback as well as four stewardesses. They all bowed as we stood in front of the steps of the ladder.

"A pleasure to see you again Lady Solomon, Mistress Philari." The Captain and stewardesses all said in unison.

I was taken back by the gesture but also by the crew using Jane and Iris' real names. Iris noticed my confusion and motioned to the space around us. The runway was deserted safe a few members of the flight crew and they were so far down the runway it was impossible for them to hear what was being said.

"A pleasure to see you all again, Tuva, Lumi, Aki, Samuella, and Redzic." Jane said looking at each stewardesses and the captain as she said their names. Each one of them looked as if a goddess had personally blessed them for having Jane just say their name.

"We are ready to take off as soon as you command my Lady." The Captain, Redzic said with a grand flourish. I bit back a chuckle and followed Jane and Iris as the started up the boarding ramp and into the terraback cabin.

I thought that the terraback that Baset had us ride in months ago was luxurious but this cabin was on another level. There were three wide and spacious aisles with four seats in each aisle. The chairs were pure leather with expensive looking gold thread inlay. Large arch-style windows sat at the ends of each aisle giving a view big enough for everyone to see out of.

Jane and Iris both quickly walked over to seats at the front of the cabin near the captain's cabin and sat down. I followed then and sat next to them. I expected them or at least Iris to make a big stink about me sitting by them when there was a whole cabin full of empty seats but they didn't say anything.

The cabin crew came in a few moments later and informed us that the terraback would be taking off soon and that the estimated flight time was four hours.

'Four hours until I meet Jane and Iris parents…' I thought to myself.

"You did tell everyone that we were leaving, right Chase?" Iris asked as the cabin crew went about finishing up their tasks before take off.

"I told my evos and they all said they'd pass the message along." I said then sighed. "I feel kinda bad for not taking, Grimm, Empress, and Jiggles with me, though."

"Of course you would. You're probably the only splicer alive that has such a problem." Iris said then patted me on the back. "Most splicers can only handle having one or two evos at a time because of the drain on their mana when they get hurt but since you have so much and most of your evos have their own mana, you don't have to worry about that."

"Then there is also the fact that all your evos have intelligence on par with a pre-teen…you can actally trust them with more complex tasks like guarding the store, the lab and Moldworks. Jiggles and Empress are in charge of squads of evos at their respective posts." Jane added then glanced out the window and sighed. "It's kind of terrifying when you think about it. Intelligence alone, all your evos are world class treasure class, that doesn't even begin to factor in what they can do with their mana and enchanted items…"

"They're not that bad." I said dismissively waving her off. Iris rolled her eyes and pointed a finger at my chest.

"You only say that because your world view is still severely limited. You only know about what's the world is like in America and small parts of Africa. More than eighty percent of the world is nowhere near talented. Hell most splicers are lucky if they become as talented or skilled as Bo is in their forties or late fifties. He's only ten and has so much more room to grow." Iris said.

I suddenly felt a shiver race down my spine at the mention of Bo and a bad feeling crawl up from the pits of my gut. Iris saw the uncomfortable look on my face and cocked her head to the side.

"You okay?" Iris asked.

"No I just have a bad feeling." I said.

"Me too…" Jane muttered softly. Iris and I looked over at Jane, she was looking out the window with the same distant look she's had for a while now..

"What was that?" I asked. Jane blinked a few times then looked back over at Irks and I and shook her head and flashed a sad smile.

"Oh nothing…" She said innocently. Iris and I shared a look but didn't say anything. A few moments later, one of the stewardesses announced that we'd be taking off in a few moments and instructed us to fasten our seat belts.

We all did as instructed and as the terraback's wings glowed with a golden light and the giant evo started to levitate, I looked at Jane one last time.

'What's going with you Jane…?' I thought to myself.