190: A Company of Fools: Royal Mystery II

"…Mother will you stop trying to touch and understand every little thing you see! We're already in enough trouble without you and Chase making it worse!" Jane groaned as she blocked her mother access to the doorway.

"Janey! Through that doorway could very our only way out of here! By keeping me away from that, you could only be keeping us from getting home!" Viola protested and tried to dance around Jane.

"Or I could be keeping you from getting us all killed! Your obsession with ancient myths and legends is going to be the death of all of us!" She snapped.

"JANE!" Turak'Kahn snapped angrily as he stomped over and grabbed Jane by the base of her neck and then grabbed his wife around the waist and lifted her up off the ground.

"Enough you two! The last thing we need is the two of you arguing!"

Turak'Kahn led the both of them away from the doorway and then set his wife down and let go of Jane. I shook my head and looked to the doorway. Not wanting to get mixed up in their family argument, I walked over and looked at the doorway.

The moment I got near it, my mana crystal glowed with a bright blue light that shimmered with the same color and intensity as the doorway. I glanced over my shoulder at Turak'Kahn and his family and saw they were all too preoccupied with their argument to notice me.

I reached out and touched the doorway. The second my hand made contact, my whole body glowed, and I was sucked inside it. In what had to of been faster than a second my body was pulled to the other side and I was no longer standing inside the power plant for this facility but now standing in a massive control room of sorts. In front of me about fifteen feet ahead was a small crystal podium that had runes and symbols floating in the air above it. I cautiously approached the podium and examined the runes.

'Wait…this isn't the runic language…it's Torapos…' I thought as I read the symbols. 'Oxygen levels optimal, gravity set to Terran base, mana dampening field active. Number of station occupants…four… occupants? Station? Where the hell are we?'

I looked away from the podium and looked at the rest of the area. There were many such podiums that were spread out around the room. Even a cluster of them at the far end of the room that looked like the main control consoles.

"CHASE!" Jane bellowed suddenly. I spun around and saw that she, Viola, and Turak'Kahn had teleported into the room using the doorway, and Jane was stomping over to me.

"Oh gods above Jane, would you calm down!" I groaned. I motioned to the room around us and started to say something when she grabbed me by my ear.

"Why did you wonder off!" Jane snapped.

"Ow! I didn't wander off! I went to scout things out and would you let go of my fucking ear!" I yelled and snatched my head away from Jane. I shot her a glare and pointed a finger at her. "Okay Jane, whatever fucking problem you have right now you better fix it quick! I can only stand so much of your pissy attitude for so long!"

"Problem? Pissy attitude! If I have a attitude it's because one again because of you I've been dragged into possibly another life or death situation only this time instead of having to wrangle not only just you I have to wrangle my mother who, just like you can't stop touching every little thing like a child!" Jane barked.

"Jane! That's enough!" Turak'Kahn snarled viciously. Both Jane and I jumped at the sound of his voice but despite that Jane turned and frowned at her father.

"Why do you keep taking her side Father? How are you not tired of dealing with mother's whims?!" Jane demanded.

"The only thing I am tired of Jane, is your constant disrespect towards your mother. Do not forget that you are the child and she the parent! Not the other way around!" Turak'Kahn snapped.

"If she's the parent she should act like it! Or at the very least act like the queen! Grandmother…." Jane started.

"I don't care what my mother had to say. She is no longer queen, your mother is and if…" Turak'Kahn started only to be stopped by Viola who placed a hand on his shoulder. Turak'Kahn looked down at her and she simply shook her head. Viola looked sternly at her daughter and sighed.

"Jane Solomon, I Viola Solomon challenge you to a duel." She said as she pulled a handkerchief from her dress's pocket and tossed it at Jane's feet. "When we get out of here and make it back to the palace, I challenge you to single combat. Spells, evos, swords, however you want to fight us up to you. We fight until one of us is unable to fight or yields."

"Viola!" Turak'Kahn exclaimed only to be cut off by a uncharacteristic glare from Viola. Jane started to laugh.

"Mother, you're challenging me to a duel? You?" Jane chuckled.

"Considering your track records with duels Jane, I'd be a lot less cocky right now." I said. Jane glared at me from over her shoulder then reached down and picked up the handkerchief.

"Fine, I accept. Don't cry to father when you lose." She said. Viola said nothing to Jane's remark but looked to me.

"Did you discover anything?" She asked. I made a iffy signal with my hand and motioned to the terminal.

"Well this is definitely the control center foe whatever this place is. All theses crystal podiums are kinda like control panels I think. They have symbols floating above them that are all written in Torapos." I explained.

"Wait so this facility was built by the Tolapo tribe? For what purpose?" Viola asked.

"This doesn't look like Torapos architecture though." Jane commented. I glanced over my shoulder at her then looked back at Viola.

"She's right, whoever built this place was really advanced magically. But I don't think it was the Torapos tribe. This place feels…ancient." I said. Viola nodded in agreement.

"You're right about that, the air tastes old and stagnant. Like its been sitting for a long time." Viola said.

"Chase, what is this?" Turak'Kahn asked.

Viola, Jane and I all turned to see Turak'Kahn on the other side lf the room pointing to one of the crystal nodes. It was a slightly different color than all the others. While they were a clear almost see through color, that one was a odd mix of blues, green, and browns. I walked over to the node and looked at the runes that floated above it.

"Plague diaries." I said then frowned. "Wait a sscond….didn't that tablet talk about a Pharaoh that stopped a plague?"

"Yeah…that's what you said it translated to." Viola said. I frowned and touched the symbols in the air. They glowed brightly at my touch and a loud whirling sound echoed from behind all of us.

Everyone turned around and saw a crystal cluster descend from the ceiling in the center of the room a few feet down and a wide array of lights shine down from the cluster until a image made of light was shown.

The image was of a man with dark brown skin, dressed in ancient Egyptian royal robes. The part that startled me was he had a star shaped farm crystal seated in his forehead. The crown that he wore had to be modified so not to cover the crystal.

"That's Ramus Azushal!" Turak'Kahn exclaimed then rushed over to the projection.

"Wait a second I thought you said he was a myth?" I asked as Jane, Viola, and I all followed him over. We stood a few feet away from the projection and examined it.

"I was always told he was…but the stories, the myths…they describe him perfectly and it matches this!" Turak'Kahn replied then pointed to his left hand. "Right down to his missing middle finger on his left hand."

"Why would a Pharaoh be reduced to a mere legend?" Viola asked. I shrugged.

"Maybe he played around on his wife and she had him killed?" I offered. Jane looked at me like I was an idiot.

"Playing recording…" A metallic voice said suddenly from seemingly nowhere. Everyone jumped and looked around for the culprit of the voice, only to jump again when Ramus projection started moving.

"Day thirty-seven of quarantine. I've tried my best to discover the rhyme or reason behind the curse of Set plague that has besieged my nation, but all my efforts seem to do is cause more casualties…" Ramus' projection said. He started to move, holding his hand behind his back as he paced worriedly. "…this plague is…inhumane. It ravages children and adults alike, not caring of sex or social status. It only seems to attack splicers, causing severe migraines, nausea, muscle spasms, and finally, full body paralysis. Those that do not lose their minds at the end are forever changed…their farm crystals shatter, and odd crystal deformities appear on their mouths or eyes. I know not what else to do but maybe consult the elders of my mother's village. The Tolapo tribe might have some knowledge on this plague…"

"End of recording…error…next file corrupted…error…next file corrupted…error…" the voice went on to say in a long loop.

"That was Ramus Azushal. The Star blessed King!" Turak'Kahn exclaimed.

"He was real…" Jane breathed.

"And dealing with a real problem, it seems. That curse of Set sounds like hell." Viola said.

"Yeah…" I muttered.

"Next file found..." That metallic voice announced. The image projected changed. It was Ramus again. Only he looked older and battle weary. He was missing his right arm and had a multitude of scars covering his left arm. "…playing recording."

"Year seventeen of quarantine. Another skirmish broke out today just outside the palace gates. This curse of Set has changed my once peaceful kingdom…but not only is my kingdom being ravaged. Kingdoms all over the world are seeing victims of the plague. But with each victim comes another soldier for the armies our enemies. They call themselves the unchained survivors of the plague now given strange and deadly new powers. What they are capable of I can only describe as unnatural and abhorrent, defying the very laws of magic and nature itself." Ramus took a moment to take a breath, then continued. "For the last seventeen years, I have searched for a cure, which has led me to find the three villages of legend. My mother's own village of Tolapo happened to be one of them, but it has been slow going to find the other too. All I have to go on are the names of their people: Sullivardic and P'olokopa."

"End of recording…error…next file corrupted…."

"Conflicts? Shattering crystals, unnatural powers? The myths and legends say nothing about this!" Turak'Kahn exclaimed.

"You're right…but then those legends date all the way back to when your dynasty was first founded, well over three thousand years ago. A lot can be lost and mistranslated over that period of time." Viola commented. Turak'Kahn nodded and scratched his chin.

"Yeah, but I feel like we aren't getting the full picture. All these error messages that annoying voice keeps spouting over and over again are entries that have more information that we are missing. I don't like that." Turak'Kahn said.

"I don't either, but who knows how old this place is or how old the magic that was used to record all this has been around." I said. Viola and Turak'Kahn nodded in agreement.

"Still, that message on a loop is annoying!" Jane groaned.

"Next file found…" The voice announced, and the projection shifted again to an even older Ramus. His hair was grayed and balding. His skin wrinkled and aged, covered in more scars than I thought possible. His looked tired, but his eyes glowed with a small glimmer of victory or defiance. "…playing recording."

"Year…too many…who cares anymore the plague is over but at what cost? Both the country and the world are ravaged beyond what anyone thought imaginable. Nearly all of the magical advancements and progress we have made as a society have been lost. It's almost as if this plague was meant to reset the war back to zero, instead of the true purpose I explained in the last entry…." Ramus said.

"FUCK! We did miss something!" I exclaimed.

"…I made these entries originally to chronicle the progess of the plague but now I hope they can be user as a guide for future generations to prevent the tragedy from happening again. Know that if you have made your way to this station…then the wheels of fate are already in motion. For only a star farm crystal bearer can undo the seal placed on the tablet that serves as the key to this place…and only descendants of a previous holder can join them. Do not think that by coming here you have brought the scourge of a plague back, various events were happening behind the scenes, probably without your knowing…the one catalyst that should be known to you is the attack of the legendary village that your ancestors were born to. This is the final entry and all I can do now is pray that you will be more successful than I and leave you with a parting give that I know will be useful to you in the future…I wish you all the luck in the world."

The projection froze and then faded away. The crystal cluster that showed the projection retreated back into the ceiling and a massive axiom spell sigil appeared on the ceiling in its place. A beam of purple energy shot directly at me and sent a Shockwave that knocked Jane, Iris, and, Turak'Kahn back away from me.

"AAAAAHHHHHH! AAAAAARGGGHHHHH!" I screamed as I felt like a thousand s scorpions were burrowing into my brain. I would have fell to my knees and clawed the ground kf the spell wasn't holding me up. I squeezed my eyes shut as I felt a intense pressure behind them, I balled my fists so tightly I could feel my nails digging into my palms.

As quickly as the pain was brought on it left. Suddenly I saw runes and symbols passing in front of my eyes. Parts of the runic language that had been a mystery to me suddenly became clear. In the literal volumes of information that filled my head the last thing I saw was a spell sigil, it played over and over in my mind, burning itself into my very genes beyond where the mana manipulation spell that kept me from learning could stop it.

When the spell effect resolved I fell to the ground face first and laid their for several minutes. I was only vaguely aware of Jane and her parents surrounding me and trying to get a response. It was taking everything I had just to remember to breath, my body was in so much pain. With no mana control to speed up the healing all I could do was lay there.

"…CHASE! Dad, what do we do?" Jane screamed at her father.

"I don't know, he's breathing! That's the important thing!" Turak'Kahn replied.

"Whatever that spell did to him hurt him, if we could use magic then we could probably heal him…" Viola said.

"Heal him! He was glowing like a firefly! I COULD SEE HIS SKELETON THROUGH HIS SKIN!" Jane bellowed desperately.

"S-s-stop s-s-s-scream…" I stuttered then panted as I tried to finish the words.

"Jane calmed down. Nothing we can do but let him recover." Turak'Kahn said. Jane huffed and crossed her arms but sat down next to me after a moment and ran her hand up and down my back which was coated in sweat but she didn't seem to mind.

I laid there recovering for what feels like hours but was probably no longer than thirty minutes. When I finally had the strength to move I sat up and stretched.

"Fuck that hurt." I groaned. Jane leaned against my shoulder and sighed.

"It's always something with you…." She muttered.

"Yeah I know…but at least I gained something this time." I said.

"Gained? Did that spell do something?" Turak'Kahn asked. I nodded and stood up.

"It gave me knowledge, like sent it directly into my brain. I can understand the runic language better now, I also think I learned a spell." I said. Everyone's brows arched at the declaration.

"Wait so it implanted knowledge directly into your brain? No studying or anything you just know this stuff by heart now?" Viola asked. I nodded.

"Backtrack to the learning a spell thing. I thought your mana-nana manipulation spell prevented things like that?!" Jane exclaimed.

"I think that spell went beyond imprinting that knowledge into my brain, like it fused it directly to my genes." I replied. Jane groaned and rubbed her forehead.

"This is just too much!"

"Did you learn anything about this plague Ramus talked about?" Turak'Kahn asked.

"No…" I said with a shake of my head. "…I think everything we were supposed to learn was on those corrupted files that annoying voice kept talking about."

"Shit!" Turak'Kahn cursed. "If what Ramus said was true then the fact that you ended here means that the very same chain of events that lead to the plague in his time is already in motion."

"The attack on Tolapo village!" Jane exclaimed.

"Fuck! That was just a few months ago…" I muttered.

"Not to be that splicer but how can we even be sure that everything on those files is true. We're missing a lot of information…" Viola said.

"True…" Turak'Kahn and Jane both said.

'Sullivardic and P'olokopa…the names of the other legendary villages. Why the hell does the first one sound so familiar?' I thought. I shrugged off that feeling and looked at everyone else.

"Let's bench this plague talk until after we get out of here. Ramus was able to come here to record those journal thingys and leave to rule a whole country to naturally there has to be a way back home." I said then looked around the control room.

"You're right…" Turak'Kahn agreed.

I walked over to the crystal nodes at the very back of the room or front depending on how you looked at it and read the Torapos symbols that danced over the nodes

"Open shutters?" I muttered as I pressed the symbol.

There was a loud creaking found that echoed through the room as the walls began to roll up. I realized the walls were not made of crystal like I had originally thought but were actually protective metal shutters. As they creeped open a bright flash of light flooded the room and blinded everyone. We all covered our eyes as the shutters opened fully and we allowed ourselves a few moments to adjust to the brightness. When my eyes finally allowed me I lowered my and and couldn't believe the sight before me.

"That...that's impossible!" Jane exclaimed.

"No…no, no, no, no no!" Turak'Kahn exclaimed while shaking his head.

"I can't believe it…that's…we're….this is?" Viola stammered.

The shutters opened to multiple glass windows that gave us a full three hundred and sixty degree view of what was outside.

"That's Earth! That's fucking Earth! We're in fucking space!" I exclaimed.