191: A Company of Fools: Royal Mystery III

"Oh shit! Oh fucking shit! Oh shitty, shit, shit, shit!" I exclaimed as I paced back and forth in front of the windows.

"Chase stop it! How is that helping?!" Jane exclaimed.

"Helping?! Helping?! Jane we are in space! In some sort of ancient…space…station? I don't know what to call this?! But I can literally look out the window and see the United States!" I yelled and pointed out the window.

"I think that's the Aztec Empire." Viola said walking over and grabbing my finger and moving it up a few inches then looked down my arm at to where my finger was pointed and nodded. "There, that is The United States."

"…thank you…" I muttered then let out a loud groan.

Outside the window we could see the Earth in its entirety. It looked like a giant blue marble with dashes of greens, browns, whites and greys. The station was far enough away that we weren't being pulled in by its gravity but close enough that I could just barely make out of the landscape below. I could see the moon orbiting the planet, just peeking out from the far side of the planet too.

"The ancients were really something to be able to pull off a feat like this." Turak'Kahn said. Viola clapped her hands excitedly.

"Just think of all the secrets that are hidden here. Forgotten magic, age old myths, this is a veritable treasure trove of ancient forgotten knowledge!" Viola exclaimed.

"Gods help me, my brain hurts." Jane said then sat down on the floor. I slapped myself a few times to make sure I wasn't seeing things then groaned when I realized I wasn't.

"Ok…I don't know about anybody else but I suddenly feel a extreme urge to get home and off a giant floating station in space that's probably as old as time!" I said.

"I second that!" Jane said jumping to her feet.

"I want to go home as well. This has been enough excitement for one day…" Turak'Kahn said.

"Okay but promise me we'll come back later, okay Turry?" Viola asked.

"Of course my love…in a few years…" Turak'Kahn said that last part under his breath.

"Well Chase you are the only one here that can reasonably read Torapos so, do any of these nodes say return home?" Jane asked motioning to the nodes around us.

I went around the room and looked at each node. They mostly had symbols that give statuses about the state of the space station. It was running perfectly which put me at ease a little. There was however one that seemed a little off.

'Enable Jump windows?' I thought as I reached up and pressed it. The node hummed for several seconds before the crystal cluster at the ceiling shot a beam of light at the back of the room and a screen made of solid mana formed.

"Please select destination…" That annoying metallic voice ordered. All eyes turned to me and and scratched my head as I thought of something.

"…Um…return to earth?" I asked.

"Error, improper destination, please select a destination."

"That was a stretch…ummm….teleportation sigils?" I tried again.

"Please specify."

"Teleportation sigils to earth?" I tried again.

"Error, improper destination. Please select a destination."

"Oh fuck a duck!" I grumbled. "Fine….um teleportation sigils hub!"

"Connecting jump window…please stand clear." The voice said.

The jump window suddenly turned dark black before the image of a room filled with spell sigils appeared on the window. I looked at everyone then walked over to the screen and placed my hand on it. My body was instantly sucked onto the window and I pushed out the other side and found myself stumbling into that room filled with spell sigils.

The sigils were written on raised platforms exactly like the ones we arrived on earlier. Thanks to that sleek that was cast on me earlier I could understand what each individual rune on the spell sigil meant.

"Fuck that makes things easier…" I muttered to myself as I looked at each platform. A few moments later I heard the others jump into the room behind me. I looked over my shoulder and saw all three of them shivering. Jane walked over to me and frowned.

"I didn't notice this last time but the magic that's used on those…teleporters…? It feels foreign…like no splicer should be able to cast spells like that." Jane said.

"You're right …" Turak'Kahn said. "That magic feels unnatural…"

I didn't t notice anything when I went through but then again I probably wasn't as attuned to magic as they were since they'd been casting it since they were young and I've only been at it for a couple months.

"These platforms have spells sigils etched into them at are tied to specific places. If I can find the right one we can all get back to earth." I said then shuddered. "That felt wrong to say."

"You find the right one yet?" Jane asked.

"No. There are freaking dozens of these platforms here. It'll take a minute." I said taking a few steps and looking at the next platform and freezing. "…Nevermind I found it."

"Seriously!" Jane yelled and looked at the platform. "This'll get us home?"

"This will take us to where ever the platform is. It's tied physically to the tablet." I said putting emphasis on the tablet part.

"So if the tablet is somewhere too confined for all of us…?" Turak'Kahn asked.

"I'm not a expert in teleportation magic but we'll all probably be smooshed together and crushed." I replied. Jane and her parents all grimaced at that visual.

"Well Turry as much as I love the idea of you sitting on my face, I'd rather not be crushed by you." Viola said with a devious smirk to her husband. Turak'Kahn blushed again and cleared his throat.

"NOPE!" Jane exclaimed and jumped onto the platform. "I'm taking my chances!"

The spell sigil on the platform activated and a tear in space opened up above Janes's head as the sigil resolved and a beam of purple energy struck her. Instead of being broken down slowly Jane was quickly broken down into dust and sucked into the tear. What took minutes to happen the first time only took seconds here.

"Jane!" Turak'Kahn and Viola exclaimed as the tear in space closed.

Turak'Kahn jumped onto the platform after Jane and the spell activated again teleporting the Pharaoh right after Jane. Viola went next and pretty soon it was just me alone on a ancient space station.

"Nope this is how the Black guy dies in the comics!" I exclaimed as I quickly jumped onto the platform and the spell activated. As I was broken down into dust and sucked away I head that same chuckle I had heard earlier ringing in my ears.

<[(Clever Boy)]>


My body rematerialized quickly and I found myself falling a short distance and landing in in water. Before I could even figure out what was going on or where the hell I was I was clawing at the water trying to keep myself from sinking deeper.

[BOSS!] Bone-lasher cried out. He quickly shot out from my farm crystal and grabbed me in his mouth and swam me up to the surface. The second my head breached the water I gasped loudly and clung to Bone-lasher like a buoy.

"WHAT THE FUCK! WHY AM IN WATER!" I shouted after I caught my breath. Bone-lasher let go of me and maneuvered so I was clinging to his back. I looked around and saw Turak'Kahn holding onto Viola as the two od them swam to shore and Jane already on the shore and getting fussed at by royal guards.

We were in a lake of sorts, not the same one in the garden that the terraback landed in.

This one seemed to be in a completely different part of the palace. Looking around I finally noticed a bridge that went over the center of the lake, looking up I could see Iris, Jurirai, and Ultia rushing towards the end of the bridge near the waters edge.

Bone-lasher swam over to the edge of the water and helped me get out. The moment we were ln dry land he switched to worried puppy mode and bounced around me.

"Boss! I was so worried! What happened! It was like you totally disappeared!" Bone-lasher exclaimed. I reached up and petted his head.

"I'm fine Bone, just more crazy stuff happening." I said calmly.

My head suddenly felt like it was going to explode as all at once I was bombarded with cries and worried pleas from my evos now that I was no longer blocked. It took me several minutes just to calm them down enough to tell them I was alright and another couple minutes to convince them all I was safe and Empress, Grimm-Guard, and Jiggles didn't need to try and come to me because I was okay.

Once they were all sufficiently calmed I looked around to see what everyone else was doing. Turak'Kahn was ordering round the royal guard to get the tablet locked up in the royal vault. Viola was spewing to Akazeem everything that she'd seen while Jane was shivering like a drowned rat and complaining to Iris, who was trying to dry her off with a towel.

"Bone…things might get a little hectic in the future." I said glancing over at the evo who stood protectively at my side. He huffed and stood proudly.

"Nothing is too much for us Boss!" He proclaimed confidently.

'I really hope that's true Bone…'


"YOU WERE WHERE!?" Jurirai bellowed and grabbed the back of Turak'Kahn's chair.

"Jurirai calm down." Turak'Kahn ordered in a serious tone. Jurirai cleared his throat and went back to his original position..

"Sorry your majesty, it's just…you understand how that sounds…" Jurirai apologized

"Yes I do…if I hadn't experienced it myself I wouldn't believe it either but it's the truth the four of us were teleported to a station that is orbiting the earth like the moon." Turak'Kahn said.

I was seated at the middle of a long table with Jane seated next to me and Iris besides her. Across from me was Amazeem and the minister of magical research. Turak'Kahn was seated at the head of the table with Viola seated next to him. Both Ultia and Jurirai stood behind their seats. At the far end of the table seated on the girls and mine's side was the minister of national defense.

"Your majesty if even half of what you said is true…then very soon the whole world will be facing a pandemic of apocalyptic proportions." The minister of national defense said.

"I know Sazeem. Which is why for the mean time nothing that is said here leaves this room. I'm tasking Akazeem and Viola with leading a team to comb through the library for any records dating back to the estimated time of the pandemic. Sazeem I want you to do a complete audit on the country's military, I want a current assessment of our numbers and possible strategies should we have to go to war?" Turak'Kahn ordered.

"War? Why are we preparing for war if there might be a pandemic?" Sazeem, the minister of defense, asked.

"Because our nation has more than a few enemies, many of them would jump at the chance to strike at us if we appear to be weakened." Turak'Kahn said. The minister nodded in understanding.

"Umm your Pharaohness, if you don't mind could I take the tablet with me?" I asked. All eyes turned to me and Jane nudged me in the side.

"There a particular reason that you want it?" Turak'Kahn asked.

"The teleportation spell inscribed on it. Only a star farm crystal bearer can use it or one of their descendants can use it and as far as we know the only people that can use it are me, you, your wife, and Jane…." I said.

"So you want access to the space station."

Turak'Kahn replied. I nodded.

"Your majesty, I recommend not giving young master Kingston the tablet." The minister of magical research spoke up. I looked down the length table at the minister and cocked an eyebrow at him.

"Why is that?" Turak'Kahn asked.

"Your majesty, the tablet has a type of magic that was thought impossible inscribed on it. It's priceless, it's beyond a national grade enchanted item. Giving it away without even researching into the magic would be a huge loss for the country." The minister replied. Turak'Kahn scratched his chin as he thought about what the minister said.

"Can you even read the Runic language?" I asked the minister.

"Not personally but there are several members of my department that learned what they know from The Morgan Paragon." He said.

"But Chase knows more about the Runic language than The Morgan." Jane said. The minister's eyes bulged at Jane's news.

"Still, it would do a disservice to our country to not give our researchers a chance to try and learn from it and as it came from the royal library we deserve the chance." The minister countered.

"Chase can you ensure that nobody else will get access to the tablet?" Turak'Kahn asked.

"I can. If I put it inside my void pocket even if someone kills me they won't get it." I said. The minister of magical research jumped up from his seat.

"Your majesty! You cannot be seriously thinking of letting him have the tablet?!" He exclaimed.

"Yes I am. It would be too dangerous to let the tablet stay here in the palace. If anyone of your researchers are descendants of a star crystal bearer then the tablet will activate. Every control panel is written in Torapos so they'll either be trapped their or end up messing things up." Turak'Kahn said.

"But…!" The minister exclaimed only to be cut off by Turak'Kahn.

"I've spoken Aska. The tablet is going to be given to Chase Kingston for safe keeping and any research into this plague we heard of on the space station!" Turak'Kahn snapped. Aska, the minister of magical research bowed his head.

"Yes your majesty, I'm sorry I overstepped." He said sitting back down.

"I also want the minister of medicine to start doing an overhaul and revamp of the hospitals in all major cities and have retraining provided to doctors in smaller towns. If people start asking why, feed them a cover story." Turak'Kahn said looking over at Jurirai.

"Of course. I'll also look into information regarding the three legendary villages." Jurirai replied.

"Good! Remember everything said in this room is to be treated as a matter of national security." Turak'Kahn said.

"Yes your majesty!" came everyone's reply, except me. The minister's of magical research and national defense, along with Akazeem and their aides all stood up and headed put the door of the meeting room we were in leaving me with Jane, Iris, and their parents.

Viola stood up and looked to Jane once they were all cleared out. The look she gave Jane sent a chill down my spine. It wasn't the nerdy researcher look she's had most of the time I'd known her. It was cold and impartial, similar to the look that Jane got when dealing with people but on a completely different level.

"Now there is the matter of our duel…" Viola started. Jane looked up at her mom cockily and stood as well.

"Yes, I'm ready when you are." Jane said. Jurirai and Ultia looked shocked while Turak'Kahn looked tired.

"Wait? What duel?" Iris asked looking at Jane and then Viola. Jane turned to look at Iris and sighed.

"Mother decided that she wanted to challenge me to a duel while we were up on that space station." Jane replied in an exasperated tone. Iris' eyes widened and she quickly jumped to her feet.

"Why would you accept?!" Iris demanded, the panic in her voice was plain to see.

"I'm not about to turn down a challenge, especially from my mother." Jane said, scornfully.

"Given how freaked out Iris is at this news, I think this might be a challenge you should turn down….especially given your track record with duels lately." I spoke up.

"My mother is hardly on the same level as you Chase." Jane said dismissively.

"If you're both sure about this then…?" Turak'Kahn said.

"I'm sure Turak'Kahn." Viola said in a commanding tone. I frowned when I heard it, partly because it seemed out of character for Viola and also because she called the Pharaoh by his name and not the nickname she'd been using.

"Alright then…." Turak'Kahn sighed and stood. "…to the arena!"