Chapter 1: The Start To GodHood





















Crimson stained the earth as screams of terror blared through the air. 

Under the pitch-black sky, a mountain of bodies were piled atop one another, creating a tower of carcasses that soared above, nearly reaching the clouds.

Within a small city, 2-story buildings were aflame all around, sending billows of smoke surging into the air and enshrouding the entire area.

The dimness of the lightless sky was illuminated by the flames scattered about the lands.

As the running blood ran hot and terror ran rampant, the source of the destruction stood at the center of this city, surrounded by corpses.

Absolutely everything was left to ruins, and this man, the cause of this disaster, simply stood there with a smile on his face.

Yet, amongst this chaos, a group of individuals heavily armed with swords, spears, and bows approached him, a look of fear, anger, and confusion plastered across their faces.

"Why?" one of them asked.

The culprit looked over at them, "Hm?"

"Why would you do all this?! Do you not fear the punishment of the Creator?"

Yet the culprit simply smiled at this, "Heh... hehehehHAHAHAHAH!"

Then everything went white.






There before his eyes was a vast chamber with golden chandeliers hanging from the 50 meters (165ft) high ceiling.

The marble room was adorned with gold, silver, and so much jewelry it could make one go blind.

Oz's chocolate-colored forehead wrinkled, trying to think hard of how the hell he got in this situation or who the hell he even was!

'What was that dream I just saw? Where am I?'

A bald, white-bearded old man stuck his wrinkly finger that resembled a moldy carrot out towards Oz, "This disgusting vermin shall be banned from the institution~ forever!!"

'What?!' confusion took hold of him as his head throbbed, 'My memories, who am I?..'




{A Few Days Later...}


"Hehehe, you sure are spongey newbay!" a 400lb (181kg) burly man over 6'7in (200cm) laughed out as he sent another fist flying at Oz, whose knees were already buckling.


"Ughh!" Oz was sent into a 5ft (152cm) tall pile of dung, soaking him.

The clear blue sky beamed down its splendid rays of light, illuminating the muddy fields littered with piles of dung.

However, what was most strange was that the sky above was without an incandescent source, no sun or stars in sight, just the empty light blue sky giving off a warm, gentle glow.

"Hehe, looks like I'm doin you a favor newbay!" as the burly man ran up to punt Oz.


Oz's head snapped back, his vision beginning to black out, "Hehe, now ya safe from them, beasts!"

Oz's obsidian eyes glared upward with a look of utter contempt, "Oh?" The burly man reached down, pulling the boy up by his curly neck-length silver dreaded hair, "Why do you seem so mad? Have I not been good to you?"

The burly man faked a sympathetic look before flashing a toothy smile and cocking back his arm.


Oz felt all the air leave his body, GASP.

The burly man laughed and dropped him, letting his face slap fall back on the muddy ground.

The burly man stood over the boy, licking his lips.

His plump belly quivered as if trying its damnest to hold back its urges.

His unscrupulous neck-length red hair and beard flowed wildly, matching with the bright red-beast fur stretched to max capacity around his protruding waist, only making him look all the fiercer, yet also adding color to the otherwise dreary-looking brown rags he was clothed in.

The man's twitchy red eyes filled with lust hungrily gawked at Oz.

"Listen newbay, my…" a sly smile spread across his face, "Pleasure toy went missing, so I figure I'll promote ya."

Oz's eyes snapped back to focus before his whole world started spinning, "You clean up that gunk on ya by tomorrow, ya hear? I ain't much into dookay."

As the burly man walked away, he spat out, "If ya ain't clean, ya can bet the beating you'll get is gon be even worse, kekeke!

Oz lay there in the pile of dung, his hoarse voice whispered softly, "Why… why the fuck am I even here?"

He thought back to the first memories of coming here a few days ago…




{Flashback to a Few Days Ago...}

This disgusting vermin shall be banned from the institution~ forever!!"

Oz's eardrums nearly exploded as a pale, bald old man looking to be 80 years old blared out across the gigantic room, allowing the nearly 200 people in this spacious room to hear him crystal clear.


A swift strike came behind as two guards knocked Oz over and began to tie his hands up! He was outraged; he had barely gotten his bearings, yet he was already being tied up?

"What the hell?! What did I even do?" The room immediately went quiet, "Y-you dare ask that after what you did to my son?!"

A banshee screamed out; however, that banshee turned out to be an incredibly obese, ugly woman who was built like uncooked dough; her pasty skin was shiny from sweating, and her unkempt black hair was ungodly to look at.

Next to her was a just as unsightly boy of about 16 years old with a plump wart on his nose who was snickering at Oz; obviously, everything wasn't as what was said.


The room was quiet again, and the old man looked back over, "Oz, for violently assaulting a fellow future classmate, you have been suspended from entering the academy and are to serve time in the Dung Den for a year."

Everyone let out gasps, and the entire room began to break out into a fervent discussion about the young boy's fate but...

"Pshhhh, hahahahahahHAHAHAHAHAHA".

The crowd quieted as the boy's laughter filled the auditorium; even the guards who still had Oz apprehended looked confused. "The dung den? You sentencing me to a year of constipation?"

The crowd broke out into stifled giggles, trying their best not to break their carefully crafted etiquette, many covering their mouths and looking away.

The old man's bald head began to resemble a tomato, turning red from anger, his long beard swinging as he grumbled, "You... guards, take him away!"

The guards jerked Oz up and pulled him along the corridor towards the exit of the chambers and through the overbearing double doors. "I was going to let you stay one last night in your own accommodations, but since you want to try my patience, an early day will do you well in learning some respect!"

Oz internally rolled his eyes and grumbled under his breath, "Sigh, this old man never shuts up, does he."

Oz didn't notice it before, but as he was escorted out by the guards, he noticed in the top right of his peripherals a black box that moved alongside his vision, "Strange," he muttered.






[Snap back to the Present]

He still had that black box in the top right corner of his vision, though now he was also seeing stars as well, no doubt from that beating he was just dealt.

He hadn't figured out the function of this little black box, and when asking around, he found out no one else had it either, if they even answered a "newbie" like him at all.

He leaped up from the pile of dung, "Grr, I need to get out of this situation, but that fatass is strong; while not as strong as those guards, I'm definitely not his match…"

Oz contemplated; he had no choice; the Dung Den wasn't a place that was kind to the weak nor the ones isolated; that's why, no matter the arduous work, he had to stay.

As he steadily rose to his feet and scooped a handful of the dung from the pile he fell in and put some in his pocket for later.

He limped out of the pooper scooper area he worked in, an open-aired area where miles-long piles of dung were stacked together in muddy, parasite-infested fields, thanks no less to the hard work of Oz and his fellow inmates.

He left out past the flimsy wooden gates the prisoners here considered "protection" and then traversed through the horrific forest.

Making sure to walk quietly and hide in bushes from time to time even if he only 'thought' he heard a noise, better safe than sorry.

Finally, after around 10 minutes of traveling, Oz came up to an aquiline blue pool. It brilliantly sparkled with the day sky beaming down on it.

There were no trees around but a shrubbery covering 360 around, so he felt safe whenever he came to bathe here, "Hehe, no peeping Tom's gonna look at my ass here."

That was the thought Oz had when he discovered this place on his first day at the Dung Den whilst exploring the forest.

The pool was around 40ft wide (12 meters), and who knew how deep, and yet it seemed to get deeper the more in the center one went.

None of the other inmates seemed to know about this spot, so Oz enjoyed washing up here as one of the few moments of tranquility.

Well, they didn't seem to wash off at all, so that probably explained it.

Regardless, Oz carefully removed his clothes and placed them on the ground before quietly stepping into the soothing, cool pool, afraid to make a single splash.

He still remembered the first time he came to this forest days ago…

[A look back to a few days ago]




The guards took Oz out of the castle and to an animal stock; within it was a towering bird twice Oz's height (5'8).

Its brightly colored emerald feathers and glistening beak not taking away from its ferocious look, "The fuck kinda place am I?"

Oz pondered because regardless of where he came from, he knew two things: he wasn't from this world, and his old world definitely didn't have birds this big.

One of the guards, growing impatient at Oz standing and gawking at their transport, nudged him forward from behind, "Hurry up, you gremlin!"

Oz stumbled forward, shooting a threatening look back toward the impatient guard, "I said hurry up!"

The guard shoved again, nearly sending Oz sprawling towards the ground face first before the other guard caught him by the back of his black collared shirt and tossed him up on the bird with one hand.

Both guards were covered from head to toe in reflective silver armor that was without a single scratch; their helmets covered their faces, only allowing the eyes to peak out.

Atop the helmet, in the middle, a bright green jewel was present that twinkled with a mysterious glimmer.

As Oz plopped down onto the bird, it dawned on him that these guys may be stronger than they looked.

He clenched his fist and grimaced, "Just you wait…"


Both guards jumped and gracefully landed upon the bird's back, leaving him speechless, "Hmm, just wait a bit longer…"

After having flown from the well-adorned castle area and above the town area, they arrived at what appeared to be a ghastly forest.

Oz noticed a wall that looked to be around 300ft (91 meters) high with guards stationed atop it, separating the town and surrounding the gloomy forest.

However, what caught the boy's eye was the huge overarching tree far in depth of the forest, with its grand presence towering at around 10,000ft (3048m) high; his mouth hung agape as he gawked starry-eyed at the fantastical sight.

They flew past this wall and continued towards the forest, landing on the outskirts.

The asshole guard kicked Oz off the bird, causing the boy to tumble awkwardly onto his shoulder.

Oz was furious, but he kept himself under control and followed the guards as they gently landed on the ground.

They then walked for a couple of minutes before coming over to a rickety wooden stand and untying his ropes, "Here you are, have fun," the smug guard said as they turned and walked back to where they came.

Oz stood there, "What the hell?" He then turned, dusted himself off, and began to go forward, back to where he came from.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

Behind the abandoned stand was now a haggard, sunburned old man with a straw hat; he looked so thin, as if the wind could push him over.

His thin, grey hair rustled in the wind, with some strands even being stolen away from his pale scalp by the mischievous breeze.

Oz clutched his fist, his rage still built up from the arrogant guard.

He was ready to bash this geezer's head in, "Oh? And why is that?"

The old man glanced at Oz's fist and then chuckled, "Ya ever wonder why them boys flew?" Oz's eyes slightly widened, and then he looked around.

It just now hit him that he was in a forest area, and on top of that, this was an entirely new world.

Oz decided to play along to gather more info, "Why did they fly me here?"

The old man's brown eyes creased as he showed a toothy grin with most of his teeth missing, the remaining covered in a thick brown crust.

"Well, first off, welcome to the Dung Den. Me and the ol' boys have another name for it here, but you'll learn it soon enough hehe."

Oz remained quiet, waiting for the man to actually say something important, "I'll tell you this as a free word of advice: the only way you, me, or ANYONE else is gettin' out of here is by them birds you just saw, and they only come around bout once a year."

Oz was puzzled, "But wh-", "Here, follow me." The old geezer didn't wait and immediately turned around and started walking; the boy was surprised but quickly scurried over to catch up and walked closely behind the old man, afraid he might get lost.

The lush forest was daunting, with huge trees making Oz feel like an ant; as he followed behind while observing the surroundings, he bumped into the old geezer's back.

As he was about to open his mouth and question, the old geezer lifted his hand to shush him.

Oz took the memo and stood there silently; all that could be heard was the vegetation rustling in the wind.

In a very slow movement, the geezer reached into his pocket and, in a smooth motion, flung his hands out towards Oz, splashing him.

The boy felt a hot sensation on his chest and fell back as he was about to yelp, but a hot, moist hand covered his mouth.

It was the old geezer, with one hand on Oz's mouth and the other making a "shh" motion.

Oz kept quiet as his eyes darted around, trying to see what this geezer was so scared of…

Seconds passed…

Seconds turned into minutes…

Oz felt he was going insane.

The sheer pressure was making his mind feel numb.


A huge black shadow leaped through the air and out of sight of the two.

Oz felt sweat tingle down his back, and he watched as the geezer's Adam's apple wobbled up and down.

After a few moments of dreadful quiet, the geezer removed his hand and sighed, "Ol mighty Yala kid, ya just got here, and ya already brushing with death; if I didn't have some extra dung in my pocket, ya would've been a goner."

Oz blinked his eyes a couple of times at the old man, not sure if what he heard was correct. "Dung?"

The old man showed a toothy grin," Yeh, didn't ya smell my hand while it was in your mouth bahahahaha!" Oz's eyes widened, and he lurched over, spitting at the grass, "Bleugghh!" this had the geezer in stitches, "Bahahahah, welcome to the Dung Den, newbie!"


.The old man and Oz arrived at the official Dung Den before dark, and Oz was introduced to what would be his home for the next year.

The duo came to a flimsily put-together wooden fence about 12 meters high (40ft) with reeking dung plastered all over it.

If Oz couldn't see where the name Dung Dungeon came from before, he definitely could now.

The two continued past the fence and what seemed to be a decrepit amalgamation of a bunch of wood tossed together to form some semblance of homes, surrounded by towering wood fences separating the interior from the danger that lurked in the forest outside.

Roaming around the area were a bunch of rough-looking men, all wearing what looked to be rags pieced together.

Compared to the black shirt and pants Oz was wearing, it was like a night and day difference, though that may not be for the best.

Each man had a tinge of brown on their clothes and was all built differently, from tall skinny figures to hulking muscular figures, with almost all having injuries that looked like they took place from battle.

The old geezer pointed Oz to a makeshift hut for him to settle in for the night, "Oh," the old man called over, prompting Oz to turn around as he was about to walk away, "And one more word of advice, newbie…", the old geezer's eyes glimmered with a mischievous light…

"Don't get noticed."




[Back to the present]

Thinking back now as Oz soaked in the cool tranquil pool, that advice was harder to implement than it seemed, being the youngest of the bunch.

Oz guessed he was around 15-16 but couldn't know for sure.

Regardless, if his age didn't set him apart, his clean clothes definitely did, and that fat pervert definitely took notice.

His "pleasure toy" to speak of either killed himself or ran off, neither of which was in Oz's plans.

He remained neck-deep in the water, pondering what to do.

He gripped his fist tightly and burrowed his eyes.

Running away in this forest would be suicide, so he'll at least go out fighting!

Oz frantically began looking around, trying to find a semblance of anything that could be a useful weapon.

The pool was gently rippling, his reflection ebbing and bending as he slowly moved his arms around, looking for anything he could use as a weapon.

A stick or something of the sort would be too big, if the pervert's men saw Oz walking in with a stick, he may as well just kiss life goodbye.

No, he needed something smaller, something covert yet hard enough to pack a punch. A rock would do just the trick.

He looked around, seeing all types of pebbles speckled across the earthen floor surrounding the pool, yet as Oz thought to get out, a sound went off behind him.


A tingle went down the boy's back as he quickly turned, only to see a faint green glow coming from near the pool's center.

Nervousness coursed through his body, yet through danger, there was opportunity.

"Heheheh," a nervous chuckle reverbed out from the boy, 'Fuk it.'

Oz quickly dove down, quickly swimming toward the source of light.

The water was clear as an open window.

As he swam towards the source of the light, a green stone came into view, the spilling light becoming stronger and stronger as he approached, finally grabbing the mysterious stone and springing up with it in his grasp.

"Bah!" he gasped as his head escaped the tranquil lake, 'Luckily, it wasn't too deep,' he thought to himself as he swam back to shore.

Finally, upon plopping his fatigued body onto the muddy ground, he took in deep breaths before turning onto his back and examining the stone in hand.

It was a dull grey color with streaked lines of a strange, subtle green glow.

He didn't like the color green too much, and he didn't know why it was glowing, but it felt firm, and hopefully, it could get the job done.

"Hehe, now let's see that fatass or anyone try to s-"


He froze.

Did he make too much noise just now?

His butt-naked ass just got out of the pond, in which he spent around 15-20minutes.

He knew for a fact no one could have followed him as he always covered his trail, which left only one option.

Oz tried to steady his breath as he slowly turned, and it took every urge of his not to yell out.

There it was.

Just standing there.

A medium-sized green cat, standing about 5ft (1.5m) tall and dotted with brown spots, its feline eyes carefully examining Oz, seizing him up as prey to be consumed.

In the short time Oz spent here, he got to learn snippets about the creatures that lived in this forest… and how to deal with them.

Oz's eyes shot over to look at his pants, around 10ft (3 meters) to his left.

He looked back at the cat and gulped.

They were about 20ft (6 meters) apart, there's no way he can make that.

At the same time, if he knew one thing about these types of creatures, in particular, it was one thing: they never travel alone.

"HOOOOOHH," Oz gently breathed out, trying to calm his beating heart, the adrenaline causing his eyesight to focus in, and his eyes began twitching and shifting around for any hope of escape, but no one would come, and no one would care… he stood motionless. "Fuk."


Oz bolted towards his clothes, his eyes tearing up as he ripped through the wind as fast he could!


He could feel the creature right on him.

He was gonna die.

Oz suddenly fell and tumbled to his left to get out of the way of the creature.

It zipped past, just barely missing him, its long, slender tail brushing right on Oz's shoulder.

Oz pushed off his foot, nearly there, as he stretched out his hand, grabbing onto his clothes.


"Fuk!" The creature's mouth was nearly about to devour his hand, as it had already recovered.

He let go of the clothes, pulling back his hand and tumbling backward.

The creature bit into his clothes, shaking its head as if trying to rip it to shreds.

Yet, then, its eyes nearly bulged as it rolled its tongue out, dropping Oz's dung-infested clothes; not one to miss this chance, Oz sped off back towards the base.

Right on time, too, because shortly after he left, the creature's companions arrived, looking around and purring at it as if asking what the ruckus was.

The leader of the pack spotted Oz's clothes and walked up to them to investigate; it sniffed the clothes, and its eyes nearly dropped out of its mouth.

It winced back and gagged, shaking its face and trying to force fresh air into its nostrils before hissing at the clothes and walking back to where it came from, its pack following closely behind.

In the back, the little cat who let the prey get away was fuming, now sharpening its claws for the time it next met Oz.

Oz had run nearly the whole way back, unsure if that beast was still following him.

Finally, he collapsed, his untrained legs unable to move and his breath haggard and dry.

His shaky hands still held the stone, his only lifeline in that cesspit he calls home for now.

It was around 3 inches (7.6cm), and he was not only naked but also dirty and sweaty again.

The pervert's temper would be especially fierce because of this, further showing why he needed this stone.

Yet he couldn't just walk in with it; even something as simple as a stone, much less a glowing stone, would alert not only the pervert but also attract the greed of the other inmates.

Oz was at a crossroads.

Perhaps he could put it in his mouth, but then people would see the bulge in his mouth, plus he might swallow it and choke…

He had heard of other ways inmates had snuck items into the Dun Den before being transported here; he shuddered.

His pride would never allow him to stoop so low, yet… it was pride or survival.

Oz cursed in frustration as he glanced at this mysterious stone, "Well, at least it's not a stick." Oz gave a half-hearted smile, trying to find a silver lining in the situation.




[Meanwhile... in the middle of the Dung Den]

"Reportin' Boss!" A cloaked lanky figure with neck-length black hair and green eyes entered a wooden shack that was in much better condition than the rest.

Beast fur was laid across the entire room, and there was even a chandelier glowing with a mysterious orange light on the ceiling, though what powered it no one knew.

A large man with flowing red hair and a greasy, thick beard sat up from atop his bed, his protruding belly leaking out from the sheets.

Next to him was a bruised and battered body with chunks of brown hair pulled out from its skull.

The lanky figure bowed down on his knee, "Congrats on findin' your "pleasure toy" boss."

The boss harrumphed and tossed the body out of the bed with one hand, the corpse awkwardly landing on its head and its neck bending at an unnatural angle, "This one ain't no good; he thought he could run away from me and still come crawling back, heh!"

The lanky figure was sweating.

This "boss" of theirs was powerful, yet he had an insatiable appetite, more greedy than his belly.

"So…" the pervert spoke up, "How's my new toy?" The lanky figure was sweating profusely, "H-he's back safe, though it's strange." The pervert burrowed his eyebrows, "Strange how?"

The lanky man gulped before continuing, "Well, he was butt-naked for starters."

The pervert's eyebrows raised, and a bulge could be seen surfacing from beneath the sheets.

Wanting to do his best to finish before the 'monster was fully awoken,' the lanky man continued, "And he was covered in all types of scratches and dirt, he walking weird too-," he was cut off again.

"Dirty?" a hint of anger could be heard.

The "monster" in the sheets subsided, and the pervert's face was replaced with that of rage, "so the newbay's tryna get dirty, so I don't want him? Hmhm, well, we can do dirty."

The pervert mischievously licked his lips before continuing, "I said I was gonna visit tomorrow. How bout I give him a dirty lil' surprise tonight, hehe? Though… I do need a warmup… You!"

The pervert pointed his thick cutlet fingers at the lanky man, causing him to nearly flatten down from the sheer pressure, "Yes, boss?"

The lanky man didn't dare to make eye contact, "Go and find me a little fun pocket, don't worry about breakin'. I won't need it too long. Just tell 'em I wanna have a good ol' chat."

The pervert revealed a hearty smile as if his intentions were to have a wholesome meal with the person, though he's the only one who would be eating…

The lanky man quickly got up while keeping his head down, "Right away, boss!" before turning around to leave. The pervert wiggled out of his bed, reminiscing about the potential flavors for tonight's menu, "Hadn't had me that young in awhile, mmmm…" he moaned out.

He glanced down at the corpse on the floor, palming its head with a single hand and lifting it up to him while surveying all of its bruised and charred body, "gonna be a while till company, let's have a lil appetizer, hehehe."




[A little while later, in Oz's shack]

HUFF… HUFF… Oz was back in his room, taking long breaths.

That was the longest few minutes of his life, and he was NEVER doing anything like that again.

He swore it on himself, not like he had anything else to his name.

He now held the slightly speckled rock and tightly clenched it, afraid it may disappear if he looked away just for a second.

It was getting dark out, and he and others were already done with today's work, so still butt-naked, he wrapped himself in his flimsy hole-infested blanket and collapsed onto his bed, still clenching his stone like life depended on it and mentally preparing for tomorrow.



It was a rainy and stormy night.

The inmates were in their shacks, many trying their best to cover the holes in their leaky houses; however, most, with Oz among them were already sound asleep after a long day of arduous work.


The creaky wooden door cracked open.

A foot gently stepped through the doorframe, ever carefully moving closer and closer.

There he was, this young lad that had just arrived a few days ago.

The monster in the pants was awakened, bulging out and looming over Oz as if ready to feast.

He stepped forward again, lifting his knee to get on the bed quietly.


The creaky floors wailed, and Oz's eyes flashed open, revealing the fat shadow in the grim dark.

Oz opened his mouth to scream, "Aa-mmmf."

This fatty was fast as his hands covered Oz's mouth and then grasped around his throat, blocking off his air; not like anyone would come to help anyway; he was on his own.

Yet he was scared.

He knew he wasn't the pervert's match.

The dark room was getting darker; tints of red crept into the corner of his eyes, and he was beginning to fade.

Even all this trouble for this stupid stone was like a shot in the dark for a chance at surviving, yet now it seemed pointless.


Thunder rang from above, nearly shaking the sky and rocking the little hut Oz called home.


A lightning strike shot across the sky, illuminating the room through the dingy cracks in the roof and doorway entrance, revealing a man who, while pudgy, wasn't the pervert.

This pimple-infested bozo was probably just someone who got off to the glimpse of Oz's naked rear and wanted to snatch some.

Like Oz would let him!

It wasn't the pervert!

He could do this!

He tightly gripped the stone in hand and slammed it into the man's neck.


The man tumbled backward, clutching his throat.

Oz was dazed, catching his breath for what seemed to be minutes, but he knew he had to be quick before this fat bastard recovered.

Still tightly clutching the stone in hand, Oz tumbled out of bed and swung at the man, "Aghhh!!"

Caught off guard, the man looked up, but it was too late.


He was struck in the head by the rock, and his vision began blurring up, but Oz wasn't done yet, "Die, die, die, die, die!!"

With each yell, he hit harder and with more conviction.




Eventually, the sounds became splashy as brain matter and blood splattered everywhere.



Oz breathed deeply as the rain continued rapidly pouring down.

He was alive.

Suddenly, the black box that had been dormant all this time sprung up in the middle of his vision, spinning with a golden glow.

Oz's eyes widened as he wasn't sure what was going on, 'Did I die, and I'm hallucinating?'

All of a sudden, the golden box burst into an explosion of light, nearly blinding Oz and causing him to close his eyes.

When he opened them, he was shocked at what he saw.

[Name: Oz]

[Level: 1]

[Realm: 0]

[Proficiency: Low]

[Bloodline: Locked]

Oz's eyes widened, 'Is this?..'

Though he couldn't remember his old world, this felt… familiar.

Yet what he saw at the bottom really caught his attention.

[Experience Gained, Killed Realm 0, Low Proficiency Human.]

"Experienced gained?" It didn't take a genius to put 2 and 2 together. A mischievous smile rose across Oz's face as he slowly got up.

"I should thank you," Oz spoke to the unresponsive corpse, "If it weren't for you, that fat pervert you call a boss would have probably killed me, so thank you!"


As he launched a full-force kick into the man's testicles.

He then stripped the man of his clothes and wore them for himself, and though they were baggy and smelled like dung and precum, the rain would take care of that.

Hopefully, it could take care of the smell of blood as well because he was going to have quite the leveling experience tonight.
















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