Chapter 2: The Leveling Begins


Dark clouds loomed over the sky, casting the wet night into a dreadful darkness.

The rapid fall of the rain pattering against the poorly constructed homes was an almost calming symphony to what would soon become a murderous night.


Thunder shook the earth as a purple streak of lightning flashed across the sky.

If someone were to look outside through the rain during that small flash of light, they'd see a child of about 15-16 years old, with drenched oversized clothes, standing in the rain whilst grasping a glowing green rock.

Truly a strange sight to behold.

Oz braced himself, going over the plan in his mind and entering the neighboring shack to him.

The inmates were all divided in their housing by area.

Of course, there were other roles Oz couldn't bother to learn, but these inmates in the Dung scooper section were all incredibly weak, yet there were many of them.

Which meant plenty of experience, and Oz had a theory to test.


Similar to his own hut, this door was incredibly creaky, with the rickety door barely hanging onto its hinges.

Oz knew the floor would be creaky and wasted no time.

He bent his knees and took a single big leap across the floor, landing on his tiptoes and next to the small bed, his target still peacefully sleeping, unaware that this would be his final rest.

Oz clenched the stone and raised his hand.


"Ugh!" the figure lying in bed moaned out in pain; however, the violent storm outside contained all noise and Oz would not let this opportunity pass.




Oz continued swinging in the dark.

Each hit growing more and more vicious, blindly bashing away in the dark until he heard the sound he wanted.


A wet lump splashed across his cheek, and a smile slowly spread as he read the words that lit up across his eyes.

[Experience Gained, Killed Realm 0, Low Proficiency Human.]

However, another surprise awaited Oz as another notification came soon after, alongside an unexplainable sensation.

The feeling of a cool surge flowing through his veins nearly caused him to let out moans of pleasure.

[Leveled Up!]

[Name: Oz]

[Level: 2]

[Realm: 0]

[Proficiency: Low]

[Bloodline: Locked]

The boy slumped to the ground, his eyes widening as he examined his body for any changes, "So it's true."

Oz stayed kneeled there in the darkness of the blood-stenched room.

The rain continued pitter-pattering outside as if trying to urge him back into its embrace.

Oz hypothesized this result, and he was happy to be correct.

Not one to refuse to oblige the rain's humble request, he quickly stood up and went back outside, ready to continue his "leveling experience."




{Moments later... a figure approached Oz's shack}


Lightning flashed across the sky, illuminating the runny mud with a purple radiance.

Huff… huff… huff…

Heavy breathing could be heard as a large figure trudged and jiggled his way towards a particular shack in the dung cleaner section of the Dung Den.


The door was kicked open as a plump figure entered, his 3rd leg entering first like a canine craving for its meal, but what the man met shocked him.

There in the middle of the room was a bare naked figure, crimson oozing from its head, and its crotch area pulverized.

The figure bent down, groping the body in panic before calming down. "Wooh, so it's not the newbay. I almost lost a brand new "pleasure toy."

The pervert licked his lips while rising back to his feet, "From the looks of it, someone tried to get a taste before me."

He peeled his eyes down at the barely visible corpse in the suffocating darkness, "Serves em' right, but where'd newbay run off to?.."




{Meanwhile... in another worker's shack}


[Experience Gained, Killed Realm 0, Low Proficiency Human.]

[Leveled Up!]

A muffled scream rang out as another victim was swiftly and permanently put to rest, and with that, an invigorating coolness surged through Oz's body.

He had begun progressing more and more quickly as he not only "leveled up" but also learned more effective ways of taking life away.

The boy was surprised at his rapid boost in strength; he squeezed his fists as the feeling was truly intoxicating.

He focused in on the box, bringing up his raised stats.

[Name: Oz]

[Level: 7]

[Realm: 0]

[Proficiency: Medium]

[Bloodline: Locked]

Oz had killed 20 men so far with no plans of stopping.

Yeh, he felt that while he was almost at a certain threshold, his progress had slowed down.

While the feeling of quick kills was intoxicating alongside his growing strength, he knew that someone would eventually notice something wrong.

He had to adjust some plans, he had to speed up his leveling.

He pondered.

Oz took a glance at the notification screen in his eyes from the most recent kill.

[Experience Gained, Killed Realm 0, Low Proficiency Human.]

"Proficiency." Oz gently sounded out.

He noticed since he became level 4, his proficiency had risen to Medium.

The dung scoopers were almost always the weak, sickly majority, so perhaps taking out stronger foes would yield more experience.

Oz paused; it was high-risk, high-reward.

The sanctioned unit Oz was in was for pooper scoopers, but close by was the miners' area, each of them being incredibly muscular men.

Oz gulped; it was high-risk indeed.

"After what I went through for this stone, I can't back out now!" Oz hyped himself up and braced before running back outwards into the moist embrace of the pelting rain, the occasional lightning strike being all there was to illuminate his path to the miner area.




{In another part of the Dun Den}


Another door was kicked open.

The pervert walked in belly first, his 3rd leg tucked into his pant sleeves and his quivering lust overcome by sheer rage, "Who the fak does this newbay think he is?"

The pervert's quaking voice scared the two men behind him, who were unsure of how to answer.

The falling rain was all that could be heard as they stayed far back outside of the house with their heads down, continuing to get soaked.


The pervert growled out his orders, "Rally up the men and search the area. Bring the newbay to me."

The guards, covered in thin black cloaks, awkwardly bowed and backed up before turning around and shifting into full-out sprints.

The pervert stood there standing over the corpse before calmly crouching down and examining it, running his fingers across its neck. "He's getting better… and stronger?"

The pervert grimaced, "Just one more year, and I'm through. Then it'll all be worth it. Just gotta nip little newbay in the bud."

He then got up and glanced at the corpse once more before turning around returning to the storm's soaking embrace.





{Meanwhile near the Miner Area of the Dung Den}

Thunder rang out across the sky, and the lightning became more and more common as the ground began to get struck.

Oz had seen trees on the surrounding outskirts of the Dung Den get struck down, causing him to pick up the pace even more.

Finally, he had arrived at the miners' shacks, made from the same rickety woods as the dung scoopers and everyone else.

The ore and even the rock were valuable materials.

Not even the miners could get their hands on any, with it being closely managed by the "boss" and those above him.

A big reason why Oz had to find his outside of the Dung Den and not the mines.

Oz continued forward on the outer area of the shacks.

The miners were definitely higher up on the hierarchy than the dung scoopers, and it showed in their housing.

While still dilapidated, the hut wasn't shaking and creaking against the forces of nature nearly as much as those of the dung scoopers.

Oz calmly slowed his breath, breathing in and exhaling out purposefully.

He reached out and slowly opened the door.

The door was quieter than those at the dung den, but a barely audible creaking quietly reverberated out, yet still shushed by the ever-increasing storm outside.

Oz carefully entered to see a figure whose hulking muscular physique could be made out even in the stirring dark, lying atop his makeshift mattress.

His massive figure shifted up and down with each thunderous snore.

Oz gulped; this was much different than a meek, sickly dung scooper.


A thunderous crack of lightning roared overhead, nearly causing Oz to jump in fright as if a sign for him to hurry the hell up.

He steeled himself and continued creeping forward softly, wanting to take extra care of this target.

Oz finally crept up beside the mountain of a man.

His scars from work and possible beast attack were slightly more visible upon closer inspection, but that just went to show how durable this man was.

Oz gazed at the man's girthy neck and inhaled through his nose slowly while raising his arm above, the desire to kill flashing in his piercing inky-black eyes.


"Gah!" Oz accurately slammed the glowing stone onto the miner's neck like he had done so many times before, yet it felt different than before.

The man fumbled around, confused and dazed, until his eyes pierced towards Oz with a look that would be deadly if looks could kill; unfortunately for the miner, his looks couldn't kill, but Oz's glowing stone surely could!


Once again, Oz slammed the stone into the man's burly neck, diving deep into his tracheal region and pushing down as hard as he could.

It's like a thin layer of some invisible protection was around the man's skin, not allowing itself to be pierced or cut.

"Gahh!" the miner screamed out again, shooting out his hand and choking Oz with unbelievable amounts of force.

"Kah!" Oz felt his feet getting shaky, the miner's calloused hands were like barbed wires around his throat, and he felt his head spinning and his knee starting to wobble, but Oz's path to greatness had only just begun, and if he couldn't handle this 'miner' obstacle then what could he handle in the future.

Still losing air, Oz gritted his teeth and began bashing in the miner's esophagus.

"Ughh!" the muscular miner groaned out in pain, but Oz didn't let up.

He continued bashing until he felt that oh-so-familiar warm red goop splurt onto his hand, but even then, he continued.

The miner's hand loosened, eventually drooping to his sides, but Oz wouldn't take any risks.

He leaped on top of the man's mountainous body, his knees caving into the man's chest, and began pushing the glowing stone all the way through into his neck and pulling out forcefully, causing a stream of syrupy red sauce to leak out and the most beautiful sound to play in Oz's ears.

[Experience Gained, Killed Realm 0, Medium Proficiency Human.]

[Leveled Up!]

An orgasmic sensation rattled the boy's body as he smiled at the notification that made this all worth it.

[Name: Oz]

[Level: 8]

[Realm: 0]

[Proficiency: High]

[Bloodline: Locked]

Now, with his face painted in the stream of victory, Oz stared at the patchy roof with a wide grin strung across his face.

He closed his eyes, allowing the refreshing beads from the clouds to sluice his face.

His bloodlust was insatiable after such a close life-or-death encounter, and he was soaking in the experience and reflecting on his battles up till now.

He also had a theory on this strange box of his, but only time could tell.

Finally opening his eyes moments later, Oz was ready.

Still on the man's chest, he began pulling out his stone before he heard a voice from behind him, "So this is where you've been."

Frightened after being taken off guard, Oz quickly flicked around to see a man cloaked in the shadows, but through the darkness, Oz could make out a black robe over the dingy garbs all prisoners wore.

The fact that this mysterious man even possessed a garment like that just showed he wasn't someone to be trifled with.

Oz stayed silent, his hand still tightly grasping the stone embedded in the corpse's throat.

The mysterious man spoke up, "The boss wants us to bring ya ass in, don't make this difficult, newb."

Oz kneeled there motionless, his knees still firmly rooted in the corpse's ribcage and his onyx eyes beaming from across the room, ready for even the slightest movement.

"Sigh," the mysterious man moved from leaning across the door post and confidently strode over towards Oz while cracking his knuckles, "I wasn't thinkin' you'd listen anyways. Sure, boss wouldn't mind if I rough ya up a bit."

Oz continued gazing at the man, not looking away for a second, his gaze piercing through the darkness as the man approached until finally...


Oz tore the shiny green stone out and slashed at the mysterious man, trying to end his life in one fatal swoop.

However, the man had foreseen Oz's attack and ducked down, quickly retaliating by launching an uppercut towards Oz's stomach, launching him towards the poorly made bed and out through the raggedy wooden shack wall.


The walls collapsed from the force of Oz falling through, and he was greeted by the pelting rain, rinsing off the liquid victory still stained on his face and clothes.

Oz struggled to his feet while holding his stomach and his other hand still tightly clenching the stone.

The man waltzed outward into the rain, his head held high as if looking down upon Oz.

Oz glared at the man and lowered himself, ready to pounce, but this mysterious man was faster, kicking off from the ground and dashing towards Oz with his fist raised.

Oz lowered himself even further, ducking the man's large fist and sending one of his own,

The stone barely nicked the man's pale skin, sending sparks into the air.

Oz stopped in disbelief, unsure of what he had just seen…


The man yelled out as he sent another full-force punch upwards towards Oz's chin, launching him nearly 6ft (1.8m) upwards and blasting through the air.

"Guh!" Oz violently hit the ground and rolled across the slippery mud, his chocolate, ebony body now caked in brown and his mind in a daze.

Yet Oz still tightly clenched the stone, his only lifeline.

Though it didn't work the first time, it may work the 2nd or 3rd.

However, Oz knew time wasn't on his side.

It wouldn't be long before this mysterious man's reinforcements would arrive.

Oz bent his knees and quickly sped towards the man, his hand lowered, ready to uppercut.

As he approached the man, he swung his fist upwards, but the man reached out, grasping Oz's hand with 2 of his own, "Gotcha, little newb."

Oz's face was still, his dull eyes covered by his drenched silver hair. "Let's go so the boss can have some fun time with ya, alright?"

Oz's face stayed neutral, yet he raised his free arm up high as the man pulled him in closer, forcefully opening his hand in grasp.

"Lemme see what this stone is ya got here. It almost left a scratch." The man sarcastically spoke, yet he was inwardly worrying.

'What kinda rock did this kid find that could almost get through my defense?' he wondered as he fiddled with Oz's fist, prying it open, and careless of Oz's other hand, knowing full well a normal human can't harm with bare fists alone, yet what was revealed once he pried open Oz's fist happened to be only a pile of wet mud.

The man's eyes widened, and Oz flashed a malicious grin as he full-force pulled his other hand down and struck the man's neck!


"Gahh!" the mysterious man cried out in pain, yet his neck was not pierced.

If anything, this weapon that has been Oz's lifeline up until now had cracked!

Not one to relent in the face of adversity, Oz quickly pulled back and swung again.


The man, obviously pissed and unwilling to let this happen again, kicked Oz backward and collapsed downwards while grasping his neck, blood flowing between his fingers.

He glanced at the now cracked stone in Oz's hand.

His eyes widened in shock, and he pointed with his other hand, "Y-you, d-do, y-ya know what y-ya've done??!"

The man screamed out crazily as a thin shade of green and brown spread across his face.


The thunder's ferocity increased, and the rain began spewing out even more of its fury, barely allowing Oz to even see the man's outline.

"RAGGRR!" The man charged at Oz, tackling him from his abdomen, "Oof!" Oz felt the air knocked out of him yet began stabbing the man in the back of the neck rapidly as they both fell towards the sticky earthen ground!




The man's defenses were rapidly deteriorating, but before Oz could continue to lead this man to eternal rest, his wrist was grabbed, and they made close eye contact with each other.

The mysterious man's face had a large scar running upwards across it.

His chapped lips were scratched up, his pale skin was starting to turn even greener shade, and his pupils were slowly morphing into a crescent shape.

His dull blue eyes were vacant of any empathy left, even for a child of Oz's age.

The man pulled at Oz's wrist, trying to get the stone out of Oz's hand, "You don't know what the hell you've-!!"


An ear-piercing screech rang out, one that couldn't possibly be produced by any earthly vocal mechanisms, shrieking across the sky and physically shaking Oz and the man.

Even the storms seemed to cower behind its power.

Oz barely managed to move his neck to stare outwards towards the outside of the fence, hardly making out the semblance of that creature's figure.

It was huge, easily towering over the fence.

Yet he couldn't move.

As if his body considered it natural to accept death to such a profound and powerful existence.

He couldn't even look away nonetheless move any other part of his body.

He couldn't even try like his brain was disconnected from his body, and the rest was left to the whims of this tyrant lurking in the thick fog outside the camp borders.

Its sharp gaze pierced right into Oz's soul.


Oz snapped back, and he was back to where he was.

Oz greedily gulped in air, 'HUUUHUUUHUU', feeling like he just experienced death.

The man on top of him was limp as a vegetable, the blood from his dangling neck vigorously flowing out onto Oz's chest.

[Experience Gained, Killed Realm 1, Low Proficiency Human.]

[Leveled Up!]

Great, but Oz wasn't in the mental nor the physical condition to even comprehend his current status.

He slowly and steadily pushed aside the man's corpse and struggled to rise to his feet against the torrent of cascading rain droplets.

Oz's knees buckled as he rose, resembling a drunkard as he attempted to move step by step out of this Dung Den.

As he trudged onwards, he glanced down at his hand; lying in it, what was once a stone had now started to emit a thick smokey vapor wisping from within, and even deeper within that thick vapor, Oz could make out a tiny embryo lying still inside.

Yet then, a voice sounded out from behind him.

"Ya sure have caused a messed, newbay."

Oz stopped in his tracks, mid-slide of his feet against the slick muddy surface.

He stood where he was, barely able to stand as the wind and rain shook Oz back and forth like a weed in the ground, his shaky knees barely keeping him up.

He knew who it was behind him, and he had no desire to turn and gaze at those perverted eyes of his.

Oz's "weapon" was now rendered useless, and now the one person he wished to avoid most was here.

"Dunno what ya've done to brew so much trouble." Wet, heavy footsteps could be heard as the pervert stomped toward Oz, "But it ends here now."

Oz just stood there.

Having no other options left.

Finally, right as Oz felt the pervert right behind him, he fell forward.

Confused, the pervert reached his hand out to grab Oz by the neck, but unexpectedly, the boy whipped around, tossing his "weapon" at him, spraying him with a hefty dose of the stones' vapor and liquid from inside.

The pervert flinched and stepped backward, wiping his face and growling at Oz angrily before looking down and bending his knees to see what this troublemaker had thrown.

"No, this can't… You shouldn't have taken this! Do you know what you've done?!"


The scream pierced the sky once again, with the creature now standing directly in front of the borders of the fence oncemore; however, this time with a swarm of beasts in front of it rampaging the insides of the Dung Den.

Screams of panic and moans of pain wailed out as vicious beasts rampaged about.

The pervert quickly got up from his knees as the chaos rampaged on, "No!!.. I'm almost done here, too!"

The man looked back, only to notice Oz had already begun crawling away.

The pervert's veins nearly erupted from his head as he watched Oz's pathetic attempts at escape, but glancing back at the ongoing chaos, he slowly breathed out and vigorously sprinted back towards the front gates of the Dung Den, leaving steps of fire prints in his wake.

Meanwhile, Oz continued crawling forward, and forward, and onwards, little by little trudging for what felt like an eternity.

Time seemed to become a blur, the temptation to lie still and rest gnawing away at his willpower to continue crawling forward; alas, he continued.

At last, reached a large tree far from what he had called "home".

Oz looked up, scratching at the tree like a dog begging for a bone, but nonetheless, he was too drained to even get back on his feet.

He was tired, yes.

But he wasn't an idiot; he would die if he passed out like this in the open forest.

Ensuring he was in a well-covered area under the tree, Oz began digging a hole, piling dirt onto himself, and going as deep as he could.

After "leveling up," Oz had become stronger, so digging through some dirt was no problem for him.

Finally, after about 2 minutes, the boy had dug around 3ft (.9m) deep and layered a thick layer above him with holes to breathe.

Finally, as Oz began drifting off, he swore his revenge and to wipe out everyone in that base, including that fat perverted asshole!

As Oz's eyes drooped, he could make out a few words before him, not knowing what to make out from the text.

[Level Requirement Met, Evolve Available!]




{The Next Morning in the Dung Den}


After a night of havoc, a tired and bruised muscular man with fatigued black eyes and slick brown hair kneeled on the ground, exhausted in front of a green and brown beast corpse.

His body was cloaked in a myriad of cuts and bites.

As his droopy started to give way and close due to sheer exhaustion, an authoritative voice rang out behind him.


Upon hearing this voice, the man immediately opened his eyes and bounced up to greet the voice.

"Yes, bo-AUGHH"

The man yelped in fear.

The pervert he called "boss" was transformed into a form now, where red hair covered his full body, excluding his face, and his illustrious stomach became an even bigger belly, with his two front teeth bulging outwards.

He had hardly ever seen their boss's powerful battle form.

Seeing it in the flesh felt like not only an honor but a check for why the boss is the boss.

The man gulped, "Uh- everything's in order over here, boss! That just now was the last of 'em."

The pervert looked around, surveying the area before nodding, "Good, get the pooper scoopers out. I want this whole base covered in dung by this afternoon. Do I make myself clear?"

The man stood up straight and saluted, "Yes, sir!" The muscular man shouted with respect and admiration, though this boss of theirs may have… his interest.

No one can deny his strength and leadership abilities that have allowed the Dung Den inmates to survive after all these years.

The muscular man ran off to pass on his boss's orders.

The pervert stood there surveying the area, looking at the onslaught of destruction caused by one 15-16-year-old boy.

He gritted his teeth in anger and frustration, "Newbay…"
















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