Chapter 27: Abruptly Aroused

{A Battle Above The Cave}

A bleak, blood-red sky hung in the air, beaming down with its rapacious light; however, its greedy rays could barely seep through the thick grey smog that had coated the lands below.


The heavy smell of smoke and intense heat reduced the once vibrant grassland into a burning wasteland with no sight of any life for miles and miles around.

If one were to stand within this field, one would be able to taste a strong sulfuric flavor before suffocating or reducing into ashes in mere seconds.

However, 2 lone figures stood one across from one another in this fiery wasteland, about 10ft (3m) apart, their previous ethereal light reduced to a faint flicker.

The hunched-over figures observed each other's movement carefully, already injured, with parts of their flawless marble-white skin peeled to reveal either a pearlescent green or red underlayer.

The leafy figure whose injuries spilled a green light spoke while wincing from their injuries, "Seems... it's a draw."

Violent winds howled, and devastating flames roared as the hellish landscape behind them collapsed upon itself.

The figure across whose body resembled a flame responded, "You must think me a fool to not see the clear upper hand."

The leafy figure grimaced to itself, 'Damn,' its situation wasn't pleasant.

Though both had lost their glossy glow, the fire figure still kept some of its shine, while the leafy one's look was akin to a dead lightbulb, dull.

The fiery figure continued, "Today is the day that there will be one less to deal with."

As it said that, it prowled forward, leaving a blazing path behind it, a grimacing laugh rising from it, "And after I will find where that traitor went."

The crunching of its footsteps counted down to the leafy figure's demise, and with no options and outside of its own territory, this may possibly be its final moments.

CRUNCH... ss

CRUNCH.... ss

Each burning step counting down.





No footsteps, no burning earth or howling winds?

The world was quiet, eerily so as if preparing itself for, something...

Like a curtain slowly wrapping itself around everything, all color was lost, meshing into a dull grey.

Time felt almost slow, as even the flames that danced towards the sky sloshed like water and the furious winds of a storm became as if someone was blowing on their hot beverage.

Sound was obsolete, no heartbeat, no breathing; these beings themselves didn't even need to breathe for the most part.

No, the sound was pure nothingness.

And then...

A small speck of golden light that resembled a firefly gently flew up from the ground.

Such a beautiful simplistic sight, yet it was one that brought with it a soothing calm, soon after...


It erupted into a column of golden light that swept everything away, enwrapping the 2 figures and consuming everything around for 100's of miles around, completely dispersing the smog and erasing the flames around.





As the light settled down and the gigantic beam disappeared, a bare naked figure toppled out of the light.


Dust flew into the air as a young chocolate-skinned boy with milky white hair collapsed onto the ground.

"Ugh..." the boy's pupils dilated as he covered his face, shifting up from his stomach and looking around to get his bearings.

He observed the barren wastelands around him, taking note of the greedy red sky above, still gazing down with its ever-present thirst.

"Fuk..." he grasped at his head as a piercing pain split through, "Aghhh..."

As the pain died down, he glanced back around him.

The ground was completely flat, with no trees, grass, pond, cave, or any structure in sight for miles, "What.. the hell happened?"

Oz muttered as he looked around, 'Those 2...' he thought to himself, how did I get here? How long was I gone?'

Questions surged through his mind, causing the splitting pain to flair up once more.

"Ughhh!", he screamed through his teeth, clawing into his head with both hands.

"Who... am I?"

After around 20 seconds of that agony, he lurched over onto all 4's, violently throwing up a slew of green and brown slop.

"Huff... huff..."

His throat felt like it was on fire, his eyes felt like they were flooded, a pulsating headache cracked against his skull every few seconds as if a pendulum were swinging inside, and his stomach felt like something was eating him from the inside.

Yet, even with his current status, that all too familiar "bad feeling" tugged at him, "I-I gotta get outta here."

He murmured to himself as he tumbled onto his feet.

It felt like he had never walked a day in his life, much less grown strong enough to hold his own against FuriRats.

However, the boy pushed that to the back of his mind as he struggled forward.

With no sun, stars, or even a wisp of a cloud to guide him, he aimlessly straggled forward.

Praying to whatever god would take notice of him to grant him a pinch of luck.

Yet, each step felt like he was moving not barely an inch, his movement speed barely capable of being considered a shuffle, yet regardless he moved.

Step by step, he moved.

Yet, it seems no god even glimpsed at the boy as a spool of wind wrapped around the boy's surroundings.


The strong gale nearly blew Oz into the air, yet he barely kept himself in place with a seated squat.

The boy looked up into the air.

Under the greedy sky, he saw a gigantic bird that gracefully soared with the winds.

"Heh," the boy didn't even have the energy to fake a laugh, "Close one after close one."

His voice was coarse and dry, his parched lips quivered in fear, 'C'never seem to catch a break.'

Finally, as the bird descended, Oz spotted a figure atop it.

Unfortunately for him, his blurry vision was too unreliable to make out the figure's details.


The humongous bird, far larger than the one he came to Dung Den on, stood before him.

It stood around 25ft (7.6) tall with a powerful aura leaking from it.

Now only 5ft (1.5m) away

Oz strained his neck upwards, blankly staring at the figure up top.

Too disappointed to be mad or sad, too exhausted to yell or run, the boy had long since used up his reserves.

So with his hands at his sides, awkwardly dangling as if 1ton weights were attached to each finger, Oz swung his hands up, ignoring the popping noises and agony as he readied himself in a fighting stance.

'If I'm dying, I'm gonna die fighting!' Oz spoke through his gaze.

There was no anger on his face.

There was a stillness to him, a tranquil acceptance, as his blurry vision stared at the figure atop the bird in front of him.

Oz's lips cracked as a small smile formed as he took a step forward, 'I might as well-'

Yet, as he moved forward, he felt the man getting further and further away with the bare ground getting closer and closer, 'Get one hit iiiiii~."

As he descended, he heard a gruff voice speak, "Not bad."


Everything went black.




{Meanwhile in An Unknown Area...}

In a room completely absent of light, a round white table was present in the center.

At this table, figures with glowing eyes all sat around, talking among themselves and discussing different topics until one figure caught everyone's attention.

"It seems that the traitor has disappeared."

This caused an outburst throughout the group as the mid-ranged discussions shifted into near yelling as each figure tried to overtalk one another.

Finally, a figure with strong orange eyes yelled over everyone, "IS THIS TRUE?"

The room went silent as this was the ultimate question on everyone's mind.

Nearly all of their gazes shifted to the figure who made this statement, its calming blue eyes sinking through the veil of darkness to stare back.

Its sophisticated-sounding voice spoke from it, "Ask them."

All figures looked towards where it was, gazing to gawk at the green-eyed figure and the red eye figure.

A neutral expression was in their eyes; most everyone here had long since perfected that, yet they still continued to stare.

They need answers.

The pitch-black room was eerily silent.

All eyes were on these 2 as they both nonchalantly continued to stare off.



The figure with green eyes spoke.

The room was sent into an outburst once more, some cursing, some closing their eyes and contemplating, whilst some just laughed.

However, once everyone had calmed down, their eyes shifted to the red-eyed figure; once noticing this, it spoke up.

"Hmmm? Don't give me that look." It scowled at the surrounding figure before shooting a hateful glare at the green-eyed figure.

"This bitch was the one who sent her own into my territory."

Gasps filled the room.

"And we all know the punishment for that." The red-eyed figure finished.

A smug glint shone in its eyes.

Now all the attention was on the green-eyed figure, some were looks of sympathy, some disappointment, and others with different emotions or well-concealed thoughts.

Regardless, its fate was certain as punishment had to be dealt.














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