Chapter 28: WELCOME



Muffled screams echoed through the darkness.

There was a feeling of floating, yet not through water but as if being pulled along by the clutches of the surrounding shadows.

Everything was black.

Stygian glop slithered all across the boy's body, blinding him, restraining him, suffocating him.

Death in this strange place would be bizarre; where was this?

Yet, there was no time to truly focus on that question as goo continued to squeeze tighter and tighter, further muffling the screams of its entangled victim.

Would this be his final resting place?

However, a subtle sound went off.


And a single question would be asked:

[Evolve Using Bloodline?]

With no other options and barely any time left to process the text in front of him, he answered.

'DO IT!!'

With that single thought, the tightening tentacles took on a golden glow and began seeping into his body, smoothly soaking into his mouth, ears, eyes, and even his skin pores.

The feeling was disturbing, like an intruder bypassing his body's security.


The sound of sucking filled the entire room, and the glowing light gradually became brighter, enough to even eclipse the intensity of the sun many times over.



Like a lamp was turned off, the entire space was pitch-black once more, and now the young boy who was now free from the clutches of the tendrils floated aimlessly in the abyss, unsure of what was to come next.



A pounding feeling sounded out in his mind, steadily becoming louder.



Finally, the sound surpassed his mind and was blaring through the vast space around him, blaring in his ears and making his brain feel like it was squishing into mush.

The boy was unsure of where he was or how he got into this situation, but he was sure of one thing, whenever he heard this sound...




The sound stopped after what seemed like a minute, though it felt like hours.

There was truly no sound in this space, no breathing, no winds, no abstract sounds that the brain would filter out.

It was utterly silent and horrifyingly so.

The boy's attention was then pulled to a certain spot in the drab void for no particular reason but as if something was calling to him.

There was no sound and no sight.

Any distinguishable fragrance was completely absent, and the simple act of existing didn't feel like breathing was required.

Even the boy's own saliva carried a blank taste.

If it could be called a taste at all.

The area in front of him continued to warp upon itself endlessly, and yet he continued to stare, that egging feeling keeping his eyes glued to in front of him.

Yet time slipped by, and with no discernable passage of time, the boy continued to watch the void, awaiting.


Out of nowhere, 2 bright golden glows burst forth from the darkness.

They were both the size of baseball far off in the distance, yet, as they quickly approached, started to tower over the boy, each being around 20,000km (12,430miles)in diameter.

As they rushed towards him, he closed his eyes and put his hands out front, for his demise to at least be painless.


Yet, the pain never came.



The sound played once more, ringing throughout the dark space and sending an aching pain into the boy's mind.

Finally, he opened his eyes and saw the 2 golden orbs floating in front of him.

They completely towered over him, making his entire existence feel tiny and insignificant.

Yet, though these orbs were mysterious, at least they didn't crush him, and perhaps they were harmless.

However, a small change would occur in these orbs, as 2 thin slits slid down from atop and gazed down at the boy like he was a fresh snack.

A nervous feeling overtook the boy, causing him to shake and shiver in fear.

The orbs were... eyes?

As if answering this question, below the set of eyes, a large section of space opened up to reveal an even darker void within, spanning a massive 50,000km (31,100miles) wide, the void mushing and bending upon itself to form a... smile?

The boy could only stare as it all felt familiar, the golden eyes, that sinister smile.

Even more horrifying, his ol' reliable black box which had gotten him this far slowly leaked from out of his chest, steadily floating towards the horrid smile.


Yet, the boy couldn't even hear his own heartbeat; how could he speak?


The creature lunged at him, sending the boy down into an even deeper abyss, forever consumed and forgotten...




A pained yell rang through the air.

Oz quickly sat up from the bed as sweat poured down his face.

"Huff huff..."

His body was shaky, and he quickly peered around the room, 'It was... just a memory... a dream?.. I'm... fine?'

He peered around the room, a lavish-looking room was laid out before him.

Soft, warm light leaked from the window to the left of his bed, and to his right was a wooden dresser.

The bed he sat on was a King's sized with smooth green sheets atop of him.

The wall around him was a light green color, with a silver chandelier dangling from the ceiling.

'Is this... heaven?'

Yet, before Oz could continue contemplating, the wooden door directly in front of him slammed open.


"Everything alright I heard screaming?" A buff-looking man entered the room.

He wore a tight-fitting button white shirt, and his ear-length brown hair was slightly unsettled, most likely from running all this way.

Concern was visible in his vibrant green eyes as a look of worry was present on his face as he walked into the room and over to the blinds, checking for any hidden enemies, like a parent checking for monsters.

Yet Oz didn't trust it.

'Who the fuk is this?' Oz tightened his fists under the blanket and shot a hateful gaze at the man.

After the man finished walking around and was certain there was no hidden foe, he met the boy's gaze.

A look of surprise popped onto the man's face as their eyes met, yet Oz kept his steadfast gaze, 'My body feels strange... but I don't care.'

The boy parted his lips as he shifted his knees to his chest and wobbled onto his feet, awkwardly positioning himself in a fighting stance on the squishy bed.

"I ain't goin' back." A fiery gaze shot right into the man's eyes.

The subtle scent of mint permeated through the room, and with each breath Oz took, the bed creaked and groaned in tandem with his breath.

The man's face was neutral and entirely unreadable to the lethargic feeling boy.

"Pshhh!" a snort escaped the man's mouth.

"Huh?" Oz sounded out, visibly confused.

"Bwahahahahahahaaa!" the man leaned back with his hands on his hips and his chin pointed high into the air as a bellow of laughs left his mouth before continuing.

"Good heavens, boy, you're the first I've seen actually wanting to stay in the Dung Den," the man continued to chuckle softly.

Now was Oz's turn to be confused as he a confused, "Huh?" sounded out his mouth.

The jittery boy lowered his guard a bit as he eyed the man suspiciously, "Wait, you mean, then, wait, where am I?" Oz inquired.

The man gestured to the window next to him with an open hand and smiled, "Come see for yourself."

Oz fidgeted, leaning forward before stopping himself and continuing to stare at the man.

To this, the man only sighed, "HuHh... ya remind me of my pup."

The man took his left hand off of his hip and raised it; Oz carefully watched, cautious of what this mysterious man would try to do next.


With a snap of the man's fingers, a gust of wind appeared under Oz's bottom and swooped him up, carrying him over to the window.

"Woahhhh!" Oz let out as he spun around with the wind before finally being let onto his feet by the man and brought alongside him.

Oz's head was spinning, but as soon as he caught his bearings and spotted the man aside from him, he prepared to strike.

"Woahh! Woah! Easy there, kid!" the man called out, his hands up in an "I mean you no harm" position.

The boy peeled his eyes as the man gestured to the window, "Take a look outside, and you'll see."

After saying that, he took a few large steps back.

After Oz cautiously watched the man, he took a few steps forward and let out a gasp of shock at what he saw.

A bustling section of streets filled with children playing, some walking aside their mothers, while in other areas, merchants could be seen calling out to folks with the offering of their goods.

One particular sight caught his attention, and that was a market selling soft loaves of warm bread, the gentle heat that wafted off from it was basking beautifully under the blue sky.


Oz's stomach grumbled in demand at the sight; how long had it been since he had such a treat?

He opened the window and stuck his head out, allowing the sweat aroma to fondle his nose.

A vat of saliva burst from the boy's mouth, and he felt his mouth begin to water.

Oz quickly glanced at the man, who simply smiled in return, "I told you, young man, I mean you no ha-AAAAAA?"

However, the man wouldn't even be able to finish his sentence as Oz had leaped from out of the 3 story window and down into the streets below.




















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