Chapter 29: Riled Reunion



A young boy with pale skin and black hair zoomed through the cobblestones streets with the blue sky above and surrounding structures all blurring into colors as he dashed forward.

A faint alluring smell dwindled in the air and the sound of bustling footsteps filled the streets; offers of extravagant merchandise, and the townsfolk conversing with one another played out as he approached a sign just up ahead, hanging over an outdoor entrance and reading, "Trade Square"

The smaller houses and structures around the streets slowly morphed into larger and more grand structures as he continued down the path; nonetheless, he was still in the Trade Square, as it was more of a "Trade Path," if anything.

Usually, this is where the more expensive and high-end items would be, with many stalls now being replaced by full-blown buildings, each with gorgeous designs on the outside with guards stationed near each of them to ensure safety and security.

However, what had caused Zee to come all this way when he had already completed all his errands for Nana?


The boy took a deep whiff as that alluring scent had gotten even stronger, pulling him in further into the source as he ignored the aching pain of his heart and instead sped up even more towards his destination.

Finally, after 10 minutes of speeding along the cobblestone pathway, Zee spotted his target.

Up ahead was a modest stall that had a line so long Zee realized that he had run past many of the waiting customers a couple of meters back.

As the boy panted and continued running along the path, he sent prayers of thanks above, 'Thank Yala, I'm not too late. It's usually much more packed.'

Finally, after shifting past the crowd of customers and almost slipping on the puddle of saliva left by the drooling patrons, Zee finally came up to the counter, gasping for breath.

"Huhh, finally, huhhhh, made, uuuuut."

"Why you!" Zee felt a forceful tug by his shirt from behind as the person next to him, and the crowd behind shouted and cursed at the boy for cutting the line.

As the people began encircling him, pure rage in their eyes, a voice called out, "Everyone, everyone, please."

The commotion quieted down as everyone looked towards the stall to see a bony old man dressed in a dirty apron over a modest white shirt.

The old man's beard swayed in the graceful wind, and his wheat-colored spotted head had slivers of grey of hair left, topped by a chef hat.

The old man's shaky body smiled at the boy as he reached forward, holding something truly marvelous in his hand, a golden brown piece of fluffy bread that lay neatly on top of a wooden plate.

The flavor of this bread was so world-renowned that the people of this town begged the owner of a meager shack to move here.

Instead of paying for his rent, it was the opposite, his bread was that good.

The people around Zee all reluctantly let go of his arms and legs as he pulled himself forward, slowing stepping forward, his eyes glued on this delicacy.


The aroma that had teased at his nostrils since entering the village had launched the boy into a near-euphoric state, and he bit his lips to control the urge to snatch it and swallow it immediately... or splurge...


Zee took the plate in his hands, awe-inspired by the rare opportunity he had and thanking the heavens above for this chance.


'What's that sound?', yet as the boy lifted his head to the source of the noise, he was greeted by a butt landing in his face.



'Ughh... my head.' Zee rubbed his head and looked around in confusion, 'Wait, the bread!'

The boy frantically twisted and turned his head around, looking for any clues to what had happened, when he then realized he was still being sat on.

"Ughhh!" Zee ground his teeth in anger as he flashed an angry gaze at the cause of all this, "Who the hell?-"

Yet, he couldn't even finish his sentence as he gazed into those familiar onyx eyes.

"You... you're back."





Oz groaned as he shook his head, "Ugh... not one of my best ideas."

He glanced up at the window he had jumped from, a 3-story stone building with 2 guards stationed out front.

The building looked brand new and had a green flag hanging from the front of it.

The guards out front were donning silver armor with a green jewel slotted onto the helmet, similar to the ones from the large auditorium, and a powerful aura seeped from them.

'Heh, looks like the front door wouldn't have been an option.' Oz chuckled to himself at the thought of trying to escape from that route.

'Wait a minute,' his hands felt at the cushioned surface his buttocks was pressed onto.

He looked down at the person he was sitting on, a young boy that looked to be his age, the boy's sharp black eyes were blaring with anger before his face swiftly switched into that of awe.

'Why's this dude looking at me like that? Are my dashing looks that dangerous.' Oz grinned as he began to get up, 'Either way, I gotta get outta here.'

Yet, unexpectedly Oz heard the boy call to him, "You... you're back."

Oz paused in his tracks as he walked away, looking back once more as the two locked eyes, 'Who?..'


Before Oz could finish his thoughts, the stone building door was kicked open, and the muscular man waltzed out, mumbling to himself, "Where'd ya head off to now, boy?"

"Fuk!" Oz cursed to himself as he quickly scooped up the loaf of bread that had fallen onto the floor, yet luckily was still safely on the plate, and dashed off.




Zee sat there in awe as he watched this familiar person, whom he thought was dead, run off into the streets, 'B-but how?'

"Men!" he heard the buff man who had just walked out from the stone building call out to his guards, pointing and directing them as they all split up in both directions of the Trade Square, most likely in search of that boy.

"Damnit!" Zee cursed to himself as he got up from his stomach and ran off in the direction of that familiar boy, hoping to find some answers.




{Meanwhile, Running down the Cobblestone Path}


Oz panted heavily as he ran through the busy streets, squeezing through people and looking around desperately for someplace to hide, but it was no use.

The high-end buildings around him were homes or stores that required a certain level of "reputation" to even enter.

Needless to say, Oz's clothes were still the black top and bottom that had been reduced to rags in the Dung Den and didn't exactly meet the dress code.

If anything, as he ran further and further on, he felt an even more drastic change of scenery as the buildings became more extravagant, the attire of those around him became more expensive looking, and security became more abundant.

Oz cursed to himself as he stopped in his tracks, "Shit! At this rate, I'm gonna get stuck in between!"

He looked around frantically for someplace to hide or even detour from this straight path that would inevitably lead to his recapture.

Yet, as he continued forward, he saw nothing but stores and massive homes, with not even an alleyway in sight, nor even a small gap in between buildings.

"Damn, does this place not have any alleyways at all?" the boy was in disbelief, yet with no other option, he continued to run.

However, at that moment a sound struck his ears, "Psh, over here."

The boy immediately flashed his eyes to his left side to see an alleyway with a decrepit wooden door wide open, the inside being pitch black.

Oz furrowed his eyebrows at this, as this felt off, yet checking over his shoulder and seeing the approaching guard, he bit his lips and took a sharp turn plunging down the alley and into the doorway.


The boy leapt headfirst through the doorway, knocking his head into what felt like a wooden counter.

"Ouch..." Oz groaned as he slowly rose to his feet analyzing his surroundings, "Where the f-"

Yet before he could finish his swear a husk voice called to him, immediately tensing him into a fighting stance, "Welcome, Visitor."

The source of the voice, was a cloaked individual hunched behind the wooden counter, his entire face was concealed by shadows and his arched stature stood only 5ft (1.5m) tall.

Oz held his fighting stance while checking behind him.

The wooden door was still there.

He continued surveying his surroundings, the wooden floor, walls and ceiling gave off an earthy aroma with the hint of mint wafting through now and then.

All around there were wooden shelves with dilapidated books and what looks to be parts of mystical creatures in jars such as eyes and teeth floating in some liquid.

Finally, the man at the counter caught his attention, "Anything that catches your eye, Visitor?" 

Oz turned his gaze back towards the man, "He couldn't see nor feel any 'aura' from this man yet with his limited knowledge of this world there was no harm in being safe.

"Where am I?" the boy asked the man at the counter, his readiness to attack not fading one ounce.

The croaked voice filled the room, "To a shop where anything can be found, for a price."

Oz's eyes narrowed, he may be new to this world and with no recollection of his memory, yet he was no fool. 

It was clear to see this man had given him a way out from that precarious situation just now, so what was in it for him, so he asked, "Oh, and what can you offer me and for what price?"

The man let out a small chuckle which resembled cracking glass as he responded, "A way out."

Oz's eyes as the man pointed to the boy's pockets.

The boy kept his gaze on the man as he reached into pockets revealing the red orb he had plucked from the FuriRat's corpse.










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