Chapter 1: “The Promise”

I lift my slender hand at the sky and fall in thoughts. The depths of the river contradict the blazing sun. I was floating in the water while looking at the blue sky. Until I heard a splashing of water and a presence reaching my direction.

                 "Skye!" I heard a male voice.

                 I paddle away from the water to a nearby rock. I was about to surface when an iron arm spiraled around my waist and hooked me between him and the huge rock. The wind blows at my cheeks.

                "Just what do you think you're doing?" he asked.

                "Uh... swimming away from you?" I uttered the obvious answer.

                  When I twist my body to see him, Rajeel's peridot eyes gaze at me with subtle resentment. He pushed himself more closely to me—just enough to make my heart flutter.

                  His handsomely serious face is inches away from me and I can't stop myself from admiring him.

                 "While you were here, swimming in the river, the tribe leader is worriedly looking for you, Skye," he grumbled. His green eyes reflect his emotions. "You left during an important event of our life. I can't help but feel miserable."

                 He gave me the saddest face that pokes my conscience. I torn my gaze away from him. He lowered his head as if he was hurting. His hot breathe tickles my skin.

                " you dislike the idea of marrying me?"

                 Having this small distance between us, I watched him closely as his peridot eyes glistened and tears threaten to fall.

                "I can't imagine the two of us getting married. You and I grew up together and we treated each other as siblings." I confessed the truth.

                 Rajeel is the only close friend I have in the secluded forest of Thracian. The land where I grew up is different from the famous Capital City of Astenia Empire. There were trees all over the place, only animals to interact with, and people who is part of the tribe treated each other like family.

                 I plan to come to the Capital City someday. Of course with Rajeel. He's a family to me after all. And he's the most important person for me after my father.


                 He strokes my cheek using his thumb. His eyes—his beautiful peridot eyes resemble the color of grass surrounding the Thracian Forest—are looking at me affectionately.

                "You already knew I see you more than that. No—" he shakes his head. "In my mind, you're the only woman in this world that I'm willing to spend my lifetime with."

                  His voice was honest. My heart races in my chest and I felt butterflies in my stomach. In my sixteen years with Rajeel, I knew one thing.

                  When we were together, his simple gesture made me feel loved and cherished. And he's the only person who melts my heart with his words.

                  Is this love?

                   How can I be sure about it?

                   We were both eighteen and highly sheltered. We don't know the world outside the forest.

                   What if... what we had right now will discontinue someday?

                   I don't want it to happen. It agonized my heart and it made me worried.

                   He move his fingers down to my chin and lifts my face to leveled our eyes. The bright daylight showers us with its warmth.

                   "Why are you making that face?" he asked, voice as soft as the wind. "It seems like you're about to fade away. Do you not feel the same way about me?"

                    Am I not? Did I not like Rajeel the way he do to me?

                   I bit my lower lip.  "No..."

                   When he heard my response, he let go of my chin. His eyes were moist and they gleamed with misery. I bring up my hands to hold his cheeks.

                  He flinched.

                  I give him a warm smile.

                 "I won't disappear and I don't hate the idea of marrying you, Rajeel," I answered naturally.


                    "I love you with all my heart. And that makes me worry."

                     What would I do if this relationship won't work? What if in the end we both end up hurting each other?

                    "No! You don't worry, Skye!" he said abruptly. "We were just truthful to what we feel."

                   "You're right."

                     He moved his face closer to me. Enough for our nose tip to touch. His body is giving me warmth as the cold wind brushes my drenched body.

                   "With me, you have nothing to worry about. Because I promise to love you truthfully. I'll be a good husband to you and a loving father to our children. I love you more than you do, Skye. I never love someone to this extreme until you."

                    With our heartbeats unites and our feelings shared, the sun on that day rejoices as she gives us warmth, comfort, and light.

                    Thracian Forest is a borderline that separates Astenia Empire and Dancia Port which is primarily the receiving place of imported products and goods. Thracian forest is a remote area where bandits attack the wanderers and monsters reside. Many people from the Capital feared entering the forest. They were scared to even watch the forest from distance.

                     But this is our home. Thracian forest is the home of the Moon Tribe. Our tribe and my kingdom. It is from our tribe the divine power of the Moon Goddess is being passed down to generations. Only one female born in the tribe leader's bloodline will have it.

                     For many generations, it is in our beliefs the Princess of Moon Tribe has healing abilities and the power to control the ocean tides and can summon the Moon Goddess.

                     The Sacred Power of the Moon. Volantes Lunae. And when my father succeeded in the position, I was born with the ability. I became the Princess of Thracian Forest. But...

                   Unlike the other moon priestess in the past, I was the only person with unstable mana and I can't control my power without vomiting blood. I was the weakest one.


                  Rajeel called me inside the hut. I was still outside, watching the dark sky, and appreciating the moon. My fellow tribesmen is already asleep. They were exhausted from a whole day preparation for the special day tomorrow.

                  I drag my feet closer to the hut where Rajeel is inside. Just when I was about to enter, firm arms encircled my waist and pulled me closer to his warm body. I made shrieked but was then immediately taken aback when I felt soft lips kissing me.

                   I slowly shut my eyes and kiss him back with the same passion. Rajeel pulled me closer and encircled my legs on his waist. I almost scream in surprise but he pushed his tongue inside my mouth. Leaving me no time to react.

                   The kiss continues before I was laid down and Rajeel climbed on top of me. I slowly open my sleepy eyes and stared at him.

                   I was getting drunk with his passionate kiss. His long blonde hair falls on my face. It tickles my nose tip and my eyelids. I parted his hair at one side. Rajeel held my hand and rub his cheeks on my palm with his eyes close.

                 Watching him doing a lovingly gesture flatters my heart. I smiled. How can I not love this young man? He is perfect and adorable.

                  Before I become the Thracian Princess, I remembered a scenario in my past life. They were two major events that happened.

                  I don't know whether it was true. But in my first life, I was in the Capital of Astenia Empire and I remember a man with dark hair and a crown on his head. Though the man's face is blurry in my memories. But he seems familiar.

                 On my second life, it was a different event and place. I remembered wearing weird clothes and having weird customs. But in that life, my name is Alexa.

                 Rajeel opens his eyes and meets mine. His green eyes are beautiful. It made me blush to have eye contact with him. I blinked once. Soon... I felt unsteady and my surroundings become darker and hazy.


                   It was like I was thrown into the abyss. Suddenly, a vague picture flashed in my eyes. Perplexed, I contemplated the scenario being unfold in front of me.

                    And... without any reason, a teardrop fled from my eyes and stream down at my cheeks.

                   I saw the image of Rajeel. But he is very different person.

                   The man in front of me has no gentleness in his eyes instead, his green eyes retain a murderous gaze. He is wearing an richly embroidered black tunic beneath a red cloak that flows down to his feet. And he was holding a sharp long sword as he stood up on the veranda of a burning castle.

                    I want to stop him. No—I can't bear watching him getting crazy. But I can't move. My body is frozen in time and all I could do is watch the brutal event.

                   Moving my gaze under his feet, I saw a dead body of a man with golden blonde hair. The lifeless body was lying on the floor... drench in its blood and a sword was buried in his chest.

                    I covered my mouth and realize. Did Rajeel kill the person?

                    Rajeel's eyes meet mine. I was crying helplessly. I want to shout his name and stop him... but I can't.

                   This is all my vision. My ability to foresee the future.

                    "Today is an eventful day of Astenia Empire. I, the rightful owner of the Astenian throne, shall be the next Emperor—"

                     "Skye?" Rajeel's voice rang in my ears.

                      I blinked once again and when I open my eyes I was back in the present. I swallowed a lump before getting up. I was catching my breath. What—What was that all about? Did the Moon Goddess warn me about Rajeel's future?

                     Another unique ability of a Moon Priestess ... we can see the future of a person. It was the only ability I wish I don't have. It was terrifying to see the future.

                    But... I can't escape from this cruel fate.

                    "Are you fine? Did I make you uncomfortable?" Rajeel asked worriedly.

                    I craned my neck to see him. His gentle eyes ... it was violent from my premonition. Can Rajeel kill a person?

                    But... who is the man lying on the floor? Why would Rajeel kill him?

                    Rajeel stroke my cheek. He embraces me between his arms. I smell his familiar woodsy scent and somehow... it calms my heart.

                    "Rajeel..." I called him.


                      "Can we make a promise?"

                        He let me go and stared at me with a questioning look. He pushed back his blonde hair when it blocks his eyes. I stared at him. The glimpse of his future is still fresh on my mind.

                      Long blonde hair extended from his neck and gentle peridot eyes. I can't imagine him having shorter hair just like on my premonition. Morever he has a clean cut dark hair and ferocious red eyes. But just one look—I could tell it is him.

                     "I'll gladly submit myself to your promise, Skye." He smiles warmly.

                        My tears threaten to escape from my eyes. I raise my pinky finger in front of him. "No matter what happens... you'll only listen to me."

                       If Rajeel becomes the person just like in my premonition, I want him to be honest with me. And... I want to stop it from happening.

                       He chuckles. His face blushed and he cover his smile with the back of his hand.

                      "You... you were possessive, Princess." He joked but eventually linked our pinky fingers together.

                     I breathed relief and called him again. "And Rajeel."

                      "Yes, Princess?"

                      I stared at him for a long time. He did the same. Suddenly, the image from the premonition flashes into my eyes.

                     That dangerous gaze...

                     I blinked. The horrendous image of him is gone. The present Rajeel—the innocent young man from our tribe gives me a nervous smile.

                   "W-What is it, Skye—"

                   "I will always love you..."

                    I promise I'll only love you.