Chapter 2: “Bloodbath Wedding”

The next day I have a very active schedule. The whole Moon Tribe is enthusiastically preparing for my upcoming wedding ceremony this afternoon. There are roses everywhere and the sun is brighter than yesterday.

                     While the females in our tribe groomed me, my father, the Tribe Leader came in. His white long white hair swayed as he walked toward us.

                      We lowered our heads for courtesy.

                     "May the Moon of our clan have a long life." We carol.

                     "Rise," Father says. "Skye, I came here to give you this."

                      Confused, I gave my father a skeptical look. He digs something into his trouser before showing it in front of me. I saw a shiny red ring of jewelry.

                     "Father... this is..."

                    "It's our heirloom."

                      I was stunned and speechless. The Moon Tribe has a very unique culture. And the red jewelry—which is a ruby gemstone—symbolizes "luck, prosperity, and happiness". In our custom, only the next chief of the tribe shall inherit the heirloom.

                    "I want you to take good care of it, Skye. This is the most precious glory in our tribe. It is bestowed to us by the Moon Goddess. And this holds a great amount of magic." Father explains. He held my hand and slid down the ring on my index finger.

                      The cold metal touches my skin. Electrifying energy rushes down into my body. I feel like the ring and my body becomes one. The mana inside of me was agitated as I feel a blazing feeling enveloping my whole body.

                    "Novus Dux coronatus est!" father chanted which means "the new chief has been crowned".

                    The female tribesmen repeat after my father's declaration. Feeling overwhelmed, I stared at the ruby ring wrapped around my index finger. I wonder what kind of fortune it'll bring for me in the future...

                     It was afternoon when the sun shines brighter and the surrounding is warm. We stood in front of the sacred tree of Sycamore. The tribesmen were divided into two by each side. They were the audience of this wedding ceremony. I was already in front of them. My heart hammered inside my chest. I wandered my eyes around to find my groom.


                     Rajeel isn't seen anywhere.

                     My emotions hastened and my anxiety arose. I tightened my hold on the bouquet. I roamed my eyes around once again. Hoping to see Rajeel. But only the trees and birds caught my eye.

                   'Where are you, Rajeel?'

                   "May the Moon bless us," someone approached my father and me. "Your Excellency, Rajeel is not in his hut. And he isn't also at the rivers."

                    The murmurs coming from the crowd became pretentious. Some looked at me sympathetically while others give me a mocking stare. They only say one thing.

                   'Rajeel runaway in our wedding.'


                   "Insolence!" Father growled.

                     When my father throws a fit, everyone becomes dead silent. I lowered my head. The red roses are still fresh and lovely. Tears stream down my cheeks. I immediately rubbed my cheeks and heaved a breath.

                     "Find that bastard and bring him to me! How dare he humiliates my daughter!"

                      Just like the thorny rose, I feel like my heart is being stabbed and it bleeds. I can't believe Rajeel would do such a thing. He promises. He says he loves me.

                     Am I wrong about his feeling?

                    Memories from the distant past suddenly came into my mind. In my first life, I was a citizen of the Astenia Empire. It was a blurry memory. There was only a fragment of events from my past life. I, who was addressed as Lady Berlice, was watching a wedding ritual.

                    But—the man has dark hair and he is lovingly staring at the red hair woman. Then I recognized the man.

                    It was Rajeel.

                   "Anyone who finds him—"

                   Father was immediately interrupted when all of us heard an explosion. The ground was shaken and the birds flew aggressively.

                   I almost lost my balance. I turn around to see what's happening.

                  The crowd grew panicked. Everyone is making screams and the children cry out of anxiety.

                  "We must go back into our house! The Imperial Army is coming!"

                  What? Why would the Imperial Army attack us? We didn't do anything to upset them! Besides we've been silently living here in Thracian Forest without harming anyone.

                   So why now?   

                  I watched everyone flee. The men guided their wives and children to a safer place. I looked for my father. The tribal army was protecting him. The ground once again vibrated by the explosion. Ashes flew in the air and smoke suffocates the place.

                  Someone grabbed me by my hand.

                  "We must leave now, Princess. This place is dangerous—"

                    The man couldn't finish speaking because another explosion happens. This time it was very intense because it made us hurled to the ground.

                   "Princess!" Everyone panicked.

                     I shut my eyes. My body suffers from the impact and I had scratches from the rough ground. When I open my eyes, a large amount of what I assumed—was the Imperial Army— invaded our sacred place and surrounded the area.

                    They were heavily armored and their sharp swords gleamed under the daylight. Some of our tribesmen tried to withstand them. Using spears and thin stakes, they attacked the Imperial Army with all their strength.

                    "In the name of the Moon Goddess!" They shouted amidst the battle.

                     But... Their combat skills couldn't overpower the well-trained Imperial Army. Blood scatters everywhere. The Imperial Army buried their swords on our tribesmen effortlessly.

                   With the last-ditch effort, my tribesmen fail to protect us. My mouth went wide open as I watched the lifeless body collapse into the bloodbath ground.

                  "No! My husband! No!"

                  "Father! Father!"

                   "My son!"



                    There are screams in the sacred place. The female member of our tribe helplessly whimpered watching their father, husband, or son being murdered like animals.

                     I tried to stand up. But my body is getting weaker. I tried to cry. But tears won't come out.

                    I am the guardian of this tribe. I, who was born with the blessing of the Moon Goddess and the only person right now who inherited her willpower—why am I powerless?

                    "Skye..." I remembered a voice. "You are the child of the Moon. You have enormous power on your own. Protect those people under you. You are their only hope."

                 Her soft voice. Bright amethyst eyes. And long silvery hair. I remembered her glory days. The Moon Goddess I admired.


                 "Moon Goddess please help us!"

                  "Princess Skye!"

                   They chanted my name. Asking for help. But all I could do is to freeze in time and watched my tribesmen tremble with fear.

                    How can I help them? My awakening has yet to happen. Think of something, Skye! Think!

                     And that's when I recall something.

                    I began to walk... with each step my heart raced loudly. The chaos continues. One by one, the imperial army buried their swords to those who tried to attack them.

                    I close my eyes and chanted a spell. My body glows in a strange transparent light. The energy within me arises. As I opened my eyes, the time seems to stop and their eyes are on me.

                  I feel my body condition. My silvery hair was dragged upside by the transparent light and the bright daylight from before had turned into a dark cloud. Rain starts to drop into the ground.

                  "Have faith in the Moon Goddess! She'll save us!"

                  "The Moon Goddess?" someone asked.

                   I focused on controlling my magic. I raise my hand and pointed my palm to the imperial army. They began to gather and covered themselves with the heavy metal shield.

                    As I feel the overflowing magic within me, I spoke menacingly. "How dare you harm my people!"

                    It wasn't like my voice. The voice sounds eerily as the thunder roared in unison.

                      I am not sure if cast the spell perfectly. As my body is getting weaker and my emotion is unstable.

                     I feel like vomiting.

                    "Stop! Or else this old man will die by my hand!"

                      All eyes turned to see the brave knight who imperiled me. My eyes widen as I witness the horrifying image of my wounded father being dragged by the Imperial Knight.

                     "No! Our tribe leader!" Everyone cried in horror.

                   "Save us, Moon Goddess!"


                      I lowered my hand helplessly. The light enveloping my body disappeared. A knight came in my direction.

                    "Please don't hurt my father—" I sound desperate but I can't lose my father.

                    "Are you Skylar Thracian? The Princess of Moon Tribe?" The leader of the knight asked me.

                     I turned to see him. "Yes..."

                    Did they need something to me to do an extreme action like this?

                     My identity wasn't special in the beginning. The moon tribe is an old tribe. No one is interested in us and they think we're outlawed. That's why we lived peacefully in Thracian Forest. We have our own beliefs, culture, and customs. We are not under by Astenia Empire.

                   But maybe... The famous history of the empire influences their desire to find us—specifically to find me. The direct descendant of the Moon Goddess. The only Moon Priestess on this continent.

                   Nevertheless why?

                   "Runaway from here, Skye!" Father shouted, he tried to flee himself from the knight. But the knight overpowered him and pushed him to the ground. He groaned in pain.

                    "Father!" I cried.

                    "How lucky..." the leader said. "We have found you easily." He smiled wickedly.

                  "What do you want from me?" I demanded.

                    Two knights came to my side and grabbed my arms. They put heavy handcuffs on my wrist. I struggled from their hold but failed anyway.

                     "Hmm... as what the rumor told us. You are the only person who can summon the Moon Goddess. And you have a very special ability."

                    Are they after my ability as the Moon Priestess? If they were the Imperial Army... Did the Emperor order them to catch me?

                    I shivered in fear. The leader moves closer to me. He walked around me. Like a predator examining his prey. His youthful appearance intimidates me.

                   "Silvery hair and amethyst eyes... no doubt. You are that person."

                     I didn't comment. I just watched him. The leader raise his right hand and a knight came forward. He said something through his eyes before they dragged me forcefully.

                  "What are you doing!? Let go of me!"

                    The leader face his knight and made a command.

                    "Kill everyone who tried to resist. Leave the female and children and bring them all. As for that old man..."

                     Two knights with heavy armor dragged me away. I watched my people helplessly. They were crying as they were remorseful.

                     "Kill him and bring his head." He smirked.

                     My mouth dropped as I watched the knight raise his longsword and gash his sword on father's throat

                   "NO!" I scream but it is too late.

                      Father's lifeless body rolled into the ground. His blood overflows from his mouth.

                      "FATHER! NO! Bring me to my father!"

                       As the rain poured to the ground endlessly. Blood cascades the ground like a river of a bloodbath...