Chapter 3: “Astenia Empire”

"I see the rising sun of Astenia Empire. His Highness The Crown Prince."

A middle-aged man wearing a dignified knight uniform bowed politely toward the person standing in front of him.

The Young Man—whom he addressed as Crown Prince—watched him with a stoic expression. The men behind the Crown Prince stood firmly as they listened to the conversation.

"Rise," the prince commanded. "What brings you here, the Imperial Knight's Commander?"

In Astenia Empire, everyone must greet every member of the Imperial Family with proper etiquette. Anyone who forgot his or her manners shall be punished according to the Imperial Law.

As the Crown Prince of the Empire, he holds the second-highest position after the Emperor. His position overpowered the Empress and other nobles. That's why he's highly respected and everyone must submit to whatever the crown prince's demands.

The Commander of Imperial Knight stood straight. He made eye contact with the Crown Prince without batting an eye.

"His Majesty The Emperor ordered the Imperial Knight to invade Thracian Forest and capture the infamous Moon Tribe Princess," he started. As he continues, the Prince listened to him carefully. "His Majesty asked you to take care of the Moon Tribe Princess in the meantime."

What? Leon parted his lip and he couldn't comprehend the Emperor's order to him.

"May I ask why I should do that?" He asked, flabbergast.

"She'll be your bride." The Commander answered inherently. "And His Majesty expected you, Your Highness, to obey him."

After hearing the sudden news, Leon can't help but be speechless. The idea of marriage for him is too hasty. He didn't meet the person before.

How can he marry a total stranger?

Most of all, how can he defy his father who was the most powerful man in this Empire?

It hasn't been long since the reformation of the Astenia Empire. Almost a century, the current Imperial Family is still wary about their position. The descendants of the first Emperor—those who have cursed blood—maybe still exist today.

That's why Emperor Esmael—Leon's father—do anything he could to consolidate his power and influence. There could be a possibility any time their position might steal from them like what happened to the former Imperial Family.

This Empire wasn't theirs to originate with. The Empire has a famous history that up to this day—has been retold. But everyone is likewise aware of the dark history since its founding day.

It started when a swordsman name Caius Slovishen slaughtered the Black Dragon King and took his heart. Legend says that when an average human killed a dragon—the person would become invincible as he was now possessed with the power of the dragon.

Caius—who received the dragon's strength—founded Astenia Empire.

He married his first love, Valerija, the first Empress of Astenia Empire.

According to some chroniclers, Valerija is a friend of the Moon Goddess. Nonetheless, her birth origin was not told in history—everyone had speculated the First Empress was also a Goddess. Her beauty is different. She has blonde hair and blue eyes—which are rare on the continent. Everyone assumes that Empress Valerija is the Goddess of the Sun.

She became the symbol of birth, feminism, and marriage in Astenia Empire.

But Emperor Caius' descendant was condemned by the Moon Goddess. Their first son, Prince Lorde, was the first bearer of the curse. Soon he dies.

The curse is very dreadful. Every eldest son of the Emperor suffers the same fate. The context of the curse was written in the story.

Extreme fatigue. Gradually vomiting blood. And painful death.

The Imperial Family blamed the Moon Goddess. But everyone knows the curse was the consequence of Emperor Caius murdering the Moon Goddess's beloved Black Dragon.

Millennium had passed. The nobility and the whole citizen of Astenia Empire decided to reform a new Imperialism. Thus, the person who was then a Grand Duke started a revolt.

Grand Duke Lazarus, is the cousin of the current Emperor. He attacked the Palace with his knight and they slaughtered every member of the Imperial Family.

Crimson blood melded on the majestic carpet like a scarlet river.

No one withstood the tragedy. Even the Imperial Princess did not escape from a cruel fate. Only then does one member of the Imperial Family escape.

The Third Prince, Damien Del Slovishen Astenia.

Since then no one has seen the Prince again. And that makes the reigning Emperor, Esmael, to be reluctant.

They stole the throne from the Slovishen Family. If they reappeared one day, they can easily redeem their rightful position.

Leon was puzzled.

Why does he have to marry this girl from the ancient tribe?

"Your Highness, it seems like the His Majesty wanted you to spend your life with this tribe princess."

Martin, who has the same age as Crown Prince, talked quietly as they walked away from the Imperial Knight's Commander.

"I heard this lady is ancient. People considered her the Moon Goddess because of her beauty and strength. There's a rumor that she was the child of the Moon." Martin Added enthusiastically.

Child of the Moon. Is one of the famous mythology in Astenia Empire. According to the legend, the Moon Goddess Selene gave birth to a child and she became her successor.

The child of the Moon. Luna. The Goddess of Moon is highly worshiped throughout the continent.

Alexander, a nobleman from the Duke's Family, joined the conversation. "Will you be okay with it? You have the liberty to refuse but... Your Highness. I think His Majesty has a reason why he pushes you into this marriage."

Leon listened to his companions. Of course, the Emperor has the intentions. He wouldn't rush his only son and successor if this wasn't benefiting him. He might be his father—but the Emperor only thinks of him as his pawn.

Leon halted from his steps. He stared at the window and look outward. The birds fly freely in the blue sky.

"But what will you do to Lady Helena?" Martin inquired.


Leon remembered a bright smile coming from the person of his past. The girl who once made his cold heart alive. His first everything.

"And what about her?"

Alexander answered the question. "The Duke of Winchester asked for an audience, Your Highness. It seems he wanted to discuss with you the probable marriage between you and the young lady of Winchester."

The prince did not respond to that matter. He stared at the sky blankly and fall into thoughts. He tried to imagine the likeness of the infamous Moon Tribe Princess.

But he couldn't picture her face.

What if she's ugly and unstylish? Will he be tied to an ugly consort?

"Martin." He called the young man.

"Y-Yes, Your Highness?"

Martin anticipated the following word from the Crown Prince. It's either he'll accept Duke Winchester's offer or... He'll be curious about the infamous Moon Tribe Princess.

As the Crown Prince's childhood friend and a knight's son, it was expected he'll be a loyal servant of the future Emperor. His destiny lies between a Grand Chamberlain or Emperor's knight.

"Arrange a meeting for this Moon Tribe Princess. I want to see her face and determine whether she deserves to be right next to me."

Martin widens his eyes.

Alexander butted in once again. "I'm afraid you couldn't see her for the moment, Your Highness."

"What?" Leon asked impatiently.

"The lady was taken forcefully by the Imperial Army. She might be suffering from trauma right now. I suggest you shouldn't be reckless from meeting her."

Everyone—after hearing Alexander—barely close their mouth from shock. The Crown Prince recovered first. He averted his attention back to the sky where the birds are flying without any care for the world but suddenly an arrow struck the flying bird.

The bird bleeds and tried to dangle its wings to escape but then—the bird was fallen abruptly.

'Just who is she to catch the Emperor's interest?' The Crown Prince thought.

A meaningful smile crept on his lips.

The bird was chirping harmoniously as the sunlight directed to my face. I blinked my eyes. When I recovered from the light, I strolled my eyes around.

I was being carried by a horse and a man was behind me. Both of my wrists were tied by handcuffs. It wasn't an ordinary handcuff as I feel the magic coming from it.

Most importantly, I couldn't feel any mana within me.

It was like the mystical handcuff that refrain me from using any form of magic.

"We'll be arriving at Astenia Empire this afternoon." The man from behind me informed.

I didn't react. Instead, I notice my fellow tribesmen—both women and children—walking straight while their hands were tied.

I watched them helplessly.

"By the time we set foot in Astenia Empire, someone will approach you and you'll be under his care." The man added.

"Why do I have to do this?" I sneered.

I can't comprehend the whole situation. Why was our tribe attacked? Did we commit a crime to suffer this treatment?

I'm lost. I can still remember the image of my father who was brutally murdered!

"You will know once we arrive. For now, don't strain yourself and behave properly."

This man! He's merciless!

"Says the abductor..." I murmured.

The man ignored me. I rolled my eyes.

At this moment I badly wanted to smack his face and use my willpower to avenge my tribe!

But... Skye. You still yet to awaken your power.

I reminded myself.

We found the edge of the Thracian Forest for only three days. If without this horse nor carriage, we probably have been gone for a week. Thracian Forest covers a huge land. And they were lots of wild animals and demons resided here.

We stopped by the lake to ease our thirst. The man left me beside the tree because he went to his comrades. I was sitting far away from my tribe. The women tried their best to calm their children while the elders were being treated by the others.

I wish I could go to them and heal them.

As the Moon Priestess, I have the divine power. But during these times it was useless. Because of the damn handcuff.


Suddenly I heard a strange voice. It sounds eerily and it gave me goosebumps. I roamed my eyes around.

"...protect those under you."

I heard the voice again. But no one is there except those Imperial Army walking around and my fellow Tribesmen sitting under the tree.

I craned my neck towards the lake. Just then I saw someone standing from there... above the waters.

It was a woman. She has long silvery hair and ethereal amethyst eyes. She was staring at me directly.

Suddenly the handcuff on my wrist vibrated.

"Skye..." she called me again. "You are my child... you have the willpower of the moon."

I close my eyes tightly. My body condition worsens and I feel nauseous. I feel cold and at the same time, my nerves are agitated.

When I open my eyes wide... the woman from the lake offered her hand to me.

And that was when I recognized her...


She was Selene, the Moon Goddess.