

"I know, I know.... whatever might have happened, I only hope you understand that it'll only be like this because it's me, if it were any other place, you know things would be different, right?" I realized I had no tangible reason that explains or justifies my actions when I tried to speak. Before I could make any false excuses, he cut me off and reprimanded.

"I'm sorry" I couldn't only but mutter with my head lowered. I knew I was totally at fault as it's a general fact that actions bring about consequences. The blame couldn't be put on the Home AI device for malfunctioning, if it could, it would probably yell out loud that it couldn't break itself on purpose. Besides, I overslept when I knew I had important business early in the morning. Although, Sleep is an inevitable natural phenomenon, I absolutely have never heard any unsuccessful adult put blame on it, on the other hand, they'd confide in it.

"Good..... Now take a sit." he said after seeing I wasn't putting up any excuses and only sucked in the blame in compromise.

"We go a long way back, Jenkins... don't we?" he uttered with a serious expression on his face after I sat on the chair opposite him, only the desk and documents between us, the air around the room choked as the atmosphere changed drastically from that of a 'relative' one to a Boss-subordinate atmosphere.


"....Do you remember your words back then?"


Space-principal Sri was a man I met 14 years ago. He was having an organized business talks with Sir Rowe in the Curtis' mansion and when I came back from school, Mother excitedly introduced me to him and how much of an Astrology fan I was. After being informed that he was a Professor of Astrology and Space Technology, I looked at him with a determined glint in my eyes as he said hello, I shamelessly yelled my dreams out loud making him laugh his bellies out.


Reminiscing the pleasant and at the same time embarrassing moments of my younger self, a bitter smile appeared in my mind

'I really have been this shameless from the start'.

 That little action had actually yielded good returns. He, since then, took a liking towards me and gave me his business card asking me to contact him if I ever was ready to explore the wonders of Space. I really do not know where I'd be right now if I wasn't that shameless back then.

'Forever shameless~'

A stupid hymn resonated in my mind as if I just found my cultivation path. Sometimes, the most embarrassing moments brings the best in one. A fool sometimes, do strike gold. Fact is, just being one's true self and not bothering about changes people deem ideal nor what people wants you to be is really the best path to success.

Seeing that I was lost in my memories with a stupid smile on my face, he smiled gently and continued.

"I believe you know that you have a name to build for yourself, as I take no pleasure taking credit in your career." hearing his words, my heart clenched hard and I wore a slight frown on my face as I anticipated disappointment, however his next words made me sigh in relief.

"Of course.... I'd be willing to give you a head start as I have promised, but you'd have your own race to run from then on." he said with his palms in the air as he chuckled, seeing how devastated I looked after misunderstanding his previous words.

A huge smile appeared on my face as if I'd just heard the greatest news in my entire life, I couldn't help but ask earnestly as my brown eyes shone with a slight glint.

"S-so I'm employed?"

"Yes...however, you'll start from the lowest point, Congratulations!" he said extending his hands for an handshake with a mocking smile on his face as he saw my grin disappear after hearing the last part of his words. In less than 10 minutes, I've heard bad news in good news, twice!!

"The branch in the Low-lands" he said after several seconds of silence as I shook his hand in a lost daze. I tilted my gaze towards him slightly in shock as he said those words. Was I to start working at the SPAX CORP Inc. branch in the Low-lands? But how was my dream to come through? Why? What was the purpose of building a reputation when I could actually fulfill my dreams right here with his help? Wouldn't it be easier for both parties that way?

At this point, I wasn't worried about the pay, I was worried about my goals and career.

"-ails of the job would be mailed to you shortly, that'll be all for now." his words drifted me out of my thoughts and I nodded still in a daze and thanked him half-heartedly as I was both glad and..... disappointed.  I stood up and announced my intentions of leaving and he nodded in response not before asking me to take care.

"Inexperienced... People only believe half of what they see.... you'll come to appreciate this decision" Space-principal Sri commented as I closed the door behind me, those words stored somewhere in my mind later to be analyzed.

I walked out of the room, into the elevator, out of the building still lost in my thoughts as I stared at my shoes as if they weren't mine. The receptionist saw me in this state and only shook her head in remorse, thinking I was turned down. I got on the next train to Bargon city and only when a little girl sitting on her mother's lap touched me did I wake out of stupor.

"Mister, it's gownna be awright" her sweet immature words made my heart warm and her sweet encouraging smile was as charming as ever. I couldn't help but shake my head in appreciation and mutter a thank you. Her mother stared widely, clearly more stunned at her daughters actions than I was. She tried to apologize but I told her I wasn't offended at all.

I sighed and tried to organize my thoughts so as to figure out my next steps. My rationality kicked in and as I looked in on the brighter side, I realized that it was better than nothing. All I had to do was work my way up the ranks, it wasn't much of a big deal that I had to be brooding over. I sighed in exasperation, for the second time in less than a minute and only now do I realize that I hadn't taken my breakfast and decided to visit the closest cafeteria to the Train station in Bargon City.

And so I was employed, thinking about it now, this suitcase was really a necessary irrelevance as I didn't even need to present my Credentials. Really, is everything going to be alright?