

Hasn't there ever been a moment or two in your life where you get stuck between two choices? Then surely, you must know how frustrating it feels. Right now, I stand in the middle of the road between two cafeterias, both buildings whispering 'tantalizing' words into my deepest awareness.

'Are you sure you want to bail out on Derals' special Chicken soup?'

'No, I wouldn't dare!!'

'So what about my Special Chicken Torte then, Dear Jenkins?'

'Eh? Eh?' confused, I took a deep breath as I took a step into the milk and butter-colored cafe by the right.

'I'm sorry, I'm really sorry.' I apologized to the other cafe I ditched and promised to visit some other time.

*cling* *cling*

The doorbell rang as I stepped into the Cafe with several Male waiters than usual and went on to take a seat at the farthest corner by the window. I didn't need to take a look at the menu on the table since I knew what I wanted already, even though I had never been here before. I moved into Bargon city just about Two months ago and I often order foods on-the-net on the most famous restaurant's network in the Low-lands, 'The Comestaurant'.

Now, one might wonder what the loyalty drama earlier was all about but, alas, I'm proudly loyal to good food, anywhere, anytime, all-day and anyplace, and I believe this is fairly relatable. I was stuck between the two cafes after seeing their respective flyers and their best delicacies that both only made me hungrier than I was before. I looked towards the other side of the road, staring at the chicken soup flyer wondering if I wasn't making the wrong decision.

"Welcome to Nancy's, what are your orders?" A beautiful smile greeted me when I turned my gaze to the waiter.

"Chicken Torte with coffee please."

"Our specials...I'll be back shortly with your order, would you like to have some Nancy's cookies on the house before your order arrives?" slightly taken aback by the offer, my impression on this cafe elevated, skyrocketed. I was baffled at first that she brought cookies with her while asking for my orders, but I didn't give too much thought about it and placed my orders, but, only now do I understand.

"Well .....Yes"

 She put the cookies on the table, then left to see to my orders. I nodded my head several times and smiled in satisfaction as I savored the taste of the heart shaped milk-cream cookies, a delightful and delicious taste filled my mouth as it crumbled. Indeed, I felt righteous. That moment you realize you chose the right option between two choices, the feeling of making the right decision.

The beautiful lady in her late 30s came back shortly with the long awaited delicacy. I pounced on it immediately, savoring every taste of the food, this cafe gets a 5 star rating from me, I mean from customer treatment to food quality, they're top notch, I couldn't help but wonder why there were less people in this cafe than there should be, shouldn't this place be flooded?

'Well, we're in the Low-lands' I shrugged my shoulders and continued with my food.

I noticed that a guy was looking at me weirdly with a smug smile on his face.

'What is with him?' I looked around and saw men and women sitting in pairs and groups, definitely interacting in a more than friendly way. I saw a group of men on the left corner far away from me staring at me and whispering to themselves as they chuckled and licked their lips.

'What is with everyone here?' I couldn't help but mutter. It was then that my gaze struck the rainbow colored flag on the wall, a cold sweat broke on my face as I looked around in panic; that was when everything made sense. That explains why the place wasn't crowded considering its services. I gulped down the chunk of food that had been stuck in my throat and looked around with wide eyes, that was when the guy sitting alone that had been looking at me weirdly earlier waved at me. My whole body trembled and I quickly dropped the food and stormed out of the Cafe after taking care of the bills.

I looked back and saw that the guy stood up to follow me as if I'd disappear from there any moment. That was when I realized that I had given a wrong impression. The guy must have misunderstood my actions and thought I was suggesting to go to another place for further talks. But really though, who thinks like that. Isn't it obvious that when people leave a place, it meant they were not interested in staying at the place anymore?

I turned at the corner into an alley and I took off in a terrifying speed that I certainly did not know I had. I wasn't against LGBTQ, in fact, I respect their decision. However, I am heterosexual and I could actually confront the guy and voice out my opinion. But here in the Low-lands, where laws and regulations do not apply, who knows what a guy like him could do to me after being 'kindly' turned down. I wasn't so sure about my self-defense capabilities as a bulky guy like him would certainly subdue me, so I had only one choice- I had to 'Run', since I don't want my asshole ripped apart forcefully.

"Hah, hah" I was running short on breath as I flung my arms around while I ran around taking turns at every corner. I stopped to take a breath but the thought of getting raped made me jump in fear and I started running again.


I bumped into a wall and I fell on my butt. I shook my head and looked up and what I saw shook my very soul and my heart flew out of my chest as somebody switched off the light in my head.


"~ake up!"

"Hey-, wake up!"  I saw a blurred manly face with his mouth moving, his words barely audible

*slap* *slap*

"Wake up man!"

"Ugh" I shut my eyes close tightly subconsciously and held my head as it rang heavily, I opened my eyes and realized that I was in an unfamiliar bed.

"Where am I?" I muttered in a hoarse voice as i had no control over my voice.

"Thank goodness, you're awake" a thick voice resounded in the room and I looked up to see a face that scared the heck out of me as memories flashed In my head. It was the guy from the cafe, the same guy I was running away from.

"Aaah!!!...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!..... Help, somebody help!!!" I cried out with my eyes and mouth wide open. I tried to run out of the bed but I only fell off and dragged across the floor.

"Please no.... please" I pleaded as I turned my body and looked at him hoping he'd reconsider.

"Would you shut up and listen for a second?" the man face palmed and yelled afterwards, his voice clearly indicating he was annoyed.

"Aren't you Jenkins Curtis? It's me Dan...Daniel Benjamin from homeroom, Alvadore high, remember?" I looked up at him as my brain tried to recollect where I had registered the name and the face. I remembered there was this bully-built but awkwardly silent guy in my homeroom, he was always quiet and talked to nobody thus people marked him a shy guy and a total loser. However, there was a day I had shared a table with him at lunch and talked with him extensively, making him an acquaintance for quite a while before he transferred into another school. It had been 8 years since then and I had forgotten I knew someone like that.

"Dan?" I couldn't recognize him at the cafe because he had clearly grown and considering the situation.

"When I saw you walk into the Cafe, I had my doubts until I saw the mark on your neck when you took off your coat" I smiled at his swords and wiped the tears off my face.

"Boy, have you grown" I chuckled as I praised him but his next words made the corners of my mouth twitch several times.

"And I never thought I'd see the great cold Jenky sob like this in my entire life."