Ch 15 HSDK 2


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After two weeks and a couple days, Kenichi finally showed up at the dojo, and it was hilarious. The 15 year old was so skittish. The introduction that Carl walked through happened the exact same way for Kenichi. Carl assumed it was a little play the master's put on for their amusement and to see what prospective disciples were made of.

With the help of his Probing Eye Sherlock-esque perk, Carl could easily understand the surface thoughts of the masters, when they were relaxed, from their body language. (When they went into combat mode, they were so controlled and focused, Carl couldn't read a single thing from them.)

Over the next few days as Kenichi would show up after school for training, Carl had to work hard not to laugh at the play in front of him.

In the manga it showed all kinds of gags and jokes. Like Kenichi trying to hang himself at one point because he was afraid of what Akisame Sensei would torture him with next, and Miu would be holding him back from hanging himself, trying to convince him he had so much to live for.

Well, all that stuff didn't really get acted out. It was all contextual from body language. Carl could see it all playing out due to his perk. And he was sure the masters could see it too, because they were just that good at reading their opponents that Carl was sure he and Kenichi were open books to them.

So he got to see the masters of Ryozanpaku treat Kenichi like a silly toy because whenever they poked it, ie went overboard with Kenichi, he had the most satisfyingly funny reactions. To the casual observer Kenichi would just look blank faced. But to Carl and the masters, his body language was an entire play. Kenichi might as well have been wailing his head off at the daunting tasks, because that's what it looked like to them.

And like a dog with a squeaky toy, the masters couldn't help but play with him because he always squeaked so satisfyingly for them.

Carl tried to bury that thought deep, deep inside and never let it see the light of day. He was sure he was unsuccessful, if the following intense torture session conducted by Akisame Sensei was any indication. Akisame Sensei wasn't vindictive, nope, not at all.

So now that Kenichi was part of the dojo, Carl had a fellow sufferer in the afternoon workout sessions.

Carl's new schedule was pre-breakfast warm up. After breakfast torture, followed by technique practice. After lunch, study biology and martial arts texts until Miu and Kenichi arrived, then get tortured along with the older boy. Have dinner, then practice his techniques until it was time to go to bed.

When Kenichi first met Carl at their torture sessions, he thought that he would have a fellow torture victim to sympathize with about how the masters were crazy and over the top.

Carl saw that it would comfort Kenichi a bit to have someone agree with him, so of course Carl didn't play along. He acted like everything was perfectly natural and Kenichi was the weird one for questioning the oddity of it.

Carl just wanted to mess with his head a bit for fun, but seeing Kenichi's reaction to finding another "weirdo" was so satisfying that Carl couldn't help but keep the gag running. It lightened Carl's mood while getting tortured, and helped Kenichi to toughen up.

'Yup, I'm totally doing it for Kenichi's sake. It will help him build character.' Carl thought in a "serious" tone of voice, before laughing out loud for no reason. Judging from Kenichi's face, randomly laughing during their torture session cemented the "weirdo" label he stuck on Carl in his mind. Which made Carl laugh even more.

Akisame Sensei seemed to get the joke and enjoyed it too, judging by his smirk. That's what happens when multiple people have such high observation skills, they can have conversations and even tell jokes completely silently.

'Damn I love my new perk. No wonder though that the actual Sherlock was kinda going crazy. To him, it would be like everyone he saw was shouting their inner most thoughts. It would be like a telepath not being able to shut the voices out. Looking at people would be so distracting because he just wouldn't be able to shut it off. And most importantly, no one else could communicate properly with him.'

After a couple weeks, Kenichi showed up at the dojo with a swollen face and bruises from a fight he had lost. Carl was amused to see Miu getting really concerned for him. 'Yup, those two are going to be getting together.' Carl laughed in his mind. 'It's just a matter of time.'

"Oh, you think so?" Hayato asked out of nowhere, causing Carl to jump in startlement.

"Uh…" Carl didn't know what to say.

The giant grandfatherly man continued to stand next to Carl and watch as Sakaki explained to Miu about how a man needs to take care of certain things in order to retain his pride as a man, especially in front of a woman.

"Well, if he continues to get stronger, he's got a chance." Carl finally answered. "Of course, he's going to have to do quite a lot to impress her male relatives and adoptive uncles in order to get that chance. They certainly don't set the bar low."

Hayato laughed boisterously as he stroked his beard. "Indeed, young man, that is so."

"Well, looks like it's time for me to get to my practicing." Carl excused himself as the various martial masters started getting into helping Kenichi learn to overcome his fear. Sakaki Sensei then showed Kenichi a technique that he could use to fight the guy who beat him up.

As they continued practicing, Carl, Kenichi, and Miu would spar against each other to practice the techniques they were taught. Carl always lost to Miu, and Kenichi always lost to both Carl and Miu.

Miu had been raised for years by martial arts masters, so it was no surprise she was as good as she was.

Even though Carl had piddled around for many years with an amateur's understanding of Jujustu and never rose above amateur level, he still had many years worth of training and experience on Kenichi. So even though he was two years younger in body, he was still ahead of Kenichi in both body strength and technique acquisition.

Carl felt that being in the dead last position was good for Kenichi, as being at the bottom increased his hunger to grow. Kenichi never got the impression that he was naturally talented, so he needed to use hard work to substitute for talent.

And having someone chase Carl from behind, always struggling to catch up and surpass him, pushed Carl hard. He didn't want Kenichi to pass him up, so he had to work at it and never slack.

It helped that Carl didn't have to go to school and could train all day. Carl planned that after a few years he would spend some time with the school books, memorizing everything he needed to learn to pass the school exams there in Japan, and take the tests when he was that age. He was sure that with his perfect memory he could get some decent scores on the high school tests.

He just didn't want to waste so much time in school when he could be training instead. Unlike Kenichi who had a lifetime here, he only had ten years to get as good as he could. And someday his life may depend on the skills he learned here.

And while schooling didn't really matter to a drop in like him, he would be here until he was 23 so having an official identity, an education (at least on paper), and background will let him get around better in a modern society setting. After all, purchasing plane tickets and dealing with customs in the modern setting required an identity.

But Carl wouldn't have to worry about that until he was closer to 18, so he had nearly 5 years before he worried about taking the tests. For the time being, he focused on his training.

About a month after Kenichi began training at the dojo, while he was being tortured in the stretching machine by Akisame Sensei and Miu, Kenichi's little sister Honoka showed up at the dojo looking for her brother.

Honoka Shirahama was a short 12 year old middle schooler. She had the same brown hair color that Kenichi had, and she wore her hair short.

She busted into the dojo just when Miu was pressing down on Kenichi's back to stretch his flexibility. Kenichi was in both heaven and hell. Heaven from having Miu's large breasts pressed against his back. Hell from the pain of the torture device from Akisame Sensei.

Carl had been training his techniques, following the exercises that Akisame Sensei taught him, when Honoka busted into the dojo. Carl paused his training to watch the little ball of energy as she was surrounded by the masters of Ryozanpaku, and tried to grab her beloved older brother and help him escape from the "Big boob enchantress" (which is what she called Miu) that brainwashed her brother.

It was an amusing scene for Carl. Especially because even while making a fuss and nominally being against the girl that her brother was entranced with, she didn't forget to give the care package to the group for taking care of Kenichi.

When Carl saw Honoka running off after her whirlwind introduction, Carl turned to Akisame Sensei. "I'm going to escort Kenichi's sister back home and introduce myself to his family, sensei, if that's alright?"

"Fine, go introduce yourself to Kenichi's family."

Carl smiled at his sensei, and ran off after the 12 year old girl as she ran off from the dojo. Carl was easily able to catch up to her. He had only been training at the dojo for a little under two months, but his strength had been increasing swiftly. Much more swiftly than at any other time he'd exercised in the past 30 years of three different worlds. And he had already started off as Usain Bolt fast due to his body mod.

Carl guessed that he had been progressing so swiftly because the world he was in now was focused on Ki and martial arts. Just like the BtVS world had been focused on the supernatural and magic, the Pokemon world had been focused on pokemon abilities, and the Farmville world had been focused on farms and growing things.

Because the HSDK world was focused on Ki and Martial Arts, and Carl now had super dense Ki running through his body thanks to perks, he was able to progress at breakneck speed in his body training.

Once Carl caught up to the girl who was physically only 1 year younger than him, he settled down to walk at her pace, staying just a few feet behind. While Carl looked at her, she seemed to be lost in her own world of imaginings, if the constant mutters and head shaking was anything to go by.

Carl decided not to employ his Probing Eye perk to analyze Honoka, and simply interact with her normally. Just because he had an ability didn't mean he always had to use it. There was a reason Sherlock was so unhinged. Carl didn't want to have the same issues, so he would be selective in its use, instead of having it on 24/7.

After following the girl for a few blocks, Honoka suddenly spun around and pointed dramatically at Carl. "Why are you following me!" She yelled.

Carl noticed out of the corner of his eye how several passerby slowed their pace as they watched the sudden drama happening in front of them.

"Hi, nice to meet you, sister of Kenichi. My name is Carl, a fellow martial arts student with your brother. Nice to meet you." Carl simply grabbed her pointing hand and shook it like he was introducing himself.

"What?" Honoka sputtered.

"I thought I would escort you home and meet Kenichi's family at the same time. Maybe answer some questions while I'm there?" Carl offered.

Some of the older passerbys watching gave a laugh at seeing the 12 and 13 year olds in front of them be suitably dramatic in their interactions. Carl even heard a couple mutter something along the lines of "Young people these days" and "Ahh, the passion of youth".

Honoka was looking somewhat conflicted, but since Carl didn't have his Sherlock abilities active, he wasn't sure why.

"Fine!" She finally muttered, whirling back around. "Follow me." She said, almost resentfully.

Carl resumed following her. "So, you and your brother get along good?" Carl asked.

"Yes! My brother is the best!" Honoka exclaimed, getting really into her topic. "He's brave, and sticks up for me! And we do lots of things together!" Then the girl's enthusiasm waned. "At least we used to. Now he disappears all day every day. And today I find out it's because of that big boobed Kitsune that has him enchanted!" She muttered angrily.

Carl almost laughed out loud, turning it into a cough at the last minute. He glanced sideways at the young girl, eyeing her flat as a board appearance. 'Nope, she's not jealous at all.' Carl wisely refrained from saying anything to avoid turning her ire on him.

"That's Miu Furinji, the granddaughter of the owner of Ryozanpaku Dojo." Carl mentioned. "She lost her parents when she was young, and was raised by her grandfather, traveling around a lot. She seemed to be really taken with the idea of a younger sister. She seemed almost jealous of Kenichi for having such a cute younger sister." Carl teased her.

Honoka blushed. "What do you know, stupid!" She angrily retorted.

Carl simply shrugged. "Not much, really."

Carl's unresponsive answer left Honoka hanging. They lapsed into silence as Carl continued to follow along.

They soon arrived at the Shirahama household, and Carl was introduced to Honoka's father, Mototsugu, and mother, Saori.

The introduction went well until he mentioned he was from Ryozanpaku, the group that Kenichi was always spending time with all day. When Mototsugu found out that Carl was from the group of "Brainwashers", Carl was almost introduced to Sebastion, Mototsugu's shotgun. If not for the intervention of Saori, Carl may have had to defend himself strongly.

Despite how entertaining the dramatic acting was, Carl wasn't willing to trust Mototsugu not to accidently shoot him while his emotions were running so high. Thankfully, Saori came to the rescue with a pan to her husband's head and calmed the situation down.

"Father and daughter both. They simply feel things so strongly they sometimes go overboard." Saori sighed as she apologized to Carl. "They don't mean anything bad by it, they simply miss having Kenichi around. They simply adore that boy."

Carl nodded in agreement, looking over to the corner of the room where Mototsugu and Honoka were wailing about "losing Kenichi to the brainwashers".

'Those two are definitely Father and Daughter.' Carl amusedly thought. Their antics were entertaining, as long as they weren't grabbing shotguns.

"Kenichi does seem like a likeable person. How about having Honoka come by some afternoons to hang out at the dojo." Carl offered a plan. "If she's able to hang out with the people at the dojo, she can satisfy her desire to be close to her brother, make new friends, and be able to report back to her parents. I'm sure Kenichi has been kind of closed mouthed about what he does at the dojo, which is probably why Mototsugu is acting so dramatic. He simply feels like he's losing a large part of his son's life. If he gets some stories here and there, it may lessen the separation anxiety."

"In fact you two should show up too. The martial arts masters are interesting, accomplished people." Carl then began to regale her some of the basic information he knew about the skills and talents of those at the dojo, which impressed Saori.

"Well, maybe some time in the future we'll go for a visit." Saori finally said. "However, I think for now we'll give Kenichi his space." She threw a side glance at her husband. "Every young man needs space to grow into their own man, after all. And Kenichi seems to be doing just fine at finding his own way."

Matotsugu slumped down on hearing her pronouncement. He knew he wouldn't get a chance anytime soon to go to the dojo and "reason" with them.

"Honoka, on the other hand is welcome to join her brother there after school." Honoka cheered, easily abandoning her dad since she got permission to hang out with her big brother.

After a bit longer chatting with Kenichi's family, Carl excused himself and made his way back to the dojo.

His meeting with Kenichi's family had, for some reason, caused Carl to think about the concept of family. He had his family back in his original Earth that he left behind when he was snatched up for the jump chain. He wondered if he would ever see them again.

He had his girls and friends from the Buffy the Vampire Slayer world. He had worked especially hard in that world to preemptively keep them safe. They had definitely been his comfort as he struggled to adjust to a new world, unfamiliar territory, and deadly dangers.

His second set of parents in the Pokemon world, and his girl there, Serena. His pokemon that were more than friends.

The many workers that he had hired in the Farmville world had been decent friends. They weren't ever really close, but they had been important to him. He had felt responsible for them after providing them with a place to work and live.

And now, in his current world, he had Ryozanpaku. In less than 2 months he had grown quite attached to the people at that small dojo.

Would he be able to gather everyone together one day?

Carl soon arrived at the dojo, and put all those extraneous thoughts aside as he once more focused on getting stronger.

Even though Carl was determined to become a master of Jujutsu before delving into other martial arts, it didn't mean he could dictate what the other masters got it into their minds to do. As they had all been giving advice and training to Kenichi to overcome different things, Carl got roped into the lessons too.

He learned some punches from Sakaki Sensei. He learned some movement and arm swings from Kensei Sensei. He learned to dodge from Apachai Sensei. Seriously, Apachai didn't know how to hold back. He absolutely learned how to dodge.

And currently, he was learning the way of the sword from Shigure Sensei.

Just because Carl's body and perks were all predisposed in this world for unarmed fighting, didn't mean he couldn't learn armed fighting. And Carl could see how disappointed Shigure Sensei was that Kenichi seemed to want nothing to do with her beloved blades. For some reason Carl just didn't want to leave the sexy sword mistress feeling depressed.

So Carl volunteered himself to learn at least the basics from her. And he found he quite enjoyed it.

Learning the basics consisted of being given a dagger, Shigure Sensei wielding a dagger, and being told to try to land a hit.

Carl knew he had no chance of actually scoring a hit. And he also knew that Shigure Sensei had enough skill and control that she could be sure not to damage him too badly. So he did his best to keep his eyes open, stay light on his feet as he moved around for positioning, and tried to learn from a master how to attack with a blade.

Carl did his best to pay attention to Shigure Sensei's commentary.

"Opening here."

"Weak stance there."

"Your swing is too slow."

"Sloppy angle."

Carl received many nicks and small cuts from Shigure Sensei to imprint her lessons on him. And so Carl was learning how to wield a blade. He didn't learn the blade as fast as he picked up any unarmed techniques, because of his perks, but Carl was determine to keep at it.

And Shigure Sensei responded to his determination by continuing to teach him.

The day Carl made up his mind to learn the sword skills of Shigure Sensei, it had finally dawned on Carl that he may need those blade skills in other jump worlds. That he shouldn't turn down any training from such skilled masters as these. Who cared if his technique was pure Jujutsu?

His base fighting style would be Jujutsu, yes. But if he grafted on other techniques and skills onto his base fighting style? Then it would just be more tools for him to work with. And he would learn to use those skills as he trained his body up.

And wasting the opportunity he had to learn from a genuine Master of Blades? That would be incredibly stupid.

After he thought through the issue, Carl finally realized why he had been so gung ho for only studying Jujutsu. He didn't want to copy Kenichi.

In the manga Kenichi had learned from all the masters of Ryozanpaku and built his style. Carl was afraid of being seen as a copycat. He wanted to forge his own path, different from Kenichi.

Once Carl examined his feelings and realized that what was holding him back was just silly pride and stupidity that wouldn't help Carl in his pursuit of the martial path, he was determined to get rid of that obstacle.

If he limited himself because he was afraid of maybe, possibly being seen as a copy of someone else, then that problem with his heart and attitude would forever hold him back. It would limit and shackle his martial arts. With that kind of attitude he really would place himself in Kenichi's shadow. It would become a self-fulfilling fear.

After Carl worked out what the issue was in his mind, he realized there was only one solution. He had to abandon the weakness holding him back and embrace learning everything from all the masters at Ryozanpaku.

Even if he learned the exact same moves as Kenichi, and went through the same training, they were two different people. They had different attitudes, different goals, and wildly different life experiences.

Two such different people would never be able to develop the same style of combat.

So what was there to be afraid of?

The best solution Carl could come up with for this shadow on his mind, was to throw away the fear and embrace his martial spirit. He would learn from every master at Ryozanpaku. He would throw himself into everything he could learn. He would find his own style. Ignore everything else and become obsessed with Martial Arts. Learn everything, and make it his own.

From that day on Carl began to obsess. He made the effort to throw away doubts and speculations about future jumps. He carefully packed away doubts and remembrances of his past jumps. The only thing that existed for him was now.

A couple of weeks later when Kenichi came to the dojo dragging Takeda the Boxer and Ukita the Grappler with him for treatment from Akisame Sensei after another win under his belt, Carl was reminded that he too needed to find opponents his level to fight against if he wanted to grow stronger.

Only fighting against Miu or Kenichi wouldn't help him grow as much as if he sought out skilled opponents that had different styles that wouldn't hold back against him.

And part of his plan prior to becoming a disciple at Ryozanpaku involved a certain alien looking high school student named Niijima Haruo. It was time to contact him.

Carl approached Miu that afternoon.

"Hey, Miu. Do you have Niijima's contact information?" Carl didn't see any reason to beat around the bush.

"Yes." Miu pulled out her phone. "What did you want it for?"

"Oh, I could use his help with something. I've heard he's good with finding out information, so I'm going to ask him for some help." Carl answered as he called up Niijima.

"Hello? Who is this? Who gave you my number?" Niijima answered the phone.

"Hello, my name is Carl. Miu Furinji gave me your number. Say hi Miu." Carl requested while holding the phone over to her.

"Hi, Niijima. Carl is a friend and fellow disciple at our dojo. He said he wanted your help." Miu helpfully explained before giving the phone back.

"So, what do you want?" Niijima asked once Carl got the phone back.

"How about we meet to discuss that." Carl responded. "I promise it won't be a waste of your time."

"Fine." Niijima then gave him an address to meet.

"How about we meet at a different location instead." Carl then gave him the address of his office building. "Are you available now? Good. How about we meet in 30 minutes. Okay, see you then." Carl hung up.

"Thanks Miu. I gotta go meet Niijima now." Carl called as he ran out the dojo.

Carl arrived at his office building and sat down on a planter in the front of the building as he waited.

When Niijima arrived, Carl finally understood why everyone called him an alien. Niijima had a very narrow face, long Spock-like ears, long gangly limbs, and sharp fingernails.

"So, what do you want?" After introductions, Niijima got straight to the point. Even the tone of voice Niijima talked in was somewhat strange, further alienating him from normal people.

"Straight to business then. I've heard several things about you. That you are good at information gathering. That you are ambitious. You want to build an organization, and you are considering using Kenichi, if he gets strong enough, to help you gain a foothold in the area. With a strong fighter, you can keep the petty gangs from moving in on you as you establish yourself."

Carl was of course using his Probing Eye perk on the young man.

"Is seems you aren't too bad at information gathering yourself." Since the Probing Eye perk was based on Niijima, he was likely getting as much information from Carl as Carl was getting from him by observation.

"I get by. But it's not my focus. I'm learning martial arts to get strong. But in order to do that, I need opponents. Opponents that will push me further than what only sparring can accomplish." Carl explained. "And since you want to build an organization, I figured that if I help you in your goal, you'll help me find opponents to fight."

"Okay, you've got my interest." Niijima said. "But just how are you going to help me build an organization?"

"Well, an organization needs a number of things. Management, location, personnel, and operating funds, for example." Carl watched Niijima closely when he mentioned each item. "It seems you are not worried about management, since you plan to train up your future subordinates yourself. Personnel will come when the other building blocks are in place. So right now you are in need of a location and operating funds, which I can help with." Carl commented, watching how Niijima's interest was piqued at his mention of providing those two.

"Location?" Niijima asked, and before Carl could verbally answer, Niijima looked at the building they were meeting in front of. "Here?"

"Indeed. Want a tour?" From Niijima's slowly spreading smile, Carl could tell he was interested.

Carl gave Niijima the grand tour, pointing out all the good points that would help him to attract his subordinates to his organization. After some discussion about the nature of the organization that Niijima would build, and how he would run it, Carl invested 800,000 yen into shares of Niijima's future company/organization. As Niijima got his information brokerage business going, and started making money, Carl would receive dividend pay as part owner.

Once their business was concluded, and Carl was assured Niijima would still drag Kenichi into his future Shinpaku alliance, he left a copy of the keys with Niijima before leaving. The building itself had several copies of the keys secured in the security station, which was convenient.

Carl returned to Ryozanpaku and continued training with renewed intensity in preparation for his future fights. He was actually getting excited about the challenge.

After a couple of weeks, Carl received his first email from Niijima with the details of a target. He was a 14 year old delinquent who loved fighting in the neighboring school district. Daisuke had pretty much beaten up every other fighter his age in the area. Carl was excited.

After getting the afternoon off from training, he pulled his motorcycle from the Pokemon world out of the warehouse, and rode to headquarters. There he picked up Niijima and one of his followers, Eiji, to join him as he challenged Daisuke.

Carl followed Niijima's directions and soon came to the hang out of the punk Daisuke. He moved to the door and knocked politely. No need to be rude. He was simply here for a fight, not a grudge match.

The door opened and a 16 year old punk warily looked out at the three of them.

"Is Daisuke in?" Carl asked. He read the young man, and knew that Daisuke was in.

"Who's asking?" The punk challenged.

"The name is Carl. Now, is Daisuke in or should I come in and wait for him?" There was etiquette, and then there was punk lingo. Obviously Carl couldn't be a pushover or weak when talking to punks, or else he would get nowhere with them.

"What business do you have with Daisuke?" The punk asked.

"Just pass this letter to him. It's his decision whether he'll be man enough to meet the challenge or not. I'll be waiting for 15 minutes." Carl stated while handing a challenge letter to the punk.

While not really necessary, the fight challenge letter was an honored tradition in this world. It served notice that the challenger, in this case Carl, demanded a fight for [fill in the blank] reason, and at [fill in the blank] time at [fill in the blank] location.

After 10 minutes, the door opens and Daisuke comes out while glaring at Carl. A dozen other young punks follow him out the door to spectate the fight. The 16 year old punk is a head taller than Carl and very muscular. Even a fully grown weightlifter would be envious.

'Something about this world is just so focused on the physical development of people. I mean, this 16 year old looks like he's got more muscles than world class weight lifters from my original world.' Carl thought.

"You think you've got what it takes to take me out, punk?" Daisuke growled.

"That's what the fight is for, to see who is better." Carl casually stated.

Carl didn't want to overestimate where he was in the development cycle. He'd only been training at the dojo for a bit over two months, so at best he was probably only considered a low class disciple. So starting with the stronger street punks and low class disciples seemed to be the way to start.

"Fine, it's your funeral, brat." Daisuke spit to the side in contempt.

While they moved to a nearby grassy area for their fight, Eiji pulled out a camera to film the fight. Carl wanted a record of his fights so he could have his master's critique him and work with him to improve. Despite their normally easygoing manner (when not training him) they were hugely competitive and didn't like losing. And they didn't like their disciple losing either, so he definitely felt the pressure to win. His senseis would never let him live it down.

The fight began and Carl soon found out that his physical conditioning had improved beyond what he had expected. He found that compared to masters or Miu, Daisuke was slow. He still got an unexpected blow in here or there, due to using tactics that Carl wasn't expecting or had ever seen. But for the most part, Carl dominated the fight using his Jujutsu to redirect force and use Daisuke's attack power against him.

After Carl proved that he could win at any time, he switched his style up and started using what the other masters taught him to practice against a fighter with a totally different style. Only three blows from his Muay Thai techniques put Daisuke down for the fight.

'Well, that was much easier than expected.' Carl thought.

After staring down the punks that followed Daisuke who wanted to jump them, and then helping the young punk get patched up, Carl, Niijima, and Eiji left.

"Well, looks like my training has progressed well." Carl commented to Niijima when they arrived back at headquarters. "I'll need a copy of the video to review with my senseis at the dojo. And try to find some stronger opponents for me. Also keep me posted about the fights that come Kenichi's way. I have a feeling I might find some people to fight amongst them. Good thing that guy seems like a trouble magnet, it'll bring in the opponents." Carl chuckled.