Ch 27 HP 4


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"Is it just me, or is half the hall looking to lynch Malfoy?" Harry asked the next morning at breakfast.

Carl, Hermione, and Neville looked around and saw that Harry was right. There were a lot of angry faces glaring at the first year. All of Hufflepuff house, the prefects from Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff, and Fred, George, and Lee were fixated on the boy who seemed oblivious about the extra attention he was getting that morning.

"I'm sure it'll be fine. No one would go too overboard at getting back at him for whatever he's done." Carl manfully kept his smirk off his face, but not out of his voice. "Besides, it's like Dumbledore was saying. Everyone here is a youth, and sometimes they get a bit rambunctious. Just a bit of youthful indiscretion. No need to concern ourselves over it."

Hermione suspiciously glanced at Carl, but also didn't bother correcting him about using only Dumbledore's last name without calling also calling him professor. Her belief in the authority figures had taken a big hit when she had been punished by Snape for what Malfoy started the other day. With Dumbledore fully condoning her unfair punishment and none of the other professors able to stand up for her, she didn't feel very trusting of them anymore.

Neville mumbled something to himself that he didn't mean for anyone to hear, but Carl caught the words. "Hope he gets his."

Carl smiled at Neville. 'I'm sure he will, Neville. I'm sure he will.' Carl thought. He then turned to the group as a whole. "So, the thing that I tested out last night went like a charm. We should be able to do it this afternoon. But don't let anyone know about it, they might try to stop us." Carl warned.

He was reasonably sure they would be okay until that evening. They didn't have potions today, so Snape wouldn't get an opportunity to peruse Harry's mind. And Dumbledore was off doing whatever he did outside of Hogwarts, so he wasn't around to see what they had planned in Harry's mind.

Harry smiled in relief. "Good. I can't wait to get rid of it."

"Are you sure this is safe?" Harry asked as he looked over the ritual circle that Carl, Neville, Hermione and Harry were standing around.

Carl hadn't yet introduced just what type of room the Room of Requirement was. He would wait until after everyone in the group had their Occlumency shields up before sharing some of the more interesting secrets he had.

Carl nodded seriously. "I already tested it on an object that had a curse similar to your scar, and it worked like a charm. Well, not a charm, so much as a ritual." Carl paused when he saw that Harry wasn't really relaxed at his use of levity. "Trust me, it will be fine."

"But where did you even learn about this ritual? And why aren't we getting our head's of house involved in this?" Hermione asked in a concerned tone of voice.

"Well, I wasn't always an orphan." Truth.

"My family has quite a few books on ritual magic." Lie. He was the one with the books and he got them in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer world. Just because he didn't have the original books anymore didn't mean he couldn't recreate them now that he had perfect memory from his perks.

"Before I had to go to the orphanage, I studied from the books most of my life." Truth. He'd lived longer in the jump chain than he had before the jump chain.

"So I guarantee I know what I'm doing." Truth. His perk Like Riding a Bike made it easy to convert the ritual from the BtVS magic system to the Harry Potter world.

"And sharing my family's books with the professors is prohibited by my family's rules." Lie. He just didn't want the hassle of dealing with the adults when he was fully capable of doing the ritual himself. Being 11 again sucked for a number of reasons, but he could work around those limitations.

"They would probably try to confiscate my family books." Truth. The teachers, Dumbledore especially, seemed to think it was their duty to keep the more "dangerous" magic from the students until they could handle it. Which really made Carl wonder why Dumbledore set up the deadly trap on the third floor where the students could get hurt by the traps. Carl guessed that Dumbledore was a "Ends justify the means" and "Do as I say, not as I do" kind of man.

"And I'm not about to let the professors steal my family's property." Carl paused as he looked at Harry. "It's ultimately your decision, Harry, whether to actually go through with it. I'm confident the ritual will work. But if you want, we can probably copy down the ritual and go get Professors McGonagall and Flitwick to check it over." Truth-Lie. He would be perfectly okay with having the professors look over the ritual, but he would have to take certain measures because he wasn't about to bring the professors to the Room of Requirement.

After considering it for a bit, and with the offer of losing his headache inducing scar, Harry eventually decided. "Let's do this before I lose my nerve."

Carl smiled at Harry's decision. It would be much less complicated since Harry chose not to go to the professors. Carl had been hoping Harry's independent personality would lean towards that decision.

"Okay, sit in this circle here." Carl indicated the appropriate circle while placing a large quartz stone in the other circle. Harry carefully sat in the circle with his legs crossed. "Okay, try not to shift around too much. Stay in the circle."

Carl took his place at the edge of the circle, while indicating places for Hermione and Neville to sit so they could participate in the ritual. While he could do the ritual all by himself, Carl felt that their participation was for the best. It would make them feel a part of the process and get a feel for using their magic in rituals, even though Carl would be the one directing the ritual.

Carl soon began the chant, invoking the ritual to begin. As he continued, he could tell that Harry was a bit uncomfortable, if his grimaces were anything to go by. But that's what happens when pulling a soul fragment out of someone's head that had latched on and leached from his magic for 10 years.

Several minutes later the ritual was complete. Carl watched Hermione, Harry, and Neville looking at the quartz stone in disgust. Now that it was out of Harry's head, they too could feel how disgusting it was.

"That feels nasty. That was in your head, Harry? How could you stand it?" Neville asked.

Harry shook his head. "Dunno mate, that's just the way it was as long as I can remember. I feel so light now." He giddily proclaimed while holding up his hands to stare at them. A moment later, he pulled off his glasses and looked around the room without them. "I can actually see without my glasses!" Harry cheered.

Carl laughed. "Yeah, this nasty piece has probably been messing with your head something fierce." Carl placed the stone in another lead chest before placing it in his bag with expanded space to put in his Warehouse later.

"So, what are you going to do with the stone with that dark magic in it?" Hermione asked Carl.

"There's another ritual I'm working on that will dispose of it. But I'm not ready to do it yet. So, I'll just keep the stone safely stored until I'm ready." Carl said.

"As long as you keep it far from me, I don't care." Harry declared. By that point he'd climbed to his feet and was just kind of drifting/bouncing around the room. "This feels so goooood. My mind feels all light and floaty. I don't even feel so angry. I feel…happy I think it's called. Huh, that's a new one. Never really felt that before."

Carl laughed and pulled out some snacks and drinks from his "bag". "Why don't we relax for a while as Harry gets used to the wonderful feeling of not having nasty dark magic gunking up his noggin?"

Hermione smiled at Harry's goofy antics as he almost danced around the room in happiness. "Okay. We can spend an evening without homework, I suppose."

Carl then pulled out a board game that wasn't Monopoly they could play to relax the evening away. Monopoly was verboten around him from now on.

Just outside the Great Hall the next morning when Carl and Hermione were headed to breakfast, Carl noticed a crowd of students laughing and joking as they looked at something on the ceiling. Carl looked up and noticed Malfoy was stuck on the ceiling in his underwear.

After looking and laughing for a moment, Hermione tried to compose her face. Carl on the other hand just let the wide grin remain on his face.

Just then Harry and Neville joined them at looking at Malfoy's predicament.

"Who do you suppose will get him down?" Neville finally asked after enjoying the embarrassment of the thoroughly unpleasant boy.

"Some of the Slytherin's most likely told a professor by now. I'm sure they'll be along soon." Carl dismissively said. He wasn't about to move one finger to help Malfoy.

"How do you suppose they kept him up there?" Harry asked.

"Sticking charms, most likely." A voice knowingly answered from behind Carl. Looking around, Carl saw a 6th year Hufflepuff girl. He recognized her as the one he had handed the flyers to while disguised as Malfoy. Carl saw a gleam of angry satisfaction in her eyes.

Right. He was never under any circumstances admitting that he was the one to set up Malfoy. It looked like she would never let this grudge go. He knew he could physically protect himself from her ire if she ever found out, but he didn't want to have to be on guard for the rest of his 10 plus years here, just wondering what new scheme she would come up with to punish him if she ever found out.

'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned indeed.' Carl thought as he eyed the young lady who had anger and grim satisfaction bubbling in her eyes as she gazed at Malfoy.

The students that were standing around and laughing at Malfoy's situation suddenly got quiet when the door to the Great Hall slammed open and Snape came stalking out. The scowl on his face caused the students to rein in their amused enthusiasm in an attempt to not draw the ire of the foul tempered professor.

Carl watched as Snape's gaze zeroed in on Harry. Snape was blaming Potter for Malfoy's situation, despite the fact that there was no evidence, and that first years wouldn't have even learned the sticking charm yet.

Carl sighed in exasperation at Snape's inability to let a grudge go. It seems that Snape had long decided that he would hound Harry all seven years of his schooling, and that he would enjoy "putting the Potter brat in his place".

As he watched Snape free Malfoy, Carl started thinking up different methods to neutralize Snape. He certainly didn't want to suffer through the next seven years of the petty man's vendetta against all things Potter just because he was Harry's friend.

First he needed to figure out just what crimes Snape was guilty of. If he was just an unpleasant and petty man who couldn't let go of school yard grudges, then he didn't deserve death. Imprisonment, maybe. To be removed from teaching impressionable young students? Most definitely.

But Snape could wait for now. As annoying as Snape was to deal with, he wasn't actively trying to kill Carl at the moment. Carl hadn't forgotten that he had the Lestranges on the loose that he had to take care of before they ambushed him.

So as Carl spent the Sunday studying, playing games, and hanging out with Hermione, Harry, and Neville, he also started prioritizing his plans in the back of his mind about what he would do the next few days and weeks.

Occasionally he felt the temptation to just sit back and let the plot happen rise up in him. When he felt those feelings rising, he quickly used Occlumency meditation to set himself straight. He had already butterflied away the plot. It wasn't coming back. The plot was well and truly dead.

After his time in the world of History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi, he recognized those feelings for what they were. An attempt on the part of the world or plot or whatever to get him to not interfere with the story line. For whatever reason, the world seemed to like trying to force the plot line to happen.

His newly gained Occlumency ability helped Carl immensely in safeguarding his mind from those impulses. After thinking about why he was affected in some worlds and not others, Carl had figured that he would be most vulnerable to those impulses from the world when he was in a world where he already knew the story line.

Of course just because he had some impulses sent from the world didn't mean he had to act on them, but if he wasn't careful and vigilant, he would fall prey to them.

In his first world of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, he had known the story line and felt the same impulse to just sit back and passively let everything happen. But he had been so new to the jump chain, and finding himself in a world of vampires, demons, and magic had ratcheted his fear and paranoia up so much that he was able to easily ignore those feelings to sit back and let things happen. As a result, he was always seeking ways to overcome his horrible situation. Not to mention the fear of becoming destitute and homeless amongst the vampires had always pushed him into action, thus escaping the trap of falling in line with the world's plot.

The Pokemon world had been nice and relaxing for the most part. He hadn't known anything about the plot, so he hadn't felt any special need to sit back and watch the plot develop. So he hadn't realized at the time that knowing the plot would influence him into acting a certain way.

And Farmville didn't even have a plot to influence him, so there was that.

But he had pretty much succumbed to the lure of the HSDK world and just sat back to watch the plot happen. He had still gained a lot out of the world from being apprenticed to the Masters of Ryozanpaku, but he had lived a strangely passive life outside of training for 10 years there. It was not a situation or mind set he wanted to return to.

In the Sword Art Online world, he hadn't known anything about the plot, so he had been in the clear there. He was about 80-90% positive that not knowing the plot on that world had saved him a lot of trouble and drama while his mind was still open and defenseless from plot induced lethargy.

The less said about Monopoly, the better. Drawback induced insanity was a thing, and he was glad he now had the Occlumency skill to order and defend his mind while keeping him sane.

Overall Carl was very happy to finally have some mind defenses in place to keep him sane and on task. He could think of quite a few worlds where going in with his mind undefended was pretty much an automatic death sentence.

So while pondering the idea of what to do about Snape, Carl had a vague idea brewing in his mind that he would sneak into Snape's quarters one night so he could study the Dark Mark on his arm. He would then put up special traps on all the entryways and secret passages into Hogwarts that targeted those with the Dark Mark so he could catch the Lestranges when they tried to get at him here at Hogwarts. There was no need to actual wait before they were in front of him before he could start to act, that would just be stupid.

But before he started working out how he was going to get at and subdue Snape, he had one more thing to do. After the nice lazy Sunday was over, in the middle of the night, Carl snuck out once more to the Room of Requirement.

He spent the next half hour making doubly sure there were not any problems with the ritual circle. He wasn't about to let a little overconfidence ruin this ritual. He soon set out the crystals that had pieces of Voldemort's soul in them. They would act as the necessary link he needed to hook into Voldemort and drain the sucker dry.

"Protip to any liches and soul splitters out there." Carl spoke out loud to himself when he was done preparing the ritual. "Don't leave your soul jars laying about where clever magic users can get their hands on them and destroy you." Carl paused for a moment. "On second thought, ignore what I said. Chances are if you're a lich or power mad soul splitter, you and I won't be friends. Continue to leave pieces of your soul laying out like candy for me to snatch. Pleaseandthankyou."

Earlier in the week when Carl had gotten his hands on the Ravenclaw Diadem that had been made into Voldemort's horcrux, he had made the decision to hold off on using the ritual to end Voldemort immediately. He knew there was a piece of soul in Harry's scar, and he had no idea what effect it would have on Harry if he used the ritual while Harry's scar was still hosting the soul piece.

But now that it was transferred away from Harry's noggin, Carl was free to suck up all of Voldemort's power that his soul pieces gave him access to and store them in the crystals, just like he had done in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer world.

Carl began the ritual, making sure he didn't flub his lines as he chanted.

After a bit, Carl could see the power being drawn in from Voldemort. It looked like seven links that corresponded to the six Horcruxes and Voldemort himself. Voldemort's magical power began to fill up the numerous crystals that Carl had used as batteries.

Halfway through the ritual, something changed. The amount of magic flooding in changed from a slow flowing river to a gushing white water rapid. The amount of magic was amazing for one mostly mortal wizard. Carl was happy he had included as many crystals as he did in the circle, otherwise a lot of that magic would have been wasted.

After the ritual was complete, Carl brushed his hands off. "And thus ends Voldemort, formerly known as Tom Riddle. Not with a bang, but a whimper and no last, final, epic battle. As is appropriate. It's best your insanity is just forgotten, Tom." Carl amusingly spoke out an eulogy for Tom Riddle. "And now, the society you tried to destroy and or control can finally move on without the possibility of you coming back. From ashes to ashes, and dust to dust. You won't be missed."

Carl soon packed away his new magic batteries and the ritual items. He would cleanse the magic in his new batteries soon. But for now, it was time to get to bed.

"It's unusual for Snape to be late." Carl commented to Hermione as they stood outside the locked doors of the Potions classroom.

"It's already been 20 minutes. We should go let Professor Flitwick know." Hermione decided.

Carl watched Hermione march off for a few steps before shrugging and following her. "So, what's your bet on for why Snape didn't show up?" Carl asked her after falling in step with her determined march.

"I don't gamble." Hermione frowned in disapproval at Carl.

Carl laughed. "Fine then. What's your guess as to where he is? I personally think he finally took a shower and cleaned his hair which, when he looked in the mirror caused him to not recognize himself when he saw his reflection and he accidently attacked and cursed himself, thinking he saw an intruder." Carl posited.

Hermione frowned for a moment at Carl before breaking into giggles. "No way. That would imply he had a reflection." Hermione cheekily pointed out.

"Good point." Carl agreed with a chuckle.

They continued to chat while making the trek to the Charms classroom. Looking in, Carl saw they would be interrupting the 5th years at their class.

After they explained why they were interrupting Professor Flitwick's class, their head of house sent them to wait and study at the Great Hall while he would investigate.

By the afternoon word had been passed that Snape and Quirrell were indisposed. The rumors were that they had lost their magic and were in a coma. Or died. Or were turned into giant slugs. Or a number of other silly rumors.

When Carl heard that news, he soon realized that it was likely his ritual in the middle of the night that was the cause of them being indisposed. Quirrell being affected made sense because he was likely hosting Voldemort's spirit at the time, so it had heavily affected him.

The only reason Carl could figure as to why Snape was also affected was the Dark Mark. Apparently Voldemort had placed a bit of himself in each Dark Mark so he could have access to his follower's magic to strengthen himself. So when Carl hooked into Voldemort's soul and drained his power, Voldemort brought along the magic of all those he had enslaved with his Dark Mark.

The effect the ritual had on anyone with a link to Voldemort was exactly why Carl wanted to get the Horcrux out of Harry's head before he used the ritual to suck up all of Voldemort's power. Otherwise Harry too may have had his magic sucked out and be lying in a coma right now.

By the next morning the papers of the Wizarding World were full of stories about all the prominent citizens that had inexplicably lost their magic and fallen into comas. Looking at the list of names, Carl knew it was a who's who of Death Eaters. Every Death Eater that had a Dark Mark had lost their magic and fallen into comas.

Soon enough Carl realized that it likely meant that his drawback that sent a Prisoner of Azkaban after him to kill him was probably already taken care of, much to his dismay. He had wanted to capture the Lestranges and use them to loot their vaults at Gringotts.

He wasn't exactly greedy for the gold, although the more gold he had the better. No, he had wanted the chance to loot a dark family of all their dark arts books and items so he could study them. It would be interesting to see what exactly was the big deal that caused people like Dumbledore to freak out about dark magic, while at the same time half of the wizarding society kept it as an important part of their culture and traditions.

Maybe he could find something in magical laws about claiming the possessions of defeated enemies? He would have to do some research next to find out if that was a thing in this world or not. If it was a thing, Carl or Harry could claim a lot of spoils, depending on how magic judged who was the actual defeater of Voldemort. Harry for de-bodifying Voldemort in 1981, or Carl for finishing him off now.

After thinking about the whole situation for a bit, Carl suddenly wanted to burst into hysterical cackling. He had spent so much time agonizing about his decision to get the Prisoner of Azkaban drawback. After the horrible drawbacks of Monopoly, he had been understandably nervous about picking any more drawbacks willy nilly just for the points. And here he was, accidentally resolving the danger. It was so anticlimactic. He couldn't expect any future drawbacks to be so easy. But damn it felt good to have this one resolved so easily.

Carl plopped down on his seat next to Hermione just as the Halloween feast began. "So, did I miss anything?"

Hermione looked up from her book. "Nope. It just started."

"Gonna put away your book now that the feast started?" Carl asked.

Hermione sighed as she looked at the table that was fully loaded down with various dishes. "I suppose. It would just get food on it if I continued to read anyway." She morosely concluded.

Carl just laughed. That was Hermione to a T. She loved reading and learning new things. It was the equivalent of comfort food for her.

Carl looked around at his fellow Ravenclaws. None of them really fit the stereotype of a Ravenclaw who was hungry for knowledge. Most of them were from families who had been sorted into Ravenclaw for generations, and so they followed the family tradition in getting sorted there. Most of the rest, like the muggleborn, ended up following the example and traditions of those who were legacy sortings in order to not rock the boat.

The same held true in the other houses. Many of the Slytherin's were anything but ambition and clever, most of the Gryffindor's had a long way to go before they could find any boldness or bravery, and quite a few Hufflepuff's didn't even having a passing familiarity with loyalty or fair play.

Which all resulted in Carl and Hermione, especially Hermione, not getting along with the majority of the Ravenclaws. Ironically, she asked too many questions in her first weeks and was shunned by the majority of the house. If it weren't for the presence of Carl, and her friendships with Harry and Neville, she might have eventually given in to the little conformists.

But since she had found the good friends she had hoped to have in her new start at Hogwarts, she concluded that the rest of the house could go jump for all she cared. She was enjoying having so much esoteric and hidden knowledge available, and the presence of real friends, to really care about the majority of the student's petty disapproval of her.

Carl looked up at their new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor up at the head table. The tall, black, and bald Auror Shacklebolt was a decent teacher. He wasn't big on the theoretical aspects of spellcraft, but that's what made him such a good DADA teacher in Carl's opinion.

DADA was all about the practical. How to utilize what the students learned in the other classes to protect themselves from the multitude of threats that lived in the wizarding world.

With Quirrell dead from the results of hosting Voldemort's spirit, and Snape having lost his magic and in a coma, Dumbledore had been forced to turn to the DMLE to procure a DADA professor, while he had been able to prevail on Slughorn to return to teach at least one more year.

While Carl wasn't impressed by Slughorn's personality, his teaching was a huge improvement over Snape's method of putting a recipe on the board and telling them to get on with it. No instructions, no help, just a glowering presence over the student's shoulder, hoping they would get it wrong so he could castigate them for their mistakes. It's no wonder so many students refused to take Newt Potions with Snape teaching.

"So what do you think about the challenge that Slughorn gave us?" Carl asked Hermione.

"I've already found a few references on how to save a potion that had the wrong amount of ingredients added in. I've just got to cross reference the list in-"

Carl nudged her to stop her from continuing on.

She turned to him with a scowl, wondering what was up with his unusual actions. With a nod he indicated their fellow Ravenclaw students listening in on their conversation, hoping to basically copy Hermione's work and benefit from cheating off her efforts.

She turned the scowl on her housemates, and they swiftly turned back to their own conversations. It had only taken twice getting burned by her fellow students turning in their copies of her efforts before she did, so it looked like she was the one who was copying them, for her to be completely done with the cheating bastards. The only exception had been Padma Patil and Sue Li. But Padma spent most of her time with her twin and their friend Lavender Brown amongst the Gryffindors, and Sue Li seemed to prefer going solo.

If Carl had realized Hermione had gotten so far in her research, he would not have even brought up the topic in front of their fellow Ravenclaws.

Hermione's talent at research, even as a 12 year old girl, really impressed Carl. It seemed like her magic was attuned to the library, allowing her to be exceptional at researching different topics. For that talent alone, Carl decided he would be coming back to the Harry Potter world later on to recruit her to the jumps, let alone that he actually enjoyed her company.

Carl and Hermione continued chatting about random things as they enjoyed the feast, occasionally talking with Padma who was stuck at their table for the feasts instead of being able to sit with her twin.

"Happy Christmas Harry. Get anything good?" Carl greeting Harry on Christmas morning in the Great Hall.

Hermione and Neville had gone home for the Holidays, while Harry had no desire to visit the Dursleys. He had started exchanging letter with Sirius Black a couple months ago, but the two still hadn't met yet, due to Harry being in school and Sirius' stay in the hospital to recover from Azkaban.

"Yeah, loads. Bunch of books, candies, and clothes." Harry looked around to make sure no one was near enough to hear him. "I also got this sweet invisibility cloak that used to be my dad's. Thankfully Weasley was out of the room when I figured out what it was. I'll show you it later."

Carl whistled lowly, as if he didn't expect Harry to get the cloak. "That's cool that you got something of your dads. They didn't pass on anything from your mom did they?"

"No." Harry deflated a bit.

"Sorry, didn't mean to bring the mood down. Maybe we can ask the professors just who were your mother's friends and write to them for stories of your mom? I mean, you've been getting stories of your dad from Sirius and Remus, so why not try to find some friends of your mom too?

Harry perked back up. "That's a great idea."

They continued chatting as they ate breakfast. Then they spent the day playing games, reading, and generally just lazing about. It was a pretty good holiday.

The next day, Harry told Carl all about how he got restless and wandered around the castle at night with his invisibility cloak, and ran into a mirror in a room that showed him his parents. He wanted to show Carl the mirror.

After looking in the mirror, Carl turned to see Harry having an expectant look on his face. "I don't see your parents in the mirror, Harry." Carl told him. Harry looked a bit confused. He had clearly seen his parents in the mirror. "Look at the inscription up top. It's written in reverse script. Likely the creator of the mirror was a wizard who was overly enamored with their cleverness so they wrote the inscription for a mirror in reversed script, like you could read if you were looking in a mirror."

"It says 'I show not your face but your heart's desire'. So for you, obviously your parents and yearning for an actual family is a big part of what you desire. When I look in the mirror, the thing I see is all my goals, dreams, and ambitions accomplished, with the very large family and group of friends I plan to gather standing with me. A life fulfilled, full of love, happiness, adventure, and derring do." Carl barked a laughed. "That's what I see in the mirror."

Carl backed away from the mirror as Harry approached it again. Harry's eyes widened at what he saw. "The image has changed. My parents are still there, but now I see myself fully grown and surrounded by friends and family. I'm married and have kids."

Carl smiled at Harry. "Looks like a little knowledge has opened up what you desire to more possibilities there. Good thing you brought a Ravenclaw with you." He teased.

Harry laughed at him. "Whatever. Like you would even have had enough courage to find this mirror without a brave Gryffindor leading the way!"

"Well, at least I can always chuck you head first at a problem if I want to solve it through brute force."

"I've heard of using your head to solve problems, but you're not supposed to use other people's heads like that. And I thought you were smart."

"It is smart. Rather than using my own precious head, I use someone elses. See? Smart."

Carl and Harry left the Mirror of Desire behind to go fly some brooms on a cold winter day. Rather than spend time pining over simple images of what they desired, they decided to spend it having some fun with a friend.