Ch 45 ATG 11


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Carl was sitting in his and Caiyi's rooms, looking down at Blue Orchid that had a chip in the blade. He never thought that his blade would be damaged one day. Especially with how much higher cultivation level he was compared to Yun Che, his sword was even higher.

He had been holding back a lot in that fight in order to not give that redhead ghost a reason to intervene and smack him down. Not to mention it would have seriously hurt his and Caiyi's relationship with the Yun Family, their biggest supporters in the Empire, if he had humiliated or crippled their newly returned son. Politics.

It would have been so easy to chop of some of Yun Che's arrogant limbs off. Carl sighed, letting go of the desire to hurt Yun Che for what his sword did to Blue Orchid.

Caiyi sat up in bed, and looked over at him sitting off to the side brooding about his sword. She got up and hugged him from behind while looking over his shoulder at the sword.

"Oh, your poor sword." Caiyi tried to keep the humor in her voice from showing, but it was obvious.

Carl chuckled a bit. "Fine. I get it. I'm brooding too much over a sword that will repair itself." He put the Blue Orchid away in his inner world so it could bathe in the energies there and work to repair itself.

"You did just the right amount." Caiyi reassured him. "You told me about that ghost that hangs out around Yun Che, so I'm in agreement with you on not doing anything too harmful to him. And the Yun Family actually feel grateful for how much you restrained yourself when the arrogant berk was embarrassing them in public."

Carl turned his head and kissed Caiyi. He enjoyed it when she used phrases she picked up from movies and books that he had stored.

"Now let's get ready for the day. We still have much to do, and people to meet before everyone returns back to their places." Caiyi got up and beckoned him to follow her to the baths.

"Yes, ma'am." Carl replied, throwing his other considerations aside as he joined her. So much better thing to do than brood.

After a few weeks, the various clan leaders and Dukes returned back to their territory and life returned to a more sedate schedule. Xiao Yun and Seventh Sister had their wedding and it was a grand affair for the newly raised Duke.

The honeymoon lasted a couple weeks before the couple returned, completely happy with each other. Carl was glad that his and Caiyi's friends continued to join them for weekly training sessions, as well as just coming by to hang out a few times a week.

Unfortunately they brought Yun Che with them more often than not. Carl sighed when it happened the second time. Apparently Yun Che was like and octopus that just wouldn't say no, and he was very clingy to invite himself along and get his way with Xiao Yun and Seventh Sister. They were just too nice to reject him, and Carl and Caiyi gave them face by not kicking him out.

Ever since Carl met Yun Che and started to interact with him a lot more, he was really, really glad that he had rolled the Illusory Demon Realm for his starting location. The reason being that he had enjoyed almost 6 years without ever having to interact with Yun Che.

Yun Che was just so needy. Needyand pushy. And he barely listened to anyone. Even Carl's use of the decency inducing perk only barely affected him. It had to be the legendary stubbornness of protagonists that made Yun Che's head so hard and resistant to change. If Carl could just beat him up a few more times, he was sure he could induce real decency in the brat…

But it felt like Carl couldn't get away from the brat. Anytime he went out to the market, Yun Che happened to show up. Whenever he visited Xiao Yun at the Yun Family, Yun Che was there with his smarmy face, knowing he was protected from being beaten down as long as he didn't take things too far. Anytime that Xiao Yun and Seventh Sister came visiting Carl and Caiyi at the palace, Yun Che stuck to them like sticky rice.

Carl wouldn't have minded him quite as much if Yun Che hadn't been constantly flirting with Caiyi. Yun Che got nowhere, of course, but the guy was relentless. Carl could see how so many ladies would fall to his charms after he wore them down over time. If Carl didn't trust Caiyi so much, he might have started acting jealous and possessive, which would have ruined their relationship.

Carl sometimes wondered if that Yun Che's plan, to attempt to induce stress in the relationship, and have the beautiful girl that Yun Che desired see the poor quality of her husband's character so Yun Che could come sweeping in and save her from a horrible life with a bore. Or something along those lines.

But Carl and Caiyi had spent more than a single year together since their marriage that was apparent on the surface. They had spent a few hundred years together in time dilation, so their relationship by this time was solid.

After one particularly trying afternoon, Carl looked over at the red headed ghost, whose name he still didn't know and raised an eyebrow at her in question. [And you've had to put up with this guy for how long?] Carl indicated Yun Che.

The redheaded ghost snorted in agreement. [The lecherous fool has some good points.] She muttered as she looked away to avoid Carl's gaze.

[If you say so.] Carl didn't pry into just what she'd seen Yun Che do or why she would defend him. He just wasn't that interested. [I'm just tired of him trying to get a rise out of me by flirting with my wife in front of me. I'm sure if someone did that to one of his women he would blow a gasket and go overboard again. You wouldn't mind if I beat him a little bit, right?] Carl fired right back, but immediately saw from her reaction that he wouldn't get the pleasure of beating up Yun Che just because he was annoying. [Whatever. Just as long as he doesn't take things too far. So, why do you hang out with him?] He idly asked, just to see what her reaction would be.

[None of your business!] The redheaded ghost turned her nose up at him.

[Eh, that's fine.] Carl replied and went back to his practice with his wife, friends, and Yun Che, ignoring the ghost's somewhat shocked look that he hadn't kept trying to dig for information. He laughed a bit inside when he saw the redhead ghost looking like she wanted to argue or fight some more, like she wasn't satisfied with him easily dropping the subject, but she didn't want to drop her dignity and start arguing with him.

After a couple months, Yun Che finally let the people around him know that he needed to find a way back to the Profound Sky Continent so he could check up on his wives, friends, and relatives. Apparently they all thought he died over two years ago.

Carl just sighed inside. Yun Che had spent the past three months just hanging around them, making a nuisance of himself while flirting with Carl's wife, and generally enjoying the training he could get from Carl, all while his family back home thought he was dead? And he didn't tell everyone that he already had a couple wives while trying to get Carl's wife's attention?

'What, when he finally realized he wasn't getting anywhere with Caiyi, he finally decides he needs our help to go find the women who will give him the time of day after ignoring them for so long?' Carl spitefully thought.

Despite his best efforts to have nothing to do with the guy, Yun Che just kept clinging on. It sometimes made Carl question his decision to befriend Xiao Yun back when he arrived here. The friendship with Xiao Yun was great until Yun Che showed up. It was through Yun Che abusing Xiao Yun's kindness that Carl couldn't avoid the damned protagonist of the world. And because of the friendships and relationships he had made, he had to play nice with the annoying octopus.

Carl could already see how Yun Che would try using him as a stepping stone and help for Yun Che's rise to greatness if Carl was dumb enough to listen to the octopus. The guy liked to take what other's offered, but he didn't give back quite so freely. Besides, Yun Che didn't have anything Carl wanted. Aside from that sword, maybe, that he would merge into Blue Orchid given half a chance to strengthen his sword. But he couldn't do that without stepping all over his relationships with people.

It almost reminded Carl of his time in Monopoly. He found Yun Che annoying, but he just couldn't get rid of the guy. He would just have to endure.

Which is why, when Carl found himself volunteered by Xiao Yun to act as a chauffer, he wasn't too surprised that Yun Che just assumed that Carl would be happy to do so.

'I should not have ever told Xiao Yun about my Ark, dammit.' Carl muttered in his mind as he looked at Xiao Yun's hopeful face, and Yun Che's smug expression. Obviously Yun Che used Xaio Yun's desire to meet up with his biological family to convince Carl to help. Yun Che was smart enough to know that Carl wouldn't have helped for Yun Che's sake alone, but roping in someone that Carl would help had helped Yun Che get his way.

"Fine. I'll ask Caiyi if it's alright." Carl muttered, ignoring Yun Che's not so quiet insinuation that Carl wasn't a real man for having to ask his wife to go somewhere. Stupid friends asking for help. He just knew the idea was mostly Yun Che's. If it wasn't for the fact that Xiao Yun was so desperate to meet his biological family, Carl wouldn't have ever agreed to help Yun Che.

"But you have to listen to me on this trip." Carl warned the two young men. Not that he expected Yun Che to actually listen to his orders. That was asking too much. Protagonists are above all that! 'Just a few more beatings would do him good.' Carl thought as he eyed Yun Che.

"Okay, Brother Carl! I can do that." Xiao Yun exclaimed.

Yun Che barely even nodded while keeping his smug expression in place, obviously not paying Carl's words any attention.

The only one who seemed to hear Carl's mutter of "Damned puppy dog eyes" in reference to Xiao Yun's begging was the ghost. As he was leaving the room, he saw the red headed ghost eyeing him in a strange manner. Carl put it out of his mind as unimportant for now.

"…and so they asked me if I would ferry them over so Xiao Yun and Yun Che could gather Xiao Yun's family, and Yun Che's wives and lovers." Carl finished explaining to Caiyi. "I told them I would ask you if that was alright." Carl finished, hoping she would have a reason so he didn't have to go.

Caiyi smiled at him with that warm smile, knowing exactly what he was hoping for. "Normally I would be nervous of you going to the continent where those treacherous Sacred Grounds are, but I have confidence in your strength. And I know just how important family is. So go and bring back Xiao Yun's family for him so we can protect them here. And come back to me."

What could Carl do when Caiyi greenlit a trip that he really didn't want to go on but smile, kiss her, and answer "Of course, dear"?

So a few days later Carl gathered everyone up for the trip. Xiao Yun, Seventh Sister, Seventh Sister's brother, Number One, the redheaded ghost, and Yun Che were going on the trip, along with a few dozen guards. Just like how the Illusory Demon Realm had arrays set up to block off transportation arrays from transferring people in, the Profound Sky Continent had arrays to track anyone teleporting in from outside. So using Carl's Ark would ensure that they would be able to sneak in unobserved.

Carl pulled out his Sky Overlord's Ancient Profound Ark, and the group boarded his airship. With the Jade of the Nine Suns powering his Ark, Carl had the boat flying along incredibly fast. It only took a short few hours to travel the immense distance west to the Profound Sky Continent.

While flying over the ocean, Carl looked down and wondered why he never saw any giant monsters from the depths. It made sense in a cultivation world that the oceans would be teeming with creatures of great strength. He then swiftly knocked on the wood of the table, hoping that he hadn't just cursed himself with a future encounter.

While flying his Ark, Carl set out some refreshments and sat down with the group to chat. He had met Number One on several occasions, but he hadn't spent a lot of time with him before. He managed to get Number One to tell some good stories about Seventh Sister growing up that embarrassed Xiao Yun's girl, but was very entertaining for the rest of them.

They eventually arrived at the continent, and with Yun Che's directions, Carl steered them towards the little Floating Cloud City where he grew up. As they flew over the continent to the little city where Xiao Yun's Grandfather, Xiao Lie, and his Aunt, Xiao Lingxi, lived, Carl enjoyed the beautiful view of the rugged land.

A great deal of the land was empty of people and was wilderness where strong profound beasts lived, hunted, and roamed free. Carl kept half an ear on the conversation as he watched the land pass by beneath, just enjoying scene.

Soon enough, they arrived at the home town of the Xiao Clan. Strangely, they saw something that was out of place. A large army of cultivators was stationed outside the city.

"That's the banners of the Divine Phoenix Empire. What are they doing here?" Yun Che muttered angrily. Yun Che was about to jump off the Ark and go find answers, when Carl's voice (and hand on his shoulder) caused him to pause.

"Stop. I can understand your concern, but don't get worked up, remain calm while we investigate." Carl ordered the impulsive young man.

"What do you mean, stay calm? How can I stay calm when I see an army here where it shouldn't be?!" Yun Che shouted back.

Carl rolled his eyes in exasperation.

"As for how you're supposed to stay calm? How about you use some freaking discipline for once in your life, take a deep breath, and stop reacting for just a damned minute." Carl ground out. "There is no active battle happening. Whatever has happened in the past, you can't do anything about. But for now, the important thing is remaining calm so you don't do anything stupid."

Yun Che gave Carl an angry look, but went along with what he said. He knew he couldn't defeat Carl, so he sullenly followed his lead. Once the group left the Ark to fly down to the city entrance, Carl put away his Ark.

The city guards looked at the group nervously, but having seen them flying down and realizing how much stronger they were, the guards quickly passed them into the city with no questions and much respect shown.

As they were walking towards the Xiao Clan grounds, Carl overheard talk from the citizens about how the Divine Phoenix Empire's army had been stopped outside by a powerful cultivator and how they didn't dare set foot in the city.

Yun Che looked relieved at hearing that bit of news, until he also heard that the Divine Phoenix Empire had also been attacking the Blue Wind Empire. Yun Che got all mad again and stopped listening and would have stormed outside the city to kill the army there, if Carl hadn't smacked him in the head and forced Yun Che to stop.

"Idiot." Carl scolded him. Carl could tell that Yun Che wanted to explode at Carl, but since Carl was much stronger, he couldn't do anything about it. "At least listen to the whole thing. You got so mad just off of a little gossip, that you didn't hear them say that the Divine Phoenix Empire suddenly stopped attacking several months ago, and now they are in negotiations. That is exactly why you need to stop being a hot headed idiot. If you had gone blazing in and killing everyone like you looked like you wanted to, it would have ruined the peace and negotiations that your wife was doing right now."

It still boggled Carl's mind how Yun Che had managed to convince the Princess of the Blue wind Empire to marry him. Especially when Yun Che didn't stick around and immediately ran off to do whatever and left her behind.

'I mean, I know that is the trope of protagonists in these worlds, but damn.' Carl thought. 'At least he could have taken her with him, right? If he wasn't strong enough to protect her as she travelled with him, maybe he could have tried negotiations first while he got stronger? Instead he just charged ahead like a bull.'

"Now, is that the reunion you envisioned with your wife? 'Hey honey, I'm alive. Surprise! Hey, I hope you don't mind, but I ruined your hard efforts to negotiate a peace treaty and made an implacable enemy for you. The next time I'm off on adventure, you'll have to deal with them yourself. But I love you, so it's all good!'" Carl mocked Yun Che a little while trying once more to get in his head and induce some decency.

Yun Che had the decency to look a little embarrassed, and seemed to actually be thinking for once. Yun Che just muttered indistinctly while seeming to have cooled down. Apparently stubborn idiot protagonists needed constant reinforcement of inducing decency.

Out of the corner of his eye, Carl saw Number One looking away and coughing, trying not to laugh at the scene, while Seventh Sister was staring at Xiao Yun fiercely and daring him to go off on adventure without her. Xiao Yun was doing his best to reassure her that he wouldn't possibly do that.

Carl had a vague idea and hope that Seventh Sister would get together with Yun Che's wives for a good gossip session and put a bug up their nose about controlling their hot headed husband. Carl would even donate all the resources they needed to advance their cultivation so they could make their words stick with Yun Che.

If he was busy placating his wives, he would trouble Carl much less often.

"Good. Now, let's go and meet the relatives. That is why we're here, after all." Carl stated and made sure that Yun Che would try to slip off the moment no one was looking at him.

A short time later, they arrived at the Xiao Family grounds. When the guards tried to throw their pitiful weight around, Carl snorted, amused that such low cultivation guards would dare be arrogant.

"Listen here, friends." Carl sarcastically said to the guards. "You do realize that there are people who are very powerful in cultivation in the world, right?" Carl levitated a bit in the air while summoning a fireball in the air that radiated heat they could feel, that gave them a sun burn from such a small exposure. "Well, it's in your best interest as guards and the public face of the Xiao Clan to be polite to even strangers who you don't recognize. You never know when you'll run into a high powered individual who would take extreme offense to rudeness. Is my message clear?" Carl heavily stressed his question.

"Y-yes, sir. Sorry, sir! It won't happen again, sir." The guards stammered while bowing in apology.

Carl vanished the fireball and landed on the ground again. He nodded approvingly at the guards. "It's good that you learnt the lesson from me. If it had been someone else you likely would have at least broken bones at the moment." Carl was eyeing Yun Che, who had a look of anger on his face once more.

Carl swore Yun Che was like Pavlov's dog. The moment he saw something he didn't like he immediately wanted to resort to violence. Carl himself didn't have any problem taking out threats violently, but damned. A few words would easily do to put the guard in his place. No need to flip out so easily.

"Now, it's important that we meet with Xiao Lie and Xiao Lingxi immediately." Carl briskly said. "Would you be so kind as to show us to a place to wait while a messenger is sent?"

Carl nodded at the guards assurances and followed them to a reception room. After a short wait, three figures, two males and one female, appeared outside the room. Carl watched the touching reunion between Yun Che and the two family members he grew up with.

When the third figure, the second male, was introduced as Fen Juechen, Yun Che started getting angry again. Carl once more smacked Yun Che's head, dispersing the flames and gathering profound energy.

"Idiot. You really think it's appropriate to start a fight while your Grandfather and Aunt are in the room with you? Why would you even try to ruin your reunion?" Carl exasperatedly commented.

"Stop calling me an idiot!" Yun Che ground out.

"Then stop being one. Whoever this Fen Juechen is to you," Carl gestured at the red haired and red eyed man who was sporting a faint smile on his face at the situation, despite the overall serious look he sported. "Then he obviously doesn't have bad intentions at the moment. He has apparently been here some time, peacefully living with your loved ones. And if I'm not mistaken, judging by his strength, he was the one who initially protected them from the Divine Phoenix Empire's army until your wife could start negotiating a peace settlement."

"That's right! Brother Fen has been protecting us all this time. You shouldn't fight him. Otherwise you'll waste all my efforts in convincing him not to kill you." Xiao Lingxi exclaimed before pouting at Yun Che. Fen Juechen smirked a bit more at Yun Che, seeing how even Yun Che's loved ones were arguing against Yun Che for his sake.

Plus, he could tell that Carl was much stronger than him, so he was willing to wait and see how things go before acting.

Yun Che was gritting his teeth angrily at being ganged up on by Carl and his loved ones. Idiot shouldn't be so hotheaded if it bothered him.

"Let's drop that for now." Xiao Lie said to move things along, not wanting to ruin the reunion but seeing that Yun Che was being stubborn. "Now, why don't you introduce your friends to us."

Xiao Lie successfully diverted Yun Che's attention. Yun Che gestured to Xiao Yun, who was looking very nervous and hopeful.

"This is Xiao Yun. He is your biological grandson. He's here to meet his family." Yun Che said with some tender emotions, having realized how important the reunion was and that he shouldn't get in the way of Xiao Yun's reunion, just like how Xiao Yun had supported his reunion with his birth parents.

Carl made a note to himself that he would play the memory of the reunion for Caiyi when he returned. It was a Hallmark moment, seeing Xiao Yun getting to know his blood relatives, introduce his betrothed and her brother.

For Xiao Lie, seeing how well his grandson, Xiao Yun, was doing, and how excellent his wife was, pretty much justified all the heartaches and sacrifices he and his son had made for Yun Qinghong all those years ago. The Yun couple had treated Xiao Yun as one of their own, showing loyalty and kindness.

Carl stepped off to the side with Fen Juechen and chatted about random things, trying to stay off sensitive topics like just what the history between him and Yun Che was. If the kindness of Xiao Lingxi could turn an enemy of Yun Che's into an ally, Carl could at least not try to upset the balance.

They only spent an evening at the Xiao Clan grounds. Yun Che was eager to get a move on and see how one of his wives, Cang Yue the Princess of the Blue Wind Empire, was doing. The servants packed up all of the things of Xiao Lie and Xiao Lingxi so they could join them on the journey. Fen Juechen had all he owned in a ring, so he was ready to go at a moments notice.

Yun Che tried to argue against Fen Juechen following them, but he was overridden by several voices, especially Carl's.

Once more Carl summoned his Ark and, with directions from Yun Che, continued their trip. After only a few hours, they arrived at the capital city of the Blue Wind Empire. Apparently Yun Che was well known by the guards, since they were ushered inside immediately.

As they were approaching, Carl realized that he was about to get a surprise due to the feeling of a special link he had with a certain individual he hadn't seen for some time. When he stepped into the large hall he saw two groups that were facing each other over the negotiating table.

On the one side was the ruler of the Blue Wind Empire, Cang Wanhe and his daughter and Yun Che's wife, Cang Yue. Carl ignored the reunion that was happening between the married couple, but he made note of the look of dismay and yearning on the face of Xiao Lingxi as she gazed at Yun Che. He would address that later.

What had his attention was that on the other side of the negotiations was the human form of Rover. 'I guess I now know where Rover was always disappearing to. How appropriate that he would hang out at the Divine Phoenix Empire.' Carl chuckled to himself. He saw that next to Rover was a lady of exceptional beauty. Even when wearing a veil, she was obviously gorgeous. And she seemed to be almost hanging of Rover.

[Hey there, buddy.] Carl sent a profound transmission to Rover. [I see you found some "adventure".] He sent a mental wink.

Rover chuckled back at Carl. [Indeed. When I was traveling around the continent, I heard about an Empire named for me, and thought I'd check it out. This little cutie had a strong bloodline that called to me. When I checked on her, she was in a coma. So I sorta borrowed the medbay unit to heal her.] Rover replied, anxiously hoping that Carl wouldn't be upset.

[That's fine. She seems taken with you.] Carl chuckled at his Casanova Phoenix. The brotherhood bond between Carl and Rover was still strong, and he didn't feel any upset that he had found someone interesting to spend his time with.

[Yeah.] Rover gave the hint of a blush. [Her name is Feng Xue'er. When she woke up I was still a bird and wasn't talking much. She gave me the name Feng Ra. Then when we hit the Sovereign Profound Realm and I gained my human form, we talked a lot more after that. Normally her dad would have been furious about any dude talking to her, but with my Phoenix Bloodline and incredible strength, they gave in and let us start dating. We're betrothed now and will be married soon!]

[Congratulations! When's the wedding, I'll have to attend!] Carl was excited for the newly named Feng Ra. He would have to push a bunch of resources his way to make sure his Divine Phoenix Empire was up to snuff.

Carl and Rover paused as they became aware of Yun Che saying something.

"Xue'er, it's good to see you again." Yun Che tenderly greeted Feng Ra's betrothed while trying to get close.

"Brother Yun, I'm glad to see you're alive. Once more I'd like to express my thanks for protecting me back on the Profound Ark." She stated politely but obviously distancing herself from him.

Yun Che tried to go give the girl a hug, but Feng Xue'er avoided his embrace, while Feng Ra stood in front to block him.

Carl snorted in his mind. 'The little horn dog has no sense of timing or propriety. He only just reunited with his wife for like 5 minutes and is already trying to grab another girl. And he's leaving poor Lingxi hanging.'

"Why are you acting so distant, Xue'er? I know we had more of a connection than that." Yun Che complained softly, as if he was trying to coax a small child. Carl snorted aloud at Yun Che, trying to ruin Yun Che's attempts to seem serious.

"I'd ask you not to be too familiar with my betrothed." Feng Ra stated, staring Yun Che down.

Yun Che really was a good actor, or he felt his emotions too strongly, if the stricken and betrayed look he plastered on his face was any indication.

"But, I thought…" Yun Che trailed off.

Carl stepped in and slapped Yun Che's head again, seeing the red headed ghost that always accompanied Yun Che snort in amusement at Yun Che being denied by a girl. "Idiot. The lady has a fiancé. Go back and comfort your wife who thought you were dead for two years and leave these two lovebirds alone."

Feng Ra and Feng Xue'er gave Carl smiles of appreciation. Carl also saw Cang Yue give him a grateful look as she took Yun Che's arm in hers, clearly staking her claim.

When Carl saw Xiao Lingxi's look of yearning for Yun Che, he almost gave her some surreptitious words of encouragement in her feelings for Yun Che, before realizing that he almost fell under the sway of the protagonists luck. There was no way he was going to act as a help for Yun Che to expand his harem. Yun Che would have to do that himself.

Carl himself had many lovers in different worlds, so he wasn't upset at Yun Che for having multiple lovers; that would make Carl a hypocrite. No, the thing that had him refusing to help Yun Che on principle was how the overly amorous protagonist had flirted with and tried to get Carl's wife interested in him right in front of Carl. It showed that Yun Che had no good morals, and now he tried to pick up another girl right in front of his wife who thought he was dead for so long? Disgusting.

Even if Carl wasn't still holding a grudge against Yun Che, he would be incredibly irritated at the dude for his antics.

Carl looked around at the gathered people. "Well, let's get some introductions going." And while the people were introducing themselves, Carl continued mentally talking with Feng Ra.

[So what was the Divine Phoenix Empire starting this war for, anyway?] Carl asked Feng Ra.

[Apparently they found some Purple Veined Divine Crystal mine at the Floating Cloud City, so they started a war to cover their mining operation.] Feng Ra shook his head in amazement at their money grubbing activities.

[What, really?] Carl looked around at the people. He noticed the Divine Phoenix Empire's people were looking stressed and upset that some really powerful people had showed up on the side of the Blue Wind Empire. It pretty much spelled an end to their operation. And they looked like they were desperate. [How badly did they need the Crystal? I can't have your Empire lacking funds.] Carl joked a bit with Feng Ra.

Feng Ra pursed his lips. [Well, apparently the Empire has only been as strong as they were because of the threat of the Phoenix Spirit that used to protect them. But it's gone now, and they are deathly afraid that the Sacred Grounds will take advantage and come in and trash them. So they were hoping to bolster their strength to be able to keep up a strong front.]

[It's a decent strategy, I guess. What quantities of crystal are we talking here?] Carl asked while looking over the two groups.

[From what I heard, about 50 kilograms.] Feng Ra reported. While he was getting married to the Princess of the Divine Phoenix Empire, Feng Ra knew Carl's character, and was sure that Carl would help out Feng Ra's in-laws if he could.

[Damn, only 50 kilograms? I've got like 5 times that in stockpile from my Farms, and they are still producing more.] Carl exclaimed. Until that moment Carl hadn't really thought about just how amazing his Farmville Farms were. Entire nations were more than willing to go to war just for the chance to mine a fraction of what he could easily produce. Talk about cheat codes.

Carl looked over the negotiations once more and realized that things were quite tense and neither side seemed like they would back down. Something needed to be done to break the stalemate.

Coughing loudly to get everyone's attention, Carl moved forward. When everyone's eyes were on him, Carl pulled out 100 kilograms of the Purple Veined Divine Crystal.

"Seeing as Feng Ra is my sworn brother, it's only right that I pass a little gift to him in congratulations of his betrothal." Carl stated, amused at the sight of everyone's gaping mouths. Feng Ra was chuckling as he unpretentiously gathered the crystal into his storage space.

"Thanks bro, that will help my new family immensely." Feng Ra gleefully said. Carl was happy to see that Feng Ra's fiancé, Feng Xue'er was beaming at the two of them happily that the whole mess would be solved just like that.

"Just be sure to let me and my wife know when the ceremony is. We wouldn't miss it for the world." Carl commented.

The lead negotiator for the Divine Phoenix Empire coughed, finally coming out of his daze. "Right. It seems like our negotiations were a complete success." He dreamily stated. Now he wouldn't have to go back and report a failure, or have to go against the people who were so much more powerful than them. "I suppose we'll pick this up tomorrow. I'm sure you want to celebrate the return of the Blue Wind Empire's prince. And we have…things to discuss." He stated as he got up from the table and stumbled out the door.

Feng Ra held out his arm and Feng Xue'er latch on. Feng Ra then started escorting his fiancé out the room, giving Carl a fist bump as he passed by. "Talk to you later, bro." Carl passed him a communication jade, in case Feng Ra needed to get in touch with him. Feng Ra then cheerfully left with his gorgeous woman, the rest of the Divine Phoenix Empire people following them out.

"Right, so the newly reunited couple can get reacquainted while the rest of us get to know each other." Carl shooed Yun Che and Cang Yue out the door. Cang Yue was enthusiastic to get her lover back in her bed, even if Yun Che was acting a bit dull since one of his apparently prospective harem members had slipped out of his grip.

[Do you have any more Purple Veined Divine Crystal?] A surprising voice asked Carl.

Carl was quite surprise that the red headed ghost that always accompanied Yun Che was speaking to him. She was giving Carl a very penetrating look. Carl stiffened his spine. It wasn't like she could rob him of the crystal, even if she killed him. If a Sovereign Profound Realm cultivator had something in their pocket dimension space, even if they died it wouldn't pop out like loot. It would be lost in the ether. Which was how Yun Canghai had kept the Demon Emperor's Seal safe even though he was held captive for over a hundred years.

[Why, I just might. But I'm afraid it's only for friends.] Carl commented idly to the redheaded ghost who could apparently linger away from Yun Che.

Carl followed the remaining people as they filed into a banquet hall and sat down to food and the chance to get to know each other.

[What do you want in return?] She eventually asked after some time thinking.

[Sorry, but even if I was so inclined to negotiate with a ghost to see just what she could offer me, I'm afraid the crystal is for friends only.] Carl smirked at the ghost, who just gritted her teeth at being forced to be…nice, to someone so far beneath her.

[Fine. My name is Jasmine. Can we be friends?] The redheaded ghost, Jasmine, sarcastically said.

[Sure, why not. How much do you need?] Carl responded, which caused Jasmine to blank out a bit, surprised that Carl gave in just like that.

[What, just like that?] Jasmine asked, dumbfounded at his gullibility.

Carl shrugged in response. [I've got a good feeling about you. You seem like a decent sort. Besides, if you can hang around the idiot for so long and not kill him, I figure I'll be safe as long as I behave myself.]

Jasmine snorted in amusement.

[So, how much, where, and when do you want it?] Jasmine glared at Carl. [The crystal.] Carl clarified, only then realizing how much of an innuendo what he said was. [How much of the crystal do you need, where and when do you want me to deliver the crystal?] Carl exaggeratedly explained.

Jasmine actually blushed a bit at her making a big deal out of the innuendo. And if Carl heard her mutter [I've been hanging around the idiot too long] to herself, he kept it to himself.

[35 kilograms. You can just pass it to me now.] Jasmine finally answered Carl.

[Done.] Carl passed her the requested amount. [Good luck with whatever you're using it for.] Carl commented before turning back to the feast and joining the conversation.

While most people would think that him just giving Jasmine the crystal without strings was a loss, he felt it was similar to bribing officials for good relations. She was a powerful cultivator that had apparently run into problems, so helping her out in her time of need was sure to get him good will. He didn't really want to be her enemy, so being her friend was much better.

Out of the corner of his eye, Carl could see that Jasmine lingered for a moment, surprise on her face that Carl actually didn't try to press his advantage or ask for anything. She eventually came back to herself and disappeared to where ever red headed ghosts hang out.

Carl settled down at the impromptu feast that the Blue Wind people had put on, chatting with the new group of people that would likely become the Empire's trading partners on the continent, or something along those lines. Friends of some kind through their links to the Yun Family.