Ch 67 ASOIF 10


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Now that the two of them were properly and officially married, Carl and Lyanna began their honeymoon, which was as good an excuse as any other to get out and begin their travels around Westeros.

They traveled north with a troop of guards to Seagard where they boarded the boat that Carl had commissioned. As they travelled Carl and Lyanna would spend time in each of the noble's manors or castles as they passed by, to meet and greet people and maintain friendly relations. When they sailed from Seagard on their ship, they set off to the south west, sailing past the Iron Islands.

If they happened to meet any Ironborn ships that felt that a single ship was easy pickings, they easily disabused them of that notion before sending them to sleep with their watery gods. Carl didn't have any truck with rapist reavers, and wasn't going to play any games with them.

Now that Carl didn't have all the administrative duties to attend to, since he foisted them off on Edmure, he had more time to explore the magical tomes they had picked up from Valyria. He had left plenty of advisors and HFR helpers behind for Edmure, and he could be there in a flash if the need was great. But for now, he would let his brother get his feet wet in administrating their land.

He had read through the various magical books from Valyra already, but he hadn't spent the time needed to test out the new blood and fire magics that were in the books. So now that he had a lot of leisure time on board their ship, he decided he would spend some time practicing the new magics.

Carl began feeding his blood and spellfire in the recorded method into the Blue Orchid, which was merged with a Valyrian Steel sword, in order to strengthen his sword and bond to it. Even with his bodily regeneration abilities, he was still quite grateful for the blood replenishing potions from the Harry Potter universe, since it allowed him to feed quite a lot more of his own blood to the sword than the old Valyrian Lords could in the same time span.

The more blood the sword drank, the stronger the sense of magic in the sword was, as well as the stronger the connection he felt with the blade. After a week of feeding massive amounts of his blood to his sword, he could feel a qualitative difference in how he felt about his sword.

There was a level of swordsmanship that could be trained to where the martial artist wields the sword as if it was a part of them. Every little detail of the sword is known to the swordsman, from the weight, the length, how it reacts to being struck, and more. When wielding the blade, it's as natural as if the sword was one of their own arms. Carl felt that his link with the Blue Orchid had transcended that level. Even when the sword was on the other side of the room from him, he still felt like it was a part of him, and that it was simply brimming with power.

It was an interesting sensation, to say the least. It surely spoke to how the Valyrian Lords were so powerful they were able to hold such a huge empire for so long.

They continued sailing south along the coast of the Seven Kingdoms. They stayed a few days in Lannisport, which was a bustling harbor town.

After they left Lannisport behind and continued south, Carl was once more grateful he had access to technology that let he and Lyanna keep up with the happenings of their various projects. The snail slow speed of the sailing ship with nothing to do would have driven the two of them crazy and forced them to abandon the ship to fly on their own if they didn't have anything to distract themselves with during the day.

They eventually arrived at Oldtown and paid an official visit to the Citadel and met with some of the Maesters there. When asked if he wanted to forge any links, due to Maester Naet's suggestion, Carl declined. He felt absolutely no drive to want to prove his mastery to them and become in their debt for the "privilege".

A couple of years after saving all the little spies of Varys, the school that Lyanna was overseeing was developing quite well. It took some time for the young abused children to come to the realization that their fates had well and truly changed and they wouldn't be treated as Varys' people had treated them.

Even teaching them to properly speak, once they had their tongues restored, took quite a bit of work, but Lyanna was actually quite patient in that regard. It seems that a lot of her rebellion against her father in the past was due to the lack of freedom to pursue what she felt was important. With the power to have her freedom and the ability to set her own goals, she had settled down and focused on achieving her goals, instead of making a ruckus.

And she was doing quite a lot of good among the people of The North and The Riverlands especially.

Their voyage then continued, following along the coast of Dorne, and they eventually put in at Sunspear, the capital of Dorne and the seat of House Martell. The merchants that Carl employed for his House had been doing quite a lot of business in shipping all around Westeros, so Carl spent some time in Sunspear solving some of the small issues that had cropped up due to the economic battling of rival concerns.

With some judicious use of wards the warehouses that were the base of his shipping company in Sunspear was well protected from further theft and vandalism.

One of the other good things about having gone through the Monopoly Gauntlet as he had, was that every major city they visited had an Inn or property of some kind that Carl and Lyanna were guaranteed safe lodgings at.

It also made it easier for his people to set up their shipping business, since the managing VIs were able to pass on plenty of gossip and other intel to his people.

Once they were done in Dorne, they sailed past the Stepstones and continued north, pausing for some time in Storm's End, the seat of House Baratheon.

After a visit with Robert and his brothers, they continued north, staying at each of the important cities for a day or two. After a few weeks of travel, they arrived in the Bay of Seals in The North, where the island of Skagos was located.

There were tales of unicorns that lived on the island of Skagos, so Carl was interested in obtaining a few to add to his farms.

While their ship was anchored off the coast Carl and Lyanna spent some time flying over the island. The forbidding rocky mountains of the island had its own rugged beauty that they could appreciate easily because of their ability to simply fly over the dangerous terrain and not worry about their safety.

After some time playing around, Carl followed the directions of the Yamato II's sensors to find a herd of "unicorns". They were vastly different from the shiny white horse-like unicorns of the Harry Potter universe. These unicorns did have a single long horn growing out of their forehead, but they were more like shaggy brown goats, than glossy white horses. Carl was amused to see them climbing what looked like sheer cliffs easily.

While they were very different from the traditional unicorn, Carl still sensed some magical properties in them. So he stunned and gathered a few into the Farms.

After seeing how the goats, er….unicorns, were moving around the cliffs, Carl thought about the nature documentaries he had seen in his first life about the Snow Leopard and Golden Eagles that would hunt in such terrain. So he set out to look for any predators that lived in the area to determine if he wanted to add them to the Farms.

After looking though the satellite scans, Carl found that there were some large cats that looked like Snow Leopards that lived in the area that hunted the unicorns. It didn't take very long for Carl to find them and capture a couple for his Farms.

Before leaving the area Carl spent a day in his panther animagus form running around the area. It was exhilarating to be scrambling up nearly sheer cliffs with his claws. Even though he wasn't in any danger, it was still fun. And the goats were quite tasty.

Once they were finished at Skagos, Carl and Lyanna flew north past The Wall into the Land of Always Winter. They saw plenty of the Wildlings, or Free Folk as they termed themselves, while they were passing by the lands north of The Wall.

The Free Folk had a culture where they believed in taking what they could hold with their own power. They derogatorily called the people to the south of The Wall "kneelers", and claimed they were the only free peoples.

Carl didn't try to romanticize them in any way. They often lived short and brutal lives. If they didn't have the power to protect themselves, they would be killed or enslaved by someone more powerful. Just because they don't call it slavery didn't make the forced servitude not slavery. Especially when it was men forcing the women to be their bed slaves. And just because the women had grown to expect that, and even be proud of their sex appeal, didn't change the fundamental nature of it.

With the attitude of those people, Carl wasn't even going to bother visiting them or trying to change them. It would take a lot longer than the 10 years he had to do anything about their strange and brutal culture.

And his goal at this time was to pay a visit to the Night King. He was the leader of the horde of ice zombies. Just because Carl would be leaving the world in less than 8 years didn't mean he would wait for the zombie king to be ready and invade the lands of men and attack. He had decided to finish the undead scourge now, so it wouldn't be a problem later.

Carl decided to have a little fun, so when he arrived at the ice fields where the Night King and his ice zombies were located, he flew in low to the ground. Lyanna, with her own Valyrian Steel sword, flew several feet away at the same height.

As he flew along the ground, he was busy lopping off head of the ice zombies. Once their head was gone, they ended up shattering into ice chunks. Everywhere the two of them flew, explosions of ice zombies happened behind them like a wake in the water.

Carl and Lyanna were having a lot of fun, flying around in wide circular paths and mowing down the ice zombies. But Carl soon saw the Night King, who was glaring daggers at him. The head zombie honcho pulled out his sword and started chucking ice spells at Carl. Lyanna veered away and continued to behead the zombies, confident that Carl would be fine.

And thanks to the Water Seed that he picked up from the ATG world, the ice spells didn't even hurt Carl when he smacked them out of the air. The impact of the ice only tickled his fists a little from where he deflected the spells. Carl then swooped under the next attack and closed with the Night King swiftly, chopping him in two vertically.

The two halves of the body slowly fell apart. Once it landed on the ground, the Night Kings body immediately fractured into a bunch of ice. A huge burst of magic expanded from where the Night King's body once was. As the expanding ring of magic hit the ice zombies, they fell apart into ice, the magic that animated them being washed away due to the death of the Night King.

"Well, that was easy mode." Carl muttered with a grin as Lyanna flew up next to him.

"Good. Better that than the army of undead pushing our families to the brink of death." Lyanna replied with her own bloodthirsty grin.

"That's for sure." Carl agreed, thinking of how poorly his two sisters would handle fighting undead zombies and wights.

Even a knight might break and not have the bravery to handle fighting the undead. He had no doubt that under the circumstances of protecting their families, his sisters would fight. Especially if they were protecting their children, they would be quite ferocious. But since they didn't spend any time in the practice yard, their skills would be very poor and wouldn't survive an extended engagement.

"So, what would you like to do next?" Carl inquired.

"A shower and a hot bath. After killing a bunch of zombies I just feel dirty."

Carl chuckled in reply and sent an order for them to be teleported to the Yamato II so they could get clean.

"So, when are we going to hatch our dragons?" Lyanna asked as she draped herself over Carl's back while he was reading a book at his desk.

"I've had the Yamato doing some calculations based on the spell books we got from Valyria." Carl replied, enjoying the feel of his gorgeous girl pressing her assets into his back. "According to the book, we need to sacrifice a group of humans in a pyre to cause the dragon eggs to hatch."

"Sounds gruesome." Lyanna wrinkled her nose. "It's always blood and fire with them, isn't it?" Carl laughed in agreement.

"So after scanning the eggs themselves, we've detected a certain amount of spellwork in the eggs. It seems that since they were created via magic, they need some sort of catalyst to breathe life into them. Hence the sacrificing humans part. But according to our scans, it doesn't necessarily need to be humans we sacrifice. It just needs a certain amount of life energy."

Lyanna hummed in thought for a moment before getting a smile on her face.

"Are you planning on trying to inject Ki into them?" She asked.

"Indeed." Carl smiled. "I'm going to have some 'sacrifices' on standby to make sure that if the Ki injection doesn't work, then I can burn them down to hatch the dragons. I was thinking of having some large animals. Maybe a few of the slavers our people have captured over in Essos. Maybe Baelish, since it is kind of cruel to leave him rotting in the cell. It would be kinder to just end his miserable life."

"As long as I get my dragon."

"Of course." Carl promised.

A few weeks later, Carl had the ritual prepared. They chose to do it in a remote location in The North, where no one would be around to see. The wards around the site made sure of that.

While they had been north of The Wall, Carl had spotted the Giants and their mammoth mounts. He had snuck a couple of the mammoths into his farms and produced several as the backup sacrifices for his Dragon hatching.

Carl looked over the assembly of various animals that were bound in a circle around his Dragon egg. There were several species of animals from around Westeros. He even had some Dire Wolves. As a feline animagus, he really didn't care too much about dogs, but even he could admit that Dire Wolves are cool. It wouldn't stop him from using them as a sacrifice, but they were cool.

He also had several magical species from the Harry Potter world and several profound species form the ATG world. Carl completely ignored the thrashing and screaming slavers and Baelish that were strapped down. The silencing charms made sure they weren't a distraction.

Lyanna looked at him from her place to the side. After Carl went, she would have a chance to hatch her own Dragon.

In the middle of the circle sat the Dragon egg on top of a raised dais. Carl stepped up next to it. He cut his hand to get some of his blood on the egg and began channeling Ki into the egg. He could feel the hunger of the Dragon egg as it eagerly soaked up the Ki energy.

He could also feel his blood being sucked up. His body's regeneration was quickly replenishing it as fast as it left him.

After several minutes, Carl realized that there was still a missing component. Fire. Reaching into his magic and profound energy, he pulled up fire. The Golden Crow flames and Fiendfyre, specifically. He carefully controlled them so they didn't destroy the egg, but instead gently caress the egg, heating it up. Finally the egg got to the proper temperature and the heart of the Dragon inside began beating, after having a huge infusion of life energy via the Ki and blood.

Carl watched with his senses as the Dragon tried to uncurl, but found the shell in its way. It lashed out at it, cracking the egg, and pushing out. Carl smiled as his Dragon finally flopped down on the dais.

The deep bronze colors of the Dragon's hide was very good looking. Carl smiled at the little thing as it looked around for its first meal. Carl summoned one of the Westeros unicorns to him, snapping its neck and killing it instantly. He then began tearing off chunks of meat to feed his little Dragon.

Carl could feel the bond between him and his Dragon growing stronger. The Dragon didn't really think per se. But he was definitely aware. Eventually he ate his fill and lay curled up in Carl's arms.

"Cute little thing." Lyanna stepped up next to him once she saw he was done.

"You ready for your Dragon, love?" Carl asked when he saw her hugging a Dragon egg in her arms.

"Of course!" She smiled impishly at him.

After he passed on the information he had from when he hatched his egg, Carl stepped back and let her get to it. While she didn't have as good control over fire as he did, she was able to conjure flames just fine to heat up the egg.

A short time later, Lyanna was holding her own dark golden colored Dragon, while wearing a huge smile on her face.

"I named mine Ramoth." Lyanna announced to Carl when she had finished wakening her dragon and walked over to where he was waiting.

"Well, I guess I can only name mine Mnementh then." He replied before kissing her. He looked over at all the animals, slavers, and Baelish that hadn't been killed since using Ki and blood had been more than enough. "Well, guess I'll clean this mess up."

He used his magic to teleport the various animals back to the Farms, while the Yamato teleported the slavers and Baelish back to their jail cells. Guess Baelish was going to suffer a long and miserable life after all.

Over the next eight years, Carl and Lyanna spent very little time at home, officially. They were sailing all over the world of Westeros, exploring the cities, people, and cultures they found there while they were raising their Dragons and overseeing their various projects.

In all of the harbor cities they would set up a base for their shipping concerns, which was becoming a world shaking giant. Their ships were everywhere on the ocean, and traveled to every port.

Nothing on the seas could match their ship's speed, weapons, or their sailor's prowess in battle. And the slavers of the Free Cities soon found, to their dismay, that the ships of the Tully-Stark shipping concern absolutely loved to find their ships on the ocean. They considered it a prize and an opportunity to add to their numbers, since all the slaves would be freed and offered a job. Either as a sailor / marine, or they could be educated and work on the business side of things on land.

One of the best captains in their fleet was the young Tyrion Lannister, who joined at the age of 16. He found that even though his stature was growing to be like a normal man the older he got, he had no desire to return home anytime soon and try to win the affection of his father. He had already learned from his foster older brother Carl that his own self respect was enough for him. It was enough for him to believe in himself, since he had proved to himself just how capable he was. He no longer needed the respect or approval of his hateful father.

Eventually, after several years, Hoster Tully became resigned to the fact that his oldest boy had fobbed off the duty of being heir to his younger boy, Edmure. He was just glad that Carl had spent enough time and effort to make sure that Edmure was ready for the job. Occasionally he would think back to that year when Carl had used a clever stratagem to show them Baelish's true colors. He shuddered to think of how things would have ended up if Carl hadn't done what he did to expose the true nature of that rat. Baelish would have ruined his family in many ways, including giving Edmure bad advice and ruining his ability to govern their lands.

By the time that Carl was about to leave the world in the year 292 AC, House Tully had a firm grasp on the Riverlands. All the houses that had been opposing them had failed in their economic endeavors and had to petition for the support and help of their Lord Paramount to help them out of the pit they were in. Carl used the opportunity to wrest concessions and magical oaths from them that would ensure they weren't ever a threat to his family.

His sister Catelyn had given birth three more times to Sansa, Arya, and Bran. Looks like that World Plot had been working overtime there.

His younger sister Lysa had given Carl a nephew and niece who they named Timothy and Michelle. Cute little rug rats.

Edmure had married and his wife had given birth to a son, ensuring the succession of House Tully. Little Edmure jr. was a fun kid to tease. Instead of pouting and running to his mom or dad, he would try to come up with ways to get back at his uncle. Like dropping food in his lap "accidentally". He was of course disciplined by his parents for those acts, but Carl appreciated how the little guy would stand up for himself. As long as that energy was channeled properly, he would make a good Lord to watch after their House.

And while Carl hadn't taken charge of the world and conquered everything, his and Lyanna's influence were everywhere. The school they had founded was continually growing and had already overtaken the place of the Maesters in their society, since they were able to admit much larger numbers of people. Not to mention that their school of people actually researched advances that improved the lives of the people, which made them quite popular.

The Riverlands had also been added on as the Eighth Kingdom. The Riverlands and The North were tied for being the biggest economic power in the Eight Kingdoms due to their joint shipping business, so it wasn't hard to convince the other Lords to agree to the change of making The Riverlands one of the Kingdoms. Everyone would have been hurting economically if they tried to deny the petition, since House Tully would have retaliated.

And with a puppet King on his side, there was no one who could really fight it.

His shipping company had made slavery quite economically difficult to continue, since any ships that were transporting slaves were soon captured at sea. It was only a matter of time before the slavers were bankrupt and couldn't support their despicable "trade".

"All in all, it was a good vacation." Carl announced to Lyanna with a satisfied smile on his face as they were laying in bed the day he would leave the world.

"Lazybones made me do all the work." She replied with a mock scowl on her face as she pinched his waist.

"Ow! Ow! Okay, I give! You did a wonderful job!" Carl admitted, before he managed to pin her arms at her sides. He was just leaning down to kiss her when his vision went black.

He opened his eyes, looking at the familiar ceiling of the house he had inside his Warehouse. He was once more between worlds.

"Dammit. Couldn't wait another hour." He grumbled about the Jump Chain's horrible timing. "Even half an hour would do. Hell, would 10 minutes have killed you?"

The Story of Clone Carl in a Different Timeline

Carl suddenly woke up, unsure of just where he was. And why was he feeling so damn weak?

Sitting up, he noticed he was in the Yamato. Sitting in an open capsule. That just happened to be a cloning unit.

"Damn." He groaned out loud, realizing what was happening here. "I'm a clone."

He struggled to his feet, still feeling a bit disoriented and unused to his weak body. His body that was still only a Martial Disciple. Weak.

Spending the next half hour in the shower gave him some time to adjust, and hot showers just felt good.

Once he finished in the shower, he pulled on a bathrobe and slippers and walked to the bridge to commune with his VI and find out what was happening in the world.

A short time later, Carl sat back in his chair to think about his current situation. Something in the corner of his eye caught his attention though. With a smile, he walked over and poured himself a mug of Root Beer.

"I don't know if this keg will stay with me and be everfull, but at least my original self wasn't a dick." Carl laughed, amused that he was considerate enough of himself to leave behind the keg of Root Beer just on the off chance it would stay with him and help make his life easier.

"Cause chances are high that I, as the clone, am not bound to the Jump Chain and will be stuck in this universe for the rest of my life." Carl found it interesting that he didn't feel that sad about that fact. He still remembered all his past life, his girls, and his strong desire to return to them.

After searching his memory, he realized that the original Carl had adjusted the memories downloaded into the clone, into him, so that there wouldn't be as strong of an emotional connection to the past.

He realized that it was for his sake that original Carl had done it, so that he wouldn't be wracked with anger and angst being stuck in this universe and unable to return to his girls. That he could let go of the past and live for the future.

He almost got a tear in his eye at thinking of how Carl cared for Carl. It was like having an older brother.

With a bark of laughter, Carl put those thoughts out of his mind. He started thinking about his situation and what he would do about it.

Reaching inside himself, he could feel his weak magical core. Presumably it was so weak because he was essentially just born. As he grew, that magical core would continue to get stronger. Right now he barely had enough magic to light a candle!

From practicing a few martial moves, as well as his memories from original Carl, he knew his body was on the level of a Martial Disciple.

"Well, at least I've got the tools to train up quickly." Carl muttered while thinking about the Room of Requirement that could simulate a gravity chamber that would assist in his training, not to mention the time compression device that was powered by the Potentia from the Stargate universe.

"So, what have I got available? And now that I'm stuck here, what are my plans for this world?" Carl hummed in thought as he directed the VI in how to deploy various satellites and spies. He ordered a scan to be done of the solar system so he had an idea of what resources there were in the nearby planets, moons, and asteroid fields.

Perusing his implanted memories, he realized that original Carl had left a hold full of magically expanded storage with everything he needed to recreate a magical ecology as well as a profound energy cultivation world.

"So I've got magic, but it will take some time to mature enough to be useful. I'm a Martial Disciple, but with time compression I could be a Martial master in a matter of days. I've got no Profound Cultivation, and I haven't started using the Great Way of the Buddha technique yet."

Carl reviewed the memories of original Carl's making the clone. In the memories he learned that he basically had a diminished version of all the physical perks he had purchased before. For example he wasn't completely immune to fire like the original, but there wasn't a fire on Westeros that could hurt him.

Hot enough fires, like the sun, could still fry him. But if he raised his cultivation level high enough, he could protect against that.

Tapping the desk with fingers, Carl thought about what he should do first. There were just so many things to do!

He needed to develop his technology base. The original Carl was going to just spend his time in Westeros on vacation and relax. But Carl found himself stuck here. And if he was going to be stuck here, he wasn't going to put up with anyone telling him what to do.

He was half tempted to just grab a bunch of his people and start his own colony on another world.

But that wouldn't do just yet. He needed to get some revenge on the Mad King at least for killing his sister's fiancé.

The VI beeped, notifying Carl that it had finished the first rough survey of the solar system. A more detailed report would be generated in several hours when the probes had a chance to travel around and take detailed readings.

Scanning through the report, Carl saw that this solar system was similar to his original home, with either 8 or 9 planets, depending if one still thought of Pluto as a planet. Carl scowled at the results. In order to terraform any of the planets or moons, it would require a lot of effort and time.

If this galaxy is anything like the one in the Stargate universe, it would be better to start with habitable planets in the nearby systems. He would send out some probes to reconnoiter nearby solar systems and find him at least two planets that would work for creating a Profound world, and a Magic world to grow all his various plants and animals.

But first, Carl ordered the VI to start manufacturing the needed Pete spider robots to start mining the nearby asteroids for materials to build up their numbers.

Next, Carl ordered his ship's VI to start scanning the planet and find anything that was useful and teleport it onboard and into the holds. Anything like a shipwreck that had metals and gems that could be used, any magic books just sitting around, any dragon eggs sitting around, everything was to be teleported to the holds to be sorted.

Carl then made his way to the Room of Requirement onboard the ship. The time compression technology would give him a year of training time over the next 12 hours. Nowhere near as good as the Heavenly Time Pearl, but it would give him an edge.

It was time to start training.

After the first bout of training, Carl was close to the Master Martial Artist level. He had only reached the True Profound Realm. He was only on the 2nd level of the Great Way of the Buddha. And his magic had barely grown stronger. At this rate, he would need at least 7 years before his magic was at the level of a 1st year Hogwarts student.

It had only been a year of training, split up into several different training paths that slowed down his progress. He needed more time for training.

But events were happening fast down on the planet. His family was worried because they hadn't seen him for nearly a whole day. Eddard Stark, Robert Baratheon, and Jon Arryn were only just starting to fight the first battles of the rebellion. The Nobles around the Seven Kingdoms were already choosing their sides.

Carl decided that he needed to show up at home, but he also needed to spend the next week fully immersed in training. That would give him nearly 14 years of training in time compression, which would make him untouchable on this planet.

He had an HFR made of himself. It would placate his family until he was done training. Then he would bring a troop of HFRs to act as guards for his family, as well as working as an elite unite that Carl would bring into the war.

Now that Carl thought about it, the catalyst for this whole thing was Lyanna and Rhaegar. Looking over the report, it looked like Rhaegar and Lyanna had married, or at least pledged to each other in front of a Weirwood. Rhaegar was taking her south to the borders of Dorne where the Tower of Joy was located.

Carl still didn't know what the motivation of Prince Rhaegar was in all this, to have eloped with Lyanna. He could guess that Lyanna wanted to escape from her arranged marriage, but the way she went about it was pretty dumb. If only she had come to him! The good feelings he had for her from his memories of spending time with her and her family were in conflict with his frustration at being dropped in the middle of a crisis with not enough time or resources to fix everything right away.

His Legilimency wasn't good enough yet to rip answers out of people's heads. After this week long training, his magic should be good enough to do so. Alternatively he had Veritaserum to get truthful answers from people.

After sending out more orders to the VI, Carl returned to his training.

Carl finished his training. He took his place back among the Riverlanders, and had a large company of HFRs bolster his army that would totally tear up the enemy in combat.

He started his move to take control of the Riverlands. Strangely enough, his father never saw anything wrong with him taking control. Carl sent out the order to all the Lords and bannermen to gather and submit to him. Some of the Lords sent back messengers with snide comments about him and refused to join his rebellion.

Carl was seen to be smiling in a feral manner when he got those messages. It was actually exactly what he wanted. It was an excuse to act against certain families who had been going against House Tully for a long time now.

He and his elite company of HFRs were everywhere over the next week, completely defeating the Lords that didn't honor their oaths of fealty to House Tully and the Lord Paramount of the Trident.

Houses Darry, Goodbrook, Lychester, Mooton, and Ryger were the houses that rebelled and were put down hard. Carl threw all the offenders and their families into jail. He didn't have time to deal with them now. He had a war to win. The troops of those families were folded into the general army and were watched by units of his HFRs. If they set one foot out of line, it would not go well for them.

Some of the Lords didn't directly rebel, they simply dragged their feet so much that they would never reach the battlefield in time to make a difference. Walder Frey didn't even try to make it secret that he deliberately wasn't moving fast enough to mobilize at Carl's command, which led to his head being mounted on a pike by Carl.

Carl was not fucking around here or letting anyone try their sneaky ploys to maneuver behind his back or lessen his position of authority. The next Lord Frey was much more amenable to following his oaths.

Once the Riverlands was subdued and united under his banner, Carl turned his attention to the other Kingdoms. House Corbray and House Grafton were lucky they were subdued by Lord Arryn before Carl got around to them, or they would have found themselves in the jail as well.

The North was completely behind Eddard Stark due to the brutal killings of their Lord Paramount and Heir, and their army soon joined Carl's in the Riverlands.

The Westerlands army under Lord Lannister was actually hovering on the border with the Riverlands, uncertain where Carl's forces were moving to. They were protecting their lands in case Carl's forces attacked them.

Carl left enough forces behind to defend the Riverlands against the Westerlands in case they attacked anywhere in his lands.

Meanwhile The Reach army was besieging Storm's End, where Stannis Baratheon was in charge of the defense. Stannis' brother Robert had run off with a great number of the Stormland's men in order to fight the forces of the Targaryens when he heard that Prince Rhaegar had shown up, leaving his brother with inadequate food and forces to defend against the siege of the army of the Reach. Apparently Robert lost his mind when the kidnapper of Lyanna showed up, and wanted nothing more than to kill Rhaegar, even to the point of not paying attention to his own brother's precarious situation.

Carl shook his head in disgust. Robert was a great fighter and understood tactics just fine, but he had an average mind for strategy and a poor head for politics. Installing him as King in the original story was likely done because a lot of people felt they could control him or use him as a puppet.

He had Stark and Arryn move their armies in support of Robert, while Carl led his men and HFRs to break the back of The Reach's army and relieve the siege on Storm's End.

Carl's forces arrived behind the indolent army of the Reach without being noticed. They were partying and holding jousts like they were on vacation while holding the siege on Storm's End. Bunch of cunts.

He knew that Mace Tyrell was an idiot and wouldn't listen to reason without being smacked down. So Carl didn't bother trying to negotiate at first, he just turned his forces loose on the Reachmen.

A few hours later, after he had mauled them sufficiently, he pulled back his forces and signaled for Parley.

Carl met the blustering Mace Tyrell and his Lords in the middle of the blood soaked field. The idiot tried to bluster his way out of it, but Carl didn't let him get anywhere. In the end, he took their parole and stripped the army of their armor and weapons and sent them on their way back to the Reach under guard. He couldn't trust that they would behave themselves if he tried to fold them into his army to take Kings Landing, not with that idiot Mace around.

About that time Carl got word that Robert defeated and killed Prince Rhaegar in battle. The Lannisters were moving, but not attacking, as they made their way to Kings Landing.

Carl sent his forces to join in the siege of Kings Landing, but made a little side trip, assisted by the Yamato II's teleport function.

He arrived outside the Tower of Joy where Rhaegar had Lyanna imprisoned. There Carl found three members of the Kingsguard keeping Lyanna in her jail. Ser Arthur Dayne, Ser Oswell Whent, and Lord Commander Gerold Hightower.

The three fools refused to let Carl pass. He decided to let them live, but gave them a lesson in humility by utterly spanking all three. His Valyrian Steel Bastard Sword was fed with his blood and Ki for the 15 years he had been training in time compression. It was a powerful sword and chopped their swords to bits, before Carl thrashed them for following the stupid commands of their idiot prince.

He stunned them and threw them into a jail via the teleport of the Yamato II.

He entered the jail that the Tower of Joy had become for Lyanna. He could immediately see that she was a few months pregnant and she looked incredibly unhealthy. Looking at her, Carl felt his heart ache a bit at her plight.

His memories of growing up in Riverrun and interacting with her had left a strong impression on him, especially when the original Carl had worked to lessen the emotional ties to people in the previous worlds, it left him more attached to everything he had here. He cared a great deal for Lyanna. Seeing her in these conditions angered him greatly.

He scanned her memories and saw what Rhaegar had done to her. How he had tricked her and lied to her. How he gloated about her father and older brother dying in the Red Keep. How she would give birth to the Kwisatz Haderach, er…the Promised Prince.

Carl only regretted that he couldn't torture Rhaegar since he was already dead.

He teleported with Lyanna up to the Yamato II to be looked after by the medical VI so she wouldn't die in childbirth.

She was naturally stunned by the ship and what was available there. He promised he would spend more time talking about it after the war.

A few weeks later Carl was sitting on the Iron Throne, looking over the assembled Lords who were there in the aftermath of the battle in Kings Landing.

Lord Tywin Lannister had succeeded in his ploy to enter the city before anyone else and gain the most credit so he could gain the most concessions after the war. But Carl saw what he was doing and signaled his HFRs that were already in place throughout Kings Landing to act.

All the time while Carl had been following the Armies around the Seven Kingdoms, the Yamato II had been replacing key positions and guardsmen inside Kings Landing with HFRs, all in preparation for this day.

His forces opened the gates for the rest of the armies. Carl didn't bother fighting through the city with his HFRs this time, he simply teleported to the throne room and killed Aerys II when he was beginning to instruct the Alchemist guild master to burn the city to the ground.

Jaime Lannister was stunned to see Carl appear from nowhere, seemingly. And even more shocked to see the Mad King dead on the ground so quickly and simply.

Which led to Carl being in place to take control of the political negotiations, post battle. He made liberal use of compulsion spells to get his way, and at the end of the day he was crowned king.

Since this universe was to be his home from now on, he wanted to shape it into something he could stand. And he wasn't about let Robert become a puppet king and order him around.

Carl had made sure that the remaining Targaryens were protected during the chaos of the battle. Two knights of the Lannisters ended up being killed when they tried to break into Princess Elia Martell's rooms and murder her and her children. He didn't bother to remember their names, it was some big knight and some slimy knight, that's all he remembered.

But it was fun to tweak Tywin Lannister a bit about it, since he seemed to be quite put out that he lost his attack dogs.

A couple months later Queen Rhealla Targaryen and her two children were returned to Kings Landing. She only traveled back to Kings Landing after she recovered from child birth and Daenerys, the new born princess, was old enough to travel.

Now that Carl was king, he began replacing the old Mad King's people with his own. He brought Lyanna down from the Yamato II and made sure her pregnancy and birth went smoothly.

Eddard and Catelyn didn't end up marrying to cement the alliance since Carl had convinced Hoster to forgo that and let Catelyn pick her future husband herself.

Along with cleaning up the corrupt officials in Kings Landing, Carl began the work of renovating the damned stinkhole of a city. He rounded up quite a lot of unemployed people in the slums and shipped them to various farms around the Seven Kingdoms. With a huge part of population draining out of the city, it made it easier to tear down and rebuild the city to a coherent plan.

Over the next several months the various Great Houses were jockeying for position to get Carl to marry their daughters so they could have someone from their House on the Iron Throne in the next generation. Carl chuckled about that because his lifespan was measured in thousands of years at the moment, and he didn't plan on marrying anytime soon. While it would make people nervous to not have a clear succession, having them petition for their daughters kept them hopeful that he would create closer ties with them.

Lyanna gave birth to the boy that would have been named Jon Snow in another life by Eddard Stark. Here, Lyanna named him Charles.

After spending a several more months with her, Lyanna became his first wife. It took her a bit of time to get over her bad experience with Rhaegar.

He then blood adopted little Charles so that the little tyke would be his own kid.

Not too long later Carl made a decision that hadn't been done recently in the history of the Seven Kingdoms and accepted a daughter from each of the Kingdoms as one of his wives.

There was some maneuvering among the women, but some of the benefits of the CP purchases the original Carl had made seemed to be in play, because they didn't actually fight with each other to much. After they spent time getting to know him and each other, the group of women seemed to get along better and better.

Over the next decade, Carl continued to make changes to the Seven Kingdoms. He was slowly bringing their technology forward while solidifying his rule. His VIs were busy terraforming several planets in nearby solar systems for future expansion.

And he was also expanding his family by having babies with his wives.

He didn't even bother to go up North to kill the Ice Zombies personally. He simply had his VIs teleport them to the sun. He was too busy making babies, practicing for making babies, and expanding his kingdom while fobbing off the paperwork on his subordinates.

A hundred years after he had taken the Iron Throne, he ruled over the entire planet of Westeros. All the lands had been consolidated under his rule.

He had long since stopped being simply the King on the Iron Throne. All of his wives and children had been taught the Ki and Profound cultivation techniques he knew, as well as how to control their magic, so they were all very long lived as well.

Carl sat back and acted like a proper boss and delegated. He didn't bother directly controlling any of the provinces of his empire, he let his children and wives take turns ruling the various lands if they so desired, including the many planets in the galaxy he had terraformed. He was still the head of the dynasty, but he didn't get bogged down in the minutiae.

Five hundred years after he took the Iron Throne, he took a step back from ruling the dynasty to spend time with his wives as they traveled around the galaxy. Each of his children were bored of ruling, so they had passed it down to their children, who had passed it to their children.

Even tens of thousands of years later, Carl Tully was still hailed as the Great Founder that had built their glorious Empire that had spread over several galaxies. His royal progeny were nearly as countless as the stars in the heavens. He left quite a legacy and legend behind in that universe.