As Argaroth started the already suppressed malgites began to struggle .

Argaroth with his rage targeted towards the Queen began to get to work.


"OH seems to be you cut a sensitive spot these malgite have eight of these such points 9 if you include the male hrm" Aila Said getting embarrassed

"What?" Arg wondered

"YOU- you'll learn it in the future" hurriedly his mother said

"Now carry on" As the cries and despair for death seeped through the hall's of the cave,

While continuously carrying on Argaroth had a feeling he only gets when tasting his milk

..Pure Bliss.. A grin reaching ear to ear appeared on Args face, the same one his mother dons who is also having the same grin on her face both of there eyes started to generate a purple glow

"THAT'S IT KEEP GOING THIS IS THE TRUE FEELING OF BLISS" Aila screamed with her voice carrying the taste of bliss whilst her face was screaming pleasure 'WE NEED MORE, SOON IT WILL BE THERE CREATION THEN THEMSELF'

'Mother's right this is amazing this has to be the second best thing I'm doing in my life' Argaroth thought while thoroughly dissecting the malgite whilst trying to keep it alive, in the corner you can see the body of 2 malgite the queen from her one hideous but glorious look to mangled hideous peace of flesh. After he was finished with malgite number 2 (cuz the queen's a "character") the next was obviously number 3,Argaroth was ready to try something new moving along first he stabbed all of his needles ( he has those now) and inserted them delicately and slowly into the 8 weak points, at every underside of the tentacles there are two green spots two inches wide contrasting with the grey color the under side has. After inserting the needle Arg got to work (again) starting with filleting the living shit out of those tentacles with pure "ACCURACY".



With Argaroth getting tired of it's disgusting cries he grabbed the mandibles and twisted them, with a final crack

*Spluchlele* ( just go with it)

They came of... oh right.

With those mandibles *stab* *schlup* right in the mouth both the mandibles went straight into its mouth causing its or his (let's make this personal his name shall be Gary) mouth to spurt out blood...

Gary was meant to sleep for 5 more days but no Bob ( the malgite that brought Arg in...he's Bob now) had to bring in this kid, who was a divine to her majesty, then her majesty did her thing then boom some crazy chick who turns out to be the kids mother suppresses us.

So now here I am in pure PAIN ready to die at any moment, why fate WHY.

After this mind monologue Gary sadly drowns in his own blood (R.I.P Gary)

Blood shoots out of Gary causing a shower of blood to fall down on Argaroth who was still smiling evilly.

After a couple more irrelevant malgites dies by *hrm* shock, freezing, fire , stabbing , drowning , and of cause too much tentacle penetration. "Right mother what are those stones it seems Gar- This malgite has a smaller one than the queen why is that." Arg asked (okay gonna need something cool sounding for energy not to basic, not to dumb sounding and not to extravagant hmm Ah)

"For mortal in all the realms they use elohim energy, ( In Hebrew elohim means god or gods its a plural noun just a fact ha so anyway it's gods energy) it is there main source of living they stay behind in such primal time just because of it if they thought outside of just elohim then they probably would've advanced in many aspect of technology it's a shame."

Aila stated with a condescending tone

'I'll show some of the lower realms with digital technology when he's older maybe for his sixteenth' she thought whilst imagining the future of there adventures.

"So if that's what mortals use what do we use?" Arg asked full of curiosity.

"Oh we use celestial energy, when a mortal becomes a God there body is destroyed then there soul until there is nothing , then the reconstruction process begins and once complete a new god is born, of course its different for demigods its more like a half way mark being able to wield celeatial energy but not to its full potential.*deep breath* With this new body of course comes with perks like being able to absorb celestial energy and harnessing it.Now that that's finished carry on."

That's right through this entire monologue the malgites where still being suppressed struggling in a worthless attempt of freedom.

"But mother you still didn't answer my question what are those stones?" Arg as whilst again pointing to the stones.

"right sorry those are the core that help some lower realms harness elohim energy, again if they could just think they could utilise this better some lower realms don't even think about this because their bodies absorb it naturally if they would think to form an energy core they'd have back up energy just in case" Aila again monologued "Wait do gods and demi gods have a core?" he questioned

"Yes for demi gods its a energy casing which is a physical core that's stored in the heart, for God's if for some reason they haven't then one will already form after the reconstruction but this time its a soul storage it cant be physically touch making for bigger storage spanning from the centre of the body if the person is confident then they can try expand it to cover the whole body but it would be even more painful contracting it back possibly destroying the soul which is very risky.Anyway energy cores are extremely important for reaching godhood because a high god energy core could store the entire energy mass of a white dwarf star, an elder god well lets not rack our heads around that." she replied

"Woh that's so cool" Arg said in awe

'Mother really is smart ha of course she is she's mother' Arg admired in his mind

After that Argaroth proceeded with carrying out more horrors.



"Okay seeming how you did this waayy to fast" Aila said whilst her eyes still glowing a solid amethyst purple , she began to say

"Let's train your power" *poof* a black board appeared " So after a lot of hard work 'stealing' I was able to get you a new divine power th-"

"How did you get it? " Argaroth interrupted his curiosity bursted but he immediately regretted it as a glare was shot towards him

"Sorry" he quickly said

"Hrm now then as I was saying, I was able to get you a new divine power it took 50 apex stones, now tell me what are they"


"Oh right sorry darling,an apex stone is a godly treasure only 100 of them exist , I of course worked extremely hard through trials and tribulations , through cosmic storms to giant celestial class black hol-"

"So you stole them"

*deep breath* "Yea"

"Anyway after all that trouble I was able to go to the temple of shelavartin to grant my request of giving you a divine power worthy of defeating most if not all gods and it did"

"Wait pause who's shelavartin?" Arg inquired (such fancy wordplay *poshly laughs*)

"It is our creator, Father and mother to all the elder gods, it is fate, time, Space , the whole universe and higher realms" Aila said in a worshipping tone.

" Why it not she or he" Arg asked curiously

"Because it is non binary it has no gender usually it just shows up as a bright light or dark on some occasions " Aila responded

"Then what stopping someone imitating it to cause problems" Arg asked thoughtfully

"It's impossible because of its aura in algatros ,which is a higher realm where most of the gods live no gods aura can cover it even azathoth ( from H.P. Lovecraft search it up) who is one of the strongest cannot cover the realm, even Shelavartins presence alone can cover the place." Aila aspiringly said and of course she was still drawing/writing all this down on the black board.

"So what is my power?" Arg asked excitedly

"Well let's find out dear." Aila quickly replied

*poof* A cracked round stone appeared out of nowhere it had a faint ominous feeling to it

"What is it?" Arg ask hurriedly

"Just a rock but with this" Aila began to write some runes "It turn into an divinity scanner, gods usually do this in private because it feels like a violation, so anyway let begin.Oh it's going to hurt a little." Aila said in anticipation for the up coming event.As she finishes creating the DS( divinity scanner heh) it turns into a slab of stone but thinner than paper.

"Wait what does violati-" *Schwip" before Arg could continue Aila set the paper in place on Args back.

"Argh" *tssstsss*(sizzling)

*Boom* *Swish* *Swish* *Swish*

Aila POV...

Energy began streaming through the room as things started to appear out of nowhere a large tree appear along with it came fields then the sky but there was something weird energy was bursting through the cracks like lava with the same colour energy she uses which is amethyst purple.

on top of the hill where the tree stood of course it was pitch black with only a few pitch black leaves she saw a figure her son resting on the tree seemingly sleeping as the branches was wrapped around him

'Wait if this appeared here then' as Aila flew up

to the hill and touched Args face and her eyes went wide with a psychotic look and an crazy smile reaching ear to ear

"He's made a small pocket dimension hahaha truly amazing this is my son the greatest thing the universe will ever witness " Aila announced whilst gleefully and lovingly looking at her one and only son.


"Mm huh mommy mommy" Argaroth distressingly called

"Shh shh I'm here darling and we'll done." Aila spoke while running her hand through Args jet black hair

"Huh why?" Arg asked happy for the praise but still puzzled

"Look around" Arg looked around in awe"You made a small pocket dimension even for high gods it would take them 10 years from birth but you did it in a 1year, see you truly are destined to be the greatest conqueror." (Arg has the bodily physic of a 5year old the intelligence of an 8 old but the mind of a three year old he's a god they grow weirdly and because of the MC power aka "natural talent" but he's still 1 years old.)

"Could I do more in the future mommy?" Arg asked

"Yes if what my theory of your divinity is then yes possibly galaxy's" Aila said while thinking about what she saw


Aila receives a poke to her soft cheeks

"You'll be with me right"




After that they both slept hugging each other in the destruction filled land as if it was a peaceful garden

*Im am Just vibing out*