Red sky's, that's all Arg saw when he woke up

"Good morning" Arg heard the voice of his mother's voice a he turns around and sees his mother washing her glorious pale skinned body in a pond of her own creation, her silky black and purple hair dipped into the pond with her cheeks red from the heat of the pond as she looked over she was washing all of her curves with her delicate hands making sure not to miss a spot .

As soon as Arg see's the pond he groggily gets up and begins walking towards the pond, he takes his clothes of and walk into the pond when he looked at the water he just dipped his head in, when he came up moving his hand up his hair, Aila was already infront of him wrapping her arms around him tightly hugging him

"You are so adorable my baby" pinching his cheek whilst still having her arms wrapped around him.

"Ca..t..breath" Arg struggled to say whilst trying to get out of his mother's monstrous strength.

After feeling satisfied she released her child letting him taking a deep breath, he glared up at his mother but she didn't care she just thought it made him more cute

"We are training your divinity today. Now you have two of them so it's gonna be a bit difficult until we figure it out but I can teach you your other divinity PLAGUE, meaning poison,fungi, even rot. Sheila stated whilst beginning to dry her self and Arg

"Wait then how did you heal me?" Arg inquired still remembering his terrible and fun time with the malgites

"With healing magic its practically a basic thing among gods we can heal limbs and a couple other things but we can't heal the dead, soul or mentality except the goddess of healing and life, like what she can do is soooo dumb you can't kill the bitch I tried during the battle but-"

'Battle what battle' Arg was puzzled but Aila continued

"Nooo she just keeps coming back no matter what I WILL KILL THAT WHORE" Aila started becoming more Infuriated as she kept thinking of the battle how her husband betrayed her to kill his own son just because he w--

"Mother are you okay" Arg interrupted her thought.

"Ah yes sorry bad memories anyway until your god level immotality kicks in, that way will only work" Aila said

"When will it kick in" Arg desperately asked

"when your 20, that's when you can stop ageing, you can carry on, gods can turn the whole eternal youth part on and off" Aila replied getting dressed into a black and purple tight fitting dress hugging her curves and showing enough cleavage to get you of(both genders you never know) but enough covered to let you know she's not a THOT this making her status as a divine milf go to another level a..a...A UNIVERSAL MILF.

"You look amazing mother the most beautiful women I have ever met." Arg said lovingly

"I am the only one, but yes I am" Aila replied her aura shouting confidonce.

"Alright let's get out of this pocket dimension.

Can you open up a door or no" Aila questioned

"No sorry" Arg mumbled feeling down

"Aw it's okay making this entire thing is already amazing don't go getting down *hugs* now then let's go and train shall we,let's go make you a strong little baby." Aila says whilst pinching Args cheeks and he struggles.

A crack opens up Arg walk through but before Aila walked through she let out a purple energy ball towards the hill then walked through, as soon as she she left a white light appeared decimating the entire pocket dimension and the malgites cave.

(the malgites died when Arg constructed the pocket dimension)

[At a divine grade outpost]

"Did you feel that surge" A black bearded man said, he had silver ears and tail

"Yeah let's go check it out a" Said a tanned woman with revealing clothing with the same silver ears and tail.

After leaving there post they began to fly towards the energy surge.

[ 5miles away from surge]

"Did you feel that" Arg said

"Na probably a little earthquake nothing big"Aila said.

The two where enjoying the sun just vibing out

whilst drinking some coconut milk we'll Aila was drinking it, Arg was drinking some from his favourite source, his mother...with a cup of course he has etiquette.

"Ok we should start" (5mins later)"Ok so I'm gonna help you use the affinity of poison first then we'll try plague I want you to get used to it first. 'I need a better spot than the mansion otherwise we'll be found and he'll take and kill Arg' she thought

"Okay begin with this tree feel the elohim flow through your body,your body is a natural generator for elohim and celestial energy, you may not be able to generate celestial energy yet but elohim is a cake walk, so all you have to do is focus on the elohim then on your affinity which is poison."Aila thoughtfully explained "So you can do it sweety." she cheered

'Okay feel the elohim, feel the elohim flow through me' as Argaroth focused hard the edge of his eyes began to turn a emerald green.'Feel the f-elohim' the grass surrounding him and the tree in front of him begon to turn into there not so luscious colors the grass was turning brown then crumbling and the tree was shrivelling up turning it brown but at the center of the tree a sizzling sound was be emitted and right there was Argaroths hands glowing with a green hue and his body radiating something that was killing the grass.

"This is the advanced stage of the poison element I expected you to get atleast intermediate but no you blew away my expectations as always my handsome boy is the best." Aila praised feeling proud to had birthed a child of such perfection, but in reality he would have been called a monster when the air fluctuation appeared the pulse where bigger than expected so Argaroth had killed a village and the entire area around him in a 10 mile radius this is a king class level attack ( lower realm level 2nd strongest) of course Aila will let him know for her teachings but not yet so she made it to where the forest was fine just not the area in a couple metres.

"Woah mommy did you see that I was so cool!!"Arg said gleefully pulling out his brightest smile completely ignoring his

mother's praise.

"Yes I did sweety see how easy it is" Aila gave him a gracious smile.

"Hm" Aila glared to the direction of the divine outpost.'What, why is a divine outpost out here in the lowest of lower realms'


A rock wall covered Argaroth causing him to be confuse so he asked "Mother why is this wall up let me out please. " he politely asked

Of course Aila replied "Stay there don't move I'll be back" As she started to fly she said

"And Argaroth I mean it stay" she said sternly,so she flew of towards the two auras she sensed.

[With the outpost guardian's]

"Do you feel that,an emperor level being is approaching(emperor is the strongest level in the lower realm then its divine) shall we eliminate it" The man said

"You must calm down Alek we'll ask it some questions then if it is a threat then we kill it but be careful, I can sense it's level but nothing else." The woman ordered

"Yes malady" Alek replied


Aila P.O.V

'Let's make this quick'

"Please stop for a moment" someone shouted to her right it was the woman with alek

"I would like to ask a couple question's if you don't mi-"before she could finish a knife formed energy blade was infront of her face, she quickly dodged and prepared for battle.

"You'll regret that"

"Silence whore kneel and beg like the dog you are and tell me everything I want to know,gaining you a quick death or would you prefer the red pill, you decide." Aila announced letting out killing intent and bloodlust

'She may be able to hide her level even if she is on our level this amount of killing intent and bloodlust is insane' feeling slightly pressured the woman looked towards Alek and nodded, Alek seeing this grinned, flourishing with a piercing killing intent Alek flashed towards Aila, with her senses she dodged and took a shot at him of course Alek sensing the pure destruction this fist could cause immediately evaded but even with dodging part of his lower abdomen went missing a hole straight through his body. The women was in pure shock even she felt the danger of a simple strike she couldn't imagine what Alek felt, when that strike went for him it felt like the high realms was falling on him, like he was just an ant, he's faced celestials wanting to kill him but he never felt this, to make him feel this and have so much power and pressure from a casual hit.

"FAYLA SHE'S A God RUUUN" Alek yelled his voice filled with urgency not for himself but for the women named Fayla. The urgency in his voice made Fayla know he was dead serious, Fayla trusted Aleks judgment on these things so in an instant she ran through the forest. As soon as Aila saw the direction Fayla was going she instantly went for her but Alek was already there grabbing onto her and in a instant of her thoughtlessness pain came

*BOOOM* an orange light appeared in the forest appeared destroying the area around the fight. This was all Alek could do for a divine level being taking on a god is like chucking pebbles at an elephant but chuck a sharpened wooden spear will hurt it but not kill it, so that what he did by self destructing.

"Ahh dammit if I had my celestial energy I would be fine but nooo precaution and even more precautions" Aila moaned whilst a chunk of flesh from her arm and back was gone"Tch annoying ant" then it clicked "SHIT ARG" in an instant Aila dashed but when she appeared where she left Arg he was gone, his departure leaving destroyed trees and some blood, when she touched it her killing intent bursts covering the forest and the city next to it( so let go with 5km) For the first time since becoming a mother she snapped.

"ARGAROOOTH I'M COMING DONT WORRY AND YOU ,YOU WHORE DONT WORRY YOU'VE CHOSEN THE FUCKING RED PILL ALRIGHT AND OOOH HOHO YOU'LL GET WHAT'S PROMISED" Aila was enraged her motherly instincts kicking in, she could have easily let Arg make a friend or two around his looking age,but she was to possessive to let her son care for someone else and that said possessiveness was kicking in boosting her rage to a whole new height.

*Have a great morning, evening and night.*