Ch.6| Oh no


"Alright Soldiers, we are heading into a very dangerous mission. Life or Death." Avery looked at each and everyone of our soldiers.

"And honestly, only life that needs to be protected is The doctor. She's what matters." I crossed my arms and waited for them to nod in understanding.

When they did, Avery continued. We broke off into groups after we discussed our plan.

I got lucky and had Dylan in mine. Yay drama.

I sighed and began checking my weapons when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to find Private Evans.

"Private Evans. What's up?" I turned to face him.

"What the hell are you doing?" He glared at me as if I just fucked his mom or something.

"I'm a little confused, Care to Elaborate?" I leaned against the rover.

"Dylan. She told me what you said in the woods. You're lucky she's completely oblivious and sheltered." Evans basically spat the words at me.

"I don't see how it's any of your business?" I got a bit closer to him.

"Oh, you're completely right. I guess it isn't Avery's business either? Or The president?" Sam Evans was threatening me.

Avery already knew. Thankfully he didn't act or get me discharged. The president would give me a dishonorable discharge and make it impossible for me to get a job.

"Did you just threaten me, Private?" I cocked and eyebrow at him.

"I guess you could call it that." Evans shrugged .

"Noted. But don't worry, I don't plan on acting on my feelings. She's all yours buttercup." I clasped a hand on his shoulder and he nodded.

With that, we continued packing and eventually made it to the base.

"Everyone ready?" I asked my tiny team.

It consisted of Dyla- Private Richards, Private Jackson, and Myself. We were to scout out the camp and take out any threats.

Too bad Private Evans was on our side.

"Yes Sir." Dylan smiled and attached her suppressor onto her rifle.

We branched off in different directions. An uncomfortable pit began to form in my stomach as I watched Dylan take off. She would be fine, so would Private Jackson.

I cleared building after building until eventually arriving at a large brick facility. The doctor was no doubt in there.

"You okay?" Private Jackson came up beside me in a crouching position.

"I'm breathing. You and Richards decent?" I nodded at him.

"Yes Sir. She's around the back waiting for our signal." Jackson was very loyal and a fantastic soldier.

Without wanting to wait much longer, I let out a loud whistle and we breached the building.

Bullets began to fly in every direction, Jackson was still on his feet and I'm lucky to say I am too.

I fired off a few rounds, hitting a man in the chest area, he fell to the floor.

This continued for every room we went through. We killed so many enemies I lost track.

We reached the doctor soon, unfortunately she wasn't breathing. They must've heard we were coming and killed her to ensure their information was safe.

"God Damn it!" I yelled and punched the wall.

"With all do respect sir, we aren't safe yet. Please contain yourself until we are back at the post." Jackson had a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"Sorry Private." I gathered a few of the documents and stuffed them into my pack. I personally thought they were useless but our scientists and research team might think differently.

We exited the building and found Dylan finally. She was watching for any flanks.

"Where's the doctor?" She asked as we approached her.

"She's gone. We managed to grab a few documents but otherwise this mission was a bust." Jackson pushed past her and back to the Rovers.

I sighed and followed Jackson. Dylan was hesitant. She obviously didn't want to go back just yet. She always believed that our busted missions could have been successful if we searched more or observed shit around us.

But she had never actually been on one, so she wouldn't know.

"C'mon Private. We've got shit to do." I called behind me.

She shook her head and slowly followed us back.

A few hundred feet from camp, Dylan stopped me.

"What is it?" I crossed my arms and watched her.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled.

Why the fuck was she sorry?

"For?" I cocked and eyebrow and lowered my guard.

"I was rude. I know what you mean now." Dylan's usual rose cheeks turned to apples.

"You do? Like I don't need to decipher it for you?" I teased. Although this is interesting. And unfortunately anxiety raising.

She glared at me and I held up my hands in defense. Without another word or warning, Dylan was in front of me on her tippy toes.

Her soft lips met my cheek. It was my turn to be red now.

"We can't and we shouldn't. And frankly I don't even know how I feel about you. Or if I feel anything at all." Dylan rambled on.

I laughed and planted a kiss of my own on her cheek.

"We have shit to do Richards." I winked and she smiled.

I felt at peace with myself now. I didn't fuck things up with her.

When back in the safety of my rover I let out a loud groan. As much as I liked her, this wasn't supposed to happen. She was supposed to resent me and we'd go back to Sergeant and Private. Shed grow and improve as a soldier and maybe become a Sergeant. I'd finish up my years and retire.

But now everything is screwed up. We will figure it out in time though.