Ch.7| Im down for you

I walked on shaky legs to the airport. We were to return home today. Holidays were coming up quick, it felt like just yesterday I turned 18. Just yesterday I was running from the hell I called home.

But it wasn't. It's been a year. A full year. My parents haven't even written me a letter. Although communication is a two way street. I hadn't mailed a letter either. Why should I?

I took a deep breath and entered the airport. I was instantly met with the stench of sweat and coffee. Coffee was wonderful on its own, but sweat wasn't the best condiment.

I spotted my squad. They were waiting near a burger joint. It smelled like heaven over here.

"Dylan! Glad you made it." Same smiled and pulled me into a hug. I graciously returned it, squeezing just as tight.

"Yeah. I'm excited to meet your family." I smiled and we pulled apart.

I planned on visiting my folks at some point but until I grew the balls to do so, I'd be staying at Sam's.

"Heya sunshine. Where you off to for the holidays?" Riggs appeared out of nowhere like a fucking ghost.

"Jesus Christ!" I jumped.

Sam and Riggs both laughed at me. I'd say with, but I didn't laugh.

"She's off to meet my folks." Sam smiled proudly. He knew what Riggs wanted and to say he was bringing me home instead of him must of boosted his ego.

"Oh. What a coincidence." Riggs smiled smugly.

Dear god don't let it be what I think it's going to be.

"You're going to our home town too or?" Sam cocked an eyebrow at Riggs.

"Oh no, I'm also visiting your folks. Thanks for the invite." Riggs threw an arm around Sam's shoulder and ruffled his hair.

Sam still highly disliked Riggs, but I asked him to put aside his feelings for the holidays. He agreed after I promised to make him coffee whenever he wanted for the next month and to take his cafe shifts.

After sobering up from my laughing fit, I questioned Riggs about his wanting to join us. He had a family back home he wanted to visit. So why come with us?

He just blew it off with a joke.

We arrived at Sam's a good four hours later. His family was as warm and welcoming as he promised. Well his mom was. His dad was grumpy and couldn't be bothered to look up from his newspaper. Sam's face had disappointment written all over it and it hurt to watch.

Riggs seemed to pick up on it. He winked at me before walking over to Sam's father.

"Papa Chris. How's it going my man?" Riggs sat on the arm of the small chair.

I couldn't help but laugh. He was a completely different person outside of the army. He was goofy. He ripped that stick right out of his ass. I wish he could stay this way forever. But in 10 short days, we'd be back at camp. Riggs would go back to being the same old grouch, yelling at all of us.

"Excuse me?" Sam's father folded his paper and look up at Riggs' big dumb smile.

"Papa Chris, my home dawg. You're getting a few grey hairs there, daddy-o." Riggs poked Chris's mop of hair. His hand was swatted away like a cat would a piece of string.

Sam and I were laughing so hard, I thought we would end up on the floor.

"Okay kids, lets stop bothering Chris. I'll show you to your rooms." Mariel, Sam's mother, chuckled as she led us up a red carpeted stair case.

Sam went ahead to his bedroom while Mariel led us to a master on the far side of the house.

"Here you love birds are,"She opened the door and I was too in awe of the beautiful floral decorations to realize it was for Riggs and myself.

"Love birds?" I turned my attention to Mariel.

"Indeed. Young love is magnificent. Unpack and come down for dinner soon." She smiled and walked off down the hall.

Riggs winked at me and picked our bags up, carrying them into the room.

"Okay, um I'll take the floor." I smiled and sat my bags on the floor.

"Please, I'll take the floor. Have the bed." Riggs winked at me and laid his bag on the bed.

Within seconds he was shirtless.

"Woah! I'm in here buddy!" I turned and covered my now red face.

"And? I'm actually offended that you don't wanna see my nips." He scoffed with offense.

I rolled my eyes and turned back around, grabbing my own bag.

"Then you won't mind if I change in here?" I gave him a smile.

"Go for it, Richards." He smiled and slid on a olive green shirt.

I took my own shirt off and surprised myself when I saw my scars. I forgot they existed.

"Dylan..." He looked at my stomach and my chest.

"Pervert! Turn around!" I squealed, hoping he'd drop the subject.

He skeptically turned away and I threw on a black turtle neck, Jeans and loafers to match.

"You can turn around now." I mumbled and stuffed my uniform into my suit case.

Riggs slowly turned and eyed me up and down.

"Dylan, what a-"

"Don't worry about it Riggs. I'll be downstairs." I smiled and quickly left the room.

I didn't want to get into anything from my past. I had a good life in the military. Friends. I've never been happier. Sure it was tough and Riggs was a jackass but it was good.

"Dylan! Could you give me a hand?" Mariel called from the kitchen.

I sighed and walked down the hallway and into the perfect kitchen.

"Ah! Perfect. Would you mind cutting the cucumber and carrots up? I have a wonderful salad with balsamic vinegar and it's just divine." Sam's mom loved to ramble on. I just smiled and cut away happily.

"So dear, how long have you and Robert been together?" Mariel smiled at me.

I choked out a laugh," Robert? You mean Riggs?"

"Riggs? Oh! Yes Riggs!" She went back to breaking up ground beef in a pan.

"But we aren't together." I said with disappointment.

"You aren't? Girl you better get on that man like white on rice! He's a catch!" She smacked my arm with a hand towel.

"We can't, Militarily protocol." I handed her the sliced veggies.

"Fuck military protocol. That boy has the hots for you. Go for it." Mariel smiled and I rolled my eyes.

"He is definitely attractive and kind. And I might have the hots for him but we can't." I sighed and turned around to find Riggs smiling in the door way.