Ch.8| Shut up already

Riggs had walked into the kitchen while Merial and I were talking about him. I was literally describing how attractive he was.

I made a fist with my hand and squeezed under the dining room table. I was so embarrassed. I hate Merial.

Okay that's dramatic. I don't. She's a lovely woman and I have respect for her and her son. But she might have just costed me my ego.

"Dana, Could you pass me the salt?" Sam's father asked from across the table.

Everyone looked up from their plates at him. His eyes were only on me. Weird.

I went back to eating the supper infront if me.

"God dammit. What is it with you Army women?" Chris asked aggressively and grabbed the salt off the table.

"Excuse me Sir?" I asked sitting down my fork. That's random as hell.

Then it clicked. Dana. Dylan. He was talking to me but couldn't be asked to remember my proper name.

"You think because you joined the Army you're superior to us men." Chris chuckled as if the very idea was amusing.

I unclenched my fist and re made the same fist over and over. This was my best attempt at calming myself. I didn't want to embarrass Sam.

"Oh,She's going to be quiet now because I called her out." Chris laughed again and stuffed a spoon full of mashed potatoes into his mouth.

"Call me out on what? Joining the army?" I sat up and met his hallow eyes.

"Calling you out on thinking you're better then men." Chris sat his fork down on the table and crossed his arms.

"I'm not saying I'm better, I'm just saying I have bigger balls. I got my ass off the sofa and decided to do something with my life." I gave him a smile which hid my fear.

I've obviously seen worse through the Army but he was still scary. No doubt he could kill a man. Or a women. Poor Merial.

"You better shu-"

"Let it go honey." Merial cut Chris off which sent Chris into a fury.

"What is with women thinking they are the boss? Men built this country! This world! We provide your clothes and food. You better be fucking grateful for us." Chris got louder with each sentence.

"Sure. You built it. You also tore it apart." I mumbled and took a bite of the tomato salad Merial had made.

"Excuse me,girl?" Chris slammed his fist on the table.

"Okay. Let's just drop it. Okay Dad?" Sam asked lowly from the other end of the table.

"Ignore him Dear." Merial smiled sweetly at me and Chris picked up on it.

"How dare you go behind my back?" In an instant the whole table was standing.

Chris took a lunge at Merial. Although she never felt the impact as I had blindly jumped in front of her.

"GOD DAMMIT DAD! GET THE FUCK OUT." Sam let his anger out for once.

I look up at Riggs who was now next to me. Up? I looked around at the floor.

Apparently I fell.

"Where does it hurt?" Riggs asked moving my head and checking under my hair.

"Hurt?" I didn't feel anything.

"You hit your head on the wall when you fell. You didn't feel it?" Riggs asked with a worried tone.

I loved how supportive and caring he was. And how he smelled like strawberries. Although he didn't smell like anything. I couldn't smell the dinner either.

"I think I have a concussion." I said blankly. I had to deal with my father when he had a concussion. Which was often unfortunately.

"I'll call the paramedic." Merial rushed off the floor and into the den.

"Where's Sam?" I asked and tried to sit up. A sharp pain filled my neck and head.

"Stay still." Riggs eased me back on the floor.

"Sam took his father outside. Don't worry he will be okay." Riggs smiled and caressed my cheek. I smiled and felt my eyes begin to close.

"No! Open your eyes Dylan." The sweet boy patted my cheek and I forced my eyes open.

"Okay. Okay. Uh how do I keep you awake?" Riggs looked around. And found a cloth.

He disappeared a few seconds before returning with a water drenched cloth.

I jumped after he put it on my forehead.

"Jesus Christ! That's cold!" I winced in pain from the jump.

"I know I'm sorry sweetheart but you need to stay awake. Of course for your health but you also need to keep me calm. I might rip Sam's father to pieces if you don't." Riggs smiled and held my hand.

"Papa C? You would never." I teased.

"They're on there way. An hour max. You okay Sweetie?" Merial who appeared out of nowhere like a magician asked.

"Never better." I smiled and she nodded.

What seemed like hours passed and there was still no sign of the ambulances coming. Riggs had attempted to get me to tell him about my childhood but I refused. So he told me random stories about his family. He had a little sister named Cindy.

She apparently was very persuasive and always got what she wanted. My favorite is when he told me she convinced him to dress like a fairy and run around the streets.

I wish I could have seen it.

The pain in my neck finally went away. My head still screamed in pain.

"Guys, you gotta go." Sam entered the kitchen where we still were.

"We will once the doctors get here, man." Riggs had a pissy attitude towards Sam.

"No. I mean you have to go. My dad just went to buy a gun." Sam sounded afraid.

Or maybe it was me. I didn't want anymore drama.

"I'll take care of Mom and myself. But you and Dylan have to go." Sam walked over and placed our bags down in front of us.

"Thanks for the privacy,Sammy." I grunted through a wave of pain.

He didn't laugh. Neither did Riggs or Merial. Apparently this was serious.

"Okay then. Let's go." I smiled up at Riggs and began to sit up, dizziness washing over me.

"You're not going an-"

"I'm fine. We need to go. I'll worry about my head later." I glared at Riggs and he nodded.

Soon enough we were walking down my childhood street.