Ch.9| Big Bad Wolf


I couldn't keep my eyes off of Dylan as we slowly climbed the front steps to her childhood home. She looked so broken.

She never actually told me what had gone down during her childhood to make her hate this place so much. Although it wasn't hard to put it together, between the scars that lined her body and the way she jumped at any type of contact. It was transparent.

She was abused. By who? Not completely sure. Maybe her parents? Family friend? I'm going to find out though and make them pay. Dylan is too smart, too sweet, too everything to be so afraid.

"You ready?" I held out my hand to her.

Dylan stared at it for a few seconds before taking a deep breath and accepting.

"It'll be okay, sweetheart." I smiled and we knocked on the door.

I would make sure it was. I'd keep her safe.

It took a few minutes of knocking and waiting before a man opened the red wooded door.

"I don't want any damn cookies. How many times do I have to tell you bastards?" The man managed between coughs and grunts.

How charming.

"Dad, it's Dylan. Not the Girl Scouts." Dylan said uneasily.

"Dylan?" The man squinted his eyes at her before shaking his head.

"No clue. Sorry lady." He smiled and began shutting the door.

I felt anger in my chest. I stepped forward and placed my hand on the door.

"That's your daughter man." I nodded at Dylan who was swaying a little.

"My daughter died a year ago. Now get off my property before I shoot you." Dylan's father slammed the door, locking it.

I slammed my fist on the door out of anger. She deserved far better then these assholes.

"Riggs?" Dylan's voice was small.

I turned to see her leaning against the porch post.

"Are you okay?" I rushed to her side and let her lean into me.

"I'm cold." She managed through shivering teeth.

I tore off my jacket and draped it around her shoulders, pulling her back into my embrace.

I felt her forehead which was burning hot. She had a concussion or so we thought. Being out here in the frigid cold wasn't going to help that.

"Is there a hotel nearby?" I asked calmly as I helped her down the stairs.

No response.

"Dylan?" I asked and stopped at the bottom step to look at her face.

"Hmm," she groaned.

"Keep your eyes open beautiful. Please." I begged, sounding desperate. My old man would of disapprove. I didn't care though. She was too important.

"Hotel? A few blocks away." She mumbled sleepily.

Without thinking twice, I picked her up bridal style.

"Riggs?" Dylan's eyes were wide open watching me.

"You're slow and we don't have the time to go buy you a cane." I winked at her and she gave me a half assed chuckle.

"My bad." She smiled and leaned her little head against my chest. I couldn't tell if it's to get warm or to sleep.

I wish I knew what was going on in the beautiful head of hers. I'd imagine a battle between feelings and logic. Feelings? Her dad was an asshole who would rather believe his daughter was dead than face the fact she was infront of him. Logic? Dylan had a family now. A real one. No reason to dwell on the old one.

"Dylan?" I whispered to her.

"Yeah?" She opened her eyes and looked up at me.

I could get lost in them. She was gorgeous. Her emerald eyes were the perfect pop of color against her caramel skin and chocolate brown hair.

"Talk to me." I smiled at her and she raised a perfect eyebrow up at me in confusion.

"Tell me about your dad." I tightened my hold on her when she sighed.

"He's a piece of shit." She laughed.

"Clearly. But why?" I could see the hotel she had mentioned. It had a bright red sign that read "The Royals Inn".

"My scars." She nodded at her stomach.

"They're from him?" I was pissed.

"No, they're from me. But they're because of him." Dylan's green eyes were once again locked behind her eyelids.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart." Was all I could manage. I had so much guilt and so much anger.

Guilt as I wish I could of taken that from her. I would in a heartbeat if I had the chance.

Within an hour, we were in our hotel room. Dylan was on the bed, knees to her chest, watching me.

Our bags had been left down the street so I had to run back and get them. I couldn't trust that she would stay awake while I went to, so I made her sit with ice cubes in her shirt. I laughed initially at her reaction but felt bad because she was shivering.

God damn these weak ass feelings.

After returning with the bags I was thankful to see she was still awake. I smiled as I shut the rusty door.

"Hey." She croaked.

"How you feeling?" I walked over to the bed, placing our bags down.

"Better. I think I can sleep as long as I wake up every few hours." Dylan smiled at me and motioned for me to hand her the bag.

I obliged and lifted the bag onto the bed in front of her.

After about 5 minutes of watching her dig through uniforms and fuzzy sweaters, she pulled out an oversized shirt.

"Turn around, Perv." She winked at me and I threw my hands up in defense.

I did as I was told and turned. A few seconds later and she gave me the alright to turn around.

"Dylan- I." I stuttered at the sight infront of me.

She was only in her bra and panties. The scars that lined her body, were out in the open.

"You deserve to see them." Dylan's face turned a light red from embarrassment.

I took slow steps towards the bed. The bed dipped under my weight when I sat down in front of her.

Without really thinking, I was brushing my fingers along the lines.

"Ugly, right?" Dylan chuckled to herself.

"Not at all. They're apart of you and that makes them beautiful." I smiled at her and began pulling away my hand.

Dylan caught it with her own and brought it to her lips, kissing my knuckles.

This girl was going to drive me crazy.

Without thinking twice, I was caressing her cheek. Slowly moving in, until eventually our lips collided.