Pt.10- Bulletholes

Summer came as quickly as winter had left. The last 5 months had been extremely grueling.

The Army? It was tiring. Mentally and physically. I often had cuts or bruises from our training. I rarely slept these days which didn't help in the slightest. I had been in lots of pain from training and from traveling back and forth between missions and visiting Sam.

Speaking of Sam, He was involved in a shootout between a squad of ours and a SPETSNAZ squad. He was okay thankfully, although he did need to take a few weeks off from the Army to recover.

Riggs? God that man was a sinner. Ever since our kiss during Christmas break, he's been all over me. OF course, We haven't gone all the way as we aren't married. But it has definitely been an experience. Riggs had taught me a few new things and a "backdoor" to get around our religious ways.

Aside from all of the intense saliva-swapping things, We had also gotten to know each other. I learned more about his family. Which honestly sounded like a handful. He had a blood sister, Emily. He had told me thousands of stories about her and her mischievous ways.

Emily was a troublemaker. She loved pulling pranks on their mother. For example, drawing inappropriate images in her makeup. I loved her already. His father was a douchebag but his mother was sweet. Carol, his mom, ran an orphanage.

"Hey beautiful," Riggs greeted with a big smile.

I loved it. The way his full lips curved up into a big childish grin.

"Hey. Aren't you supposed to be scouting with squad C?" I asked and looked around him for any signs of the boys- I mean men.

None of them were mature enough to be a man.

"I wanted to come see you first." Riggs extended his hand and I accepted, pulling myself to my feet.

"Fair enough. You excited?" I wiggled my eyebrows at him. We were going home tomorrow from our current mission. Not that exciting honestly. But in 3 days, he is taking me home to meet his family.

"I'm excited for you to meet the she-devil and my mom. You're going to love them." Riggs put both of his hands on either side my waste, which I had to slap away.

"3 more days," I warned. We would both be discharged if anyone knew we were uh, whatever a not relationship but a relationship is?

"I don't think I can wait that long," Riggs lowered his voice so only I could hear.

"Perish! We are ready to r-" Gunshots began firing in all directions. The boy who was talking, Thomas, took a hit in the shoulder. He went stumbling to the ground.

"Get down!" Riggs hissed.

He used his body as a human shield as we ran towards the trees.

"FUCK," Riggs shouted and in a matter of seconds we were on the ground. There was blood oozing out on Rigg's abdomen as he laid on top of me.

"Riggs?" my voice was shakey as I waited for him to move.

"Be quiet and don't move." he whispered with a clenched jaw.

Play dead. I can do that. I slowed my breathing and squeezed my hands tight.

He will be okay. He has to be.

We stayed in the same position for hours. Screams and gunshots eventually faded and I had a tremendous amount of guilt. I'm a soldier. I should of been helping my allies. I truly couldn't though. Riggs had passed out, no doubt from blood loss.

"Anyone alive?" A familiar american accent filled the air. It was Avery.

"HERE!" I called as loud as I could. I pulled my blood soaked hand out from Riggs and began waving it in the air.

I was doing my best to apply pressure to the wound to stop the bleeding.

Soon the crunching of boots against the gravel filled my ears.

"Richards?" Avery crouched down to our level. He had concern plastered on his face.

"Riggs is shot! Help him please." I rushed out and Avery's eyebrows pinched together with anger as he realized Riggs was on top of me.

Avery helped gently roll him off.

"Is he alive?" I asked frantically.

"Shut your mouth,kindly." Avery lowered his ear to Riggs' chest.

He stayed there for a few seconds before sitting back up.

"He's al-"

"IF you touch a single hair on her head, I swear to god I will find you and te- Avery?" Riggs' had his fist on the hem of Avery's shirt.

"Hey buddy, stay still. Medic!" Avery called and a group of 3 came our way.

"Dylan?" Riggs' voice was small.

"Yes?" I took his hand.

"I have condoms in my pocket. I don't want the boys to see." He whispered and my face turned bright red.

"Please?" Riggs looked at me with pleading eyes.

I nodded and reached into the front pocket of his vest.

My fingers wrapped around an circular object. I pulled it out and gasped at what it was.

"A promise ring." Riggs grunted through pain.

"Im all yours baby if you're willing to be all mine." he held my hand with a loose grip.

Tears filled my eyes. He was literally bleeding out! What a shitty way to give this to a girl.

"Ill accept for now." I winked and kissed his cheek, some of my tears falling onto his face.

"Miss we need to transport him back to base. A car will be sent for you and the rest of whoever is left." A medic nodded at me to move and I complied.

Soon enough, they were gone and worry filled their place.