Ch.11- Everything will be fine.

Hours seemed to pass before I heard anything. A plane was on the way to pick up the dead bodies. A rover would be here tomorrow for the rest of us.

I couldn't get his pale face out of my head. I just sat there, spinning the promise ring between my thumb and index finger.

What if he dies? What will I do then?

I shook the thought out of my head. He was a fighter. He'd be fine.

"Richards?" I heard Avery call my name but I couldn't force myself to look at him. If I looked away from the ring, It might disappear too.

"Richards?" Avery called a second time. I still refused to look at him.

"Think She's in shock, doc?" Avery was talking to someone else this time.

"Seems like it. We need to go though. This is the last Rover. Try to talk to her." The 'Doc' walked away. I could tell by the gravel crunching under his feet.

The same gravel Riggs had laid hours earlier.

"Dylan? Riggs is awake. He's been asking for you." Avery spoke calmly.

My head shot up on its own accord.

"How is he?" I asked, panic in my tone.

"He needs time, but he will be okay." Avery smiled.

"Would you like to see him?" He asked after I didn't respond.

I nodded and he stood, helping me to my feet. I followed him on shaky legs, I felt like jello.

Hours later we arrived at our main base.

I couldn't wait any longer. I opened the door as the rover came to a stop and hopped out. I hardly landed on my feet. Without taking a second to recover, I bolted towards the clinic.

"Dylan! Wait!" Avery yelled and chased after me.

He caught up and grabbed me by the arm.

"What the hell, Avery? I need to see Riggs." I attempted to yank my arm away but his grip was firm.

"You can't." Avery said breathlessly.

"Why the fuck not?" I felt anger rise from deep in my core.

"He's still in surgery, Dylan. I lie-"

"You fucker."I growled and used my free hand to push him away from me.

"Im sorry,Dylan." Avery still held onto my arm.

"Get off of me!" I shouted.

Heads began turning towards us. I didn't care.

I was starving, tired, scared, and just wanted to see Riggs.

"Not until you calm down."Avery tightened his grim more and this just made me more angry.

I once again use my free hand and slammed it into the side of Avery's face. This sent him crashing down to the grass covered ground.

My hand felt like I had tried to karate chop a brick.

"Stay the fuck away from me unless its a mission Avery." I spat and made my way towards the clinic.

"Private Richards, How may I assist you today?" A perky receptionist greeted me as I entered the tent.

"Sergeant Perish, Where is he?" I smiled sweetly.

"He just got out of surgery. Visitors will be allowed to see him tomorrow around 10 am." She smiled and sat back down at her make-shift desk.

I flexed my fingers a few times, attempting to calm myself. I sighed and left the tent, feeling defeated.

"Richards," A man who I didn't know called me over as I walked out of the clinic.

He must be here to scold me for assaulting Avery.

"That's me," I threw my hands up in a casual manner and waited for him to say something.

"Im short on men right now and there's a very important mission that cannot be delayed." The man shuffled so i could see his tag.

Clancy. He was the 'big man' in charge of our overall squad.

I stood straighter and met his eyes.

"Sir, with all due respect, I just returned home and haven't even showered." my face scrunched up with disgust as I looked at my dry blood covered skin.

"With all due respect, Private, I dont really care. I need you on this tomorrow." The man who holds my future dear, nodded and walked off.

Fuck. My. Life.