Ch.12 Cold Water

"Beep...Beep...Beep..." The familiar rhythmic pattern of a monitor rang through my ears.

It was annoying and I wanted to shove my fist through the screen of it.

So that's what Im going to do. I pried my eyes open to be met with the dim lighting of lanterns.

"What the fuck?" I sat up, my abdomen screaming in pain. I fell back down on the cot.

I was in a dark green tent surrounded by others who also laid on cots.

What the fuck happened? It smelled awful in here. A mix between medications, herbal tea, and sleep.

I rolled my head straight on my pillow and closed my eyes, trying to recall what happened.

I remember getting shot while running towards the woods. It fucking hurt.

I remember watching Thomas take a bullet through the shoulder and Avery trying to cover him while he got to safety.

I would have done the same in a heartbeat if my weapons weren't left at the Rover.

I remember using myself as a shield to protect Dylan.


I sat up quickly and looked around the cots.

After a few minutes of stretching my neck and scarring my eyes, some of the men were nude, I sighed in relief.

She wasn't here.

Which meant she was either dead or at camp.

I refuse to believe she is dead. So camp it is.



I couldn't stop tossing and turning. I had way too much to think about.

Would Riggs be okay? He had to be, right? He is strong. Brave. Selfless.

I recalled the events of the night of the shoot out. Riggs didn't even hesitate to throw me in front of him. Or to take a bullet for me.

I shuttered at the memory of him bleeding all over me, his face paling.

I threw my legs over the side of my bed and quickly raced out of my cabin. I left my coat and boots behind. It was a warmer night anyway.

I followed a familiar path to a large stream, sitting on the edge. Riggs would drag me here after long hours of work and make me swim with him.

"It'll help your muscles relax."Riggs winked at me.

He snaked his hands around my waste and lead me deeper into the freezing water.

"Riggs, its cold! We are gonna freeze to death." I shivered and pushed away from him.

"You only live once." He said in a mocking voice.

I had said that to him once when I decided to climb a steep slope for a small rescue mission we had.

I may have fallen and I may have bruised a rib or two, but you truly only do live once.

I took a deep breath and swam over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Better?" Riggs held the bottom of my thighs. I had wrapped my long legs around his waist.

"Maybe," I hummed and planted a soft kiss against his warm lips.

He reached up and took a handful of hair, wrapping it around his fist.

He gently pulled my head to the side, allowing him better access.

The water continued flowing past us, seamlessly.

Riggs began sucking on the skin below my ear, making a trail of what could only be hickies down my neck and onto my collarbone.

"Riggs.." His name escaped my lips.

"Dylan..."His velvet like voice broke against my skin, sending shivers down my spine.

"Dylan." I felt a light shaking and I jolted right up.

I quickly observed my surroundings and my heart stopped when I landed on Riggs.

"Oh my god, You're okay!" I shouted with happiness and threw myself at him.

"Im better then okay now that I found you." Riggs squeezed onto me tightly.

It didn't even come to my mind that he was still injured.

With a yelp, I backed away from him. I lifted his green army shirt up and looked at where the wound was.

It was all patched up but bruises leaked out from under the bandage.

"How are you feeling?" I asked cautiously and fixed the shirt.

"Baby, I'm fine." He held out his hands. I was supposed to place mine in them. It was our thing.

But I was sort of mad.

"Why the hell are you out of bed! You were shot not even a day ago!" I screamed and automatically punched him in the chest.

"I needed to find you." Riggs looked away shyly.


"I couldn't remember what happened. I didn't see you on the cots. There was no nurse. I didn't know if you had survived or not." Riggs covered his face.

"Im sorry," I apologized while taking his hands in mine.

"I was scared,D. I don't know what I would do If I lost you." Riggs pulled me on top of him.

He nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck. I swear I felt tiny droplets hitting my shoulder. I wouldn't ask as it may bruise his pride. But, my heart was breaking for him.

"Riggs?" I asked after a while of us sitting in the same position.

"Yes, beautiful?" I sat up and watched Riggs' perfect face.

Why did guys get to be the cute ones? His eyebrows were effortlessly perfect. This man could eat a kitchen full of food and still maintain his form and weight. What the fudge?

I slowly rolled off of him and onto the ground next. I kept our hands intertwined.

"Do you know any of the star things?" I asked casually.

"Constellations? Absolutely," He paused and looked at me, "Not. I failed astronomy class and didn't pay attention in any science class."

At least he got a proper education. I was forced to stay home and take care of my deadbeat parents.

"Riggs?" I asked a second time.

"Thats my name," He squeezed my hand.

I took a deep breath and sat up, observing his once again beautiful face.

"I think I luh-"I stuttered, embarrassing myself.

He cocked an eyebrow at my red face.

"I think I love you." I mumbled under my breath.

"You what?" Riggs sat up with me.

"I love you." I mumbled a second time.

"Love, speak up." Riggs titled my chin upwards.

"I love you, god dammit!" I said just below a shout.

"I heard you the first 3 times, I just wanted to hear it again." Riggs smiled smugly at me.

"You dick." I pushed his shoulder back.

"I love you too Dylan. More then anything I have before." I felt my eyes water at his confession.

In all honesty, I was afraid of being rejected.

"I better get back to the clinic. Come visit me later today?" Riggs stood, wincing at the pain.

I was supposed to leave later today. If I decided to go.

Should I tell him?

No. He will try to stop me or go with. He couldn't do either.

"Ill see you later then." I nodded and placed a quick kiss on his cheek.

"What the fuck was that?" Riggs looked down at me.

"What?" I was genuinely confused.

"That weak ass kiss. Give me another." He pointed to his lips and I rolled my eyes.

Going on my tip toes, I placed a warm,soft, deep kiss on his full lips, biting them gently as I pulled away.

"Better?" I crossed my arms.

"Better. Good bye,Richards." Riggs waved a goodbye and went on to follow the path.