Ch.13 this isnt goodbye


"Holy shit," I huffed, halfway back to the clinic.

I'm out of shape. As soon as I'm cleared I'm running 5 miles a day and going back to training with the new recruits.

Or maybe I'd just stay in the cafeteria and eat a meaty burger.

A moan escaped my lips at the thought of one.

"Mr.Perish!" A nurse rushed to my side as I made my way through the green flaps of the clinic tent.

"I'm fine." I said annoyed.

I really was, especially now that I know Dylan is okay.

"Back to your cot please," the blonde nurse held my arm lightly and lead me to a cot in the back of the tent.

"You were not cleared for duty. We will let you know when you are. Until then, please remain here." The blonde scolded me.

"I wasn't on duty. I was making sure my girlfriend didn't die. You know in the ambush from the Russians?" I raised an eyebrow at her and pointed to my wound.

"She the one who you took a bullet for?" The nurse furrowed her eyebrows and crossed her arm.

What the hell was her issue?

"Yes and id do it again." I said with a little bit of sass.

"Don't make it a habit." She spat and left the area.

Psycho bitch.



After our moment at the river, I decided to tell Riggs about the mission. He had a right to know.

I took a deep breath and pushed myself off of my twin sized bed.

Without letting myself pause and back out, I left my small cabin and headed down the gravel roadway.

It took me hardly 5 minutes to arrive in front of the clinic.

Before I could enter, a small hand grabbed me from behind.

"Excuse m-"

"Sorry hun, he's not open to visits today." A girl smiled coldly at me.

She had a tag on her little blouse that read Margot. Blonde waves rolled down her shoulders and blue eyes glared into my soul.

"Pardon?" I yanked my arm away from her pedicured nails.

Were nurses even allowed to have long nails like that? What if they stabbed a wound or gave a soldier PTSD flashbacks to a blade.

I chuckled at the stupidity of option number two.

"I said- Riggs isn't available for a visit right now. You should also stay the hell away from him." Margot smiled brightly at me.

"I'm sorry, who the fuck are you?" I sent her the same cheery smile.

"I'm Margot," she pointed at her tag like I was stupid.

"I'm not illiterate. I mean why the fuck are you baby sitting Riggs?" I cocked an eyebrow at her.

"He almost lost his life. And what for? You? Please." She scoffed.

I was astonished.

"You aren't worth it. I am though and I'm sure he agrees." She adjusted her blouse so I could see a hidden hickey.

"Oh my god..." I covered my mouth with my hand to stop cries from emerging.

How could he? He just told me he loved me.

"Sorry, sweetheart. You're not special." The blonde smiled and walked into the clinic.

Fuck this.

I ran back to my cabin and grabbed the nearest duffel bag.

I began stuffing uniforms and toiletries into it.

Even after Riggs just fucked my emotions, I'll leave him a note. Maybe not the long drawn out emotional one I planned but it'll do.


All of my life, I've been promised things. A family, a home, a positive career, love. I drew the short straw for my family. But that was okay because I had found a new one.

I drew the short straw for a home, too. But that was also okay. I had found a new one. Love? I didn't draw the short stick for that. Or so I had thought.

The military has been a phenomenal experience. I found everything I've been searching for and much more. I found a family. You, Avery, and Sam. I had found a home, this base. The people in it. I had found love. Though it was forbidden, it was still love. It was like fire in my soul.

But in a single minute, it all crashed to the ground. My family- the military felt more like a trap then cozy or loving. My positive career turned negative. My love life, shattered.

And all it took was a nurse and a hickey. I hope it was worth it. I hope it was worth destroying everything I've strived to make normal. Everything I've Strived to make happiness out of.

I'll be leaving today for several months. The captain recruited me for a mission in a foreign country. I'd give you details but I don't feel like giving you that type of power. Be grateful I'm telling you.

Take care, Riggs. I hope your recover goes swell.

