Ch.18 Unhealthy Habits

2 months.

2 months of silence.

2 months of worry.

2 months of guilt.

2 months of Regret.

2 months of no word from Dylan or anyone in her unit. I began to grow worried. They were supposed to return home yesterday. A few of the other guys in my unit were also becoming worried. A few of them in relationships with the girls who went. Some friends with the ladies who went.

I was unaware of this and shocked when they came to show support and sympathy when they didn't return home yesterday.

"Its just a delay. Could of got stalled in a snow squall or had to stop to refuel." Colby, a newer private, smiled at me.

"Oh yeah. You know how awful those aircrafts are with their fuel consumption." Diego, another private, bumped shoulders with me.

I nodded,"Could go half way down the street and have to refuel." I laughed.

"Exactly." The boys said in sync.

We were all trying to keep each other calm. When a unit didn't arrive home on time, it was usually bad news.

"Gentlemen, I have some new information for you." One of the superiors entered the small waiting room.

We had spent the last 48 hours here. Just waiting.

We all tensed up at the mention of new information. Please for the love of god be good.

Ill go to church if you just bless me this one time with good news.

"We just received a signal from the pilot of the outgoing aircraft." Sergeant Thompson shook his head.

why was he shaking his head?

I shot a glance at Colby who was watching me with the same scared eyes.

"Spit it out," Diego squeezed the arm of his chair.

"The plane went down, lads. Im sorry." Thompson's head drooped.

"What do you mean went down?" Diego stood.

"Is anyone alive? Sophia? Robert? Angela?" Colby was next to Diego firing questions at the very overwhelmed sergeant.

"Dylan?" I asked quietly.

"We are in the dark about the survivors. There is already a unit on the way to the crash sight." Thompson handed us papers and maps.

"Before you ask, You are not permitted to go on the search expedition with the unit. You are also not permitted to leave base until they have returned." We all shot him a glare.

Although it was for our own good and safety, we were all still livid.

"Fuck this." Diego shoved the papers into my chest and stomped out of the lobby.

"I truly am sor-"

"Save it, Geezer." Colby yelled at the sergeant and stormed out of the room.

"Thank you sir." I gave him a half assed salute and exited the loby.

The warm air would usually be a comfort, but today?

It just reminded me of Dylan. She was warm and welcoming, like the air.

Bright and beautiful like the sun.

I hate this.

I hate her. How could she just leave?

She didn't even say goodbye. How could somebody go ghost for 2 months without saying goodbye?

I dropped to my knees and broke down. I cant lose her. Id rather have her pissed at me while in another country then gone forever.

"Riggs, Bud are you okay?" Avery was on the ground next to me, eyes filled with worry glued on me.

"Im fucking fantastic," I sarcastically replied.

"What happened?" Avery nodded at the bunch of miserable people around us.

"The plane went down." I stood and Avery followed.

"What plane," Avery paused and looked around, "Holy fuck. The one with Dylan's unit?" Avery ran a hand through the mop of brown hair that sat on top of his head.

"Yep." I crossed my arms.

"Jesus. Any survivors?" Avery looked pale.

"Nope. We are 'in the dark' according to our superiors." Somebody off to the side mocked.

"Why should we be in the dark?" Someone else called.

"Guys,Simmer." I called over the rising commotion.

"No, Fuck you Riggs. You may have fucked things up with your girl but that doesn't mean all of us did." Diego pointed a long finger at me.

I inhaled deeply, I will not say something I'll regret.

"If you guys went out there, you'd be reckless." Avery put a heavy hand on my shoulder. Comfort.

"Whats that supposed to mean, Christian?" Colby stepped up now, fury in his eyes.

This wasn't going to end well.

"It means youll be too keen on finding the girls you will neglect taking care of yourselves." I shrugged.

"And the girls. What happens if they need medical help? And they will by the looks of it." Avery pointed at the mountain.

It wasn't nearby but you could almost make out trees.

The trees that are on fire.

"Fuck," I huffed.

"She will be okay."



"Let me out you sick bastard!" I screamed through the bars of my cage.

They ignored me.

They always did.

The last 61 days have been silent. Nothing but people coming in and out, drawing blood. Sometimes Ill get food but its rare.

Im assuming because they need to keep me weak.

It was working, both physical and mental. I could hardly hold myself up on two legs. I could hardly follow a thought through.

A door opening pulled me from my thoughts.

A man in a white lab coat stepped inside and closed the door.

"Yo fat bastard," I panted.

He ignored me and made his way over to one of the few desks that were in here.

"Asshole!" I yelled breathlessly.

"Please keep it down." His deep voice called.

"Fuck you. Let me out." I leaned my forehead against the cool bars.

It sent shivers down my spine. I was so cold.

"You will be let out tomorrow." The man in the lab coat picked up a pile of papers and turned towards the door.

"Tomorrow?" I sat up and watched him.

"Indeed. You've been bought." He flashed me a toothy smile and left the room once again.

What the fuck does bought mean?

Brazil was known for sex trafficking. I read about it in a book once.

How could I of been so stupid? The captain didn't want to promote me or award me for shit. He just wanted the money for selling me.

It all adds up now. There have been countless girls who haven't returned home from missions with him. Some younger male recruits too.

I should of told Riggs where I was going.

"FUCK." I yelled once again.

Im going to die as some sort of sex slave.