Ch.19 Love doesnt fade

Dear relatives of Private Dylan Richards,

On the behalf of the department of the United States Army, It is my sad duty to confirm Private Richards has been killed in action.

This was presumed under the 'Missing Persons Act" on July 20th, 1943.

I extend to you my sincere sympathy on your great loss. Though it may be tragic, it is honorable as Private Dylan Richards died while serving our country.


Sergeant Luke Vermont.

The reality of Dylan being gone had yet to hit me. I tried everything to have hope. Hope this was a misunderstanding.

Hope she would come home soon. Hope she had just gotten lost.

But the day her KIA letter arrived, reality settled in.

Dylan was gone. It wasn't a misunderstanding. She was never going to return home and she was never lost.

My girl was fucking gone.

Sadness turned to anger quickly.

She didn't even say goodbye. She left me with a heavy load of guilt on my shoulders. Not only guilt but regret.

I should of told her how much I loved her. How I loved the little things she did.

Like picking up garbage when we were off duty.

How she was a huge nerd for Mark Sullivan and his depressing stories.

How she loved being the little spoon and getting the extra covers.

How she sometimes got too frustrated with her hair to fix it so she just stuffed into into one of my cap.

The little fucking things that made me fall in love with her.

I took a deep breath in an attempt to calm my nerves but that just result in my fist going through the wall.

"FUCK." I screamed as I continued pounding my fist into the wall.

I dont know when he got there but Avery was next to me, hugging me as I sobbed.

"I fucking hate her." I cried.

"No you dont." Avery shook his head.

"You're right. I love her. Loved her." I corrected myself.

"You still do and maybe you always will." Avery shrugged.

He had lost his fiance a little over 3 years ago. She had been killed KIA too.

KIA after going on a mission with the captain.

"Avery?" I sobered up from my big crybaby session.

"Yes, man?" Avery gave me a heartwarming smile.

This man was so caring. I owe him so much.

"I have a theory but I don't want you getting mad at me if I share it." I scratched the back of my neck.

"Okay. I wont. Continue." Avery shifted to face me.

"Promise?" I sounded like a sheepish little boy.

"Jesus Christ, Perish," Avery shook his head,"I promise."

"Pinky promise?" I held out my pinky.

"You have 3 seconds to get your scrawny ass pinky out of my face before I break it." Avery spoke slowly.

Okay. Fair. Maybe we werent at that stage yet.

"Fine. Something sketchy is going on with the captain." I studied his face for any sign of emotion.

"Okay?" He cocked an eyebrow at me like I was stupid.

"Okay so maybe I need to elaborate more. Everytime he takes a unit on a mission, he always returns home without a private or two. They just vanish!" I laughed, astonished in the facts I had realized.

"Riggs, that happens a lot. Some tragedies happen and thats just life." Avery shrugged.

"Okay so maybe it does. But its always the same way. Same time of year. And always females. Ive never seen a male private get KIA on his little expeditions." I totally used air quotes.

"Statistics?" Avery was trying to be nonchalant but I could tell the gears were working.

"I doubt it. If i could just know where they go on these trips, I could probably rule out statistics for female death." I winked at him.

He had connections. He could figure it out.

"They went to Brazil." Avery looked me dead in the eye.

"Thats one hell of a guess." I looked at him in confusion.

"Not a guess. I lied when I said they wouldnt give me answers. Im sorry, Perish." Avery dropped his head.


Not a lot of targeted murders or kidnappings. There were a shit ton of homicides and drug scandals.

"Riggs?" Avery poked me.

I got it.

Fucking Bingo.

"Whats really big in Brazil and Spain?" I stood from the bed.

"Spanish people? Only having one season? Skim milk? Heels even if you have to walk 5 miles?" He began listing things he no doubt saw in a magazine.

"No. Drugs, Homicides, andddd?" I prompted.

"Prostitutes!" Avery yelled and jumped up.

"Close. Sex trafficking. What if the captain is taking them there to get some extra cash? We have a treaty with Brazil and Spain right now and as far as I can tell they arent fighting with anyone." I tried thinking of a reasoning but I couldn't find one.

"So why would we have a special mission out there?" Avery scratched his head this time.
