
Five years ago:

The start of the day had indeed been chaotic ; Louis knew that he was supposed to visit Nora's house, and no matter that one half of him wanted to go there, the other half was too paranoid of visiting her.

It was absolutely not so, because he was afraid of Nora, or her parents! And above all this, he had never arrived there for the sake of competition in the first place- he was just there because of a wish from someone, that he had always wanted to fulfill.

And somewhere, this was the reason where his fear of leaving a bad impression on Nora was rooted, manifesting as the hurdle that was holding him back from going there. However, no matter how hard he had tried to slip away from breakfast, he wasn't able to do it.

But now that he was standing out there, trying to save her from the problem she currently was in- even when he himself was entirely unaware of the reason, origin or type of problem- he was really glad that he had visited her house!

Because today onwards, he did not think that he would ever be able to think of it as her Home. No matter how loving the dynamics portrayed to them by her father had been, there was definitely the presence of something very weird that was not only hidden from them, but from everyone. Not to worry, though, he had plenty of time to find out about the full extent of it, and at the same time, he would expose it by bringing everything out in front of the packs. Thereby, finally freeing her from whatever trap she currently was in.

As of now, he had probably solved her problem; and thinking this, he had started to walk in the direction of the school, knowing that today's practice session had been cancelled completely. This is when he saw Adrin running towards the boys dorms, like a lunatic!

He quickly approached him and stopped him by calling out in advance ;

"I guess you are in quite a hurry, Adrin! May I know the reason -"

"Lu… Louis why are you not in the class yet -"

"I don't think that is the answer to my question, Adrin?"

Louis replied in a very calm and yet intimidating tone, stern enough to let Adrin know that it was an Alpha standing in front of him who was asking the question. After this response from him, Adrin looked at him once again and answered ;

"No… Nora ! Nora is caught in the forbidden forest -"

He was still trying to catch his breath while forming words, when Louis once again interrupted him and inquired further.

"Caught! In the forbidden forest? I know the forest is off limits for students, and it sounds scary, but there is still nothing there that would be able to catch an Alpha in it! Unless…unless an external trap has been set up for -"

"She is caught in the sigma net!"

He finally dropped the bomb in front of Louis, making his brain go blank for second, before the mention of the word 'Sigma net' triggered the memory of what his mother had said go him.

"An actual, authentic sigma net is off limits to every werewolf in this world, only the Moon Goddess can access it when she deems the timing appropriate. Apart from the real one, the ones that are present in every pack are an illusion to test and bring out the reality."

Still, he knew he didn't need to mention it here; rather, the important thing was the question that when Adrin was in charge of managing the bubbles that could lead a student to the forbidden forest, then how the hell was she there in the first place?!

He was quite clear on the fact that everyone loved Adrin and he loved everyone, because the ones whom he did not love and whom he did not have any plans to get love from, either…he believed in simply freeing them from life itself! 


After Robin had transferred Nora's limp body to Myron's arms, a blankness filled his chest in the form of some liquid that was now contributing to the waves of emotions rocking his heart.

The only problem was that, he was a strong supporter of the sect which advocated that emotions are the sole cause of any problem in anyone's life. Why exactly was that a problem, currently? Because now, he was getting to experience it first hand!

In spite of all this, he was also aware of the fact that he did not have a single second in his hands that he could spend idly, hence he quickly stretched and plucked the leaves that were necessary for treating her. Once he had the leaves, he crushed them with his palms without any delay, and put the droplets in Nora's mouth. He waited for a second in anticipation, before he finally saw her opening her eyes and was about to remark on it. However, he stopped when he heard the faint voice of the girl who herself had been unconscious a couple of minutes prior to this.

"Why …why did you came closer to the net, when I had already warned you about the danger -"

"Because, I think I already mentioned to you, that I don't really like to make friends. That is if I make one, then they become more important to me, than family."

Robin spoke the words that had been roaming around in his head, the moment he had seen her opening her eyes. He stopped to observe the confused expressions dancing on the faces of both Myron and Nora, and with a heavy sigh, he offered a concluding statement.

"So congratulations, Princess! I guess I do need to inform you, that you have gained yourself a friend!"

He ended the announcement with a big smile on his face, and then spoke up again.

"Myron, you can put her down on her own feet now, and we should head towards the school."

He said everything calmly and rationally, whereas at the same time, his own feelings were making it difficult for him to not snatch her from Myron's arms and take her back to the palace, away from every problem in her life.
